Radio Industry Trade Publications, FOX News, Air America
How Broadcast Trade Publications Help Air America
Think getting a fair shake from the mainstream media is difficult? Try
getting broadcast and entertainment trades to fairly cover talk radio's scandals.
While they've never been particularly even-handed, with the rise of industry consolidation and radio mega-operators, some now dwell exclusively in the sewer.
Primarily dependent on ad revenues from shaky syndication firms, it's a dirty business.
Because it makes a greater attempt to balance coverage, we often reference All Access here at the Radio Equalizer.
Why does it matter what industry trades report? For these reasons:
--- A small but ever-shrinking number of industry professionals, primarily corporate suits, still believe their coverage to be accurate.
--- The Drudge factor: while often featuring stories and links to broadcast trade sites, he remains notoriously anti-new media. Whether left or right, Drudge will generally not reference stories from blogs.
During the course of the Air America scandal, Drudge sat it out, likely because it meant recognizing blogs. Where are his links to Instapundit, Powerline, Captain's Quarters, Daily Kos or the Huffington Post?
Even CBS News has accepted blogging, but not Matt Drudge.
--- For information on personalities and controversies, lazy reporters with dusty, grimy rolodexes continue to call radio trades. Newspapers then publish the often terribly inaccurate results.
Because Air America is a significant advertiser (and as some of their editors and owners are card-carrying liberals), it routinely gets favorable trade coverage. Scandals, flaps and controversies are ignored, while critics are readily condemned.
And that's exactly what happened today.
Presenting one-sided accounts of Air America's week-delayed response were two publications that hadn't previously mentioned our George Soros/Democracy Alliance Air America bailout story.
Without explaining the context of the allegations, especially our $8 million network rescue report, Billboard and Radio Ink were both quick to publish pro-Air America pieces. Bias doesn't get any worse than this.
From Billboard:

Even worse, Radio Ink printed only Air America's letter, without any additional information.
In addition, we've today heard from people who noticed a huge error in the Krantz letter: his claim that Air America is heard internationally on the Voice Of America. It's simply not true, they correctly point out.
Thanks for your continued and vital Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!
Soros/Franken/Garofalo: Pete at IHillary for the Radio Equalizer, Boy: David A Lunde for the Radio Equalizer (by the way, Air America did eventually repay the money into an escrow account, but the Wise club is now defunct)
How Broadcast Trade Publications Help Air America
Think getting a fair shake from the mainstream media is difficult? Try

While they've never been particularly even-handed, with the rise of industry consolidation and radio mega-operators, some now dwell exclusively in the sewer.
Primarily dependent on ad revenues from shaky syndication firms, it's a dirty business.
Because it makes a greater attempt to balance coverage, we often reference All Access here at the Radio Equalizer.
Why does it matter what industry trades report? For these reasons:
--- A small but ever-shrinking number of industry professionals, primarily corporate suits, still believe their coverage to be accurate.
--- The Drudge factor: while often featuring stories and links to broadcast trade sites, he remains notoriously anti-new media. Whether left or right, Drudge will generally not reference stories from blogs.
During the course of the Air America scandal, Drudge sat it out, likely because it meant recognizing blogs. Where are his links to Instapundit, Powerline, Captain's Quarters, Daily Kos or the Huffington Post?
Even CBS News has accepted blogging, but not Matt Drudge.
--- For information on personalities and controversies, lazy reporters with dusty, grimy rolodexes continue to call radio trades. Newspapers then publish the often terribly inaccurate results.

And that's exactly what happened today.
Presenting one-sided accounts of Air America's week-delayed response were two publications that hadn't previously mentioned our George Soros/Democracy Alliance Air America bailout story.
Without explaining the context of the allegations, especially our $8 million network rescue report, Billboard and Radio Ink were both quick to publish pro-Air America pieces. Bias doesn't get any worse than this.
From Billboard:

Air America Radio president Gary Krantz is firing back at comments made by conservative talkie Bill O’Reilly that the liberal talk radio network is in dire straits.
O’Reilly made the disparaging remarks on his cable TV show Feb. 22, in a segment called “How Is Air America Surviving?” He said, “What you have here is a radio network that is failing financially. This far left outfit comes in and is saying it will pay the bills. The goal is to get across a propaganda point of view under the guise of competing in the marketplace. We're going to ask the FCC to look into Air America."
Krantz responded that usually such comments are ignored, but “in this case we feel we need to set the record straight. Mr. O'Reilly has been bad mouthing Air America and saying it is failing for two years. It was not true before and it is not true now.”
Air America's ratings “went up substantially” in the Fall 2005 book and its affiliate base has grown from 36 affiliates in January 2005 to 90 across the country, including internationally on the Voice of America, Krantz said.
“Financially, Air America is significantly stronger than ever,” he added. “As of today, our booked and pending business for 2006 represents 83% of the entire revenue generated in 2005. We are also up to date on all of our financial obligations. Most importantly, we have a dedicated board and investors who support our business.
"There is no substance whatsoever to Mr. O'Reilly's absurd claims of gloom and doom,” Krantz said.
Even worse, Radio Ink printed only Air America's letter, without any additional information.
In addition, we've today heard from people who noticed a huge error in the Krantz letter: his claim that Air America is heard internationally on the Voice Of America. It's simply not true, they correctly point out.
Thanks for your continued and vital Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!
Soros/Franken/Garofalo: Pete at IHillary for the Radio Equalizer, Boy: David A Lunde for the Radio Equalizer (by the way, Air America did eventually repay the money into an escrow account, but the Wise club is now defunct)
Brian's Lies Watch - Day 8, Post 9
It's been 9 posts and 8 days now since Brian lied in his story about the media attachment to Rush Limbaugh's latest/greatest Lie!
New readers, old reader-liars - do you really want to line up and agree with a liar?
Check for yourself (those of you who DON'T wish to ignore the truth) - the post at issue: "Flash: Rush Errs" on this site.
Don't trust this man, or his "reporting"
TJ, at 01 March, 2006 02:06
I think Drudge recognizes the symbiotic relationship between his site, the internet and the MSM.
And, if he started doing blogs, it would increase his liability about inaccurate information.
There are good blogs and there are bad. It would quadruple his workload.
My thoughts for what they are worth. I don't see how he keeps up with everything the way it is.
tradersmith, at 01 March, 2006 10:32
Air America Phoenix is now off the air. The sale was finalized February 1, but management was given another month to try to locate a new station. Letter from the manager here. A blogger claims that Christy's going to LA for some big bucks; apparently while seeking financing and a new station, he was also job-hunting.
Keep up the good work!
Pat, at 01 March, 2006 11:40
oh, how i love it! Air America is such a threat to ALL of you conservatives that you can't think of anything else to talk about. if it wasn't a big deal, if it was not a threat, you wouldn't waste your time. BUT IT IS!!! you're probably all pissing yourself right now because you know that that $8 million will give them more affiliates, more listeners, and more influence. and you can't refute the fact that it is a threat. you talk about it WAY too much to argue that you don't think it is.
hardcore conservative genious, at 01 March, 2006 12:49
Brian’s Lies Watch – Day 8 Post 9
The anatomy of a lie:
1) Rush Limbaugh, on his Feb 14 radio show, in talking about the Ohio Hackett/Brown Democratic Primary, said:
a. “And don’t forget, Sherrord Brown is black” – this was not a lie, but a mistake
b. He then said, “There’s a racial component here, too”
2) Rush was then informed by listeners via e-mails that Brown was not black, and was, in fact, white. Paul Hackett was white, as well
3) Therefore, there was no “racial element” to the story at all
4) Rush “corrected” his mistake that Brown was black, but DID NOT retract or apologize for the “racial element” remark
He made up the “racial element” angle, obviously. This was Rush’s lie. His next lie:
1) He said “I’m not gonna apologize, ‘cause I don’t think it’s an insult to be black”
2) Of course, this is a lie, too, because he should be apologizing for making up the “racial component” of the story (the link on Brian’s page is about to disappear forever)
Brian Maloney then reported on the story on Feb 20. He related the story as if the only element was the “error” Rush Limbaugh Made about Brown’s race.
Of course, the real story was the “racial component” that Rush made up and then refused to retract.
Hence, Brian lied as well.
The elements of the story as I’ve stated above are incontrovertible fact.
But don’t believe me, and don’t believe anyone else - Research for yourselves.
TJ, at 01 March, 2006 13:32
Doesn't it ever get tiring? It's pretty ironic, actually. You bitch about {Brian Maloney} yet without {him} you'd have nothing to post about.
Lokki, at 01 March, 2006 14:23
Air America's success story in 89 markets
But, hey, it's a no-place market, so so what?
It's not like McGruff the Crime Dog is the biggest advertiser in a big market like Dallas or anything.
Lokki, at 01 March, 2006 15:00
How can you (or anyone else for that matter) not see that whether or not Rush was mistaken about Brown's race, he was MAKING UP THE "racial component" issue.
He said "racial component" because he believed Brown was black, not because it was true.
See, it goes like this:
Rush believes Brown is black, and sees an opportunity to play the race card.
He COMPLETELY MAKES UP "there's a racial component, here".
He MADE UP the racial component based upon his belief that Brown was black.
Then, he found out the Brown was white.
In fact, it completely proves it.
He made up a story based upon his belief of a person's race. When that person's race didn't support his story, he didn't retract the story.
How many ways do I have to put it for you?
TJ, at 01 March, 2006 17:45
BCB: "Obviously if he was wrong about his race that automatically nullifies the premise that there is a racial component."
TJ, at 01 March, 2006 19:47
Kite nailed you on that. how the fuck can you say that "libs" should let something go, when you guys can't stop beating the dead horse of the AAR "scandal". if the mainstream media is bored with it, why don't you just move on with your life.
snared by the words of our mouth, right 4thEstate?
hardcore conservative genious, at 02 March, 2006 11:46
the above give-and-take perfectly demonstrates what I'm trying to point out to new readers who are NOT lock-step partisans.
Maloney and his "fans" posting to this site will disseminate, ignore the truth, and stick to their guns, no matter the lack of bullets.
Please, if you're not a lock-step partisan, check up on everything Maloney says carefully before you believe it.
Neither he, nor his fans, are to be trusted - and this thread and others like it prove it.
TJ, at 02 March, 2006 14:18
So, because Rush said there was a "racial component" to this means he should apoligize?
Fine. I'll accept that.
Just as soon as every other major news organization who intimated that the federal response indicated the racism of Bush and/or Republicans when, as it turns out more whites died (.pdf).
As soon as they start printing corrections, I'll jump right on Limbaugh's case...
BF, at 02 March, 2006 16:28
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