11 June 2007

Cindy Sheehan Ranch, Bree Walker, KTLK Radio


Libtalker Taking Over Sheehan Ranch

In the finest tradition of lefties helping lefties, Cindy Sheehan's Texas ranch has been sold to Los Angeles- based libtalker Bree Walker (seen in photo below). Could this be the first moonbat- to- moonbat land transfer in Texas history?

Walker, a weekend host on Los Angeles "progressive" talker KTLK- AM, is getting the five- acre Crawford parcel outside for just $87,000, about $35,000 more than Sheehan paid for it.

According to CNN, the former "peace" activist refused to sell the land to Move America Forward, a conservative activist group partially led by KSFO- AM / San Francisco morning host Melanie Morgan:

Cindy Sheehan will sell her war protest site near President Bush's ranch to a California radio talk show host, who will preserve it as a peace memorial, her spokeswoman said.

Sheehan, who announced on Memorial Day that she was stepping down as the face of the anti-war movement, will sell the 5-acre site in Crawford for $87,000 to Bree Walker, Sheehan spokeswoman Tiffany Burns said.

"Cindy is happy the land is going to be used for something positive," Burns said. "But Cindy does not plan to have a continued presence there."

A telephone message left Friday with Walker, a former TV news anchorwoman who hosts a weekend talk show on KTLK-AM in Los Angeles, was not immediately returned.

Burns said Sheehan has been a guest on Walker's show several times and that Walker supports Sheehan.

Sheehan initially planned to sell the land on eBay with an $80,000 starting bid but scrapped the idea after getting an offer from Walker, Burns said. Since she bought the property last year for $52,500, Sheehan's group put in gravel roads, cleared brush, planted gardens and made other improvements that boosted the land's value, Burns said.

Sheehan had said she would not willingly sell to Move America Forward, an organization that supports the U.S. intervention in Iraq, which wanted to buy the land to erect a monument. The land in Crawford, about 100 miles south of Fort Worth, is about 7 miles from Bush's ranch.

Additional coverage is found at the Los Angeles Times.

For both sides, this is great deal: Sheehan's oddly ironic embrace of capitalism (what would Hugo Chavez think?) nets a nice return, while Walker builds moonbat street cred and promotes her obscure libtalk show.

But how relevant is the land to their movement at this point? With Bush's second term beginning to wind down, it's hard to imagine the point of beating this dead horse.

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  1. Is this the same Bree Walker who played the Scorpion Woman on Carnivale?

  2. Crappy web master :
    According to CNN, the former "peace" activist refused to sell the land to Move America Forward, a conservative activist group partially led by KSFO- AM / San Francisco morning host Melanie Morgan:

    did you expect Sheehan to sell it to that filthy, war mongering freak Morgan? why "peace" in quotes, Sheehan is indeed a peace activist.
    "human" should be quotes when refering to scum like Morgan, a disgusting, individual who only the filthies neo-con blood drinking pig can appreciate.

    Morgan would turn the site into a pro-war pro-GOP memorial, destroying the spirit of Camp Casey. Thank G*D sheehan did not sell it to that Zio-whore.

  3. Mitch, this is a woman who 20 years ago was an anchor at CBS2 in NYC doing the Noon News at a time when CBS 2 had a decent newscast before it became the flashy graphics and tabloid trash and young anchors under Joel Cheatwood at one point.

    Of course now CBS2, the also-ran of NYC TV News, is known for their health reports on eateries. Their propensity for that has led me to call CBS2 The Eat At Your Own Risk Channel--making a sarcastic barb at the title of said reports.

    And to MOP, calling Cindy Sheehan a peace activist is like calling Paris Hilton born-again--DUMB, DUMBER AND REALLY DUMB!

  4. MOP said:
    Thank G*D sheehan did not sell it to that Zio-whore.

    Now, come on, that was not called for.

    Let's have a civilized conversation, you ignorant, witless, intolerant, pseudo-intellectual elitist racist.

  5. What's the matter, benso...the truth hurts?

    You're hardly in any position to call anyone "elitist" or "racist".

    Bob/Patriot World....please take your Strattera before commenting...

  6. Bob Anthony:
    intolerant, pseudo-intellectual elitist racist

    in response to me calling Morgan, a Zio-whore, as in Zionist backing war whore, to clarify. I believe the right has used far worse terms to describe Cindy Sheehan. Explain what I'm "intolerant" about?? Should I be more tolerant of tatical nukes on Iran????? Ohhhh I don't support sacraficing American lives over Isreal's conflict with Iran?? Is that what I'm intolerant about? I simply don't want to see a peace memorial turned into a pro "bomb Iran" memorial, which is exactly what the war whore Morgan would have done to "Camp Casey".

    Elitist? Racist? Now what makes you say I'm racist? Criticising an agenda of another nation supposedly our allies? ohhhh I must be an Anti-semite? Right???????????????

    Listen carefully Bob Anthony: too bad, if you don't like it, too bad. Everyone gets fair treatment by me, including your darling satelite nation, Isreal. If you do not like it, tough Sh*t. You want American foreign policy run by another nation's interest, FINE, I don't desire to have America controlled by Isreal, and yes Bob, I was born Jewish. Difference between you and I, I take America first, you obviously take Isreal first, or you would not have attacked me.

  7. my mistake I mistook Bob Anthony for the other Anti-american, Isreal over America hack, Benson. The last post was directed for Benson

    Benson, when you pledge alligence is it to the white and Blue? or the red, white and blue?? Based on your statement, obviously you take the white and Blue.. Why do you feel it is necessary for America to fight their wars???????? Why are you silent when a right winger uses similiar insults against liberals, but when I use the term "zio-whore", you get your panties in a wad? Nothing insulting or racist about that statement, Lieberman, Morgan and the rest all take Isreal over America. 30,000 dead Americans would still mean nothing to you, as long as we do the bidding of Isreal.

    Let's have a civilized conversation, you ignorant, witless, intolerant, pseudo-intellectual elitist racist.

    I gave you a civl conversation. What was intolerant about my original post?????????????? I do not tolerate America being used by special interests I.E Isreali Lobhy, I would not support America acting on Muslim special interests either. I would not support America fighting the wars of say I dunno Australia either...... nothing intolerant, the message is simple. The problem you have is that I speak the truth, the idea of "dropping tatical nukes on Iran" is only "on the table" because of Isreal. Let's face REALITY.

    Now Bob Anthony" this hack posted
    And to MOP, calling Cindy Sheehan a peace activist is like calling Paris Hilton born-again

    what has Sheehan done Anti-peace???
    ohhhh I get it, pro-war is pro-peace, right wing fascist double speak?

  8. I was commenting on the often boorish comments made by nutroots extremists such as MOP (and his other aliases).

    He uses a tactic to intimidate other readers into his more simplistic and extreme position.

    Take a look at his past postings - they are filled with obscenties and other off-topic rejoinders. He specializes in replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking the person, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

    End result: The smart stuff is being drowned out by his fierce, unrelenting bullying, and often witless tone of intolerance that has overtaken the left-wing sector of the blogosphere. Anyone who doesn't move in lockstep with his extreme message is savaged and ridiculed.

    Bottom Line: He enjoys dishing it out, but has a real hard time when someone responds using similar tactics.

  9. Benson

    Fisrt of all Jared is MOP, you are talking to the same person idiot

    and I asked you a question

    who do you pledge alligance to?

    The white and Blue
    the red white and blue?

  10. Benson:Anyone who doesn't move in lockstep with his extreme message is savaged and ridiculed.

    Bottom Line: He enjoys dishing it out, but has a real hard time when someone responds using similar tactics.

    HYSTERICAL, I do what the right has done for 25 years. You can not handle it now can you?

    your side owns no copyright on anger, if Coulter can do it, if Beck can do it, if Limbaugh and Savage can do it,

    SO CAN I
    and I will NEVER STOP

    and my message is not extereme, your party loyalty to "R" over America and your pavlov like response to the term "zio" proves another thing you take Isreal first and "R" first. America is down on your list. THAT IS EXTREME, that is RADICAL, and 90% of this country would think your a traitor for taking party over country and Isreal over America.

    You are the moonbat 28%er

  11. MOP (and his other multiple aliases) said
    Fisrt of all Jared is MOP, you are talking to the same person idiot

    Just proves my previous points...
    * Poor spelling
    * No review of grammar before posting
    * Name calling
    * Asking irrelevant, not germane questions

  12. Benson:
    * No review of grammar before posting
    CORRECT, i have better things to do
    * Name calling
    When the right stops calling the majority of America "moonbats', when it your side that is radical, I will stop the name calling
    * Asking irrelevant, not germane questions

    Very relevant question. You attacked me for using the term "zio-whore". I draw a conclusion as to why that bothered you so much.. You called me intolerant.... Intolerant towards who or what? "whores" or Isreali policies controlling America? My question is valid. Who do you support more Isreal or America? "R" or America?

    Not hard. What Am I intolerant towards? Obviously the answer is Isreali policy controlling America's military. So I ask, I suppose you support this policy of doing the bidding. Am I wrong?

  13. Jared, just wait until they start hurling "self-hater" at you, the ultimate psyops maneuver, hurled at you for not supporting PNAC, not supporting the apartheid state...

    Read the neocon responses to American teenager Rachel Corrie's being run over by a bulldozer and you'll get a graphic idea of how they REALLY feel about their fellow Americans...

    Benson is bush league.

  14. "Is this the same Bree Walker who played the Scorpion Woman on Carnivale?"

    Yes. (I'm not familiar with the show, but someone just gave me this information.)

    BTW: Cindy Sheehan is not a "moonbat" unless the dictionary definition of "moonbat" is "PATRIOT"! (A *real* one, not these power-grabbers screaming "Terra! Terra!")

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
