08 August 2012

David Shuster: Romneys Bought Hammer To Smash Losing Horse


Former MSNBC Talker: Mitt May Have Asperger's

They'll say anything to demonize Mitt Romney.

For the latest example of "progressive" gutter politics, we turn to former MSNBC host David Shuster, now of CurrentTV.

Apparently unsatisfied with the current anti-Mitt smear campaign, he kicked it up a notch earlier today with a couple of sick rants.

Taking place during the syndicated Stephanie Miller Show, Shuster suggested a supposedly anti-social Romney could be diagnosed with Asperger's Disorder. From there, it was all downhill with a sick "joke" about Ann Romney's Olympic Dressage horse being smashed in the head with a hammer for failing to medal.

Take a look:

DAVID SHUSTER (36:32): Every time you hear Mitt Romney speak these days I keep thinking about I have an uncle who specializes in the field of Asperger's, and people with autism, and has been making the point to me for several years that there’s some very brilliant creative people who have Asperger's and he’s suggested perhaps that Mitt Romney has some sort of form of Asperger's because he’s so socially inept in terms of being able to connect with people.

What he thinks is funny is really sort of not so funny. I sort of wonder if there is some sort of tic that he has or something that’s related to that.


LAVOIE (37:12):
He (Romney) has a bucket in his car and he just said hardware stuff.

MILLER: He doesn’t know what a donut is.

SHUSTER: Yeah I bought a hammer to hit Rafalca over the head for getting you know 30th place after we took a $77,000 dollar tax write-off.

LAVOIE: Oh David Shuster!

MILLER: Oh David Louise Shuster! All right.

LAVOIE: Ha ha ha ha!

SHUSTER: I must say, I you know the Rafalca issue is really personally offended me because I’m embarrassed I don’t think our Olympians should be getting in 30th place and especially when they’re taxing tax write offs and if Mitt Romney is pleased of Rafalca proud of Rafalca then he’s got even more problems than he knows.

Is this really the road to a second Obama term? Let's hope the American people think otherwise.


  1. David Shuster is about the very last person who should be critical of where someone comes in the rankings of whatever sport or profession that is rated. Given his crappy ratings track record, he is no position to be critical. But then again, he's still on the air & Keith Olbermann is not, so he's got that going for him. Whatever THAT is worth.

  2. David Shuster is about the very last person who should be critical of where someone comes in the rankings of whatever sport or profession that is rated. Given his crappy ratings track record, he is no position to be critical. But then again, he's still on the air & Keith Olbermann is not, so he's got that going for him. Whatever THAT is worth.
