13 June 2007

Ben Stein, Al Franken Senate Run, Liberal Talk Radio


Switching Sides, Stein Fund$ Franken

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What's behind Ben Stein's bizarre contribution to Al Franken's US Senate campaign? The famous attendance- taker, game show host, author, economist, "window washer" and cartoon voice has broken from his longstanding habit of funding Republicans and conservatives to give Stuart one thousand dollars.

What's going on? Was he more sympathetic to his radical UC Santa Cruz students than previously believed?

Thanks to a sharp- eyed blogger at Fraters Libertas, what was missed by the mainstream media has now been revealed. Going a step further, writer Saint Paul contacted Stein to find out why in the world he would stoop to funding Smalley.

To his surprise, Saint Paul actually heard back, getting this response:

SP: I was recently reviewing Al Franken's FEC filing for donations and expenditures. I must say I was a little surprised to find what I believe to be your name on the contributors list (if he was paying you, I'd applaud it). I'm a great admirer of your work from the American Spectator and the other media commentary you've provided over the years. But I always thought you were reasonably conservative in your orientation. So why in the world do you want to stick up poor Minnesotans (and the rest of the country) with a comedian who fancies himself a second coming of secular St. Wellstone? He's going to be about as far left as one can be in polite company in this country. If you're friends with the guy, I understand the motivation. But actions like these have consequences. Can't you just shake his hand extra friendly-like at the next cocktail party and leave it at that?

BS: Al is a close friend and one of the smartest people I have ever met.

Okay, supporting a "close friend" is something everyone can understand, but is Al really so smart? When it comes to manipulating people and sucking radio networks dry, Franken's a genius.

On the issues, however, he's never been much of a thinker. Instead, he relies on "Team Franken" to do the heavy lifting.

Beyond that, Franken's antics at Air America are hard to ignore, but friendship may have caused Stein to overlook some of Al's quirks.

Doing some further digging, your Radio Equalizer discovered that this isn't the first time Stein has supported a moonbat. Despite an almost pristine record of funding GOP candidates across the country, he has twice sent money to money to former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, for a total of $2000 back in 2004. Was that widely known at the time?

While loyalty to a friend is admirable, Stein should strongly consider the damage a Senator Franken would do to Minnesota and the nation. Does he really want to see the alleged "comedian" take office, which would knock off Norm Coleman and set back GOP efforts to retake the Senate? Which is more important, personal ties or the future of America?

Franken Aid: David A Lunde, Stein image: Inc

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. From labor rights, to trade, fair taxation, asbortion, homosexuality, enviornment, energy and health care......

    America agrees with the "progressive" or "liberal"

    on all of these issues

    America is and has always been LIBERAL

    you and your 28% are the America hating moonbats.

    your agenda is rejected by most of this nation. conservatism is the fringe ideology, that has never been dominate in America. Never.
    Cons have had to cage voters, scrub ballots and screw with the election system in order to maintain their power.

    all they have left is FEAR.
    The only thing that EVER puts CONS in office becides FRAUD is their use of the fascist idea of FEAR for control.

    They are indeed the AL Queda's of America, fringe wack jobs, intent on destroying America

    expose them
    mock them
    try them for treason

  3. Jared, please repost your first comment without the obscene language.

    As for a suit from Franken, I would welcome it, he can sue me anytime he likes.

  4. Brian said:
    Jared, please repost your first comment without the obscene language.

    Brian, thanks for stepping in. These guys seem to get some form of self-gratification by pushing the civility envelope to the extreme.

  5. They can attack me all they want, but the language is getting out of control and there have been too many complaints. If I could edit the words out I would, but right now we don't have that option.

  6. "When it comes to manipulating people and sucking radio networks dry..."

    Brian, Air America should thank their lucky stars to have such a defender as you, against such "manipulators".

  7. As I typed before Brian yanked my post for offensive language (although the existance of right wingers themselves is more offenseive than any 4 letter word)

    Brian's statements on Franken (as much as he bored me to tears on the radio for 2 years) is boardering on defamaton of character, especially since the defamation involves accusation of a crime..... I'm thinking maybe Franken's legal team would be interested in the baseless accusations and defamating nature of Maloney's "reporting"

    Maloney thinks he is immune becuase he allies himself with the Bush crime family and the letter "R"... As libby learned "R" is no longer a get out of jail free card........

    I think Maloney should retract all of the lies and smear of Franken. IT is unprofessional and illegal to acuse someone of a money laundering scheme, which one had nothing to do with. Big differnece between Maloney doing this and me (for example) calling Savage a closet homosexual. It is not a crime to be homosexual...... Maloney alludes Franken broke the law, this is defamation of character. It would probably matter more if Brian had more than 30 readers.

    BTW Randi Rhodes linked to one of Baloney's postings, I forgot which one.

    Good for Ben Stein, he is an American and a patriot. He does not take party over country appearantly, especialy if he is backing Franken and Stein is a Republican. Those who do not take party over country have my complete respect. The party over country crowd are treasonous bastards.

  8. It doesn't surprise me that Ben Stein gave money to Franken at all. Ben Stein is a real conservative and not a neo-con or as I like to call them "non-conservatives". Franken's agenda is anti-welfare (corporate welfare) and anti-interventionist. He's also for balancing the budget and single payer health care (which would be great for American business). As a Minnesotan suffering under a false-conservative governor I see what the cons policies can do to quality of jobs, roads and education. I can't wait for Franken to win the election--and he will win because Norm Coleman is dumb, ineffective and doesn't stand a chance against Al in a debate.

  9. Oscar said:
    I can't wait for Franken to win the election--and he will win because Norm Coleman is dumb, ineffective and doesn't stand a chance against Al in a debate.

    Well, you picked the wrong day to post. Results are much more important to me than someone's debating style. Take a look at the following.

    From today's Minnesota Star Tribune:

    Minnesota tax burden is no longer in top 10

    It's the first time since 1981 that taxes in the state and spending have ranked so low.

    By Mark Brunswick, Star Tribune

    For the first time in about 25 years, Minnesota has dropped out of the top 10 in per capita tax rankings, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, and now stands 12th in the nation in state and local taxes as well as in spending.

    But when taxes and spending are measured as a percentage of personal income, the numbers really nosedive. By that measure, the state has fallen to 23rd in taxes and 31st in state and local government spending, according to the report from the Minnesota Center for Public Finance Research, an arm of the nonpartisan Minnesota Taxpayers Association.

    The numbers reflect years of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's no-tax-increase policies, the support of US Senator Norm Coleman, Minnesota budget cuts, and local government remaining in check as well.


  10. Maloney,
    We all really,really believe that readers exist out there who are actually offended by MOP's language.

    More likely it is your own sick, twisted value system that can be more offended by a four letter word over the sick and morally corrupt manner in the way you and your party has conducted itself over the past seven years.

    Benson with the shiteous blog,

    Objective observers of Minnesota politics know what a pandering piece of garbage Coleman is, pretending to be concerned about Iraq. Hopefully enough Minnesotans will see through the smoke screen to realize he is a butt-licking Bush lover.

    Does the phrase "butt-licking" offend you Maloney? I hope so.

  11. Elle Monica said:
    Hopefully enough Minnesotans will see through the smoke screen to realize he is a butt-licking Bush lover.

    What a classy elitist high-end non response!

    The correct response is:
    Hopefully enough Minnesotans will see through the liberal smoke screen to realize he has accomplished what he promised and campaigned for - LOWER TAXES with a continued high quality of life in Minnesota.

  12. "the state has fallen to 23rd in taxes and 31st in state and local government spending"

    Don’t worry Minnesota if the lib’s get elected they will work at making you number one.

  13. I have no knowledge of the Minnesota tax burden, except for this: U.S. Senators do not make state tax policy. So the state tax burden argument is a red herring, no matter if Franken or Coleman (or Ben Stein) is senator.

  14. The fact that Ben Stein has enough money that he can waste it by donating to Franken's vanity campaign shows just how strong today's economy really is.

  15. Brian,

    How about teaching a radio lesson to MoPoop? If an air personality went on such tirades, they get suspended. Maybe the same should happen to MoPoop and those who emulate him?

  16. Hey Benson Report, my point was that the high quality of life in Minnesota is quickly dropping. The disparity between the wealthy and the poor is increasing and the middle class is having to debt spend to make it. Foreclosures are way up and so are minimum-wage paying jobs. Pawlenty's tax cuts are costing people money... additionally, the roads are the crappiest they have EVER been. I'd rather have a good paying job that can keep up with inflation than a tax cut that effectively lowers my salary (not to mention the quality of the roads and schools).

  17. Donating to Nader was a smart strategic move. He had no chance of winning and took votes from the democratic side.

  18. Oscar said:
    my point was that the high quality of life in Minnesota is quickly dropping...Foreclosures are way up and so are minimum-wage paying jobs. Pawlenty's tax cuts are costing people money... additionally, the roads are the crappiest they have EVER been. I'd rather have a good paying job that can keep up with inflation than a tax cut that effectively lowers my salary (not to mention the quality of the roads and schools).

    I guess you must live in a different Minnesota than where I live.

    The amount of construction surrounding Minneapolis here is staggering.

    Multi-year new road and overpass construction projects abound - widening of the 494 and 694 - new home construction - new schools - new town centers, massive new shopping centers, theaters and national chain stores. These are all signs of a vibrant and growing economy.

    If you want to live in an area that keeps raising your taxes, then check out the benefits of New York City.

    Roads - avoiding those NYC potholes that go down to China - hey, that keeps the drivers awake.

    Minimum Wage Jobs - well come on! it's a Sanctuary City - what do you expect?

    Foreclosures? in NYC? Nah!

    And you'll absolutely love it there with the 8.375% NYC sales tax - I bet that sounds like heaven to you. Get your bags packed!

  19. PCD:How about teaching a radio lesson to MoPoop? If an air personality went on such tirades, they get suspended.

    I don't recall my tirade even having any 4 letter words in it, I'm sure I used the old **** out of the word to make the point but not print the word. The tirade would not result in a suspension unless I was a right wing talk show host, breaking character and speaking truth.

    Now, I suggest Maloney remove all refrence of Franken and the money laundering, as he is commiting defamation of character.

    Oscar nailed it, Stein is a pre-Reagan conservative, not a wacked out neo-con. What exactly positive have the new conservative movemment from the early 80's accomplished for the American worker?
    The only thing the GOP is good at is selling an ideology that goes aganst the best interest of 90% of this nation by means of scum like Limbaugh. The GOP is good at selling themselves, that is ALL. They mastered the art of deception.

  20. "Multi-year new road and overpass construction projects abound - widening of the 494 and 694 - new home construction - new schools - new town centers, massive new shopping centers, theaters and national chain stores. These are all signs of a vibrant and growing economy."

    Actually, they are not.

    They are signs of fiscal irresponsibility, drunken-sailor make-work schemes, graft, unbridled materialism, and a fundamental shift away from the family and the very values that once made Minnesota such a pleasant place to live, work, and raise children in.

    Benson, you seem utterly disconnected from the reality of what is important to everyday working people, what their concerns are, and what government (as opposed to multinational corporations) is to be concerned with.

  21. Initial comment
    the [Minnesota] roads are the crappiest they have EVER been. I'd rather have a good paying job that can keep up with inflation than a tax cut that effectively lowers my salary (not to mention the quality of the roads and schools).

    Hash Lover's response
    They are signs of fiscal irresponsibility, drunken-sailor make-work schemes, graft, unbridled materialism, and a fundamental shift away from the family

    What a typical leftist schizophrenic response!

    Who do you think gets paid to build the roads, the schools, the shopping centers? It's the workers who have good paying jobs.

    And who benefits from all these new amenities and low unemployment? Why, it is the Minnesota families. Imagine that!

  22. Wouldn't "workers" build the bridge to nowhere in Alaska??

    Just because a project exists doesn't necessarily mean there is a need for it, or that it is financially prudent at the time.

  23. Just because a project exists doesn't necessarily mean there is a need for it, or that it is financially prudent at the time.

    You're about 3,500 miles off base. We are talking about Minnesota, not Alaska.

    As anyone who lives in the state will agree, the construction projects here are necessary and financially prudent.

    Unlike states in the northeast, the population in Minnesota is expanding (more families) and the need for construction (more workers) of new roads, homes, and businesses is expanding (low unemployment).

  24. "Unlike states in the northeast, the population in Minnesota is expanding (more families) and the need for construction (more workers) of new roads, homes, and businesses is expanding (low unemployment)."

    Considering that you people multiply like rabbits, just about the only part of this I believe is that there are indeed more families...

    What about funding education?

    It's business interests in Minnesota that supports building roads. I believe that normal everyday Minnesotans are considerably less enthusiastic about BS "HOV" lanes and wasteful, useless, time-consuming tollbooths.

    Meanwhile, the governor was unwilling to fund public transit, until the populace screamed loudly enough to force a mandate....

    In Minnesota, as in the larger nation, conservatism and its misguided, ass-backwards policies have yielded an unsurpassed legacy of failure.

    The fact that people will turn to a boring AIPAC shill like Franken for restoration of Minnesota's fundamental values and sense of fair play speaks volumes as to how miserably conservatism fails to make the grade, even on a state and local level.
