CAIR Falsely Claims Talk Radio Ad Boycott Success
Islamists Claim Boycott Success, Syndicator Disagrees
Is an extremist Islamic group falsely taking credit for a talk radio advertiser boycott that may be far less than what it appears?
While the Council on American- Islamic Relations crows about its dubious achievements, a simple check with a representative of Michael Savage's syndicated talk show reveals that several firms that have "pulled" ads were never part of the program in the first place.
Last week, we wrote about how Citrix Systems had yanked its sponsorship of the show in response to complaints from CAIR's operatives. That much isn't in dispute by either side.
But since then, the group claims it has convinced retailer OfficeMax and Trusted ID to cut their respective ties to the program. In addition, CAIR has spooked both JCPenney and AutoZone, by claiming their ads were running during the show, despite a longstanding Savage blacklist policy from both firms.
From EarthTimes:
From SOP Newswire:
Not so fast, says Savage Nation Executive Producer Beowulf Rochlen: "OfficeMax does not sponsor The Michael Savage Show. The only advertiser that has pulled out is Citrix."
When asked later about the JCPenney and AutoZone claims, Rochlen added, "JCPenney is also not a sponsor of The Savage Nation. (Nor was) AutoZone a national sponsor of the show."
With that, it's fair to wonder whether these ads really did run during the Savage show. Is it possible they aired during a local affiliate's own spot break? Could be, but CAIR doesn't seem to know the difference.
Instead, it's more interested in claiming victory over Savage so that it and other radical leftist groups can move on to juicier targets, such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others. Too bad these firms don't realize they're playing right into the hands of Islamic extremists.
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Technorati tags: talk radio michael savage show savage nation savage advertiser boycott cair savage boycott officemax citrix systems cair jcpenney
Savage photo: John O'Hara, San Francisco Chronicle
Islamists Claim Boycott Success, Syndicator Disagrees
Is an extremist Islamic group falsely taking credit for a talk radio advertiser boycott that may be far less than what it appears?

Last week, we wrote about how Citrix Systems had yanked its sponsorship of the show in response to complaints from CAIR's operatives. That much isn't in dispute by either side.
But since then, the group claims it has convinced retailer OfficeMax and Trusted ID to cut their respective ties to the program. In addition, CAIR has spooked both JCPenney and AutoZone, by claiming their ads were running during the show, despite a longstanding Savage blacklist policy from both firms.
From EarthTimes:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today announced that two more advertisers have joined a growing list of companies that have stopped advertising or refuse to place their ads on Michael Savage's nationally-syndicated radio program.
CAIR said AutoZone, a leading retailer and distributor of automotive parts and accessories, is investigating why its ads recently aired on at least two stations during Savage's program.
In a letter to CAIR, an AutoZone official wrote: "...AutoZone has a 'Do Not Air' policy against the Michael Savage show and that has been in place for over 6 years now...There have been instances that stations did not want to delete us from just one program on their station, so we took such drastic measures as to cancel all advertising dollars on those particular stations, as well as their sister stations. We take this very seriously and go to great lengths to ensure stations adhere to our 'Do Not Air' policy."
From SOP Newswire:
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today said JCPenney, one of the nation's leading retailers, is investigating why some of its radio advertisements aired on Michael Savage's "The Savage Nation" radio program despite strict instructions to the contrary. A number of advertisers have recently dropped their ads from that syndicated program because of the host’s anti-Muslim views.
After being contacted by many concerned listeners, a JCPenney official wrote to CAIR:“Thank you... for bringing to our attention that apparently some of our radio ads are running during the Michael Savage Show... JCPenney has very strict guidelines prohibiting our advertising from running on any politically or religiously driven shows. It is unacceptable to us that this has occurred. Please know that JCPenney will immediately look into this situation and get it corrected.
“As a company servicing half of America’s families for over 100 years, our customers have come to know JCPenney as their trusted retail partner. We do not tolerate discrimination on any front.”
“We thank JCPenney for its strong stand against discrimination and intolerance of all kinds,” said CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin.

When asked later about the JCPenney and AutoZone claims, Rochlen added, "JCPenney is also not a sponsor of The Savage Nation. (Nor was) AutoZone a national sponsor of the show."
With that, it's fair to wonder whether these ads really did run during the Savage show. Is it possible they aired during a local affiliate's own spot break? Could be, but CAIR doesn't seem to know the difference.
Instead, it's more interested in claiming victory over Savage so that it and other radical leftist groups can move on to juicier targets, such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others. Too bad these firms don't realize they're playing right into the hands of Islamic extremists.
FOR New England regional talk radio updates, see our other site.
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, help to further this site's efforts.
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Technorati tags: talk radio michael savage show savage nation savage advertiser boycott cair savage boycott officemax citrix systems cair jcpenney
Savage photo: John O'Hara, San Francisco Chronicle
"Could be, but CAIR doesn't seem to know the difference."
Maybe because there IS no difference?
Oh, there's a difference to the moneychangers, all right. A difference in how the money gets allocated, but that's in-house...
The average radio listener draws no distinction between a commercial they hear during a station break, and a commercial they hear at anywhere else during the program.
They STILL will draw parallels between AutoZone and the Savage Nation, regardless of what some thoroughly intimidated staffer is coerced into saying (and I could SWEAR I've heard AutoZone spots while monitoring his programs).
Poor "Beowulf". I hope he's not the poor kid in the booth that the Savage Wiener screams at to turn the doo-wop on and off (I'm just WAITING for him to go off on the Wienerleh full force, Linda Stein-style, so I can chortle at the drama and hilarity...)
Another poster here inadvertently directed me to JCPenney's corporate website recently...judging from the profiles shown, something tells me Savage's violence-inspired shtick and Hitler-like delivery style, coupled with his extremist beliefs, is the LAST albatross they want yoked to their squeaky-clean, WASPish, corporate image and identity.
In a way, it is a shame, because, compared to conbots like Limpbowel and Pawn Insanity, he can be entertaining, actually fills an unmet, paternal psychological need in many of his radio listener-puppets, and actually makes a point once in a while.
Sadly, for him, reality and the collapsing American economy have shattered his mythical "Islamofascist" terror dome, and the totality of his hatred is all that is left...
Oh, well. He'll resurface on Sirius or something.
hashfanatic, at 19 November, 2007 21:03
Regardless of CAIR's claims, I will no longer do business with OfficeMax, Citrix, JCPenney, or AutoZone.
I refuse to support anti-American, Islamic pandering corporations.
Anonymous, at 21 November, 2007 13:08
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