27 June 2007

Talk Radio, Elizabeth Edwards Calls Ann Coulter During Hardball, Fairness Doctrine


Edwards Call: For Fundraising Or Fairness Doctrine?

*** Update: Rush Limbaugh addresses topic, transcript here ***

Why did MSNBC allow the wife of a presidential candidate to launch a sneak attack against a key conservative pundit on live television? And just what was the campaign's reason for this sleazy, televised tactic?

Without alerting guest Ann Coulter in advance, MSNBC's Hardball allowed Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards, to confront her during the show. Utilizing a variety of cheap debate tactics, she phoned Coulter "to ask her politely to stop the personal attacks."

The resulting exchange has the Internet on fire today.

Because the Edwards campaign has previously used Coulter as a lefty fundraising tool, conservatives are wondering whether Elizabeth's trick will be incorporated into a campaign ad. In addition, at NewsBusters, there's concern this might be related to attempts by Democrats to shut down talk radio:

After seeing the coverage of this matter Wednesday morning, a revelation made at MSNBC’s “Hardblogger” emits a bit of a rodent aroma leading one to believe that this entire incident was set up not just to embarrass Coulter, but possibly to advance the current Democrat push to squash conservative talk radio.

From MSNBC's First Read, here's a partial transcript of the exchange:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: You know who's on the line? Somebody to respond to what you said Edwards yesterday morning -- Elizabeth Edwards. She wanted to call in today we said she could. Elizabeth Edwards go on the line you're on the line with Ann Coulter


CM: You wanna say something directly to the person who's with me?

EE: I'm calling you … in the south when we -- when someone does something that displeases us, we wanna ask them politely to stop doing it. Uh - I'd like to ask Ann Coulter -- if she wants to debate on issues, on positions -- we certainly disagree with nearly everything she said on your show today -- um but uh it's quite another matter for these personal attacks that the things she has said over the years not just about John but about other candidates -- it lowers our political dialogue precisely at the time that we need to raise it. So I want to use the opportunity … to ask her politely stop the personal attacks.

ANN COULTER: OK, so I made a joke -- let's see six months ago -- and as you point out they've been raising money off of it for six months since then.

CM: This is yesterday morning, what you said about him.

AC: I didn't say anything about him actually either time.

EE: Ann, you know that's not true. And once more its been going on for sometime.

AC: I don't mind you trying to raise money. I mean it's better this than giving $50,000 speeches to the poor.

EE: I'm asking you

AC: Just to use my name on the Web pages…

EE: I'm asking you politely…

AC: … but as for a debate with me, um yeah, sure. Yeah, we'll have a debate

EE: I'm asking you politely to stop personal attacks.

AC: How bout you stop raising money on the Web page then?

EE: It didn't start it did not

AC: No you don't have cause I don't mind

EE: It did not start with that you had a column a number of years ago

AC: OK, great the wife of a presidential candidate is calling in asking me to stop speaking

CM: Let her finish the point...

AC: You're asking me to stop speaking stop writing your columns, stop writing your books.

CM: OK, Ann. Please.


EE: You wrote a column a couple years ago which made fun of the moment of Charlie Dean's death, and suggested that my husband had a bumper sticker on the back of his car that said ask me about my dead son. This is not legitimate political dialogue.

AC: That's now three years ago

EE: It debases political dialogue. It drives people away from the process. We can't have a debate about issues if you're using this kind of language.

AC: Yeah why isn't John Edwards making this call?

From KXMC-TV's Say Anything blog:

Here’s the best reaction to the back-and-forth I’ve read yet from Bart Hinkle at the Richmond Times Dispatch:

In case you had any lingering doubts about Ann Coulter’s approach to politics, watch this video. Elizabeth Edwards asks Coulter to stop making vicious personal attacks and debate the issues instead. Coulter’s response: “The wife of a presidential candidate is asking me to stop speaking.” Uh, no. That’s precisely not what Edwards said. The wife of a presidential candidate asked Coulter to speak about issues

Coulter could have responded that she does just what Al Franken, Steven Colbert, and plenty of other entertainers do: Use humor to raise questions about the behavior of people in power.

Asking why John Edwards has charged $50,000 a pop for speeches is a legitimate question. But Coulter isn’t interested in actually debating opponents. She just wants to put words in their mouths and then ridicule them for what they didn’t say.

My sentiments exactly.

Actually, this is far from the case: during radio and TV interviews, your Radio Equalizer has repeatedly heard Coulter debate all comers (even earlier yesterday on the Howie Carr Show), taking opposing callers without hesitation. And there are plenty of bona fide issues discussed during these exchanges.

At the same time, MSNBC is guilty of unprofessional behavior in failing to alert Coulter that Elizabeth Edwards would be among the callers. That put the author / pundit at an unfair disadvantage.

In particular, Chris Matthews should have known better. Would he throw surprise guests into the mix when liberals appear on his program? Worse, Matthews is outright aiding the Edwards campaign by providing fodder for their next fundraising letter.

It's one more reason not to trust the Hardball host.

Frankenstew: David A Lunde, Coulter with sunglasses: MSNBC

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  1. You are one sick degenerate freak of nature Maloney, defending this filthy whore???

    She is a "key conservative"?

    If that is the case, the conservative movement is DEAD in the WATER, she is a hack, who uses a shadow writer for her books, which I read. You and your fellow 21%er are pathetic as can f*cking be. Coulter should be happy MSNBC even has her on as a guest, she is a f*c*ing HACK.
    Having your irrelevant slut on is not enough for you ? You expect MSNBC to lick her testicles (which she might have) as well?

    Is there any difference between Coulter an an anarchist on the street? NONE, both are radical moonbat sociopaths, only difference big media givces this warped she-male wack job a forum.

    F*CK COULTER, a media whore who laughs all the way to the bank.....

    all these right wingers urinate in the face of their audience on a regular basis.

    How soaked is your face Maloney?

    pathetic, this is the conservative party in 2007, lead by a dead-head tour rat, who writes snappy one liners

    If she is the "key conservative" say hello to 100 years of Democratic party domination

    pleaseeeee keep this freak as your spokesperson.... please!!
    she provides hours of liberal talk radio, great material, and every time she speaks another 100,000 Americans leave the Republican party

  2. Coulter truly represents mainstream conservative thought....America's lowest common denominator.

    What a skank toolbag she is.

  3. and to think cons are upset they had Mrs. edwards on the program as well, cons should be happy they had her on at all, giving her a forum is like giving a a nut case from the rubber room on.

    and then they cry lib media
    when CNN is giving her an open forum, MSNBC had her on for a solid hour!!!

    yeah liberal media
    Waxman issued the suponea to Cheney today and Waxman got 2 minutes on CNN, and Coulter get a solid hour
    amazing, yep the media is "liberal"


  4. That's the idea, to divert the public from what's really happening, with an anorexic crack whore, on a barstool, in the sun.

    Considering what most Rethug men have to go home to at the end of the day, it doesn't take much....

  5. hashnut said
    That's the idea, to divert the public from what's really happening, with an anorexic crack whore, on a barstool, in the sun.

    Sounds similar to a woman who makes fake claims about her "alleged cancer" to drum up donations from suckers on the left, while her husband dodges the tough questions in order to get his $400 haircuts.

  6. MOP/Jared/?
    Mrs. Edwards set a fine example for you. Why not have your "Mommy" write in and tell all those bad conservatives to quit being so mean to you?
    Jeez, the Clairol Kid couldn't even face Anne Coulter himself?

  7. "'Sounds similar to a woman who makes fake claims about her "alleged cancer...'"

    Oh, you mean Laura Ingraham??

    "...in order to get his $400 haircuts?"

    Maybe Americans are looking for someone who seems more like Edwards, than someone who looks like one of yours?

    Just a guess.

    I mean, hey, WE paid for Nancy's farking dishes, no?

    WE'RE paying almost a trillion for a war that was an utter failure.

    You tell me how worried I should be over John Edwards' hair...

  8. "Jeez, the Clairol Kid couldn't even face Anne Coulter himself?"

    What self-respecting man WOULD?

    There are racetracks in North Carolina, you know.

  9. Hashnut said:
    Oh, you mean Laura Ingraham??

    No, I was referring to the filthy whore Elizabeth Edwards who unsuccessfully tried to pull on the heart-strings of the libbies for contributions by spinning her fabricated story about cancer. Honestly, who can believe a skank like this? Even her husband is more concerned about his manly mane and staying on the road to promote his 2nd failed political attempt at office.

  10. Waxman issued the suponea [sic] to Cheney today and Waxman got 2 minutes on CNN, and Coulter get a solid hour
    amazing, yep the media is "liberal"

    That's one minute, fifty seconds longer than pigface deserves.

    How soaked is your face Maloney?

    After the keyboard pounding, spittle flying rants of MoPoop and Chopped Hash, it's probably drenched.

  11. The difference is that Ms. Edwards actually has a REAL health battle (and, by the way, one that most normal Americans actually respect) on her hands.

    Unlike. Laura. Ingraham. Ever. Had.

    Face it, Ann Coulter's sentiments reflect the basis of everyday neoconservative thought processes, and what you REALLY want to see happen to the liberals you regard as your true enemy, blinded by rage at your own failed ideologies and your own miserable defeat at war.

    You substitute "Islamics" and Mexicans simply because it's inconvenient to persecute blacks and Jews at the moment.

    You, benson, are a complete loser at life, and those dreaded "librulls" are the only thing that stand between peace on the green, sluffing your Glenlivet (as old housedress Barbara and George did before ye....)

    What can I say, you fetid parasite?

    Go worship Man Coulter. I hope she's more pleasing to look at than whatever old syphilitic nag you've got waiting at home....

    I'd have the Edwards' in for dinner and pleasant conversation ANY day.

    They represent America's values a helluva better then some terminally ill oaf with an eighteen-year history as a lobbyist and a trophy slut waiting on the big payoff ever would.

  12. "That's one minute, fifty seconds longer than pigface deserves."

    John, Limpbowel wasn't on CNN today.

  13. Benson,

    You are a filthy degenerate, you vile piece of excrement, Mrs. Edwards has cancer, freak. Not a joke, to you everything is a joke, I guess thats why you gravitate to a acid head like Coulter, I have many sources and Coulter laughs behind your back, she is not even a "con', she is a comedian putting on a show, I do know peple who work at WABC hate radio , and they know the whore Coulter, she loves to get trashed and dance on pool tables, loves to go to Bob Weir/ Ratdog and String Cheese Incident concerts, dance with the hippies and smoke the herb, she is an opportunist taking advantage of idiots of Benson.

    Coulter should be happy a woman of such quality even bothered responding to her feces flinging.

    Im sure Fred Thompson's HAIRCUT IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN $400 BTW, he goes to a HOLLYWOOD beautician, so his styilist is definatly more expensive, but Dems would rather talk about the issues, not haircuts.

    all cons have is ad-hom attacks, on haircuts, on Obama being a student in a Madrasa, Calling edwards "fag", saying elizabeth Edwards does not have cancer and faked it

    These sick little spineless impotent freaks of nature, offer nothing , are clueless on the issues, and are going to get beaten bloody in 2008, mark my word, the only state that will remain "red" will mayyyyyybe be Utah........
    Cons are going to continue to pay for the Cheney Bush crime family, and instead of addressing the Cheney/Bush crime family, they go on with the AD-hom attacks.

    I love to think about November 2006, when Laura Ingrham tried to jam Democratic phone banks, went on the air... so cocky and confident that night.... i remember the quote, which I play on my show all the time "democrats cant even run a phone bank right, what losers"...... So drunk and arrogant with power..........

    The same thing is on tap in 2008, they will be squealing about haircuts, madrassas etc etc. as they get destroyed once more. It is over CONS

    rudy Giuliani is learnig you cant just shriek "9-11 9-11" "clinton's faulty clinton clinton" and expect to win over the American people any longer. It is not 2002 any more Benson.

    please do stay drunk with power and arrogant, it worked well in November, it will work great in 2008

    You filthy little bastards

    We have 12 years of failed GOP leadership to discuss with the Amercian people, they have John Edward's haircut and "bill Clinton bill Clinton". Please continue to run against bill clinton and recite 9-11 over and over...... The more you do it, the more Americans run from the GOP.....

    they have nothing, I take great pleasure in watching Giuliani's campagn self destruct, next is Fred Thompson, easy targey to destroy.
    bill clinton bill clinton, $400 haircut, $400 haircut, 9-11 9-11 9-11
    bye bye bye GOP

    What's bad for the GOP is great for America. 9-11 9-11 9-11

  14. Jared said
    all cons have is ad-hom attacks, on haircuts, on Obama being a student in a Madrasa, Calling edwards "fag", saying elizabeth Edwards does not have cancer and faked it.

    Sounds like you are having trouble with the truth again. You keep falling for the lies from the left. If you think the overweight Mrs. Edwards has cancer, then you have swallowed another "Can't we just get along, but please send me a contribution" lie from the wacko left.

  15. MoP,

    Did you really, with a straight face, go from "all cons have is ad-hom attacks" to "you filthy little bastards" in just six paragraphs?

    Physician, heal thyself!

  16. Yep, Ms. Edwards is terminally ill.

    Like Fred Thompson.


  17. Benson
    Shut the F*ck up, seriously, take the tin-foil hat off, until it is learned otherwise, she has cancer, your a sick man, you are so in love with the letter "R', reality seriously evades you.........

    I stand by what I said, all the GOP has done is use ad-hom attacks on Democratic candidates......

    Giuliani is still campgaigning against Clinton, Coulter's input has been " Obama is a terrorist" and "Edwards should get killed by a terrorist"

    So who on the left is using ad-hom attacks against Republicans, the Democrats are talking about the GOP's treack record, that is not an ad-hom attack. The right is campaigning on "if you vote democrat the terrorists will kill you" "Obama went to a madras" blah blah blah. no ideas, just attacks

    as far as calling you "dirty little bastards' , I stand by that too and Im not on the T.V nor Am I running for president, I guess in your warped world M.O.P has as much exposure as coutler and Guiliani !!!

    Benson; show me where it was reported that Elizabeth Edwards is "faking her cancer"

    You are so jealous of John Edwards it is pathetic.

    Dems are talking about policy, cons are taling about HAIRCUTS

    Benson your a f*cking idiot, worse than PCD
    Cons are shuitting their pants over Edwards, because if he won the priomary the election would be a run away for Edwards. It would be a 50 state pounding. Edwards vs Giuliani!! rudy woul not wein one state against Edwards.
    This is why the cons are so busy attacking him. He is from the South, he goes to the Chrich (Rudy has been banned from the Catholic church), he is a real DEM , not a Republican with a D next ot his name, he has ideas, he is handsome, he speaks well, he is condident, he has not used a single Ad-hom attack

    Face it cons, you shit your pants over the idea of a patriot becomming president.
    Your fake fake heros like Thompson (with his red pick up truck, that he jumps out of off camera) or a mob connected "9-11 hero" have no shot in the battle for ideas.

    The Con party is a one note trick 9-11 9-11 9-11

    its not working anymore
    scum bag

    in the words of Michael Savage to Benson "get AIDS and DIE", thats what you get for attacking a woman with cancer, scum bag. Yep, AD-HOM attack, you deserve it, freak

  18. MOP said:
    Benson; show me where it was reported that Elizabeth Edwards is "faking her cancer"

    You will find it at the same place that Hashnut found the news about Laura Ingraham faking her cancer.


    It's priceless to see how a few of my creative comments have turned you and your cronies completely inside out. Hah!

  19. Benson, this is not fresh news here in New York.

    You couldn't turn a SQUIRREL out!

    If you look carefully, and do the right research, you can verify it for yourself.

    That's true of everything I write here.

    Now, Benson, go back to telling us of your mad love for Ann Coulter, expecially when she tells the world how much she wants liberals to be killed...

  20. "You are one sick degenerate freak of nature Maloney, defending this filthy whore???
    F*CK COULTER, a media whore who laughs all the way to the bank....."
    and os on and so on
    wow !!!
    And these people who are using this language are blaming Coulter for being…not nice?????
    such a self parody!!!
    Brian Maloney!!! Excellent post !!! Finally somebody pointed out that I was a set up
    I knew that Chris Mathews is a very narrow minded sleazy partisan demagogue. But what he did is beneath even this guy. To invite Coulter to unleash Elisabeth Edwards waiting on a side? Besides that is it ridiculous, it is unethical. Coulter is a private person who has no obligations whatsoever to be polite . It may be wrong what she is saying but it is many times more wrong to shut her up by would be first lady. Coulter has rights to say what she said . Period. You do not like it, Elisabeth ? Deal with that or quit your campaign , but do not lecture a voter on how to react to your candidacy.
    But ,unlike Coulter who as a private person is not limited by any rules other than constitution, this guy consider himself a professional political journalist. To pull stunt like that shows him for who he is indeed- a partisan clown.

  21. Al?

    Are you an American citizen?

    Were you born in America?

    Do you have any allegiance to any other nation or entity, besides America?

  22. OK interrogation is began!!!

    "Are you an American citizen?" Yes!

    "Were you born in America?" No!

    "Do you have any allegiance to any other nation or entity, besides America?" Yes !!! to the world!!!

    Now you tell me are you white supremacist? Are you KKK? Asking all this questions instead of talking about issues?

  23. "Do you have any allegiance to any other nation or entity, besides America?" Yes !!! to the world!!!"

    Ah! A "citizen of the world"!

    No further questions.

    Thank you.

  24. "Now you tell me are you white supremacist?"

    No. Is there a waiting list?

    "Are you KKK?"

    No. But, back in the day, I took the "KK" train from Broadway-Lafayette to Flushing Avenue so I could get a free bus transfer....

    "Asking all this questions instead of talking about issues?"

    Ah, but I took the liberty of checking out your blog beforehand, and it revealed certain prejudices that against some of your fellow "world peoples" that could possibly indicate a hidden agenda, and/or irrational fears.

    Well, you asked.

  25. hashfanatic !
    “Ah, but I took the liberty of checking out your blog beforehand, and it revealed certain prejudices that against some of your fellow "world peoples" that could possibly indicate a hidden agenda, and/or irrational fears.”
    Hey, thanks for visiting my blog :)
    To clarify : to be responsible in the world does not mean to be a citizen of a world. Citizenship belongs to the country, not to the world . You are right about that .I hate the idea of “citizenship of the world” It is not what I meant . But I do not deny responsibilities with the world in which we live. Therefore I agree that I have “prejudices that against some of your fellow "world peoples" that could possibly indicate a hidden agenda, and/or irrational fears.” With the correction that my prejudices are against those who have anti-American prejudices, my agenda is not hidden ( you can see it from my blog) and my fears are very rational .We have a lot to fear today .Lack of fear is not bravery it is stupidity. Bravery is lost when your fear paralyzes you . But if your fear mobilizes you then nothing is wrong with fear. My fear is that everybody is talking and nobody is listening. I still do not understand what CONCRETELY you found in my postings wrong . May be I am wrong , then educate me. I have no problem with learning, but I do not see any substance in your comments so far. Did I overlook it?

  26. Al,

    The problem is that you confronted Hash in his mental illness. He will hate you for all time. That is his method of operation.

    One thing the left can't admit, if it were Deadwards being ambushed by an unanounced call from Coulter, the Breck Girl would have stomped off the set in a huff instead of acting like Coulter in staying and confronting the Mrs. while Deadwards hides behind the Mrs.' skirt.

  27. From tvnewser:

    Ann Coulter: "I doubled the ratings of the lowest-rated cable news show on Tuesday by agreeing to go on for a full hour to promote my new paperback version of 'Godless' -- a mistake I won't make again," she writes.

    (For the record, Coulter did not "double the ratings," and Hardball is not the "lowest-rated cable news show." On Tuesday, Hardball delivered 270,000 demo viewers at 5 and 7pm combined; the day before, a Coulter-free Hardball delivered a combined 257,000 in the demo.)

  28. Justin said:
    (For the record, Coulter did not "double the ratings," and Hardball is not the "lowest-rated cable news show."

    However, she certainly doubled the Softball viewership by having her segment shown on the O'Reilly show. It will be a cold day in hell before the Softball creep can ever see an audience that big.

  29. "Bravery is lost when your fear paralyzes you."

    Al, may I give you a piece of advice, for when you hear of "Islamofascism" and other rumors of "TERRA"?

    Fear not.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. i meant these link links;

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. to hashfanatic:
    I arranged a raw posting with some links with examples of what I meant using the term Islamo fascism
    I know that it is not a fashionable term on the left , but even them will not be able to ignore the reality for too long
    so take alook :
