03 July 2007

Joe Scarborough, Don Imus, MSNBC, "Morning Joe"


Which Would You Choose?

As a few stations continue to plot their post- Imus futures, we take a look at one that may have two equally unappealing options: either bring the I-Man back, warts and all, or go with a radio simulcast of MSNBC's new "Morning Joe" debacle.

At our other site, I make the case that Imus on his worst day is better than creepy Joe "Baggage" Scarborough.

See it here.

FOR Boston- area talk radio updates, see our other site.

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  1. Isn't it about fraking time you implement the same comment controls that you have on that other site on this one - or at least on that soon to be unveiled new site?

    You know, that site you have been promising for two years and for which you promised your donors that their funds would be applied to.

    Or did you siphon off those funds for some other nefarious use like a Krispy Kremes donut sale?

  2. So pathetic to watch the moonbat 15%ers turn No Joe Scarboro simply because like 85% of America and the entire world, he realizes the GOP is a disgrace to America. Now Scarboro is a creepy guy????

    Guess the 15%ers detest Americans and the entire world. The GOP has become a cult, mainly 1 million Americans (FOX average viewership) who cling on to 2001, and wish they were still relevant....

    Damm that Scarboro!! He woke up!

    GOP apologists = irrelevant cultists who happen to have a share at the MSM... and use the MSM to make them appear relevant. Only place cons like Kristol are relevant is on the MSM, in reality , they are loathed and considered enemy combatants

  3. MOP said:
    GOP apologists = irrelevant cultists who happen to have a share at the MSM... and use the MSM to make them appear relevant. Only place cons like Kristol are relevant is on the MSM, in reality , they are loathed and considered enemy combatants

    Wow! Some mighty convoluted logic here. Sounds like you've had just a few too many brewskis this 4th of July.

  4. I speak the truth Benson

    now time to destroy the new RNC/MSM talking point about congress. cons shriek about the Democratic congress having a 27% approval rating, that is the overall approval rating for congress in general..... when asked of the Republicans and the Democrats, the number for both is higher than 27%, but the Democrats approval rating is higher (slightly) than the GOP.

    can't use that one anymore HACKS

  5. “15%ers ”

    LOL What an idiot. Get a life you loser. If you think only 15% of Americans are republicans you are living in lala land.

    According to you numbers The Dems should not have lost any elections this last go around.

    Why do you say things that make you sound like a blabbering idiot. Come back to reality.

    Bla bla bla…………..

  6. PF1,
    How about attacking MOP's ideas and facts for a change?

    If you don't like MOP's ideas I suggest you send an email to the editor of this blog requesting that he implement tighter comment restrictions and that he ban those commenters that are not consistent with his ideology. Personally I think he needs to institute a comment policy along the lines of RedState.com

    Also I think somebody with such as a valued, noble and purpose-driven life as yourself has better things to do than to read and respond to comments in a blog not widely read.

  7. "The Dems should not have lost any elections this last go around..."

    Actually, they didn't...

  8. Elle Monika said:
    Also I think somebody with such as a valued, noble and purpose-driven life as yourself has better things to do than to read and respond to comments in a blog not widely read.

    Hmmm, interesting comment. I wonder what it says about your life?

    Your statement is a perfect example of why the leftys want to implement the Fairness doctrine. They really do not want fairness, they just want the conservative side to go into hiding. The left just hates it when someone points out the fallacies of their distorted philosophy.

  9. Benson,
    You are one transparent peep. Every time you update that shitacular blog of yours you make a post on this crappy blog.

    It is time to give you a smack down Benson. Normally I would give it on your own blog but because of your pathetic suppression tactics of not allowing readers to post comments and/or email feedback, I am forced to humiliate you here.

    SPELLING LESSON con sheep. It is one thing to misspell a word in a comment section, it is quite another thing to do it on a blog heading.

    The word is "relevant" and it is spelled as follows:

    R E L E V A N T

    And in case you decide to deny it like your puppet masters George Bush and Dick Cheney would, I saved a screen capture

  10. EL do you agree with what mop said. If that is true how about Hash. Hash just stated that all Democrats won their elections. I can't help but laugh.

    You might think they sound intelligent but look at what they say and judge them by the accuracy of their words.

    If it was just their opinion that would be OK but stating their opinions as facts is just wrong. Look at mop's name belive him if you want. propaganda.
    Believe and risk of sounding stupid.

    Hash true to the name or not. Read what he says must be smoking something.

  11. "They really do not want fairness, they just want the conservative side to go into hiding."

    Bob Grant was a conservative host who built a career while the Fairness Doctrine was in effect.

    Why is it that he was capable of building a career doing conservative talk radio, yet today's neocon host wannabees readily admit they cannot do the same, without the benefits of affirmative action for conservatives?

  12. Elle Monika said:
    The word is "relevant" and it is spelled as follows:
    R E L E V A N T

    Thank you for pointing out the error. I made the correction. I'm grateful for your input on ways to improve my blog.

    By the way, I used PhotoShop to create the picture the terrorist doctor. I think it came out nicely.


    Thanks again,

  13. Bob Grant might have had a long run, but he was a just a local on-air talent for the New York airwaves.

    He was fired by WABC in 1996 for some insensitive comments about Ron Brown. Who was Ron Brown? He was the Secretary of Commerce for President Clinton.

    What did he say that caused the firing?

    After initial news reports of an airplane crash involving Brown, Grant said, "My hunch is that he is the one survivor," according Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a media watchdog organization based in Manhattan. "I just have that hunch. Maybe it's because, at heart, I'm a pessimist."

    Hmmm... a conservative fired for making comments about a liberal politician? Imagine that - it sounds exactly like the proposed Fairness Doctrine in action.

    He tried to go into national syndication, in the manner of Rush Limbaugh and other successful talkers, but few stations picked him up and the show reverted back to a local show on WOR in NY doing one minute "Straight Ahead" commentaries, airing twice daily. He was let go in 2006.

  14. "I think it came out nicely."

    Just as Republicans crap on America's constitution your blog craps on appropriate blog etiquette.

    And spare me your pathetic excuse that it is family safety concerns that prevent you from at the very minimum, setting up a unique email address for blog feedback.

    For god's sake you have a photo of yourself and presumably another family member on your blog.

    Face it. You are a closet FASCIST like the rest of you Republican freaks!

  15. Elle Monkia said

    your blog craps on appropriate blog etiquette.

    And spare me your pathetic excuse that it is family safety concerns that prevent you from at the very minimum, setting up a unique email address for blog feedback.

    I never mentioned anything about my family safety concerns for not revealing my email address. The reason for not posting comments on my blog is because it is my blog and I make the rules! I don't want the site cluttered up with a bunch of excrement that I will have to spend time cleaning up. If it offends your delicate sense of blog etiquette, that's just too bad.

    My email address is: jbenson002 at yahoo.com
    My blog is : http://jbenson2.blogspot.com/

  16. Elle Monkia said

    Face it. You are a closet FASCIST like the rest of you Republican freaks!

    Fascism has been defunct in the Western world as a major political ideology since the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II. There is considerable stigma attached to the name and to the concept, and it is not uncommon for ignorant people to label their political opponents (or authority figures in general) pejoratively as "fascists".

    I do not consider myself to be a fascist, but if I had to choose between fascism vs the liberal perspective (socialism, Bolshevism, Marxism, collectivism, dictatorship), I would certainly lean toward the right.

    There are some parts of fascism that I support: nationalism, militarism, corporatism, populism, anti-communism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism

    However, two other aspects are authoritarianism and racism which, as most people recognize, are closely associated with the philosophy of the democratic party. The more the democrats push down on the poorer people and offer government subsidies and handouts, the more control and votes they get from the very same constituents. With the end result of more democrat-generated authoritarianism and racism being promoted.

    And of course, I don't have to point out how the so-called "progressives" push to suppress all forms of criticism or opposition as evident by your fellow colleagues rants (see Kos and HuffPo).

  17. PLEASE get Imas back. Your screen writer, Nitz and Joe are all out of their league. Your screen writer finally admitted he was instumental in having IMAS fired with the help of Sharpton. What kind of program is this? witch hunts for any reason.?? I liked Joe on his previous program. Too bad you will continue to lose many viewers. Thanks for listening. An oldie but goodie ex viewer; Shirley VanWoert

  18. I miss Don Imus so much. My day isn't complete without watching his morning show while getting ready for work. Scarborough is ridiculous. Imus' show was very informational and educational while at the same time, entertaining. The Fox mornig show is pitiful and sophormoric. They all act as if they are in middle school. It's shameful that media points to Don 's age as being too old to continue. Larry King is MUCH older that Don as are some others in entertainment. Hopefully all of those who make remarks about his age, live to get to that point in life.
    I am a professoinal boomer and appreciate intelligent humor and can differentiate between racism and a unintential rude coment. Sharpton and Jackson are both racists and they are a disgrace to their people.
