Imus Fired, Al Sharpton Death Threats, Jesse Jackson
Hey, Why Quit While You're Ahead?
For Shameless Al Sharpton, nearly every waking moment is spent searching for the next opportunity to exploit for personal self- enrichment.
And why not? Without ever holding the reverend accountable for his actions, the mainstream media is always there to do his bidding.
Then, when public criticism finally does get to be a bit much, he has a variety of tools at his disposal, one of which was brought out today. Reserved for serious emergencies, the "death threat" card is designed to ensure Sharpton can safely be characterized as a victim, rather than a predator.
As a result, why should anyone be surprised at today's headlines?
With emotions still running so high across the country, what's especially silly here is that many of the players involved, even including columnists and bloggers, have been on the receiving end of nasty emails over the past week. A few have certainly made it to your Radio Equalizer's in- box.
Is that a reason for martyrdom, however, or does it simply come with the territory? After all these years, do you really believe Sharpton doesn't realize that?
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Technorati tags: al sharpton sharpton death threats imus in the morning cbs radio westwood one imus cancellation imus cancelation WFAN cancels Imus Fired CBS cancels Imus talk radio don imus nappy-headed hos rutgers imus hos imus nappy imus in the morning imus termination cbs msnbc imus radio syndication
Hey, Why Quit While You're Ahead?
For Shameless Al Sharpton, nearly every waking moment is spent searching for the next opportunity to exploit for personal self- enrichment.

Then, when public criticism finally does get to be a bit much, he has a variety of tools at his disposal, one of which was brought out today. Reserved for serious emergencies, the "death threat" card is designed to ensure Sharpton can safely be characterized as a victim, rather than a predator.
As a result, why should anyone be surprised at today's headlines?
Al Sharpton Receives Threats On His Life
National Action Network Cites Phone Calls, E-Mails
(CBS) NEW YORK learned early Saturday that the National Action Network has increased the Rev. Al Sharpton's security due to a number of death threats in the wake of the firing of radio host Don Imus by MSNBC and CBS Radio.
There will also be added security at the National Action Network's headquarters in Harlem.
“We have no way of knowing the seriousness of these threats, but they have intensified greatly in the last two days as Rev. Sharpton was figured prominently in the firing of Don Imus," Attorney Charlie King said in a statement early Saturday morning.
"Since Rev. Sharpton survived a personal assassination attempt where he was stabbed, we take any and all threats, especially at this volume, very serious. Therefore, all may be comfortable that we will not take the safety of our staff or that of our President lightly.”
Sharpton was stabbed in the chest by Michael Riccardi on Jan. 12, 1991, as the Reverend was leading a protest in the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn. Sharpton later filed suit against the city accusing the NYPD of failing to protect him. The two sides eventually settled.
Sharpton took up the cause of the members of the Rutgers University women's basketball team after Imus referred to them as "nappy-headed hos" on his radio show last week.
Sharpton told CBS 2's Marcia Kramer on Friday that just hours after he met with CBS Chairman and CEO Les Moonves on Thursday he got a call that Imus was getting fired.
"I remember saying to Mr. Moonves, 'if you said it, you'd be fired. Does he have more rights than you?'" Sharpton said.
Part of Sharpton's power and visibility comes from his National Action Network -- with its half a million supporters across the country, and his ability to mobilize both opinions and protesters.
With emotions still running so high across the country, what's especially silly here is that many of the players involved, even including columnists and bloggers, have been on the receiving end of nasty emails over the past week. A few have certainly made it to your Radio Equalizer's in- box.
Is that a reason for martyrdom, however, or does it simply come with the territory? After all these years, do you really believe Sharpton doesn't realize that?
Will you support the Radio Equalizer?
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, greatly assist this site's efforts.
Or, please consider making a contribution at the Honor System box. Thanks again!
Technorati tags: al sharpton sharpton death threats imus in the morning cbs radio westwood one imus cancellation imus cancelation WFAN cancels Imus Fired CBS cancels Imus talk radio don imus nappy-headed hos rutgers imus hos imus nappy imus in the morning imus termination cbs msnbc imus radio syndication
I was watching VH1's "I Love the 80s"
tonight and they did something about the old Morton Downey Jr show, including the clip of a huge fight
between Rev. Sharpton and Roy Innis
of CORE (1986?). Got into a fist fight at the end (this was before Jerry Springer
I believe...) Ah memories.
raccoonradio, at 15 April, 2007 01:21
Sharpton vs. Innis on Morton Downey
Jr Show
raccoonradio, at 15 April, 2007 01:38
I wish someone would threaten MY life so I could increasr MY security. I'm starting to feel inadequate.
Lone Ranger, at 15 April, 2007 05:47
be careful what you wish for
hashfanatic, at 15 April, 2007 15:37
Here is how cons control the discourse in America
1.racial incident takes place
2. complict main stream media has Sharpton on
3. complict media turns argument into a Sharpton bashing fest and a rap music bashing fest
4. the real issue is ignored
see the pattern yet?
Minister of Propaganda, at 16 April, 2007 10:45
Broadcast journalism is not longer news, it is ENTERTAINMENT, real reporters are no longer existant, investigative reportes no longer exist.
The MSM has one job, that is to do the bidding of the White House and big business..... therefore you receive no news but instead entertainment.......
Sharpton is the MSM's biggest device used to divert the issues of racial divide and sexism in America
Everytime an issue takes place ,the MSM relpaces the issue with Sharpton......
The following weeks the media will instead focus on Sharpton's past issues, turn the issue into a Sharpton attack.... followed by an attack on Black music... by attacking rap and calling blacks hypocrites for the next 2 months
in the end, nothing is learned from Imus
the MSM once more divides America and turns the issue into lets "get the blacks"
yep, "liberal media" strikes again
Only a moron does not see the pattern here.
the MSM once more designed to entertain not inform.
and the usefull idiots like PCD, will shriek "liberal media"
PCD and Maloney are trained by the same media they detest. Cons are usefull idiots, they react the exaxt way the conservative run main stream media wants them to
Minister of Propaganda, at 16 April, 2007 10:56
ohhh here it comes. Can you say Senator Sharpton? Look out Michael Savage. You're next
Big Bish, at 16 April, 2007 16:12
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