Franken On Honesty
Glass Houses
Franken's Unfortunate Blog Commentary
That Al Franken still refuses to address the growing scandal that's "progressively" enveloping the Air America network is bad enough, but the icing on the cake is this blog post, from his show page:
Rupert Murdoch's son, Lachlan K. Murdoch, has just stepped down from NewsCorp. Lachlan, who was the publisher of everyone's favorite reliable source, the New York Post, was expected to succeed his father, Rupert, as the head of NewsCorp.
Written by one of his contributors, its timing is especially unfortunate, given today's new revelations by the New York Sun, that the amount of money in question may now be over $800,000.
Was Franken's salary paid with Boys and Girls Club taxpayer grant money? Why, oh why, won't Al address the problem?
By the way, I'll take Bob Jones U any day, over the Franken School For Scandal:
School for scandal/
Guess who's enrolled?/
So ask me, I already know
ABC, "Valentine's Day" From The Lexicon Of Love, 1981
Franken graphic by Darleen Click. Visit Michelle Malkin's site for frequent Air Ameriscam updates. Watch for further updates this evening.
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Franken's Unfortunate Blog Commentary

Rupert Murdoch's son, Lachlan K. Murdoch, has just stepped down from NewsCorp. Lachlan, who was the publisher of everyone's favorite reliable source, the New York Post, was expected to succeed his father, Rupert, as the head of NewsCorp.
Now, Rupert must look elsewhere. In case any of you were hoping to apply for the job, here are some of the qualities Murdoch will be looking for:
- Liar
- Disdains truth
- Proficient at telling untruths with straight face
- Degree from Bob Jones or like university
- Good at convincing people of legitimacy while simultaneously lying
- Skilled at Microsoft Word, Excel, Quicken, and Lying Constantly
- Fluent in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Swahili, Portuguese; doesn't know jack about French
- White
- Male
Written by one of his contributors, its timing is especially unfortunate, given today's new revelations by the New York Sun, that the amount of money in question may now be over $800,000.
Was Franken's salary paid with Boys and Girls Club taxpayer grant money? Why, oh why, won't Al address the problem?
By the way, I'll take Bob Jones U any day, over the Franken School For Scandal:
School for scandal/
Guess who's enrolled?/
So ask me, I already know
ABC, "Valentine's Day" From The Lexicon Of Love, 1981
Franken graphic by Darleen Click. Visit Michelle Malkin's site for frequent Air Ameriscam updates. Watch for further updates this evening.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, help to fund my site upgrade project expenses. Thanks!
what is your fascination with al franken? maybe you should find someone else to worry about.maybe you should start a fund to get michelle malkins eyes leveled.
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 19:18
Typical example of left-wing racism.
Brian Maloney, at 01 August, 2005 19:45
if it were racism yes.but lets try to expand our minds beyond petty things. look at her!her face is lopsided.and she is ignorant.maybe you 2 were made for each other
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 20:19
Maybe "mook" has an extra chromosone that Al Gore once refered to. Sorry.
The mantra of the left, personal attacks. Thank God, regular, normal Americans have no time for that style. I dislike it, but if it helps win more seats for the GOP, then let's get this party started!
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 20:21
oh yes the right never attacks on a personal level.unless you are john mccain and you fathered a bastard black child(kudos to you karl rove) or max cleland(oh yeah,losing 3 limbs in service to your country is no big deal....he was unpatriotic) or anyone on the left who is automatically a liberal although im not quite sure if anyone on the right can define a liberal. and please dont try to define it because im sure your definition will involve drugs,abortions and anything else you can lean on without thinking
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 20:28
oh yeah. and typical left wing racism?are you an idiot? lets look at who the kkk voted for.and why did the dixiecrats go to the republican side? oh yeah,because they didnt want civil rights passed.
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 20:33
It's all coming out now; the Republican idealogue Evan Cohen kept on pushing his continuing chemo treatment story long after he apparently had a "miraculous" recovery from brain cancer ... thanks to a first-rate hospital ... in Guam.
Show me some pictures of Evan Cohen with all his hair fallen out.
@whut, at 01 August, 2005 21:08
Maybe Mook is one Al Gore's target viewers for his new cable channel.
Brian Maloney, at 01 August, 2005 21:18 are truly pathetic if all you can say is that.come on.give me more than that
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 21:28
The left finds it very hard to argue against facts, hence the personal attacks. Is it any wonder no one is listening to them? Not at the ballot box (GOP sweep of all branches of government), not on television (FoxNews #1 cable news program), not on the radio (AAR consistently at the bottom of the ratings barrel in most markets). The left have become jesters in the royal court of politics, lowly idiots who sole purpose is to make silly comments for the powerful to laugh at.
Lidsville, at 01 August, 2005 21:34
so lidsville....what facts are those?what issues are those?bring some up and ill argue.til then.......leave it to the big boys
Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 21:40
It usually takes about a week for a blog-centric story to go mainstream.
And the networks will all be looking for one Evan Cohen who miraculously survived brain cancer so they can do a heart-warming human interest story. If he happens to have turned brain-dead recently, he might turn into the next Schiavo. That'll get the ratings.
@whut, at 01 August, 2005 23:05
The fascination with Franken has to do with a potential senate race by him in Minnesota, likely against Bush patsy Norm Coleman in 2008.
All barrels blazing against Franken. And don't laugh, we elected Jesse Ventura as the first guvernator.
Listen to Franken's orations in front of a big crowd; he doesn't sound anything like he does on the radio.
@whut, at 01 August, 2005 23:19
MOOK must have forgotten about Robert Byrd, big time Ku Klux Klan organizer, member, potentate. Spare me. Byrd, who is not polling well for re-election should have been BOOTED a long time ago. Is it the same "dixiecrats" that have continued to vote him in? Just remember mook rhymes with kook.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 00:25
All I gotta say is "Mook" chose his name wisely.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 00:47
Hey, Brian, if you can hear me over all that axe-grinding, AAR reimbursed the Boys and Girls Club for what Cohen took, and it's not even clear AAR ever received what Cohen took. So AAR, the liberal outfit, comes off as the decent party, while Evan Cohen, the former Republican Chief of Staff who we've already established screwed AAR over with the finances otherwise, is coming off as rather indecent.
And if you don't believe me, an obvious liberal, believe the conservative New York Sun, which just moved this story forward:
I still can't believe you've managed to attack AAR so much over the allegation of an anonymous source of a guy who writes for a newspaper that has no website (Michael Horowitz of Bronx News), with no corroboration by any other news source: not the Daily News, not the Washington Times, nobody. They all just refered to "Bronx News" and then "published reports."
Maybe if you apologize you won't be discredited, but you don't seem to have a problem with being discredited. You still claim to have been fired for criticising Dan Rather, even though no one else at your station who criticised Dan Rather was fired. You were fired by new management for legitimate reasons but used the "victim of liberal media" canard to book appearances on Fox News and elsewhere, hence your post-career as a radio critic.
And for the right blogosphere in general, these kinds of "shoot first, ask questions later" techniques are quickly giving you all a reputation of being even more of a joke than the Drudge Report.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 01:24
Also, shut up, Mook.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 01:30
And I really mean, READ the New York Sun, don't just link to it: "Ms. Graves said Air America has agreed in writing to pay back the full amount of more than $800,000 in installments over the next two years. It is unclear whether the funds allegedly obtained from Gloria Wise were ultimately received or spent by Air America."
Awfully good of AAR, don't you think? Paying for the misdeeds of the Republican who they fired in the first month for screwing them over.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 01:40
Didya ever notice that idiots like mook always hide behind a made up name with no link behind to contact them? Cowards.
realdebate, at 02 August, 2005 01:43
quite an interesting comment there james. but then you had to ruin it with an inane comment like shut up mook.i find it fascinating that these right wing guys seem to forget who they are and what they have done in the past and just seem to attack anyone on the left without really knowing what they are doing.doesnt bother me really,but it is comical. i was watching the young conservative thing on c-span and heard someone bring this whole issue up and decided to look into it.
it would be nice if everyone would stop attacking and turn to the issues but since noone seems to be able to do that i have decided to not sit on the sidelines and watch.
robert byrd? at least he has apologized for his affiliation. i just hope that the right will stop pandering to the rednecks. there is more to this world than guns and god.nuance.where is the nuance?
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 01:45
oh.and shut up james
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 01:45 want an email or my address?
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 01:47
if you leave comments a homepage or an email is the polite thing to leave behind mook.
realdebate, at 02 August, 2005 01:53
there is more to this world than guns and god
Like what? Drugs and abortion?
Daniel, at 02 August, 2005 10:01
Mook et al:
When Byrd was with KKK, blacks were being lynched. Does an apology cover it? Maybe Bush will apologize for Iraq someday. Will you accept? Is there anything you believe in strongly enough to fight and die for? Aren't guns just the means by which differences of opinion are worked out? Isn't god simply that which one spends time, energy, and resources on the most? We all choose our god(s). What are yours?
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 12:02
The Ace,
Your characterization of the situation is completely wrong James, they "agreed" to "pay back" this money "months ago" but did not, and haven't yet, but will obviously only because of the spotlight on the story.
AAR has not paid back the money at the request of the NYC DOI investigators. Your suggestion that the money would only be repaid because of the "spotlight on the story" is just so much crap.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 13:17
The Ace,
From the story in the glorious New York Sun;
A Piquant spokesman said yesterday that Gloria Wise would be compensated regardless of the amount of money it transferred. Mr. Franken said he did not know if money from Gloria Wise had been absorbed by the network and used to finance its operations.He said Piquant's payments to Gloria Wise were scheduled to begin this month but were prevented from going through while the city investigation continued.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 13:26
The Ace,
It's the posturing by people like Brian who try and make out like AAR was sweeping this under the rug before they "broke the story" that really bugs me about all this. I could give a rats ass about AAR. I'm fairly liberal, not a registered Democrat, who can stand the bullshit from either side. Comments like "it's only going to be repaid because of the reporting" and "why wasn't AAR up front about this from the get go are just childish. It appears that the scandal here has to do with Evan Cohen being a scam artist but people like Brian Maloney can't resist an opportunity to sling mud at their ideological opposites.
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 13:43
mook sounds like he could be the infamous Darral Good of lake forest park, another pot head with a room temp. IQ who is constantly trying to rant idiocy on KVI but ussually gets cut off for language or some other lack of being able to carry on an intellegent discussion
Anonymous, at 02 August, 2005 15:48
[Anonymous] It's the posturing by people like Brian who try and make out like AAR was sweeping this under the rug before they "broke the story" that really bugs me about all this.
Noted. But the fact is, AAR's negligence (if it is that) contributed to the defrauding of a public charity and the theft of public funds. So, Brian happens to think it's more of a story than you do, but does that make him wrong?
The other point is, this story has expanded beyond the scope of the criminal investigation because there are other issues involved that are newsworthy. AAR's delinquence in reporting the fraud is just one such example. Aren't we entitled as a public to know what a scumbag Cohen is, when AAR is run in the public interest, and they are the epicenter of that news? But so far, nothing from them in over a year.
To withhold this kind of information from the public - when AAR has already tacitly admitted there are no "secrecy" rules preventing them from discussing it - may reveal AAR's news operation to be a fraud as well. That's ALSO news to someone like Brian, even if it's not to you.
Some of this is speculation, but have some faith that - to the extent any of this is disproven - that speculation will NOT be stipulated or propagated as fact by the responsible bloggers. Nor will serious folks in the blogosphere allow any "right wing radicals" to do so in the name of vengeance or otherwise.
RD, at 02 August, 2005 18:21
[James] And I really mean, READ the New York Sun, don't just link to it: "Ms. Graves said Air America has agreed in writing to pay back the full amount of more than $800,000 in installments over the next two years. .It is unclear whether the funds allegedly obtained from Gloria Wise were ultimately received or spent by Air America."
If those funds were obtained in the name of Air America or its parent company, it doesn't matter whether Cohen spent them on himself or not.
Awfully good of AAR, don't you think? Paying for the misdeeds of the Republican who they fired in the first month for screwing them over.
That's the standard 60 Minutes holds Corporate America to, and should IMO. Intent is not necessary in order to be guilty; negligence is more than sufficient. We'll see how this develops...
RD, at 02 August, 2005 18:32
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