MSNBC's Brewer: I'm Sorry Terror Suspect Has Islamic Ties
MSNBC Blabbermouth Upset Terrorist Isn't Homegrown
So much for the white male "tea partier" fantasy our left-wing state run media friends had projected right into the Times Square bombing attempt. With the bad news delivered today in the form of a suspect with Pakistani ties, "progressives" are crying into their soy lattes.
Admitting this out loud, however, is another story. Isn't this thought process better kept to one's self? Not to MSNBC's Contessa Brewer, who apparently thought libtalk was a safe place to reveal her anti-American agenda.
From today's Stephanie Miller Show:
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MSNBC Blabbermouth Upset Terrorist Isn't Homegrown
So much for the white male "tea partier" fantasy our left-wing state run media friends had projected right into the Times Square bombing attempt. With the bad news delivered today in the form of a suspect with Pakistani ties, "progressives" are crying into their soy lattes.
Admitting this out loud, however, is another story. Isn't this thought process better kept to one's self? Not to MSNBC's Contessa Brewer, who apparently thought libtalk was a safe place to reveal her anti-American agenda.
From today's Stephanie Miller Show:
CONTESSA BREWER (7:06): I mean the thing is is that and I get frustrated and there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way. I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry.
And so there was part of me was really hoping this would not be the case that here would be somebody who is not the defined. I mean he’s accused he’s arrested you know I don’t want to convict him before it’s time to do so. He’s the guy authorities say is involved. But that being said I mean we know even in recent history you have the Haitari militia from Michigan who have plans to let’s face it create terror.
That’s what they were planning to do and they were doing so from far different backgrounds then what this guy is coming from. So, the threat is not just coming from people who decide that America is the place to be and you know come here and want to become citizens. Obviously this guy did.
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I think she's upset that because it's not a Right Wing/Tea Party type, they now can no longer talk about it on MSNBC
JH, at 04 May, 2010 12:50
Unknown, at 04 May, 2010 13:03
"I mean the thing is is that and I get frustrated and there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people like me who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way in favor of limited government, low taxes, strong national security and a maximum of freedom, as clearly stated by the Founders, or come from certain countries like America or whose skin color is a certain way like white. I mean they , meaning I and the people who think like me, use it as justification for really outdated bigotry.
Fixed it for ya, Contessa.
pgg, at 04 May, 2010 13:20
The truth sucks Contessa, & so do MSNBC's ratings. Too bad this was'nt a "teabagger", but it was a islamic jihadi. which was predictable & you still missed it. David Shuster must be wondering why he could'nt advance his career there & gain a foothold in their primetime lineup.
danybhoy, at 04 May, 2010 13:39
This goes beyond the sheer denial fo the REAL nature of the Islamist threat. Brewer is actively hoping it would be a militia or other right wing group as that would validate the prejudices she has towards those on the right.
Brewer has just painted herself as a vile despicable woman beneath contempt.
Mike's America, at 04 May, 2010 13:45
She's just like that hot drunk girl at the bar that just too annoying to take home.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 13:58
Unbelievable. She should return her brain for a full refund.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 14:00
CNN hosts were trying to explain this away as a man angered by the forclosure of his house.
GeronL, at 04 May, 2010 14:16
THANK YOU for posting this! I love you blog!!!
Common Cents
ps. Link Exchange???
commoncents, at 04 May, 2010 14:26
Is it going to take a nuclear detonation in Manhattan for progressives to realize islam truly is evil? People like her seem to live in a complete fantasy world where everything is relevant including right and wrong. Is she completely brainwashed or just stupid? Those that share her twisted worldview are more dangerous to the United States than the actual terrorists.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 14:30
This woman is ill.She obviously needs to see a doctor.I suggest that the doctor she sees is...
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 14:35
You can't say "Contessa" without saying "C_nt".
Gorgar, at 04 May, 2010 14:51
Gee I wonder what would have been this sad case for a commentator's reaction had this muslim been a Christian. Hmm...
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 16:31
This Contessa Brewer has a very large screw loose. She even has the nerve to name a group that she hoped could be blamed....The Haitari Militia from Michigan! With people like her "reporting" the news or giving opinions it gives us an insight into the liberal mindset. That mindset in itself is enough to scare normal citizens into joining militias. If this woman had her way we would just surrender to Al-Qaida and the Taliban telling them we deserve their retribution. Please come and behead all Americans that will not convert to the religion of peace....they deserve it. This woman is deeply mentally ill. I hope someone in her family does her a favor and has her committed before she hurts some innocent white American citizen.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 16:34
Really stupid but she's so gorgeous with that mouth of hers'.
drowningbabies, at 04 May, 2010 18:42
"really outdated"? This is certainly an immature & naive little speech. Ms Brewer seems awfully sheltered to be a national newscaster.
Tina, at 04 May, 2010 19:14
God Help America!!!!!! She hates White Christians! All of this reminds me of the Clinton Era. This channel should be taken off the air......
Recipe of the Day, at 04 May, 2010 20:11
You're FIRED!
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 20:47
Her name fits her well, all that brews out of her mouth is crap.. umm.. yeah.. you know.. umm.. crap.. let's face it..
jbl, at 04 May, 2010 20:58
Neuroscientists often talk about people as being "right brained" or "left brained".In this case,we see yet a third example.Ms. Brewer is "wrong brained" and needs a doctor.I suggest none other than Dr. Michael Savage.Is it possible that this woman has eaten one twinkie too many?
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 21:01
What's sad and typical is that in one breath she doesn't want to convict the Pakistani man of terrorist intent before due process while in the next breath convicting the Hiatari, MI people of terrorism before they planted any explosives anywhere or went through due process.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 21:06
That's how a doctor finds the place, anema goes into. He listens to the patent...and eurika.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 21:12
The truth sucks Contessa, & so do MSNBC's ratings. Too bad this was'nt a "teabagger", but it was a islamic jihadi. which was predictable & you still missed it. David Shuster must be wondering why he could'nt advance his career there & gain a foothold in their primetime lineup.
By danybhoy, at 04 May, 2010 13:39
Not only does the truth suck, but so does Contessa Brewer. David Schuster probably can't hack it in that particular department.
He'd look pretty bad even in a wig.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 21:27
Please stop letting bimbos recite the news.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 21:47
You defended the Islamo-fascists with your silence.
You defended the Third Reich Fascists with your silence.
You defended Pol Pot with your silence.
You defended Mao Zedong with your silence.
You defended Che Guevara with your silence.
You defended Adolf Hitler with your silence.
You march in the street to defend roadside IED’s.
You march in the street to defend the end to Israel.
You march in the street to defend the end of the U.S.A.
You march in the street to defend the end of Europe.
You march in the street to defend 9/11.
You march in the street to defend the murders in Mumbai.
You march in the street to defend the murders in Africa.
You defend a culture of death.
We defend the culture of life and the advancement of mankind.
“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.”
- Golda Meir
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 22:19
History repeating itself on this board by explaining away murder, tranny, and liberty.
Pastor Martin Niemöller spoke of German “intellectuals” that allowed the Nazis to rise and slaughter group after group after group after group…..after group….
Who will speak for you when its time, “intellectual”?
Will you “intellectual” allow the Islamo-fascists to cotinue their conquest to throw us back to the stone age?
“THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
- Pastor Martin Niemöller
Tough to think this through to its logical end, right “intellectual”?
Your silence is consent “intellectual”…….
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 22:23
What Brewer means to say is her frustration is not that it turns out this was another act of islamic terrorism but her frustration is that teapartiers weren't to blame thus brusting her bubble of a ready made and prepackage witch hunt the leftist media is froathing at the bit to produce and direct.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 22:43
I mean well gee, I guess she's or maybe i guess, its just not. Does she have a brain? This person is on the TV? She's a broadcaster? pun.
Did she actually do any studying in college or was she stoned? I mean, disappointed? Did she want the Hutaree Militia to plan and do this.
Unknown, at 04 May, 2010 23:00
Contessa Brewer is horrible!!!!!!!! Please just give the facts not your feelings.
Anonymous, at 04 May, 2010 23:39
Hey, stop cracking on the poor progressives. I actually admire them in a way. Theirs is such a simple world where you don't have to deal with annoying things like facts. There is no evil in the world except those evil right wing folks. Anyone who has a different opinion about public policy is a racist and dangerous militia member. This is especially true the religious right wing. Why not go on believing that the bomb was planted by some radical Amish militia from Lancaster CO, PA? Of course that is so much more believable than jihadist?
Dan K, at 05 May, 2010 00:10
What is it about these news readers that makes them think anyone gives a rat's behind WHAT they think about the issues and development of the day?
What's your guess as to how many people in these United States care what a Contessa Brewer thinks, about anything, really? Six, ten, two dozen maybe?
I'd bet there a dozen people involved in the program she appears on, and the other 11 may have as much education, as many smarts, and be as well read as Contessa Brewer. She's probably the best looking among them and the best "reader", but how does that translate into expressing one's "feelings" about anything substantive?
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 00:16
MSNBC is a terrorist organization.
Unknown, at 05 May, 2010 00:38
She should just shut up and act like the sperm repository she is...
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 00:41
As this babelette is being beheaded by the hooded Jihadists she will apoligize for dulling their blade.
Dan the Nobody, at 05 May, 2010 00:45
When hooded Jihadists behead this Babelette, she will apologize for dulling their blade.
Dan the Nobody
Nobody, at 05 May, 2010 00:53
What can you expect from a news station that is in the bottom of the barrel in ratings? Say anything to get noticed.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 01:00
Ms. Contessa is obviously a C-Bagger (Yes, C means what you think it might). She doesn't realize the islamic radicals want to eliminate her and any spawn that emerges from her filthy liberal body. I'll take my chances with a white supremacist that calls himself bubba any day over an in-bread dessert monkey calling himself Phizal, Muhammad or jamel. Tell her to wise up or move to Yemen.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 01:05
OK, so here's the latest from Mayor Bloomberg. He says this Times Square bomber had a GLASS of tea with lunch last week. That's close enough. If it was sweet tea then he's a southern tea party guy and that automatically makes him a racist. Maybe they need to ban transfatheads in New York.
From the Phil Valentine show
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 01:15
a reminder of why I do not watch MSNBC....
Donald Danner, at 05 May, 2010 02:20
What outdated bigotry? Muslims do well in this country and although many of us have doubts about the effectiveness of our security, no one is is suggesting that the rights of Muslims be curtailed.
This ignorant, self loathing witch is disappointed that this issue didn't present the opportunity for "updated bigotry". She and the rest of the maniacal left had hoped for an opportunity to justify the persecution of those who they view as an impediment to totalitarian leftism.
Meanwhile the case against the Michigan group which she sites is falling apart. The case features secret recordings of an FBI agent egging on the group members amidst a beer party. The arrests are not the result of good police work and seem to have been politically motivated.
The notion that the ability to persecute and arrest those who you perceive as your political enemies is part of the spoils system is a dangerous new low and ALL loyal Americans should question the legitimacy of the Democratic party over it.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 06:19
Better luck next time Comrade Brewer.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 08:01
She's got "pretty" working for her now, but in 10 years, not having a brain will cause her major setbacks.
Iggy, at 05 May, 2010 09:17
Dear Mr. Savage (please read)
This so called times square bomber is a pure "hoax" and he is home-grown alright, just like Lee Harvey Oswald was homegrown yet spent some time in the USSR. This is a "fake" from the get-go! The real truth in all of this is the B'OB administration is trying to show that Homeland Security Director "Incompetanto" is doing a good job. I don't want to see americans get killed in the US or AFghanastan or Iraq, or Pakistan, but rest assured if a Islamic Terrorist had the opportunity to maim & kill americans on any street corner (they would detonate) and it wouldn't be some "ametuer night at the appolo theatre" they would have gotten it right, (Just like they get it right in (iraq,afghanastan, pakistan, & Iran, And they'd get it right every time when it comes to killing american soldiers. (this Times Square Bomber is "fabricated by the left" and made to look like "some tea party member was behind it all" and it would have worked if MSNBC were the only news source, (Down with the media acting as an apendage for the federal govt.,, (Down with the current arrangement of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial part(s) of our "FAILED & BROKEN GOVERNMENT,, WE HAVE HAD 3 CONSECUTIVE "bad & awful" CHIEF EXECUTIVES, AND THE LAST TIME WE HAD 3 (STUPID) PRESIDENTS, IT LED UP TO THE CIVIL WAR. War is coming at it will be on Washington DC, I am sick and tired of B'OB's speech's that really are saying one thing and that is "DEATH TO AMERICA"
Sincerely one disgusted and fed up american who is only saying
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 11:03
Unbelievable. And they wonder why their ratings are shot! The Tea Party people are everyday Americans that are tired of too much government and spending. Trying to vilify good Americans and give credit to trained Jihadists is something I can't comprehend.
learn a new language, at 05 May, 2010 11:06
Just as Bonnie Parker had her Clyde barrow and Patty Hearst had her Donald DeFreeze and Hanoi Jane Fonda had her Gen Vo Nguyen Giap and just as so many young women felt an irresistable passion for Charles Manson,so too, does this lame excuse for a news commentator,Contessa Brewer,have a need for her beloved terrorist,Faisal Shahzad.Too bad he's already married [to a wife and to an ideology of blind hatred]
I know that America has come a long way from the days of Ozzie and Harriet.I know that you can't turn back the hands of time but I just wish for once that someone could talk some sense into a self hater like Ms. Brewer.Is anyone at the NIMH working on a cure for the Stockholm syndrome?
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 13:07
Be skeptical and cynical when listening to the news from government and US media.
There is strong evidence, even though political forces in the USA prevent it from being investigated, that LBJ and McNamara colluded with Israel to create a false flag incident to be blamed on Egypt, via the intended attacks to sink the USS Liberty (June 8,1967).
The investigation was stymied and is enough to tell us that they did not want testimony or the truth exposed. Individuals in power can be devious and be evil and use misinformation to carry out agendas. High level individuals in the US military (Admiral Moorer) took it upon themselves to do a commission in 2003 and they determined the attack was intentional.
We know for a fact that LBJ had zero scruples and had already set up the Gulf of Tonkin incident #2 to expand the Vietnam War.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 13:49
I don't believe in terrorist
i don't believe in terrorist
i don't believe in terrorist
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 13:59
The Left wants to choose its own enemies. Face it, Contessa, it's the muzzies who want to kill you; the teabaggers just don't want government healthcare.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 15:15
It is so sad to see these MSNBC Anchors swear their allegience to anything OTHER than our FLAG! What a shameful response from our free press...
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 16:04
The militia in Michigan was just a setup by the political police in this country to create a diversion of what is really going on here and that is that Islamic militants are at war with us.
Have you ever noticed that the government is always right on top of any white "terrorist" group and people are always arrested BEFORE an incident, but with a real muslim terrorist they are always 3 steps behind?
The reason is they do setups like with Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge selling him a shotgun that was 1 inch too short.
The political correctness prevents us from snooping around mosques.
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 16:08
How is it possible that this idiotic bimbo gets airtime ? Is she that stupid or is she just trying to get a rise out of people.
It would be great if she was Muslim,than she herself would be behind a black burqua and we wouldn't have to hear this insipid moron talk. By the way I am a lady,and she is a tramp !
Anonymous, at 05 May, 2010 16:19
I mean the thing is is that and I get frustrated and [strike] [I was really excited by the BOLO looking for a white male in his 40’s (like a militia member/Teabagger) and] was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people [like me] who want[ed] to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people[like the racist, all white, sheet wearing, congressmen spitting on, n-word chanting Teabaggers] who believe in a certain way [like constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets, and are anti-stimulus, anti-deficit, and anti-bailout, and cling to their guns and religion]or come from certain [strike][states that are not enlightened]or whose skin color is a certain way [(white)]. I mean [strike] [we need] it as justification for [our bigotry towards their] really outdated [strike][Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights which are living breathing documents that need to be updated.]
And so there was part of me was really hoping this would be the case that here would be somebody who is [strike][a so called ‘patriot’]. I mean he’s accused he’s arrested you know I don’t want to convict him before we can convict some Teabaggers of terrorism first. He’s the guy authorities say is involved, but it’s not really his fault, it’s the fault of the imperialist, racist policies of the United States. But that being said I mean we know even in recent history you have the right-wing hate-mongering talk show hosts and bloggers that support groups like the Haitari militia from Michigan who have plans to let’s face it create terror and how dare a principled liberal judge even think of releasing them on bail after the lead FBI agent had no clue about the case when called to testify.
That’s what they were planning to do and they were doing so from far different backgrounds then what this guy is coming from. This Pakistani-American man was heartbroken, he left a job at a global marketing firm he'd held for three years, lost his home to foreclosure and moved into an apartment in an impoverished neighborhood in Bridgeport. So, the threat is really is Wall Street, the bankers and the Teabaggers, not Islam. It’s just coming from people who are racist decide that America is the place for the privileged to be and you know to take advantage of immigrants who just come here and want to become citizens, instead we victimize them and it’s this mean spiritedness that radicalizes them. Like we [stike][obviously did to] this guy [strike].
Chris Wiseman, at 05 May, 2010 16:22
Yes, Contessa, there is Evil. Evil is not imaginary. Have you ever read a book that didn't end like you wanted it to? Well, reality is like that, too; you cannot control reality by your own personal opinions and wishes... contrary to liberal relativism, it doesn't really work that way. You cannot wish life into fitting your version of fantasy. There are people who have declared open war on everyone in the USA, especilly the SOFTEST targets, and they are not the tea party or militia members- check into it, it's called reality.
DontBelieveYourOwnHype, at 06 May, 2010 00:17
Contessa Brewer is rude. Contessa Brewer is mean-spirited. Contessa is opinionated. And those are her positive traits. What a blessing for MSNBC it would be if she and Ed Schultz joined David Shuster on the sidelines.
Tom Tomashek, at 09 February, 2011 12:38
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