Obamist Media Hype Reaches Epidemic Proportions
Verizon's Obama-Calls Prove There's No Escape
It's a question non-believers have been asking for months: why do Barack Obama's supporters consider him a deity? Are their lives really that devoid of core values?
Frankly, if a certain segment of the American population wants to worship the president as their god, however, it's their business (even if disturbing). Where we must draw the line, however, is with their attempt to force the rest of us to comply.
Adding an alarming Big Brotherish element to Obama Overload is Verizon, which has been robo-calling its customers en masse, urging them to watch their Messiah's ascension on Tuesday. That follows an earlier move by Comcast to create an all-Obama cable channel.
On Wednesday, your Radio Equalizer received one of these rambling messages at EQ HQ. For the full story, see our sister site covering New England media issues.
Apparently, so did millions of others, according to the Boston Herald, where media reporter Jessica Heslam and WRKO host/ Herald columnist Howie Carr have both weighed in on Verizon's ill-considered move for Friday's editions of the paper.
First, from Heslam's coverage:
Next, from Carr's column:
Beyond the intrusive nature of pro-Obama messages coming from a phone company, it was the tone that was particularly aggravating. Why does Verizon assume that everyone is an Obamist? The body-snatchers haven't grabbed all of us, at least not yet.
But even that might be tolerable, if not for other disturbing developments on the Obama cult front. First, led by Jose Serrano (D-NY), some House Democrats are seeking to repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment in order to pave the way for Obama to potentially serve as America's first President-For-Life.
From Rush Limbaugh's show:
Finally, one of Limbaugh's key affiliates plans to muzzle his live commentary on Tuesday. See that story here.
So for those of us who have yet to be sucked into this frightening cult, we are left with one question: will his followers come around on their own, or will they need a full deprogramming? How far can they take this before it all comes crashing down?
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Verizon's Obama-Calls Prove There's No Escape
It's a question non-believers have been asking for months: why do Barack Obama's supporters consider him a deity? Are their lives really that devoid of core values?

Adding an alarming Big Brotherish element to Obama Overload is Verizon, which has been robo-calling its customers en masse, urging them to watch their Messiah's ascension on Tuesday. That follows an earlier move by Comcast to create an all-Obama cable channel.
On Wednesday, your Radio Equalizer received one of these rambling messages at EQ HQ. For the full story, see our sister site covering New England media issues.
Apparently, so did millions of others, according to the Boston Herald, where media reporter Jessica Heslam and WRKO host/ Herald columnist Howie Carr have both weighed in on Verizon's ill-considered move for Friday's editions of the paper.
First, from Heslam's coverage:
Brace for a wild ride on the Inauguration Day hype machine: It’s All Obama, All the Time starting right now.
In fact, the unprecedented Obama coverage and hoopla is so intense, even his fans worry the president-elect will find himself facing an impossibly high bar.“That’s part of politics, but when the expectations get blown out of proportion, so do the disappointments,” said Boston-based Democratic media consultant Michael Shea. “It’s almost inevitable that after a honeymoon period, people come to see things they don’t like.”
Comcast is giving its New England customers on-the-house access to HBO Sunday night for the opening celebration of Inauguration Day.
Viewers who want even more can go to the cable service’s On Demand feature and hear the president-elect’s biography, various speeches and take a virtual White House tour.
Not to be outdone, Verizon Fios has been dialing up customers to let them know of their onslaught of Obama coverage.
Next, from Carr's column:
It was the all-Obama Comcast channel that drove me over the edge.
Finally, I thought, this was the last straw. I would cancel Comcast and switch my cable service to Verizon. But before I could make my move, somebody called and told me that Verizon was robo-calling its customers and telling them to watch their Obama-mania special.So I turned on the radio and heard an ad for some Obama commemorative coins. I clicked that off and went to the mailbox and saw Newsweek. Guess who was on the cover? I flipped on the Internet and went to Drudge, and he had a headline about Time magazine running its 13th cover in a year on you-know-who.
And the mainstream media wonder why they’re going out of business.
All I can say is, thank God for the NFL playoffs. That’s the only TV I’ll be watching this weekend. This is one of those historical moments - like the death of Princess Di, or anything involving the Kennedy family - where the only way to avoid the overkill is to go to total radio silence. It is for moments like this that the Turner Classic Movie channel exists.
Speaking of the NFL, the Obama-ites have cut up the coverage so everyone in TV can have a piece of the pie, just the way pro football does. Even HBO - but what if you need a bailout to pay for the monthly charges? What if you don’t have Internet access to watch the ABC webcast on Tuesday night?
Beyond the intrusive nature of pro-Obama messages coming from a phone company, it was the tone that was particularly aggravating. Why does Verizon assume that everyone is an Obamist? The body-snatchers haven't grabbed all of us, at least not yet.
But even that might be tolerable, if not for other disturbing developments on the Obama cult front. First, led by Jose Serrano (D-NY), some House Democrats are seeking to repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment in order to pave the way for Obama to potentially serve as America's first President-For-Life.
From Rush Limbaugh's show:
These are the smartest people in the world, and they get away, whether they're in Chicago or in Washington, of acting in the stupidest ways you can possibly imagine educated people to act. Jose Serrano, a Democrat congressman from New York, has proposed an amendment to the constitution to repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment. Now, for those of you who voted for Obama, the Twenty-Second Amendment is the amendment which limits the presidency to two terms of four years. Jose Serrano not waiting for the inauguration, they want to eliminate the Twenty-Second Amendment so that Obama could perhaps serve forever.
Finally, one of Limbaugh's key affiliates plans to muzzle his live commentary on Tuesday. See that story here.
So for those of us who have yet to be sucked into this frightening cult, we are left with one question: will his followers come around on their own, or will they need a full deprogramming? How far can they take this before it all comes crashing down?
FOR New England regional talk radio updates, see our other site.
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Can you please give me at least one example of where someone on the left has claimed that Obama is God, or even just A god?
Anonymous, at 16 January, 2009 09:30
You just do not get it Brian
America, since the error of that murderous Anti-American pig Ronald Reagan destroyed this country has rejected conservatism (with the exception of the mentally handicapped who listen to Rush and the filthy rich)..
Bush's controversal victory in 2000, ripped this nation apart, the majority nevere wanted the son-of-a-billionaire as president. The majority rejected the traitor as president from day 1, since he never really won..... 2004's victory for the murdereous son-of-a-billionaire was tainted as well, with thousands of pages of voter fraud evidence in Ohio
It's not Obama retard. It's not Obama retardocon, it's the fact in 2008, the AMerican people got the president we actually voted for.
The conservative base is tiny, irrelevant and purely Anti-American. The vast, majority of Americans no this. Without anymore tainted elections a Republican will NEVER win for the next century.
This is why patriotic, sane and g*d fearing Americans are rejoicing. It's not Obama..... our voting system has been restored.
When everyone votes and all the votes are counted, conservatism is defeated, and all the Hannity's, Limbaugh and other freaks in the world (preacging to the same 5% of this country) will NEVER change it
Conservatism lost, America is happy. The corrupt, filthy, closeted gay, Anti-working class, Anti-veteran, Anti-poor, Anti-union, Anti-privacy, Anti-sanity Republican party has been defeatd.
IT's not OBAMA, it's not even the Democrats, Republicans are hated so badly in this country, Obama has become a "messiah".... Most of the Obama "messiah" worship is done to spit in the face of the enemy, the conservative freak of nature
again, little Brian (I know your Irish, it might take a while to sink in..... juat kidding)..... America does not love Obama, America hates conservatism, America hated the GOP, America's majority NEVER recognized Bush as president, since both victories werr questionable..... America is celebrating the destructon of the GOP more so than an Obama victory.... although I'm sure some people actually love Obama, just like there were a good handful of Americans (talk show hosts, insane bloggers and terrorists) who loved Bush
the purging of the Republicans, is why patriots celebrate
and all the Hannitys in the world will not bring the people to the side of the rich
Anonymous, at 16 January, 2009 09:50
DirecTV is also giving free HBO Sunday night.
Plus they're going to have a special "mix" channel with feeds from the major networks on the 20th.
Anachronda, at 16 January, 2009 18:52
Regardless of "TheMarketWasTheirGod"'s ignorant statements, I'm watching DVD's on inaguration day. It's undeniable how the networks, the liberal cable news outlets, the media "reporters", etc. are all falling over themselves to give Obama so much more than they ever reluctantly gave to any Republican President. The hypocrisy is astounding but those like "TheMarketWasTheirGod" won't ever acknowledge those facts and instead espouse the myths and lies perpetuated by liberal politicians, liberal media, liberal slander blogs, etc.
Oh well. We got through the Clinton years, we'll get through this.
Oh, and by the way "TheMarketWasTheirGod", every poll conducted in the past several years have shown the vast majority of Americans are indeed conservative. Unfortunately with so many RINOs in the Republican party and McCain running probably one of the most inept campaigns ever it was inevitable that Obama would be elected. However I doubt he will be anything but a one-termer. And I fear things are going to get very, very bad under Obama's first two years with the Democrat Congress behind him. I just hope enough true conservatives run and are elected in two years to prevent things from getting worse in the final two years of Obama's 1st (and hopefully only) term.
Carl, at 16 January, 2009 22:22
Anachronda and Carl--turn off your TVs that black day, call in sick to work that day. It is the day mental retards like Jared and his c*** sucking socialists take over and the Constitution dies!
The Real Bob Anthony, at 17 January, 2009 08:52
"...every poll conducted in the past several years have shown the vast majority of Americans are indeed conservative..."
oh? really?
can you cite one, please?
"Unfortunately with so many RINOs in the Republican party..."
would you prefer they voted for democratic candidates?
"And I fear things are going to get very, very bad under Obama's first two years with the Democrat Congress behind him..."
agreed, but, under bush, things could hardly have been worse...
"I just hope enough true conservatives run..."
there is no longer any such thing, neoconservatism is a dying, failed philosophy, that regrettably brought conservatism down with it
"...and are elected..."
not possible, there is not one feasible, electable candidate on the right, after you threw mccain under the bus, with the possible exception of palin, and i'm sure you'll mishandle her completely, as well, so....
"Obama's 1st (and hopefully only) term...."
Anonymous, at 17 January, 2009 16:26
hashfanatic, check with the following polling sources: Quinnipiac, Gallup, Mason-Dixon, Harris and several others.
As to conservatism being dead or dying: Not hardly. Wishful thinking upon your part, but not substantiated by facts.
Your BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) has definitely caused you to be blind to documented facts. Oh well.
As to a feasible conservative candidate not being around...you obviously have a myopic political view since there are many viable candidates of a concervative nature and frankly, I hope some of them do step forward to run. Furthermore, a lot can happen in 4 years therefore the possibility remains open that many conservative candidates will come forward not only for President but also for Congress, state Legislature and local offices. It was liberal extremists like yourself whose hypocrisy was so obvious that it caused you to ignore many conservatives who actually won. For example, you liberal extremists gave zero chance of Bobby Jindal winning the Govenor's race in Louisiana but he did. Then you liberal extremists predicted he would fail immediately but instead he's succeeding.
Liberal extremists like yourself want and promote misery and defeat which is why you should never be allowed to win political office and for the most part, you don't.
So hashfanatic, enjoy your little fantasy for the time being but once the drugs you're taking (as implied by your nick) wear off, reality will be frightening for you once you see how surrounded you are by conservative Americans.
Now go troll somewhere else.
Carl, at 18 January, 2009 01:22
"hashfanatic, check with the following polling sources: Quinnip.."
wrong answer, carl, the burden is on you to furnish direct links to support your mythical assertions, it's not my job to prove to planet earth that you, again, have no clue as to what you're writing of
"As to conservatism being dead or dying: Not hardly. Wishful thinking upon your part, but not substantiated by facts..."
the failed election bid of mccain (who, incidentally, i supported) and the utter lack of vision, coupled with the absolute failures of twenty-eight years of failed neocon policies, absolutely substantiates this truth
the fact that you had no one better to push, than the likes of dead thompson, and fools like hunter, romney, giuliani, tancredo, etc., reinforces it, and the fact that only reciprocal tokens like steele, jindal, etc. are being floated absolutely cements this truth...it is over
time to regroup, cast the filthy memory of leo strauss down the drain
"Your BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) has definitely caused you to be blind to documented facts. Oh well..."
are you proud to be one of a legion of krauthammer sockpuppets? because your allegiance clearly is not to america, or americans...
your choice, personally, i'd be embarrassed
"It was liberal extremists like yourself whose hypocrisy was so obvious that it caused you to ignore many conservatives who actually won..."
carl, you wouldn't know a "liberal extremist" (or an actual conservative win, for that matter) if it walked up, che-shirted and red-banded, and slapped you upside your head, you simply don't possess even that basic level of discernment
"For example, you liberal extremists gave zero chance of Bobby Jindal winning the Govenor's race in Louisiana but he did..."
roflmao! no, carl, jindal is a boob, a freak, and a token, and, no, he cannot defeat even our weak-kneed pez dispenser in black, much less anyone else
this is PRECISELY my point, the neocon's prospects are actually getting worse, in quality!
"Liberal extremists like yourself want and promote misery and defeat..."
uh, no one needs to PROMOTE misery and defeat, when you and yours have already successfully managed to interweave it into every single waking moment, of every single true american's life, with barky as your final, crowning and only, hopelessly ironic achievement
"So hashfanatic, enjoy your little fantasy for the time being but once the drugs you're taking (as implied by your nick) wear off..."
my "nick" happens to be inspired by the word "hashkafah", which is hebrew, for "perspective", you knuckle-dragging, inbred, bottom-feeding lowlife, i have never had a need nor a desire for the drugs your sullied leaders deal in, nor the ones your talk-show hosts are addled with
"reality will be frightening for you once you see how surrounded you are by conservative Americans..."
ah, but i know neocons, and their weaknesses, i know you well, and i know to move only when my time is nigh, to be surrounded by them is a small price to pay, knowing that your ashes will be spread upon the lawns of my once-again-proud nation, for the neocons and the "new democrats" are both idealists, easily lead to your own destruction, and i shall serve as remnant
"Now go troll somewhere else..."
DIAF, you miserable, lowlife, POS
Anonymous, at 18 January, 2009 02:19
no hashfanatic, you asked for me to cite one poll. I cited several. If you want specifics look them up yourself. I don't spoonfeed lazy people like yourself who make quite ignorant statements as you have done. Furthermore your demand shows a marked hypocrisy on your part since you made the original claim without any source citations. Nice double standard you have but then again, that's the liberal way, isn't it?
"absolute failures of twenty-eight years of failed neocon policies, absolutely substantiates this truth"
Again you make unsubstantiated accusations and enjoy using those liberal buzzwords like "neocon" when you obviously have no clue as to the proper definition. However since it is apparent that you have voluntarily placed your liberal blinders on and are intentionally ignoring many conservative policies that helped America immensely, it is apparent that you have nothing intelligent to add to this conversation. By your own words you have identified yourself as nothing but a liberal extremist troll who has no interest in facts.
As to your nice, you're trying to weasel out of its obvious drug reference. Weak attempt, very very weak.
Now go troll elsewhere little child. Go play over at Kos or HuffPo where you can be at home with more of your liberal extremist kind. Your words of hatred and bitterness prove conclusively that you already have lost and have nothing substantive to offer. For your parting gift, enjoy the home version of the game.
Carl, at 18 January, 2009 14:34
We survived the overexposure of Jackie O.
We will survive the overexposure of Barack O.
Chromium, at 18 January, 2009 17:12
Obama and God: Look here:
Chromium, at 18 January, 2009 17:15
nice double standard you have but then again, that's the liberal way, isn't it?
dispie, just substantiate your idiotic flights of fancy, retract your lies, or take the next flight out
"it is apparent that you have nothing intelligent to add to this conversation..."
well, then, you can ignore my posts, because i'm not going anywhere, and i'll continue to say what i want
"Go play over at Kos or HuffPo where you can be at home with more of your liberal extremist kind...."
actually, you need to run over to moonbattery, revava, the hagee freaks, freerepublic, or the blackfive doucheboard, or, alternatively, mind your own business and crawl back under your rock, the choice is yours
"...have nothing substantive to offer..."
ooh, i've got something for you, baby, i'll make you see God tonight
Anonymous, at 18 January, 2009 19:12
Hash quit while you’re behind. Carl’s showing you for the fool you are,
pf1, at 19 January, 2009 01:03
PFreaky, if i wanted your opinion, i'd have given it to you
now, kindly join carl in your rightful places, among the legions of traitors to america
Anonymous, at 19 January, 2009 13:13
Hash if I needed your opinion I would have beat it out of you.
pf1, at 20 January, 2009 01:03
PFreaky, you couldn't slap the crap out of a squirrel
now, back to your filthy little rat hole!
Anonymous, at 20 January, 2009 01:43
I found a post on DU saying they pray to Obama every morning and every night. what a moron. It got a lot of support on that site.
The left has become morons.
King Obama, President for Life... as successful as Zimbabwe
Anonymous, at 20 January, 2009 02:03
For some reason I can't login anymore, but in case you missed me, this is Liberal Outlaw. I posted the first comment on this thread. The one response to my comment solicited only one response back, and it was to a phony blog run by conservatives. nice try. But that's not the real reason I'm commenting. I have a question that I simply must know the answer to -
Brian, you spent 4 years bashing Al Franken, and now that he has basically "won" a seat in the Senate, you haven't said a single word. why is that?
Anonymous, at 20 January, 2009 09:23
Every word that "Market" spewed about President Bush and President Reagan was a lie. Every word of it. And he knew it was a lie.
You spew lies, and you spew hate. We rebuke you.
Anonymous, at 20 January, 2009 13:16
Liberal Outlaw:
From the "phony" blog I cited:
Spike Lee made the BC/AD Jesus Christ comparison to Obama. It is about halfway down.
The site is obviously from a conservative point of view, but what is phony about it?
Chromium, at 20 January, 2009 17:19
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