Wednesday Air America Scandal News
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New Air America Scandal Coverage Today
--- A confused Denver Post columnist thinks Air America has just celebrated its first anniversary. No, that's Denver's KKZN, the network's been broadcasting about six months longer.
Dick Kreck's column then goes on to happily dismiss our research on Air America's scandal, it's not clear if he bothered to read any of it. He sure is happy to pass it all off on the right wing, though.
--- San Antonio News-Express columnist Jonathon Gurwitz thinks it's mighty strange Air America's descent is flying under the media's radar. Looks like they're paying attention in San Antonio, what's the problem in Denver?
--- Captain Ed reveals the Washington Post's real priorities when it comes to funding scandals.
--- In San Francisco, the Chronicle hasn't touched Air America's scandal, but thinks it's really neat that Al Franken is pushing for a Jerry Garcia postage stamp.
--- Shot in the Dark believes Janeane Garofalo has it in for the New York Sun. Wonder why?
--- Why weren't Clinton and Gore able to help Air America? NewsMax has the story.
--- Michelle and I are working on our next investigative piece, watch for it soon.
AAR/Scandal graphic by Darleen Click, others by Pete at IHillary
New Air America Scandal Coverage Today

Dick Kreck's column then goes on to happily dismiss our research on Air America's scandal, it's not clear if he bothered to read any of it. He sure is happy to pass it all off on the right wing, though.
--- San Antonio News-Express columnist Jonathon Gurwitz thinks it's mighty strange Air America's descent is flying under the media's radar. Looks like they're paying attention in San Antonio, what's the problem in Denver?
--- Captain Ed reveals the Washington Post's real priorities when it comes to funding scandals.
--- In San Francisco, the Chronicle hasn't touched Air America's scandal, but thinks it's really neat that Al Franken is pushing for a Jerry Garcia postage stamp.

--- Why weren't Clinton and Gore able to help Air America? NewsMax has the story.
--- Michelle and I are working on our next investigative piece, watch for it soon.
AAR/Scandal graphic by Darleen Click, others by Pete at IHillary
What I find laughable is Dick Kreck's citing the Daily Kos as a news source (okay, a source of information) but Michelle is dismissed as "shrill". "Oh kettle, thou art black!", exclaimeth the pot.
Unknown, at 24 August, 2005 06:50
Thanks for continuing to shine a light on a very dark and putrid corner of the media world, Brian.
You might call the defenders of AAR partisan putas. Cover it up until you cannot any longer, then attack the messenger who brings the evidence. Well done, las putas.
al fin, at 24 August, 2005 09:25
Ya gotta admit the SF/Franken/Garcia thing is just sublime comedy. I would rank it a 103 on the UCS (unintentional comedy scale)
That Dude, at 24 August, 2005 10:44
Mick - how can I put this so you will understand?
If AAR is innocent, Spitzer will exonerate them.
If they are guilty, they will have to pay up.
What will NOT happen is that the interesting disbursement of federal grant money will not be swept under the rug unexamined.
Now why would you have a problem with that?
And about Ann Coulter - she needs to also mention that the citizens of Cambridge, in addition to surrendering, will also take up arms on the terrorists' behalf against Amerika, to expiate their guilt (which perhaps someday they will be able to pin down - it's just about SO much!)
Peter Porcupine, at 24 August, 2005 13:24
Hey, Mick? You were just born a maroon, weren't ya?
To hell with Ann Coulter, and to hell with the Boys & Girls Club. Air Idiot has been in arrears for near a million bucks to Multicultural Radio damn near from the day they got under way.
Talk out of that, jack.
Unknown, at 24 August, 2005 13:42
can you libs stay on point?
This is a story about Air America...the station that took money from poor minority children...that is not in dispute at all...really nothing is in dispute.
It is cute watching the libs try and piece things together...its about as successful as watching a 3 year old try and keep a toy together with a piece of gum..
And what would happen if a conservative show did the same thing...answer is easy...front page story in the NYT for weeks...
The Game, at 25 August, 2005 01:58
Franken is pretty smart. If I were Franken, I would not really want to look too closely into where my paycheck is coming from, either.
Too bad about the hungry kids and disabled folk. But a wealthy talk show host has got to live, you know?
al fin, at 25 August, 2005 10:31
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