14 June 2007

Liberal Talk Radio, Air America, Ed Schultz


At Convention, Libtalkers Make Their Case

(Continuing Coverage From The Recently- Held Talk Radio Convention In New York City)

After a brutal year for their format, perhaps the only realistic goal was to let the industry know that liberal talk radio still exists.

While the embattled hosts and their syndicators may have at least accomplished that much during the recently- held New Media Seminar in New York City, overcoming a widespread belief that "progressive" radio has failed in a spectacular fashion could prove much more difficult.

More than three years after the high- profile launch of Air America Radio, the company continues to survive, though in a downsized form. And even that is only because a wealthy Manhattan landlord / developer, Stephen L Green, bought the network to give his brother, perennial candidate Mark Green, something to do.

And Al Franken's high- profile departure to run for the US Senate has had a mixed result. While his bloated salary and perks, including a huge staff to oversee his boring show, greatly hurt Air America, he was its star and generally achieved the biggest ratings. His presence at this type of event in the past was sure to attract attention, but this year there was no similar draw.

But Air America has done a couple of things right this time around, even if it seems to beat a dead horse. It hired David Bernstein, a well- regarded professional who previously ran a number of major talk radio stations, to oversee programming.

In addition, it has poured more money into marketing, which was evident at this year's convention. Sponsoring a cocktail party where some decidedly un- PC hors d'oeuvres were served (don't tell PETA about the lobster claws!), Air America also handed out T-Shirts, buttons and a glossy press packet featuring full- color photos of the network's air talent.

But your Radio Equalizer couldn't help but wonder why Air America's hosts are still above mingling with the programmers, hosts and executives gathered at the convention.

Sean Hannity doesn't feel he's too important to do this, why do they? And why not learn something from the panel discussions? Many people travel a thousand miles or more to attend, all these guys need to do is hop into a cab for a quick ride.

Other than a brief appearance by Randi Rhodes for the cocktail party, the only Air America host seen throughout the convention was Lionel, who recently left his longtime home at WOR to join the liberal talk network. But he has generally always attended these events.

Beyond Air America, other libtalkers have also recently lost a number of affiliates and the brash overconfidence of years past was replaced by a low- key approach. The main exception to that was Ed Schultz, who made an impassioned plea to stick with the faltering format.

Sounding frustrated and downright angry, Schultz told the convention audience, "are we doomed to fail? No! I'm here to show you the black ink."

Also looking to refute indications of sagging audience figures, Schultz said "we have proven you can get ratings on lesser signals."

The Fargo- based syndicated talker's presentation also addressed listener concerns that he isn't liberal enough, saying that not every compelling topic is political in nature, something he claims other "progressive" talkers don't seem to understand.

Beyond that, Schultz says he wants to be judged on the quality of his show, rather than the ideology.

While one can appreciate Schultz's passion after so much failure and disappointment for libtalk, at this point, the industry has pretty much written off "progressive" radio. If they can stop the bleeding and even pick up a number of new stations (a few dozen at least), the format might have a shot at survival.

Otherwise, liberal talk radio will continue to struggle in a broadcaster's version of purgatory, heard on satellite radio and the Internet, but hardly anywhere else.

Images by David A Lunde

SAVE Internet radio: it's almost too late!

To support the Radio Equalizer, please contribute at the Honor System box in the upper right corner. Thanks again! Contributions are still needed to cover the cost of travelling to these events.

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  1. Hack posted:
    Otherwise, liberal talk radio will continue to struggle in a broadcaster's version of purgatory, heard on satellite radio and the Internet, but hardly anywhere else

    Brian as someone who supports internet radio, you should know that internet radio and other methods are slowly eclipsing over the air radio, which is struggling nation wide. Lib talk struggling? Considering most affiliates are rimshot stations which have never scored a rating point before "lib talk" came to town, you have no argument. BTY Buffalo's "lib talker" is kicking ass in the ratings and tripled the listenership. And every single station that has flipped from "lib tak" to "ESPN sports" has dropped of the radar.

    Obscuring the facts again Brian. I study the ratings on a regular basis, I have access to the books, and obey the laws of not printing direct stats. The arbitrons show the opposite, "lib tak" is a perfect format for a small rim shot AM, the ratings have increased for every micro station that has picked up the format, and those who drop it (due to the cost) have suffered. Numbers do not lie.

    On the other habd RNC radio is gaining nothing, still the same 55 year old plus KINGS, and poor ratings for every other age group.

    when they sell RNC radio, they don't tell the buyer the majority of their listenrship is over 55+

  2. MoPoop,

    You'd be a tad more credible if you had more that 50 listeners.

  3. Having Baloney attempt to describe Air America in a rational unbiased way, instead of just sneering as the rightist AAR-tasked dirty trickster he is, is like watching a fat GOP chickenhawk child molester trying to describe his local Boy Scout troop without getting aroused. Is there anything that you filthy lying morbidly-obese rightist pigs aren't predators upon like Rush Limbaugh snorting his crack off the buffet restaurant's toilet seat?

  4. "It hired David Bernstein, a well- regarded professional who previously ran a number of major talk radio stations, to oversee programming."

    How do you know about Mr. Bernstein, Brian? Is there any pertinent information about this that you'd like to disclose, at this juncture?

  5. "Other than a brief appearance by Randi Rhodes for the cocktail party, the only Air America host seen throughout the convention was Lionel, who recently left his longtime home at WOR to join the liberal talk network. But he has generally always attended these events."

    I'm sure Lionel WOULD nothing else worthwhile to do, but line his pockets with tinfoil and scarf up some freebie appetizers.

    Lionel is in no way "progressive"....and neither is Air America 2.0....

  6. Brian,

    I think you have come up with a great slogan for the repeated abject failures of liberal radio.


    Yeah, that's the ticket. The catchy slogan puts aside any attempt to show relevancy to today's issues. And it reaffirms their desire to tug on the Progressive's heartstrings. Gotta give the libs credit - they keep trying.

  7. If Lionel has his pockets lined with tinfoil, what's covering his head?

  8. yet Benson America fully rejects conservatism, and has swung futhur to the lefty than Air America

    tax issues America has gone to the left
    enviornmental issues, America has gone to the left

    social issues to the left


    your a fring moonbat, the majority does not need a talk show to affirm their msinstream positions I suppose

    the right, deep down knows they are fringe wack job moon bats and need a drug addled or a closet gasy conservstive talk show freak to affirm their position

  9. This is just the final remnant, MOP.

  10. Benson, poor guy
    The catchy slogan puts aside any attempt to show relevancy to today's issues

    Hysterical, on every single issue America leans left

    from health care
    to the economy
    to social issues
    to redistibution of wealth and tax cuts
    to the enviornment
    America clearly leans LEFT

    just read every sinlgle public opinion poll, dont cry "lib lib polls", EVERY poll, shows the same thing, EVERY LAST ONE

    your ideas are the moonbat ideas

    your side strikes no relevancy with over 70% of America 9and Im not talking about bush's approval) im talking every issue
    America clearly leans left

    and the media won't tell you

    the media (the same one these useful idiots hate) is there to make cons feel better, to make them feel relevant, while in reality the American people reject conservative ideology in droves

    Reailty, hurts the fragile con mind

  11. Well, no disclosure from Maloney regarding his relationship with Bernstein.

    How shocking.
