04 May 2007

JV & Elvis, Chinese Restaurant Prank, Free FM New York


Hosts In Asian Racial Flap Still MIA

Have two more talkers
lost their jobs over comments considered racially insensitive? As of tonight, it isn't completely clear, but our guess is that FREE FM / New York's JV & Elvis won't be returning to the airwaves anytime soon.

According to a website update posted today, the two "are still suspended until further notice" and fill- ins will occupy the slot next week.

Both were removed from the airwaves after airing a prank call to a Chinese restaurant which was considered by some to be anti- Asian in nature. On the FOX News Channel, Hannity & Colmes have spent quite a bit of time discussing this story since it first broke.

Here's a link to background information on the story.

In addition, there's a new discussion underway on this subject at the New York Radio Message Board.

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1 comment:

  1. Brian - I just heard that the two dj's were fired. I don't think it has hit the mainstream, yet.
