Talk Radio, VP Dick Cheney, Huffington Post
Talkers Jump On Cheney Derangement Syndrome Outbreak
After an attempt on the vice president's life in Afghanistan today, it seemed a given that Cheney Derangement Syndrome would instantly rear its ugly head.
And like clockwork, it most certainly did, handing the nation's talk hosts a fantastic topic. Are some lefties sorry Cheney wasn't killed? Did the Bush Admin- istration stage the event to boost its poll standings?
In times like these, no conspiracy theory is too far- fetched for this crowd.
Before the Huffington Post removed some of the most outrageous comments from its site, National Review Online Editor Kathryn Jean Lopez captured some of them here:
Michelle Malkin has more on the now- closed HuffPo thread here.

Led by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others, some conservative talkers kicked off their shows by reading these comments on- air.
Meanwhile, at other sites typically known for this brand of unhinged anger, it was hard to find any mention of the Cheney trip whatsoever. Have they finally recognized the need to keep their own fringes hidden from public view?
BREAKING: mini- market crash has the potential to overshadow today's other news.
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Technorati tags: talk radio dick cheney rush limbaugh huffington post du democratic underground dailykos afghanistan
Some images: BBC
Talkers Jump On Cheney Derangement Syndrome Outbreak
After an attempt on the vice president's life in Afghanistan today, it seemed a given that Cheney Derangement Syndrome would instantly rear its ugly head.

In times like these, no conspiracy theory is too far- fetched for this crowd.
Before the Huffington Post removed some of the most outrageous comments from its site, National Review Online Editor Kathryn Jean Lopez captured some of them here:
Better luck next time!
By: TDB on February 27, 2007 at 08:18am
Flag: [abusive]
What a different world we would be living in today if they had succeeded.
By: pakiman47 on February 27, 2007 at 08:18am
Flag: [abusive]
Dr Evil escapes again...damn.
By: truthtopower01 on February 27, 2007 at 08:18am
Flag: [abusive]Sounds like a bulls**t attempt. The VP is inside some sort of compound and they blow up a bomb at the front door? Christ, at least lob a few grenades INTO the compound.
By: loudobbs on February 27, 2007 at 08:19am
Flag: [abusive]
They missed?? Dammit. I hope they try again before he leaves.
By: tripdc on February 27, 2007 at 08:20am
Flag: [abusive]
Who'd have thought that Afghanistan would make such a valiant attempt to save the United States of America?
By: DumbFireman on February 27, 2007 at 08:21am
Flag: [abusive]
C'mon guys lets have a little bit of honor, no one deserves to die in a bomb blast. Yes, even Cheney. You may have many reasons to hate this man and he is pretty repugnant, but that's hardly the reason to wish that he would die, which might I add is equally repugnant.
By: Sinkablehail55 on February 27, 2007 at 08:21am
Flag: [abusive]
Michelle Malkin has more on the now- closed HuffPo thread here.

Led by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others, some conservative talkers kicked off their shows by reading these comments on- air.
Meanwhile, at other sites typically known for this brand of unhinged anger, it was hard to find any mention of the Cheney trip whatsoever. Have they finally recognized the need to keep their own fringes hidden from public view?
BREAKING: mini- market crash has the potential to overshadow today's other news.
Will you support the Radio Equalizer?
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, greatly assist this site's efforts. Or, please consider making a contribution at the Honor System box. Thanks again!
Technorati tags: talk radio dick cheney rush limbaugh huffington post du democratic underground dailykos afghanistan
Some images: BBC
I don't believe it. I got here before greg, hash, and MoPoop, demonstrated how irrational they are. Would MoPoop sacrifice his own wife to get Cheney?
PCD, at 27 February, 2007 15:01
Cheney is deservingly considered one of the most vile, hated men in the world. No one is surprised by the reaction, and your desire to express outrage over it reflects more about you than it does about any of the people over at the Huffington Post.
none, at 27 February, 2007 15:26
Turns out I had read a World Net Daily article on the same thing. Brian is right to express outrage by the slapnuts on the left, since they own the spin in the corporate media and take Democrat talking points.
Look I'm no fan of Cheney--or Bush for that matter. But calling for their death would seem stupid. I don't think they are conservative enough and have on some issues, kowtowed to the Democrats and their friends on the moonbat left, who have called on umpteen trillion occasions for impeachment.
And yes even conservatives like Dana Rohrabacher of California have floated the "I" word around. This is regarding the two border patrol agents who fell victim to a US injustice system in bed with Mexico!
Jimmy Carter on the other hand, different story for a different day!
The Real Bob Anthony, at 27 February, 2007 18:40
Frankly I could care less whether Cheney or Bush lives or dies, but you wingnuts are in even worse denial than we all imagined if you think that either Cheney or Bush's death would result in anything less than the entire world's population taking to the streets in spontaneous celebration.
Sadly, whoever did the deed would, like Osama Bin Laaden, be the world's #1 hero simply because (s)he rid the world of the most hated men on earth, possibly the most hated men in world history. Even Hitler was not hated by the world as much as Bush and Cheney, who have completely destroyed the reputation of this country throughout the entire world.
gregrocker, at 27 February, 2007 23:42
Frankly I could care less whether Cheney or Bush lives or dies, but you wingnuts are in even worse denial than we all imagined if you think that either Cheney or Bush's death would result in anything less than the entire world's population taking to the streets in spontaneous celebration.
Sadly, whoever did the deed would, like Osama Bin Laaden, be the world's #1 hero simply because (s)he rid the world of the most hated men on earth, possibly the most hated men in world history. Even Hitler was not hated by the world as much as Bush and Cheney, who have completely destroyed the reputation of this country throughout the entire world.
gregrocker, at 27 February, 2007 23:53
I know Dana and his wife Rhonda. I've been in their surf shop office in Huntington Beach many times. Dana is nothing if not sincere.
The left like elmo and greg hate Cheney because he stands up to them and they can't get any traction in their smear campaigns to take Cheney out of politics. Then next thing they root for is an assassination. Yet, if same were said about the Clintons, they couldn't stop screaming in outrage.
PCD, at 28 February, 2007 09:18
What good has Cheny done for America? you like him because he attacks liberals. Maybe Cheney should be a talk how host, with his idiotic "the left sides with the terrorists" crap. He is not a leader, he is a self serving, murderous, heartless, piece of human excrement. I don't wish for him to be killed by terrorists, honestly he deserves a slow death in a hospital bed, a slow suffering death, for all the chaos death that has followed him. For the terrorist to kill him would make my country look bad, as it would appear to the world , Al Queda won, and to top it off, it would be too quick a death for Cheney. He deserves to suffer. You can quote me on that.
If Coulter was able tspeak about Clinton being executed on national television I can say I support a horrible illness to take that misrable bastards life
The silly retards on the radio reads these blog posts as if this is a shock. America jhates Cheney, yet they ignbore their transexual right wing darling, calling for Clinton's execution. Hypocrites
Minister of Propaganda, at 28 February, 2007 10:03
Thanks for illustrating Brian's headline.
PCD, at 28 February, 2007 10:46
Greg said: wingnuts are in even worse denial than we all imagined if you think that either Cheney or Bush's death would result in anything less than the entire world's population taking to the streets in spontaneous celebration. you are excluding all conservatives from "the entire world's population"??? Don't you realize how silly that sounds?
The good news: At least you did not call anybody "fat" this time.
Chromium, at 28 February, 2007 11:17
So PCD it was acceptable for Coulter to call for a popular president's exection?
answer the question
Hannity, Limbaugh and the others ignored a professional pundits HATE, but atttack blog readers hatred towards Cheney. Which is worse, PCD, American's venting towards their government and a degenerate in the White House, or a professional on the TV calling for execution of a president which 70% of America approved of??
Coulter is the radical, not me, not the blog posters.
Cheney is hated by America.
Minister of Propaganda, at 28 February, 2007 11:34
23 killed, 20 more wounded
cheney unhurt
taliban claimed responsibility
the afghani one, that is
seymour hersh
al qaeda
building 7
that is all
hashfanatic, at 28 February, 2007 12:36
You are truly full of crap. Clinton never achieved 50% or more of the popular vote, whereas Bush did.
You are truly sick and in need of help if you see you as being the majority of America. You are only one sick puppy.
Hash, I see you stopped foaming at at the mouth long enough to put in a disjointed post. Is that your cry for help?
PCD, at 28 February, 2007 13:02
misquoting me as usual
clinton approval ratings were around 60-70%, more popular than the murderous demon Cheney and the closeted fresk in a flight suit Bush
and I said the majority of America can not stand Cheney as he has a 20% approval rating, Cheney is hated by America. Does the majority of America wish he were dead? No, does the majority of America wish this administration was gone already, YES, absolutly, there is a poll on that too, over 50% of America wish's bush terror regime was gone already
one more thing
Go Cheney yourself
and still nothing about the Coulter Clinton execution fantasy??? Why not? HYPOCRITE.
Minister of Propaganda, at 28 February, 2007 13:12
man up pussy......
they did away with don't ask don't tell, you can freely serve!!
Minister of Propaganda, at 28 February, 2007 13:39
You really are irrational. Maybe you'd man up and serve as AlSadr's personal human shield?
Cooked polls are not proof, but kool-aid drinkers like yourself can't see that.
PCD, at 28 February, 2007 14:37
Here's a quote of Coulter explaining her position on what you call the "Clinton execution fantasy":
In my book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, describing the entire history of impeachment, which we got from the British. I explained how we changed it here in America. In Britain, it was a criminal punishment. You would be -- one of the punishments was hanging. Here it was purely losing your office. At the end of this, I said, …the only question, if we were a decent country …, would be whether to impeach or assassinate, not whether to impeach or not, comparing the British and the American systems. (Coulter on Hannity and Colmes, 8/31/2006)
So, since we are in the USA, Coulter called for Clinton to lose his office. While he lost a whole lot of respect, he kept his office, as we all know.
Chromium, at 28 February, 2007 17:34
Greg said: wingnuts are in even worse denial than we all imagined if you think that either Cheney or Bush's death would result in anything less than the entire world's population taking to the streets in spontaneous celebration. you are excluding all conservatives from "the entire world's population"??? Don't you realize how silly that sounds?
First of all, I am sorry that you are, like most Bush voters, morbidly obese. Since not even a pig will eat itself to death, you are obviously dumber AND fatter than a pig.
You complain that I leave conservatives out when describing how the world would burst into spontaneous celebration in the streets if Bush or Cheney met their demise. The dwindling number of right wing extremists who support these failed criminals can hardly be described as "conservative." You are rather the 30% who Kevin Phillips (who celebrated the GOP's ascendancy in the 70's) describes as lemmings who will blindly follow any authoritarian right off the cliff. Most of you are drooling Jesus freaks praying that Hero Bush brings on your mentally ill Armageddon scenario, preferably with nukes. This is the analysis of a REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE with real conservative credentials going back 35 years!
Most real conservatives would probably not be elated if these most hated war criminals in the world were expedited into hell. But you can bet there would be considerable relief that maybe now they could have their country back, too.
gregrocker, at 28 February, 2007 17:35
next post, please
time is fleeting
hashfanatic, at 28 February, 2007 23:48
So you are again showing your immaturity by making assumptions about people's weight...sad.
"Entire world's population"--so you still do not know what that phrase means, do you?
Sign up for an English class or a math class with the phrase "set theory" in its description and come back to post.
Chromium, at 01 March, 2007 09:53
So Coulter says conviction on Impeachment should be a Capital crime, and that's the same as praying for Cheney to get hit by a bomb?!?
I'm really starting to worry about our nation's eductation system since they've apparently stopped teaching reasoning skills...
BF, at 01 March, 2007 12:08
It displays irrational hate on the part of the radical right. If A Republican was being impeached she would be singing a different tune.
Don't like it too bad
Impeach or assinate.
If you can not see where she was going, you are ignorant and can not connect the dots. She was speaking to a radical base. Again, if a Republican was being impeached, she would have never written that. This book was written during the clinton impeachent, and she is your mouthpiece. She was writingfor the radical base, and making $$ off the impeachent. This is not hard, block head.
Yes it is an assination fantasy. She was saying Clinton should be assinated, you just have to read between the lines.
Did you not learn how to draw conclusions?
America has not thinking the same way as this sociopathic bitch.
The comments Maloney picked, display that many many Americans, dispise Cheney. Clinton NEVER achieved this level of hatred, no matter how hard freaks like Coulter tried.
No most Americans were not hoping for Cheney's death, but the majority of Americans wish they were out of office already.
Get it into your head. America hates the GOP
Minister of Propaganda, at 01 March, 2007 13:09
Mini Prop:
So let me get this straight--You have to "read between the lines" to know what Coulter reeeeeally meant to get offended.
My question to you:
Should we also read between the lines about what other people write so we can be offended too?
Chromium, at 01 March, 2007 13:36
Show Me,
What MoPoop doesn't understand is that no one has to read between the lines of what his fellow travellers say. The openly call for the killing of Bush and Cheney. They aren't shy about it. They also call for the fragging of military officers.
When they get upbraided for their words, they start trying to morally equvocate and excuse their violations of public decorum.
MoPoop embodies the title of "Irrational Anger".
PCD, at 01 March, 2007 14:17
They also call for the fragging of military officers."
My wife is in the military officer coward, a 2nd lt., and many many many progressives are in the military as well. 99% of Liberals support the troops, just becaise that closeted homosexual Savage says "liberals hate the troops', does not make it so. Im tired of your shit, you worthless little cocksucker
You hate the troops, by supporting Cheny and bush
You hate the troops
You have no reality as to thge real world, when you live by AM talk radio, you end up sounding liek a functionally retarded idiot
goto hell PCD, you worthless little cocksucker
Missouri: Yes, you are correct, Coulter is speaking CODE, like the sociopaths who shoot abortion clinic doctors, she is speaking radical right wing code. Learn what side of America you are on, the radical, dangerous, and sociopathic side
Minister of Propaganda, at 01 March, 2007 16:08
America rejects Cheney
got it??
if he died, I doube more than 1 out of 100,000 americans would shed a tear
Do most Americans want him dead?
Would most Americans mourn?
absolutly not
Minister of Propaganda, at 01 March, 2007 16:12
who knows
the olbermann watch blog is history
perhaps brian's benefactress has grown inpatient
randi rhodes apparently beat down Schultz in LA, like the bitch that he is
she's had some amazing real talk radio this week
and so it goes
gather THAT, "eagles"
hashfanatic, at 02 March, 2007 01:06
Mop said “the majority of America can not stand Cheney as he has a 20% approval rating, Cheney is hated by America”
Unlike the fringe on the left most Americans can disapprove of job performance and not hate someone personally. I disapprove of the administrations job performance but do not hate them. I do not agree with most of your statements but do not hate you.
What do you think the numbers would be if asked ‘do you hate Cheney?’
Compared to ‘what do you think of his job performance’.
Don't try so hard and exaggerate poll numbers meaning.
pf1, at 03 March, 2007 05:40
this is not about how americans hate cheney
this is about how cheney and the bush crime family hate america, and americans
hashfanatic, at 03 March, 2007 18:49
I must of miss read the article it sounded like liberals hating Cheney. Which article did you read.
pf1, at 04 March, 2007 00:28
its called reality on the ground
what a new concept for you
hashfanatic, at 04 March, 2007 11:08
Hash and MoPoop, you both sure prove the headline about Irrational Hate. You two just plain hate.
BTW, Hillary is appearing across the street from me tonight. I won't cross the street to see that megalomaniac shyster. Besides, it is a invitation only event for a privileged few.
PCD, at 04 March, 2007 15:10
Who cares about Hillary, fudgie?
Who cares about who hates you?
Who cares about you?
Who cares?
hashfanatic, at 04 March, 2007 18:52
This is what happens when you are a complete failure in life you hate. I am sure no one will lose any sleep over a punk like Hash hating them. Maybe someday he will have a friend and be happy in life. Just remember Hash you must like yourself before others will like you.
pf1, at 05 March, 2007 00:21
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