27 April 2007

The Radio Equalizer At 2.5


Where We've Been, What's Next

*** Scroll Down For More New Posts, This Will Remain On Top Until Friday ***

Thanks to your support, the Radio Equalizer is going strong after two- and- a- half years in operation. While generating readership growth, we've put a spotlight on wrongdoing at Air America Radio, fought well- funded "progressive" smear sites and defended conservative hosts against malicious mainstream media onslaughts.

In addition, Dave at Lundesigns and Pete at IHillary have kept us laughing with unique images that were custom- designed for this site (here's Pete's classic Soros Sugar Daddy gag).

And while Internet traffic can fluctuate wildly from one day to the next, we're quickly approaching an all- time visitor count of two million unique individuals.

Luckily, this effort has not gone unnoticed by industry heavyweights. Bill O'Reilly, for example, has chosen to include this site in his list of "featured links" at billoreilly.com. In addition, Sean Hannity has added the Radio Equalizer to his "favorite links" section at Hannity.com.

And finally, this site has recently been selected to join "Rush's Blogosphere", a group of 13 blogs Rush Limbaugh utilizes as part of his daily show prep.

Here's the full list, if you'd like to visit the others:

National Review's The Corner Hugh Hewitt Captain's Quarters Power Line Red State Little Green Footballs Strata-Sphere Michelle Malkin Debbie Schlussel Hot-Air Instapundit American Thinker Radio Equalizer

All of this support is greatly appreciated, especially your readership.

At the same time, this site is facing the same revenue challenges that currently threaten much of the Internet's conservative side. At this point, most of us have not yet figured out how to turn our sites into substantial earners, despite the tremendous amount of time and effort put into them.

On Tuesday, we explored the difference between well- funded "progressive" sites and those on the right, most of which operate on shoestring budgets. While it's not realistic to expect conservative versions of George Soros and Peter Lewis to emerge anytime soon, perhaps the gap could be closed at least slightly.

To that end, some of us have recently become less shy about asking for your help. Modeled after efforts undertaken at similar sites, the Radio Equalizer is now seeking your contributions. At the same time, if you are able, please consider donating to other blogospheric favorites.

While your Radio Equalizer is reluctant to spell out a specific goal, here's the purpose of whatever is raised:

- To cover site hosting charges related to our long- delayed move to RadioEqualizer.com

- To fund design improvements planned for later in the year

- To cover travel expenses so that your Radio Equalizer can report from talk radio- related events and political functions elsewhere

- And finally, if anything is left over, to provide some level of compensation to cover the amount of time spent updating this site's content.

If you're interested, please know the Amazon box below carries a $50 per transaction limit and doesn't reveal who made the donation (unless you send an email on your own).

If you'd like to make other payment arrangements, please write to radioequalizer (at) aol.com.

Again, thanks for your support and if you have feedback of any kind, please drop a note using the above email address.

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