Sunday Comics
MA Senator Too Tame For Hard Left
An ultraliberal book author and New York University professor insists Senator John Kerry has recently agreed the 2004 US Presidential Election was "stolen".
A Kerry aide, however, denies the conversation ever took place.
That has "progressive" websites buzzing this weekend while passing around the story (lefty spin warning):
Moonbats fret here, here and here that Kerry's a "sellout". He's probably in cahoots with the GOP!
The discussion began at Democratic Underground, a haven for fringe lefties, after Miller appeared on "Democracy Now" to deliver the big "news".
Sure enough, Miller's busy peddling a book on (you guessed it) how the 2004 election was "stolen". Getting Kerry to agree on the record would obviously provide an enormous boost.
Also on his agenda: a petition to save Marc Maron from certain termination as Air America's Morning Sedition co-host.
If the left is now back to contesting the 2004 election, things must be looking way, way up for Bush and Republicans.Forget the polls, this is clearly where the situation truly stands.
As of 1pm Sunday, it's still a horse race between Michelle Malkin's Unhinged and Al Franken's The Truth (With Jokes), with the former ranked 17th at Amazon and the latter in 16th place.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of your final purchases, help to support this site's efforts. Thanks!
Kerry photos: AP
MA Senator Too Tame For Hard Left
A Kerry aide, however, denies the conversation ever took place.
That has "progressive" websites buzzing this weekend while passing around the story (lefty spin warning):
A spokesman for Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) vehemently denied that the senator had told a popular liberal author and journalist that he believed the 2004 election was "stolen" in response to queries from RAW STORY.
The author, New York University professor Mark Crispin Miller, told Democracy Now and Air America’s "Morning Sedition" the senator had confided in him at a fundraiser Friday, saying he believed the election was stolen after Miller offered Kerry a copy of his new book. Miller said that he was invited to the event by Peggy Kerry, the senator’s sister.
Kerry’s campaign quickly denounced the claim.
"I know Mr. Miller is trying to sell his book and he feels passionately about his thesis but his recent statements about his conversation with Senator Kerry are simply not true," spokesperson Jenny Backus said. "The only thing true about his recollection of the conversation is that he gave Senator Kerry a copy of his book."
Miller told Democracy Now Kerry "told me he now thinks the election was stolen. He says he doesn’t believe he is the person that can be out in front because of the sour grapes question. But he said he believes it was stolen. He says he argues with his democratic colleagues on the hill. He said he had a fight with Christopher Dodd because he said there’s questions about the voting machines and Dodd was angry."
Miller was shocked to hear of Kerry’s denial.
"I call that contemptible," Miller told RAW STORY.
"That’s completely false."
The discussion began at Democratic Underground, a haven for fringe lefties, after Miller appeared on "Democracy Now" to deliver the big "news".
Sure enough, Miller's busy peddling a book on (you guessed it) how the 2004 election was "stolen". Getting Kerry to agree on the record would obviously provide an enormous boost.
Also on his agenda: a petition to save Marc Maron from certain termination as Air America's Morning Sedition co-host.
As of 1pm Sunday, it's still a horse race between Michelle Malkin's Unhinged and Al Franken's The Truth (With Jokes), with the former ranked 17th at Amazon and the latter in 16th place.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of your final purchases, help to support this site's efforts. Thanks!
Kerry photos: AP
Liberals are still beating that dead 'the election was stolen' horse? Cool..'06 and '08 are in the GOP bag!!!
Lidsville, at 06 November, 2005 14:45
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Justin, at 07 November, 2005 12:03
Frankin vs. Malkin horserace is over: Frankin won.
He's atop the NYT bestsellers list (malkin not even listed), and currently is at #16 on, while malkin is down at #35...
Justin, at 07 November, 2005 12:03
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