25 June 2007

Janeane Garofalo Ratatouille Promotional Tour, Bill O'Reilly


Promoting Cartoon, Garofalo Bashes FOX, O'Reilly

Is Janeane Garofalo capable of even one unangry moment in her life?

Even while promoting a cartoon, the former Air America Radio hothead can't refrain from taking shots at her enemies, especially Bill O'Reilly and the FOX News Channel.

From the Boston Herald's Edge:

Comic Janeane Garofalo injects some sass into the male-dominated culinary world with “Ratatouille,” opening in theaters Friday.

In this Disney-Pixar project about a country rat with a passion for cooking, Garofalo voices Colette, the lone woman in a kitchen full of men at a top Paris restaurant.

Thanks to Colette’s French accent, it would be hard to make the connection between the comic and the cook - if it weren’t for Garofalo’s trademark razor wit.

“I saw no need to make fun of French people. It’s embarrassing,” said Garofalo during an interview in Boston last week.

The politically outspoken actress said she objected to a line of dialogue that made it into the film in which Colette equates her anger at the new chef to being French.

The former Air America radio host said she is against any kind of France-bashing.

“Fox News is embarrassing for everybody. As if the French are bummed that Bill O’Reilly doesn’t like them,” she said.

Janeane, what's the connection between your "French" character and Bill O'Reilly? That's quite a stretch.

Besides, France and the United States have resumed their previously- close friendship. For someone who claims to be so intelligent, Garofalo sure doesn't follow the news very carefully. From ABC News, here's a clue:

U.S., France celebrate ties after Iraq discord


"The more we work together, the better things will be and the more we are together, the stronger we will be," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told a joint news conference on Sunday before hosting a dinner for Rice.

"On a great many topics of current events, we had a chance to see how close we are. At times, we did not see things eye to eye. It is good, among friends, to speak frankly," he added.

Rice was equally effusive, offering "great congratulations" to Sarkozy on his election victory.

She also praised Kouchner for his work with Medecins Sans Frontieres -- the aid group he co-founded -- which she described as "one of the finest organizations ... ever created."

Analysts said the cordiality should not obscure the many areas where the two countries disagree, including French misgivings about NATO expansion, U.S. plans for a missile defense shield in Europe and U.S. support for Israel.


"There is a new climate ... There is a new sense of confidence but it's more in the tone and in the style than necessarily in the content," said Dominique Moisi, senior counselor to the French Institute of International Relations.

Boardroom Janeane: Pete at IHillary

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  1. Those who are familiar with "the streets" might want to speculate on her various issues on display in this horrific video. Thankfully, she can be cured.

    Also, I think O'Reilly has now backtracked on his blockade against France, so she's not even au courant.

    P.S. This site is still missing from Wikipedia's Air America page.

  2. Brian Maloney: Why is it that when Air America loses a station or something like that, you make hey, but when Internet Radio or KFO is ending, it's "Almost too late", & "Help", & 'Whatever are we going to do'?!? Apparently, you rejoice to some things going off, and hate the very idea of other things ending.

  3. Oh, stop. Since when did anyone who has stumbled upon his pathetic little blob though that Baloney is anything other than a pasty pudgy right wing dirty trickster, tasked by the closet-case pudgies in the GOP to collapse Air America with false ratings, rumours and (if that fails) lining up a bunch of Southern rednecks GOP-base morbid obesities to sit on them.

  4. Greg said: Baloney is ... tasked by the closet-case pudgies in the GOP to collapse Air America with false ratings

    So, Greg, link to one of the "false ratings" used by this blog and document how it truly is false.

    Also, when I look at the pictures for gregrocker on myspace and at the one for Brian at this blog, I would say that YOU look pudgier, where you claim you have "more to love". So cut the fat talk--It is very immature.

  5. It's not about O'Reilly at all.

    It's about neocon morons carrying on and blaming France for all of their own inferiority complexes....and their inability to stop, once France itself elected a pro-Israel neocon to office, and the need for yet another manufactured enemy evaporated.

  6. I have no profile on myspace YOU FAT MISSOURI REDNECK HICK. And I am a career Navy SEAL who is one of the best built men in the world. So suck on my fatty, you waddling lardassed lemming !

  7. A response from Greg!

    However, as expected, no citation of the allegedly false Air America ratings.

    You now claim to be a career Navy Seal, but your constant "fat" namecalls do make you seem very immature. Also my picture of a true career Navy Seal does not include someone who listens to Air America frequently. It is hard enough to get above water, let alone while you are out on maneuvers. However your last comment makes you sound like you are more of a Village People equivalent of a Navy Seal, rather than a true member of the military.

    My apologies to the 18 year old who is on MySpace using the name gregrocker.

  8. "Also my picture of a true career Navy Seal does not include someone
    who listens to Air America frequently."

    Why? Air America is not a progressive network any more...

    Or perhaps you figure, if they were capable of stringing two thoughts together in English, they wouldn't be Navy SEALS in the first place?

    "However your last comment makes you sound like you are more of a Village People equivalent of a Navy Seal, rather than a true member of the military..."

    Why? Do you hate gay people in general? Or maybe you hate only gay Navy SEALS in particular?

  9. Missouri: Also my picture of a true career Navy Seal does not include someone who listens to Air America frequently.

    do you think only cons serve? My ex-fiance is in the military, I met all of her fellow soldiers, none of them were right wingers, none of them . Deal with it, most in the military are not con sh*ts, con sh*ts only support the war form their couch.

  10. Hash:

    Greg's last line included "So suck on my fatty..." which sounds like some kind of intimate encounter, not the kind of thing I have ever done with men. I do not hate gays, but I exclude myself from their fun and games.

    Hash and MOP:

    I do not know any career Navy Seals personally, but I always assumed they engaged in intense, active physical activity, much of it under water, much of it far from the US. I could envision them routinely listening to music that would pump them up on their mp3 players or Walkmans, but never visualized them listening to AM radio at all, much less the oft remarked weak Air America signals.

    One of the controversies had to do with the one hour per weekday of the Rush Limbaugh program carried on Armed Forces Radio. It was stated that there was no equivalent airtime given to Air America. This also makes it less clear how a career Navy Seal listens frequently to Air America.

  11. Why are we obligated to provide the military with ANY political talk radio?

    Give 'em the NEWS, the alerts, the weather, and return 'em to music, or (even more radically) tell them to get back to WORK.

  12. According to Rush, the military was surveyed and asked their preferences among 25 programs. The Rush Limbaugh show came out as the most requested. Like Paul Harvey says, "the rest of the story" is that the Rush show was not on the list: It was a write-in.

    So, simply, the military gets the Rush show because they asked for it.

  13. Maybe too much time listening to doped-up rantings and too little time doing their jobs is why the occupation is a failure.
