Springer On The Radio Blog, 'jerryspringer', AAR
For Months, He Used Jerry Springer's Name
Consider the mystery of 'jerryspringer' to be solved.
Via an email to the Radio Equalizer, the poster who successfully impersonated Jerry Springer on his own website for several months has come clean regarding his antics.
Previously, we had wondered whether these notes were really coming from Jerry and many others had been just as curious.
Still a mystery, however: why Jerry and his staff allowed someone to post messages critical of Air America Radio under the trashmeister's own name for so long.
Here's the prankster's letter:
In a second email, "jerryspringer" had this to say:
Thanks for your continued and vital Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!
For Months, He Used Jerry Springer's Name
Consider the mystery of 'jerryspringer' to be solved.

Previously, we had wondered whether these notes were really coming from Jerry and many others had been just as curious.
Still a mystery, however: why Jerry and his staff allowed someone to post messages critical of Air America Radio under the trashmeister's own name for so long.
Here's the prankster's letter:
I’m jerryspringer, or at least I was. Apparently they finally figured out how deactivate the user id (I tried to log on from another site and the user id is no longer valid). I guess my home IP address is permanently banned as I now receive this message when attempting to access AAR:
“For some reason or another, you have been banned entirely from viewing the Air America website. Most likely for malicious use. If you feel you have gotten this message in error, please send an email explaining your situation to webmaster @airamericaradio.com with the subject "Unban me, please".
Oh well, too bad. I guess they’re just humorless twits.
Like you, I was really surprised that the user id was available. Just for clarification I didn’t use it very often and I think I’ve had it for 2 maybe 3 months. To be honest I generally only used it to piss off Jerry’s major domo/ butt boy Jene Galvin and Jene would usually delete the posts.
I thought it humorous that they didn’t kill the user id before yesterday – I suspect they didn’t know how. For the most part it’s not a good blog and I thought I’dintroduce some humor. I tried to be careful when using jerryspringer not to create entries that implied it was really Jerry Springer.
I didn’t say ‘my show’ I’d say ‘the show’ – didn’t use ‘our’, ‘we’, ’I’ figuring people would figure it out. I have another user id and I check in from time to time and leave the occasional post. But Thursday it just went over the top. I knew Jene was in Alaska so I logged in as jerryspringer.
Apparently, they weren’t paying any attention. It may have been the show's biggest blog day and things were pretty wild. The rest, as they say, ‘is history’. I just wish I could have been there when they found out about the runaway blog.
I do apologize if this has caused you any problems. I was just making sport of them and since they won’t be around much longer I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
In a second email, "jerryspringer" had this to say:
I prefer folks know the truth. I was little stunned when I read your blog tonight. Figured I needed to come clean. Again, hope I didn’t cause you any problems but I must admit it was great fun.
Thanks for your continued and vital Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!
I like a good harmless prank especially when the target is a Conservative asshole.
none, at 26 August, 2006 20:19
Might add that it reminds me of hearing Rolling Stone writer Mike Tiobbi describe once how he worked as a campaign volunteer for Bush.
One time he helped with setting up the stage for a speech by Ralph Reed. He planted one of those remote control fart machines on the podium, and placed the remote control device in his shoe and activated it while Reed was giving a speech.
none, at 26 August, 2006 20:27
Matt Taibbi?, he of the great send-up "The 52 Funniest Things About the Upcoming Death of the Pope"
With the fart humor, I suppose Bush is a secret fan of Taibbi's ?
@whut, at 27 August, 2006 00:15
Your right it is Matt Taibbi. He was being interviewed by Al Franken a year or so ago on AAR. I guess he was "undercover" so he could write about the experience of being a right wing hack. I hadn't heard of that book you reference which suprises since the title is provocative and yes, not funny.
none, at 27 August, 2006 01:29
Lifa, it really wouldn't have been worth writing about had it just happened once or twice. But this guy was impersonating Jerry for months on his own official radio show website.
He made comments that could have easily come from Jerry in a moment of frustration and he seemed to have a lot of background on Air America's internal situation. It's pretty amazing it was allowed to continue there until we wrote about it.
Brian Maloney, at 28 August, 2006 00:56
Man, it's unbelievable that someone pretending to be someone else on a blog is top news on this website, and was previously being used as "proof" of the demise of Air America Radio. I was taking this site seriously for a day or two, but really, you folks are a damn joke. Post something with some substance, for crying out loud.
Dave, at 30 August, 2006 14:15
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