20 June 2007

Clintons Sopranos Spoof Video, Bill O'Reilly, New York Post, Daily News


Clintons Sopranos Parody Sees Rival Papers Converge

In a spoof even arch- enemy Bill O'Reilly apparently likes, a Sopranos- style video starring none other than Bill & Hill has so far proven a smash success, with conservatives and liberals alike enjoying a chuckle or two after viewing it:

But the weirdest reaction by far surely came from New York City's newspapers, where a rare alignment of the journalistic planets occurred.

What else explains the New York Post and archrival Daily News featuring virtually the same cover?

Forget Journey's "Don't Stop Believing", it seems Foreigner's "Double Vision" is the more appropriate jukebox selection here.

Could they sue each other for copyright infringement?

Here comes one heck of a weird political season, are you ready?

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  1. Meh...sappy and silly, yet harmless, I guess.

    I just can't imagine it being entertaining enough to hold anyone's attention for more than five seconds, much less giving it this inordinate amount of attention...

    Isn't there ANYTHING more interesting to waste time on?

  2. I am truly disappointed in you Maloney. Both Think Progress and that skank Michelle Malkin are doing meaty posts on the Fairness Doctrine and you got your head up your ass writing about irrelevant crap.

    Are you not the top analyst in the blogoshpere on the radio industry? Are you the RadioEqualizer or are you Mr. Irrelevant?

  3. elmonica, I see you are in quite rare Hugo Chavez worshiping form calling Michelle a skank--TYPICAL!

    I took a look at the "report" by this bunch of commies and I have one thing to say:


    Or to put things succinctly, this group, founded by a CLINTONISTA in John Podesta, wants the Fairness Doctrine--ANYTHING BUT--to be put back on the table because talk radio isn't meeting with these whining crybaby brats' political means.

    Libs have just about everything else in the media and have tried and failed with liberal talk radio and I am not surprised they are trying again with Hot Air America. Why don't they listen to those commie college stations or ones that carry Pacifica?

    Matter of fact, I think the whole matter with WIOD and Broward County, FL may have had some undertones of the fairness doctrine. One of the stations considered for replacing WIOD was WLRN--a NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO affiliate--fits in perfectly with the libs who run gubmint down in Broward.

    Oh, and you can add Neal Boortz to the list of those commenting on this lengthy, predictable edict to try and bring back the (UN)Fairness Doctrine. He promises at his site a mini-essay on this "report."

  4. Anthony,
    now to smack you around like the 21%er you are. You total hack....

    Party over country irrelevant 21%er posted:
    Libs have just about everything else in the media and have tried and failed with liberal talk radio

    This delusional flunkie still sees an imaginary liberal media, a media including the NY Times that sold his degenrate GOP's war for 1 1/2 solid years, a media that refuses to cover voter supression, a media that refuses to cover Bush's violation of the presdiental records act (impeachable offense) a media that cancelled the news in 1996 and you sit there and shriek "lib media", are you mentally retarded? seriously, what the hell are you smoking? Is it Jerry Garcia brand black tar heroin?

    Anti-american "R" over America freaK POSTED:
    John Podesta, wants the Fairness Doctrine--ANYTHING BUT--to be put back on the table because talk radio isn't meeting with these whining crybaby brats' political means.

    Why are con sh*ts so terrifed of the fairness doctrine? Is it because with both view points side by side, America gravitates to the left? I think that's what you cowards fear, when America hears both sides, YOU LOSE. All polls show that America HAS TURNED left, and with both sides fairly represented, YOU LOSE in the eyes of America. America does not want endless war, and privitization of our schools, 100% privitization of healthcare, America does not want a unitary executive, America is pro-choice, America understands global warming is real, America is pro stem cell research, America favors diplomacy over dropping bombs, America is fine with gays in the military and inching closer to gay marriage, America does not believe the "free market" is the solution to poverty, America thinks the tax cuts need to be scaled back from the rich.

    Bob Anthony, when you listen to talk radio ,you have an alternate reality, a reality disconnected from the pulse of America. RNC radio is for the moonbats, the 20%er, YOU. You are disconnected and irrelevant. Cons are today's "communist party", few followers and irrelevant.

    Deal with it hack, and the only reason RNC radio is so powerful, radio is run by pasy white closet case "R" over country hacks. They need to slant right, the result of slanting right de-regulation and monopoly, resulting in endless hours of fringe moonbat RNC talk. With more OWNERS , the radio opens up to more viewpoints, and the right becomes less dominant on the radio.

    Rob Anthony fears a fairness doctrine and s*its his pants at the idea of reversing the de-regulatory bills... You hacks should kiss Clinton's ass, he handed the media over to big conglomerate media.

  5. "Why don't they listen to those commie college stations or ones that carry Pacifica?"

    Why don't YOU, Forrest Gump??

    Too many big words? Can't focus long enough?


    You can have your meds adjusted at any time, you know...don't blame us for your dysfunctions.

    "...add Neal Boortz to the list..."

    I can suggest an even better list that a piece of filth like that needs to be added to...but you'd probably cry...

    Go back to moonbattery.com, you worthless little insect.

    "that skank Michelle Malkin are doing meaty posts..."

    Elmonica, there's only one kind of "meaty post" that the shirt laundress is currently working on...and it don't have a thing to do with any doctrine, fair or otherwise....
