31 May 2007

'Big John', Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus, NAACP, Daytona Beach


Papers Find New Ways To Keep Old Flaps Alive

Clearly frustrated by their inability to bring down Rush Limbaugh over his "Barack The Magic Negro" parody song (based on a Los Angeles Times columnist's words), the mainstream media is cooking up creative new ways to smear the talk titan.

One particularly clever but downright sinister approach appeared in today's Orlando Sentinel. In a story about a Daytona Beach talk host's poor choice of words regarding a local African- American councilman, the reporter ties the incident to both Rush and Imus:

Remark by radio host was racist, NAACP says

Tanya Caldwell
Sentinel Staff Writer

Local talk-radio host Big John is in trouble with a civil-rights group for comparing a black Daytona Beach commissioner to a monkey.

The comment was broadcast Friday, when the former Volusia County Council member told 1380 AM (WELE) listeners why he doesn't think Commissioner Dwayne Taylor should be elected mayor.

"The higher the monkey climbs, the better you can see its . . ., " John said. "And we'd really see Dwayne's butt if he got to be mayor."

Not only was John's remark offensive, Taylor said Wednesday, but it was racist.

The remarks reminded some blacks of talk-radio hosts Rush Limbaugh -- who was criticized for airing a parody called "Barack, the Magic Negro" -- and Don Imus, who called the Rutgers University women's basketball team "nappy-headed hos."

John's following is much smaller. He claims 234 listeners.

"This goes a lot deeper than what Don Imus did," Taylor said. "If you want to compare something, compare something that's not insensitive to that person's race."

Taylor said he and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Volusia-Daytona branch have since called for John's termination.

John said there's a "slim chance" of that happening.

"I wasn't criticizing his color," John said. "I criticized him because he was stupid."

Taylor, who is serving his second term on the City Commission, disagreed.

"Using a monkey in reference to an African-American goes beyond thinking I'm incompetent. It goes to the entire race," Taylor said. "That's why this is significant and not something that should be swept under the rug."

John said he is not a racist. He grew up in a predominantly black community in New Jersey and has had "many black employees in my lifetime," he said.

"I know the black people that know me know that I'm not a racist," he said. "This is just something for the NAACP to hang its hat on because they haven't done anything."

Even for a local paper such as the Orlando Sentinel, "Big John" and his station, WELE- AM of Ormond Beach, represent small targets. Beyond his afternoon drive show, the station carries infomercials or very low quality syndicated programming. It's doubtful many are listening.

As even the host himself admits to a tiny following, the NAACP must realize this as well. So why bother with the crusade?

The answer is simple: as the article itself demonstrates, the real agenda is to bring down bigger targets by showing a pattern of "racist" on- air behavior in talk radio. It keeps the Rush flap in the news and talk about "cleaning up the airwaves" on the front burner.

It also helps Al Gore and others who want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

In particular, note how Limbaugh's musical parody of a Los Angeles Times column is joined with Imus's infamous and career- killing "nappy- headed hos" comment. If there ever was one, that's a clear example of media bias.

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Top "Big John" photo: Orlando Sentinel


  1. Do you have a crush on Rush, Brian?
    In a story about a Daytona Beach talk host's poor choice of words regarding a local African- American councilman

    poor choice?

    calling a black man a monkey is more thasn poor choice of words, your a disgrace to Irish Americans Maloney.

    Get the tin foil hat off, nobody casres about the drug addled freak. Limbaugh is irrelevent, shapes nobody's opinon, he is a dinosaur, clinging on to the rapidly aging 55+ audience. Nobody cares about Rush.

    And the freak mis-used the "magic negro" term, as the writer refered to a literary term, who omit the facts?

    You are pure trash. Limbaugh is trash, and there will be a parade in America the day he finally overdoses.

  2. I will forgive your ignorance on this subject since you only have one single quote of Big John's to base your opinion on. I however, have been listening to Big John since he has gone on the air.

    He has made a career out of attacking all of the politicians who did not support him when he lost his last election (gaining only 36% of the vote) against a political novice.

    He clearly has reserved his most vicious attacks for blacks who are in office.

    He has a long history of race baiting on his 'show'.

    This past year when our 80+ year old black mayor was in intensive care dying of liver cancer, Big John offered a $200 reward for anyone who could sneak in and take a picture of her in her hospital bed. He said that until he had proof otherwise he would assume that she was being treated for alcoholism. He knew better.

    He had no problem almost daily calling black commissioner Charles Cherry a racist when the 80 year old was on his death bed from cancer at his son's house. On the very day that he died Big John said he was glad to see the racist go.

    Big John knew exactly what he was saying when he used the analogy to a monkey.

    I think some credit is due here. Big John has worked long and hard to finally be recognized for what he is.
