02 March 2007

Bobby Brown, Hot 99.5 FM Washington


DC Station Bails Out Brown

In what is likely the saddest excuse for a radio stunt seen at least since January, washed- up pop singer / deadbeat dad Bobby Brown has been bailed out of a Massachusetts jail, thanks to the efforts of a Washington DC station:

Radio station frees Bobby Brown from jail
2nd March 2007, 10:30 WST

US singer Bobby Brown was freed after spending three nights in the Massachusetts jail when a radio station paid the $US19,150 ($24,435) the singer owed in late child support and court fees.

Hot 99.5 FM, which broadcasts in the Washington DC area, intervened following on-air discussions and two days of negotiation with Brown's attorney, said Kane, the host of the station's The Kane Show.

"In exchange for the money, he agreed to be an employee of our radio station for one week," where he will discuss what he did wrong and how he could turn his life around, said Kane, who goes by one name.

"We are going to have a very open and candid conversation."

A judge had ordered Brown held in the county jail in Dedham until he paid up, after constables arrested the singer while he was watching his daughter's cheerleading competition at Attleboro High School.

Brown will travel to Washington DC and be on the air with Kane for the morning show beginning on Monday. He also will make public appearances for the radio station.

Phaedra Parks, Brown's attorney, had earlier said the singer has been struggling to meet monthly payments to Kim Ward, the mother of his two teenage children.

Brown and pop diva Whitney Houston are divorcing after 14 years.

For the station, this is pocket change, the kind of money that might be spent giving away a prize to a listener or making a small outside ad buy.

And while the free publicity for the FM outlet is already tremendous, with global coverage so far, it will do little for Brown other than to encourage him to continue behaving irresponsibly.

UPDATE: Brown can't take the heat, bails out on radio deal after first day.

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  1. brian, i am in essential agreement

    they are all slime

    brown, on general principle

    houston, for debasing herself by choice, and bringing children into it

    and the station, for springing him

  2. Same here. Then again, the station, WIHT, is a Clear Channel station. And the boys from San Antonio are known for some stupid things. This is THE STUPIDEST OF ALL!

  3. WTWK AM 1070 a daytime only prog talk station in Burlington VT may be changing its format tomorrow. A post on radio-info.com's Northern New England board says they're stunting
    and the website, for now, has a construction sign and the words

    Sorry Governor Dean...

  4. yeah a women's radio network

    they're sure to go for giuliani

    the whoremonger and his whore

    keep it up geniuses

    five'll get ya ten

    andrew will

  5. Hey Bobby, good for you!!! You are making a come back... I know things have been very tough on you during the past 10 years and its great that you finally fixed alot of horrible things that have gone on through your career and well after that... I have always believed in you and far be it for me to ever judge you... People make mistakes, the only problem with being famous now a days, is that if you are very well known, nothing is kept private anymore... The fact that its all these years later and people still remember your name and its still used in households, is a good thing... Alot of people never 4got you... I loved your music growing up, I have been a singer myself for quite sometime now and I loved your music... I have always wanted to record with you... Just been a big fan for years... The thing is this Bobby, people can talk smack all they want, the station believed in you and I believe in you, just like many other fans you have out there... DOnt ever give up hope and fullfill your dreams and don't ever think that noone cares about you... Ignore the idiots who have spoken badly about you... THats exactly what they are idiots... None of them have anything intelligent to say... God Bless you Bobby...
    Love your fan forever
    Love Aurora
