29 May 2007

Cindy Sheehan Leaves Democrats, Talk Radio, Melanie Morgan


Sheehan Learns Tough Lessons About Political Activism

Returning from a mostly sunny but nearly news- free holiday weekend, talk hosts were handed what may be their final helping of fodder from left- wing anti- Iraq activist Cindy Sheehan.

For the industry, that's not necessarily great news, though she had rarely made headlines in recent months.

With her anti- war movement virtually dissolved, an exhausted and disillusioned Sheehan is finally set to return home to California. Having been chewed up and spit out by the Democrat Party, it's hard not to feel sorry for her. It must be tough to admit to having been used.

KSFO / San Francisco morning drive talker Melanie Morgan co- authored American Mourning, a book partly about Sheehan. She had this reaction to the news:

I'm glad she is going home, if indeed that is what ultimately she does. She never went through a healing time either for herself or her family. Her surviving children are the ones who have paid a mighty price for her anger, bitterness and loss.

But everyone else around her did as well, including her ex-husband Pat and all of his immediate family, grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins who could not grieve without seeing her on television denouncing our country that they so love.

Our troops and this country have suffered a psychic scar from her rantings, ramblings and pain. The men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan took it on the chin as she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars donated by the extremes of her party to travel the world denouncing American Imperialism and accusing our troops of murder. Our servicemen and women do NOT like Cindy Sheehan.

American Mourning: The Intimate Story of Two Families Joined by War, Torn by Beliefs by Catherine Moy and myself was attacked relentlessly for accurately reporting her story by the same people on the Left who ultimately turned on her because she dared to go after their Democrat idols.

The media bears a tremendous responsibility for building her up, and then tearing her down for their own agenda.

It's very sad and entirely predictable. Catherine and I have spoken publicly numerous times about the eventual downfall of "Mother Sheehan".

Our prayers go out to Ms. Sheehan, her sister Dede Miller, but mostly for Casey Sheehan, a true American hero.

Cindy Sheehan isn't the first person to be exploited by the so- called "progressive" movement and certainly won't be the last. But the extent to which her life was rearranged to serve their purposes is particularly extreme. Now that they're finished, do they care about the damage they've done to her family?

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  1. Sheehan stopped because she was sick at how the Democrats ignored the will of 75% of this nation, she is disgustyed with the politicians, not the anti-war movement, you idiot.
    You filthy little freak

    If Melanie Morgan was a male I would say that is an individual who deserves to have both legs broken, total filth, like 90% of the degenerate scum that call themselves "conservatives"

    Wanbt to see an anti-war movement? Bring back the draft, and right wingers will bebeaten to death in the streets, I guarantee it. Be glad there is no more draft, Maloney or all your neo-cons would be an endasngered species.

    I do not blame Sheehan for leaving the protest realm, the filth in the White house Democrats included ignore the will of the people. I understand where she is comming from.

    This will make good material for scum, such as yourself.

    You are scum, Morgan is scum, Rupert Murdoch is scum

    28%ers are the scum of the earth, second only to Al Queda themselves.

    low life filthy. I tell it like it is, the right wing are scum of the earth.

    I don't believe in civility with scum. Im not one of those cowards who will cave in to the 28%ers. The Dems are cowards for caving in to an irrelevant cult in America, tyhe 28%ers are cultists, your a cultist Maloney, all of your fellow cons are cultists.

  2. Sheehan isn't the first person to be exploited

    Pure hackery. Who exploited her? The Democratic party does not give a rats ass about protesters, and Sheehan herself ran to the media for coverage. Right place, right time, nobody exploited her.

    but the filthy GOP exploited Pat Tillman, and Jessica Lynch.

    rot in hell scum
    you are scum Maloney

    Bring back the draft, and right wingers will be the common enemy amongst America.

    You would not need a Sheehan, scum like Bush and the DLC Dems would be powerless for EVER

  3. ". . . it's hard not to feel sorry for her." -- Maloney

    You are joking, right?

    She danced her silly dance, and now it's time to pay the piper.

    I don't take pleasure in her suffering, but I have to draw the line there. Sympathy for the wicked is never appropriate.

    Let's face it, she is just as narcissistic and sociapathic a "user" as the Dems and the MSM are, and if the proverbial jackboot where on the other paw, I don't doubt she would do the same.

    Nope. No sympathy for her from me.

  4. Morgan is a rag who has (typically) no insight into the situation she's attempting to hold forth on.

    Brian, the WORST of your distortions, easily confirmed by reading her daily Kos communique, is that it is REPUBLICANS that, from beginning to end, have drawn the largest amount of her ire.....to be rejected by the moderate, neocon-appeasing wing of the Democratic party was simply the final straw.

    A number of Dems who voted in opposition to the war in the first place voted with the neocons to fund the murder of even more hundreds of our troops on behalf of Israel, and the number of Iraqi dead will probably top one million by summer's end.

    But this is not surprising. Cindy's struggle for peace has taken a toll on her health, her finances, and her family life. She's had to defend her honor and speak truth to power against some of the most vicious, slanderous lies ever told by the right-wing sleaze industry....does it make you proud that you wore out a grieving mother, a Catholic Sunday-school teacher, with your invective? Of course it does....but she shall regain strength, regroup, and approach the struggle from a different direction, having been made stronger by the past.

    I pray she will take some rest and relaxation, recharge her batteries, and come back swinging....I hope her aim is true.

    Do we have "left gatekeepers"? Yep, but that's an in-house issue, and we are all still committed to your destruction...

    My advice would be to turn your attention to the Republican party, which is far more divided and weakened by neocon philosophies and essential issues like immigration to survive much longer.

  5. Yes, Brian, you have at last succeeded. The peace movement has fallen apart.

    We now face endless war. Blood flowing in barrels. Bombed out city-centers. Round-ups of innocent people to be brought to detention centers like Guantánamo and Diego Garcia from where they will never be heard from again. All this to go on till the last enemy is routed from his hiding place! (It would be nice to start with Osama bin Laden, no? But Bush doesn't care too much about him, by his own admission...no he'd rather round up and torture to death innocent Afghani taxi-drivers and Iraqi merchants.) Meanwhile, all our civil liberties will be stripped from us in this mad endeavor.

    I smell victory...the victory of complete authoritarian power.

    Yes, Brian, your victory is complete. The entire world will now be run by terror!

    Actually, that was just sarcasm. Cindy Sheehan, who has more courage and integrity in her little finger than the entire Bush administration, needs a rest. She deserves it. She has said that she will continue to serve people. Don't count her out yet.

    But, Jeez, that was a major betrayal by congressional Democrats. I'm outraged and angry and have already began to work to make things better.

    The rage is growing against the authoritarians who would enslave us...oddly, the Republicans probably would have been better served by a stop to funding for this insane war.

    As it is, when the dam bursts, they'll be out of power for decades.

  6. and ytba, what the f is wrong with you?

    This woman, a good, God-fearing Christian, not even a partisan-she
    was never particularly Republican or Democrat, lost her beloved, wonderful son. She tried to make something out of that loss that would make a better world for us all.

    And you say, "Sympathy for the wicked is evil?"

    How can you call her evil? Are you taking your meds?

    Like all true lunatics, you're projecting.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. >> she is disgustyed

    Spelling error; this happens to me too when I type fast but you may want to proofread your post before
    hitting submit

    >>you idiot.
    You filthy little freak

    "Liberals...so full of...LOVE"
    --Alan Colmes

    >>If Melanie Morgan was a male

    were; proper tense/usage

    >>Wanbt to see an anti-war movement?

    Want to see spell check?


    >>You are scum, Morgan is scum, Rupert Murdoch is scum

    Tolerant liberals! Actually you
    kind of sound like Michael
    Savage when he's talking about
    liberals when you say this, only
    you apply it to the other side.




    = "you're"

  9. Actually you
    kind of sound like Michael
    Savage when he's talking about
    liberals when you say this, only
    you apply it to the other side.

    If you can do it, so can I......
    I'm not afraid to display myt feelings about the right wing, as "politically incorrect" as it is, I must say what is on my mind.

  10. METRO MISQUOTES ME. (big surprise, eh?)

    I said:
    "Sympathy for the wicked is never appropriate." -- me

    But he twists that into:
    "And you say, "Sympathy for the wicked is evil"?" -- metro

    "not appropriate" isn't the same as "evil," in case you didn't know.

    (SARC=ON) What? A Leftist misquoting someone? I'm shocked! (SARC=OFF)

    Prior to that he howls a mournful tune and asks:
    "...and ytba, what the f is wrong with you?" -- metro

    . . . to which I can only respond:

    You should be asking what's wrong with her. And if you had, I would have answered that . . .

    . . .as you said "She tried to make something out of that loss . . ." [rest of sentence false, so deleted] Oh yes, she did. She's a "user," all right, not for the benefit of mankind but to stroke her own ego. My sympathy isn't for her, but for him and the rest of his family who respect his memory and appreciate his sacrifice.

    Like the rest of the Left, she hates the US and everything her son valued.

    She loves our enemies.

    Her "friends" and supporters are Nazis, and other faaar out America and Israel hating fascist Leftists loons.

    And those cat-gut wrenching strains of mock pathos you croon are way off pitch, but they do make good comic relief.

  11. Brian, you have completely distorted Sheehan's record.

    Shame on you for lying about a woman who has lost her son. This is not behavior appropriate for a decent man but for a cad. pla

    She was not used. She is a powerful agent who has done great things.

    And, ytba, you should maybe find out something about this woman, and not from demented sources like Morgan, before you stoop to criticizing people who have lost children.

    And, if you are of the right age, do enlist now.

    Oh, and when are you going to enlist? You don't look too old.

  12. "Tolerant liberals!"


    I've never pretended to be a liberal, I've never claimed to be about peace and love, and I actually believe to be "tolerant" of someone is to insult them.

    You just need to follow the law, and you need to behave yourself like a normal, decent, human being.

    Now go back to your mail sorter...

  13. "Oh, and when are you going to enlist? You don't look too old."

    Why bother?

    A draft would make quick work of that little inequity....

    Neocons don't need CHOICES.


    I don't know. Maybe we should take her seriously. After all, she's researched her subject so VERY well.

    But really, is Cindy Sheehan actually an anti-Semite, or does she just look like one because she plays one on the evening news? Maybe it's her affinity for racist and even terrorist "friends"?

    Too bad those "friends" have filled her empty head so full of Leftist tripe that it veritably spews out her mouth.

    And isn't it odd that although she "hates" the war with our terrorist enemies trying to destabilize Iraq, she insists we "get Israel out of Palestine[sic]?" I wonder how she thinks we should do that. You don't suppose she means militarily, do you? Is it actually possible that destroying America's only real M.E ally to satisfy our enemies would be a cause she wouldn't have been upset if her son had died for?

    This somewhat snarky piece is farely informative. It also showcases her dark side in that anti-Israel, pro-terrorist light she seems to enjoy basking in.

    And finally, why does no one ask the really soul searching question, "What if she gave a book signing, and no one came?" [o.k., it's a photo-shop job, but it's not meant to deceive, just amuse. BIG difference, AP - make a note of that!]

    YOU KNOW, I WONDER IF SHE AND JARED MIGHT NOT REALLY HIT IT OFF? She apparently has some time on her hands now. Go ahead, Jared, make your move.

  15. "And, ytba, you should maybe find out something about this woman, and not from demented sources like Morgan, before you stoop to criticizing people who have lost children." -- metro

    Leftists! Always playing the "she's a "victim" so she can't be criticized no matter what nonsense comes out her mouth." card. Well, loosing a child, sibling, parent, spouse,friend or even a pet doesn't give one license to lecture everyone else, many of whom have lost loved ones, about what they should or shouldn't think or do. It's pretty arrogant for that dim bulb to think she is an expert on everything just because her son died for something he believed in and which she hates. It's pretty lame of you to think we can be intimidated by that kind of manipulation.

    And, It's pretty obvious I know more of importance about "this woman" than you do (and WAY more than I care to). Her words and friends speak for themselves. Have you got any references to rebut mine? Or are you the typical Lefty who thinks you can say anything you want without any justification whatever?

    And, who's "Morgan?"

    Got any new tricks? Your old ones are getting pretty boring.

    (And I'm still expecting an appology for your misquoting me, as I pointed out above.)


  16. "A draft would make quick work of that little inequity....

    Neocons don't need CHOICES."
    -- pothead

    Why don't these guys read the real news instead of the Lefty bullspit?

    It was the Democrat Charley Rangel who tried recently to reinstitute the draft (and blame it on Bush and the Reps), and it was the Reps who nixed it.

    I wish they would get their facts straight.

    ( I know, I know. I need to "Live in the real world." )

  17. ybwhatever:

    Morgan is Melanie Morgan, SF right-wing radio personality who has accused Sheenan of addiction to pornography and of having an affair. She's also suggested that she has a bulls-eye or some such thing on Nancy Pelosi's head. The right wing has so surrendered to violent fantasies of murder and domination at this point it's kinda bizarre. Fortunately, at long last and slowly, the right's unsustainable urge to kill and murder is falling to pieces. It may take another couple years or so, but the collapse is at hand.

    The picture your link pulled up of Sheehan was not real; I do hope you realize that.

    You don't know anything about this woman but what the rightist media has told you.

    Her son enlisted to be a Eucharist Minister, not a combatant. You don't know his opinions. She and he were close (far closer, I suspect than shrewess Dr. Laura and her murderous son). I suspect Sheehan did know her son's aspirations and thoughts. So don't give me this stuff about how she betrayed his beliefs. That's crap and caddish. Only evil people belittle the mourning of wives and mothers for their fallen men.

    In fact, Sheehan was profoundly apolitical up till such time that her son died. I suspect he was as well.

    As for this anti-semitic crap, that was begun by Liddy, right wing talk-show host, adviser as to how to kill AFT agents, and criminal, who, because Sheehan criticized the Neo-Cons, accused her of anti-semiticism. His line was that Neo-Con = Jew, therefore Sheehan, in criticizing Neo-Cons, was antisemitic. The logic doesn't work. The people who were the guiding lights behind this war called themselves Neo-Cons. She's not an anti-semite, and it's slanderous to say otherwise.

    Learn something about this woman before you stomp on her.

    Are you man? Do you think it's right to insult the women of men who have fallen in war?

    Where's your sense of honor?

    Or is all this macho warrior crap just an fantasy.

    Are you old enough to enlist? If so, please do so and stop tapping your keyboard to insult people, like Sheehan, who have made real sacrifices.

  18. ytba:

    You've missed a major point about the draft.

    The real left now generally supports a draft.

    It would end the war, and it would prevent right-wing corporate (an, might I add, screwy Christian) war-profiteers like Blackwater from making obscene profits by fielding private armies.

    I, as a very deeply loyal leftie, like Charlie Rangel, completely support a draft.

    I imagine that that's Hashfanatic's perspective, too, but I'll let him (I assume Hashfanatic's a male, but I don't know for sure) speak for himself.

  19. "It was the Democrat Charley Rangel who tried recently to reinstitute the draft (and blame it on Bush and the Reps), and it was the Reps who nixed it."


    What's your point?

    It was an idea with merit and would have solved many of the country's problems, so of COURSE the Rethugs canned it...

  20. "I imagine that that's Hashfanatic's perspective, too, but I'll let him (I assume Hashfanatic's a male, but I don't know for sure) speak for himself."

    Yep. I am, and I do.

    We are in essential agreement on this topic, metro.


    (1) -- "Bring back the draft, and right wingers will bebeaten to death in the streets, I guarantee it." -- jared
    [i.e., the bad people who support the bad idea of the draft deserve death at the hands of the majority who are normal sensible folk like himself]

    (2a) -- "A draft would make quick work of that little inequity....
    Neocons don't need CHOICES."
    -- pothead
    [slamming us "neocons" for depriving folks of their free choice, the implied meaning being that the draft is a malicious idea concocted by manipulative people who don't respect individual freedom]

    (2b) -- "It [the draft] was an idea with merit and would have solved many of the country's problems, so of COURSE the Rethugs canned it..." -- pothead
    [this is your brain on drugs, pothead. GET HELP!]

    (3) -- "You've missed a major point about the draft.
    The real left now generally supports a draft"
    -- metro
    [missed the point? I don't think so! let me see if I have this straight. the "real" Left are the real "Neocons" while the evil "Neocons" are the real "Left.," or . . . "Those evil neocons will tell you black is white if they think you'll fall for it . . . oh, and don't those silly neocons know that black is white? sheesh!"]


    The more they try to confuse the issue and delude their readers, the more they only confuse themselves and reveal to us how lacking in substance they are.

    Thanks for making that clear. Great job guys!

    . . . to be continued.

  22. "...depriving folks of their free choice..."

    Did the 650,000 Iraqis you murdered have "free choice"?


    Thank you, "Patriot World", aka "The Real Bob Anthony".

    Now go be a good little autistic and take your Asperger's meds.

    You will never work in radio again!


    As Jeff Emanuel makes clear in "Anti-War Leftists Take Careful aim, Shoot Selves In The Foot Once Again" the Left resort to all manner of mental contortions to discredit the Right. In order to praise their phony "heroes" they have to slander the real ones. In their twisted world, nothing makes sense except what they want, and they stoop to the most perverse distortions of reality to "prove" the "superiority" of their fantasies over reality.

    If the Left is beginning to see the military draft as a good thing, why did they use it to be "SCARING UP DEM VOTES?" Why do they have to lie? (like I don't know the answer to that)

    ". . . while accusing Republicans of attempting to reinstate the draft, the Democrats are pushing legislation that attempts to do just that."

    It is interesting to compare the modern Left with the Left of the last Century. Both Hitler and Mussolini (yes, they were Leftists!) gained early popularity by using antiwar rhetoric. And we all know how they changed when they got the power they lied and bullied their way into.

    Let's face it. Leftists are hate filled fascist dissemblers who really don't want peace

    And have you noticed that whenever you show them to be wrong about something, they always attack you on something else? They desperately grasp at straws, looking for even the slightest mistake in our work while overlooking their overwhelming errors and the massive amount of material we get correct. It's a waste of time talking to them because they aren't interested in any real search for truth, they just want to shove their agenda down our throat, exactly as did their ideological fascist forebears.

  25. FUNNY

    Metro asks me "Are you old enough to enlist?"

    I served in the Navy in the early '70s.

    He also remarks, "The picture your link pulled up of Sheehan was not real; I do hope you realize that. "

    As the kids say, "No, DUH!" Right 'on the money', though.


    "Right 'on the money', though." -- me

    That's referring to the photo commentary on her motivation, not your speculation, btw.

  27. It is very simple why we need the draft, with the draft EVERYONE will have to sacrafice for the war. With the universal sacrafice, let's see how many Americans will sit on their ass and allow these filthy neo-con think tank degenerates to continue their warped little "democracy in the middle east war for profit" experiments.

    The draft would creat awarenessd of how filthy and corrupt the neo-con agenda is and would result in all neo-cons being public enemy #1 in America, nobody is going to sacrifice their children for big oil, for neo-con think tank theories of democracy in the Mid East, and because a few radical zionists demand we bomb Iran for Isreal's protection. If Isreal is so worried abut Iran, they should bomb Iran.
    With the draft, Americans will be very alart and aware of the neo-cons and far right Zionists and their agenda.
    Not too many Americans will want to serve their country for the neo-con agenda, therefore the enemies withoin our own government will become powerless, AEI will become obscure, PNAC obscure, and that low life Bill Kristol will craw back into his cave.

    The lack of the draft is the only reason why Americans don'tcare enough to stomp the neo-con scum to oblivion.

    With the draft, neo-cons will be driven out of America

  28. ytba

    Hitler and Mussilini were right wing fascists, there is nothing you can teach me, you filthy neo-con freak.

    your fake version of history flies in the face of reality.

    Your a pathological liar, youre ignorant, your 100% wrong on Hitler and Mussilini, projection once more.

    They were right wing fascists, did you even graduate High School? That is basic stuff douche bag.

    Only people grasping at straws are the 28% who still embrase this failed neo-con ideology, that would be you.

    America has left you behind scum bag.

    You are indeed an enemy of America, you should be deported

    You no longer control the politcal discourse.

    i will do what you scum bags have done for 20 years, question your patriotism. You take "R" over America, you take AEI and PNAC over America.


  29. I never claimed to be about peace and love.

  30. "Hitler and Mussilini were right wing fascists," -- mop head

    Some people are so gullible they will believe any nonsense they are told.

    They were to the "right" of Stalin, but only a little. They were to the far Left of Democracy and Capitalism. It's a "distinction without a difference," well, without a significant difference, that is. Anyway, it's meaningless. They have much more in common with Sheehan, Pelosi and Hillary than not.

    I gave you the references so you could see for yourself. If you're too lazy to bother with or too uneducated to understand them, those are problems you need to fix.

    "...there is nothing you can teach me, you filthy neo-con freak." -- mop head

    I can see that you are a slow learner and stubborn, not to mention that bad attitude of yours: all qualities of a good Democrat, btw. Hillary must be so proud.
