01 May 2007

Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Talk Radio, 'DC Madam'


'DC Madam' Auctioning Radio Interview Rights

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Will alleged 'DC Madam' Deborah Jeane Palfrey soon be laughing all the way to the bank?

With her apparent Capitol Hill call girl outfit now out of business, the Vallejo- based Palfrey is now looking to sell a different kind of service. According to the Internet talk radio company that represents her, rights to her exclusive interview will soon be sold to the highest eBay bidder.

And with major news networks in a frantic race to expose the names behind the phone numbers, her timing couldn't be better.

From their press release, issued late yesterday:

SAN DIEGO, April 30 /PRNewswire/ -- wsRadio, an Internet Talk Radio Network headquartered in San Diego, California, is making final preparations to auction the rights to exclusive radio interviews with Jeane Palfrey, aka "the D.C. Madam" on eBay. Interest in the Washington sex scandal is heating up with the sudden resignation of Mr. Randall Tobias, head of the Bush Administration's foreign programs on Friday. Tobias resigned a day after he was interviewed by ABC News who discovered his phone number among thousands of numbers on Palfrey's list.

Ms. Palfrey, who is charged by the Federal Government of running a high-end Washington D.C. prostitution ring, maintains that her D.C. business was a legal escort service operating from her Northern California home. "My business operated successfully without incident, as an adult fantasy service from 1993 thru 2006," stated Palfrey.

Chris Murch, president of wsRadio states "wsRadio has been producing custom high quality Internet talk radio for almost six years. We are thrilled Ms. Palfrey appreciates the power of the Internet and chose wsRadio as a cutting edge platform to share her story with the world." Murch added "We have received quite of bit of interest from a number of news outlets and advertisers from around the globe. We wanted to level the playing field, so eBay was the obvious choice."

With Palfrey attempting to portray herself as the victim of an overzealous prosecution, how will this move appear to the public? Right now, it seems she's milking the story for all it's worth.

Already, Palfrey appears to have some kind of Internet- based talk show on wsRadio.com. Meanwhile, on the television side, she's certainly kept ABC News happy by disclosing phone records to the network, which could lead to outed politicians on this week's 20/20 newsmagazine.

Given her background, however, can the news media trust her? Or, are they blinded by the desire to topple as many political figures as possible before the other networks beat them to it?

As all journalistic restraint is thrown out the window, get ready for fresh lows this week from our beloved mainstream media.

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