Phil Donohue Petition, Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, Media Matters
MSNBC Host Signs O'Reilly's Petition
Apparently still believing he could "win"
the on-air war kicked off last year against Bill O'Reilly, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has personally signed the petition calling for Phil Donohue's network reinstatement.
Begun by the FOX News Channel host as a gag, this online effort to bring back the veteran television talker would mean Olbermann's cancellation, since he succeeded Donohue three years ago in the 8pm timeslot.
O'Reilly, pointing out that Donohue's ratings were actually higher than Olbermann's, thinks Phil got a raw deal.
For Olbermann, was it funny, or just plain stupid to "endorse" O'Reilly's effort?
From TVNewser:
Isn't that a pretty nasty slam on elderly people, Keith? Doesn't sound very politically correct for a liberal, does it?
To rattle Olbermann's cage, it's obviously quite easy. Prodding him into name-calling doesn't take much, either.
While this battle wins low marks for substance, in terms of entertainment value, it's good fun.
Meanwhile, leave it to David Brock's Media Matters (another recipient of millions in George $oro$ aid) to twist O'Reilly's argument on the Olbermann/Donohue issue:

That misses O'Reilly's point: it's about who's been performing better at 8pm, not 11.
Isn't Media Matters as aware as anyone that Carlson and Scarborough are there to serve as wishy-washy, ineffective quasi-conservatives? Brock's gang can't be that stupid, can it?
Speaking of Media Matters, get a load of their pavlovian response whenever Olbermann names O'Reilly "the worst person in the world":

Perhaps Soros should ask for his money back.
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MSNBS: David A Lunde
MSNBC Host Signs O'Reilly's Petition
Apparently still believing he could "win"

Begun by the FOX News Channel host as a gag, this online effort to bring back the veteran television talker would mean Olbermann's cancellation, since he succeeded Donohue three years ago in the 8pm timeslot.
O'Reilly, pointing out that Donohue's ratings were actually higher than Olbermann's, thinks Phil got a raw deal.
For Olbermann, was it funny, or just plain stupid to "endorse" O'Reilly's effort?
From TVNewser:
The chyron said "Fire Away, Falafel Boy" as tape of O'Reilly's petition explanation rolled. Then Olbermann read the petition -- "we, the undersigned, are becoming increasingly concerned about the well-being of MSNBC," etc, etc -- interrupting occassionally for comments like this:
"The median age of viewers of this program is 58.7. The median age of viewers of Mr. O'Reilly's program is 68.6. So if you want to be concerned about 'well-being,' Bill, be concerned about the odds of your viewers living into next week."
Isn't that a pretty nasty slam on elderly people, Keith? Doesn't sound very politically correct for a liberal, does it?
To rattle Olbermann's cage, it's obviously quite easy. Prodding him into name-calling doesn't take much, either.
While this battle wins low marks for substance, in terms of entertainment value, it's good fun.
Meanwhile, leave it to David Brock's Media Matters (another recipient of millions in George $oro$ aid) to twist O'Reilly's argument on the Olbermann/Donohue issue:

O'Reilly called for MSNBC to boost ratings by reinstating Donahue in Olbermann's timeslot, overlooking MSNBC's lower rated conservative programming
Summary: Bill O'Reilly called on MSNBC to reinstate Phil Donahue as a network host, asserting: "His successor [Keith Olbermann], after three long years on the air, actually has fewer viewers now than Donahue did when he left."
However, O'Reilly has yet to express concern for the lower ratings generated by MSNBC programs hosted by two conservatives: former Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL) and Tucker Carlson.
That misses O'Reilly's point: it's about who's been performing better at 8pm, not 11.
Isn't Media Matters as aware as anyone that Carlson and Scarborough are there to serve as wishy-washy, ineffective quasi-conservatives? Brock's gang can't be that stupid, can it?
Speaking of Media Matters, get a load of their pavlovian response whenever Olbermann names O'Reilly "the worst person in the world":

Olbermann crowned O'Reilly "Worst Person in the World," two nights in a row, for Iraq withdrawal flip-flop and Gabler "rabid dog" comments
Summary: Keith Olbermann crowned Bill O'Reilly the "Worst Person in the World" on both the February 22 and 23 editions of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, based on comments first noted by Media Matters for America. Olbermann also recognized Rush Limbaugh on February 23 for his assertion that Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter is "a girl."
Perhaps Soros should ask for his money back.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, bring vital support to the Radio Equalizer's efforts. Thanks again!
MSNBS: David A Lunde
Brian's Lies Watch - Day 6, Post 6
It's been 6 posts and 6 days now since Brian lied in his story about the media attachment to Rush Limbaugh's latest/greatest Lie!
New readers, old reader-liars - do you really want to line up and agree with a liar?
Check for yourself (those of you who DON'T wish to ignore the truth) - the post at issue: "Flash: Rush Errs" on this site.
Don't trust this man, or his "reporting"
TJ, at 26 February, 2006 01:49
Actually, Bill is being his usual cowardly self by asking his viewers to fight his battles for him. He knows that he can't go one on one against Olbermann, because he'll have his fascist ass kicked. O'Reilly is losing his mind from this, as is evidenced by his increased threats to viewers, listeners and competitors, as well as his descent into the hate speech bandwidth of the spectrum. The only person who takes him seriously anymore is Bill O'Reilly.
Anonymous, at 05 March, 2006 18:26
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