21 May 2007

Bernard McGuirk, Imus Fired, WRKO Boston Tryout


Former Imus Sidekick Loses Tryout Opportunity

After a significant public outcry in the Boston area, former Imus sidekick Bernie "Sheets" McGuirk has been yanked at the last minute from his planned tryout on Boston's WRKO-AM.

McGuirk was scheduled to co- host "Finneran's Forum" with convicted- felon- turned- talker Tom Finneran for most of this week, but late today, the station mysteriously reversed its decision.

Known for his overtly racist commentaries, McGuirk was actually the "brains" behind Don Imus's now- infamous, yet career- ending "nappy headed hos" outburst.

The station's sudden 180- degree turn is quickly generating as much attention as did the initial decision last week. But media coverage has so far been overwhelmingly negative.

What does the Bay State's former Democrat Party chairman, who endorsed WRKO's move to hire McGuirk, have to say for himself now? Our guess is that he can't be reached for comment.

Look to SaveWRKO for all of the latest on this still- developing story.

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  1. The Globe's piece on this and also
    Jessica Heslam's blog on the Herald
    site says that a 1997 60 Minutes piece was found in which Imus uses
    a racial slur while saying that
    McGuirk was hired "to tell jokes
    about blacks"

    Globe article

  2. WRKO pulled McGuirk, but when are they going to Flush Finneran?
