02 August 2012

Libtalker Has Epic Meltdown Over Chick-Fil-A


Angry Libtalkers Cluck Over Chain's Success

Who knew fast food
could prove such a potent weapon against "progressive" tyranny? Just a few more "appreciation" days could cause our miserable liberal friends to self-destruct.

First out of the gate this time was crazed libtalker Mike Malloy, he of the repeated, self-described "violence fantasies" against any and all political opponents. From Dana Perino, Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck to many others, Malloy has wished a painful death upon all of them.

We doubt Malloy will be alone in condemning Chick-Fil-A's record turnout, however. So while we look for other examples, see how much of this epic meltdown your stomach can endure:

MIKE MALLOY (01 August 2012) (18:51): Mike Huckabee, this Rupert Murdoch terror broadcast thug, declared today to be Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day! When in your lifetime, boys and girls, have you ever shown your appreciation to a company whose president stands for bigotry, hate, contempt, lies, religious nonsense? 'Well Mike, I didn't say any of that - I just said 'SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN! Yes, you did say that! Uggghhh!

Huckabee urged American to show their appreciation for this bigotry with their wallets! Yes, goddammit, down with the queers! Ain't no queer ever going to get married in America! Buy a chicken sandwich! This is insanity, this is crazy, this is - this is - the inmates have burst out of the asylum! Give me a chicken sandwich in the name of Jesus! Give me a chicken sandwich to stop the queers! Give me a chicken sandwich uh to let the world know I think - I'm having a heart attack - give me a chicken sandwich because queers shouldn't get married! Give me some waffle fries! Give me one of them peach milkshakes! AMEN!

By God, amen, ain't no queer ever going to get married as long as I can buy a chicken sandwich! You morons! You thick-headed idiotic morons! Oh my god! Some people lined up in the summer heat...lines all around the building to get inside a store, while others waited in cars as far as their eye could see for a chance to place their order at the drive-through window. HI, I'M A LARD ASS! And I'm here to stop the queers! Give me two chicken sandwiches! I'm going to eat here every day til either I die or we have a Defense of Marriage Act - goddammit marriage is under assault here! Give me a chicken sandwich, give me another one! Dumb-assery at its peak! People lined up to buy chicken sandwiches! Ughhh! [Mike sighs and crumples a piece of paper to show his exasperation.]

Stay tuned for
more examples of "progressive" tolerance and love.


  1. Brian, are you kidding me? In Arizona, Chick-Fil-A was fined for hiring illegal aliens. In California in my state they are cleaning the toilets, cooking the food, taking jobs away from American citizens! No, regardless of what the talk show host said, this Christian organization is disobeying God by allowing good U.S. citizens a job and giving it to non-americans! Maybe it's time we on the right take a look at what we are doing by condoning the practice of hiring cheap labor and not us. This is NOT Mexico. This is the United States. And I'm sure if I were an illegal in Mexico, I would NOT be hired. Nor you.

    Proud white American

    1. Tell me anonymous would you take a job working at any fast food joint?

  2. I am trying to figure out who are the dumb asses here. On one side, you have a guy who spoke his beliefs. On the other side you have a group of people who are pissed off because he does not believe what you do, and calling him and the company every nasty little thing under the sun. CFA does a lot of good things in the communities they are located in that benefit all. And what do they get in return, shit on for the thoughts and befiefs of 1 man.

  3. I love it, Sorry you have to listen to Malloy.

    Because I believe in the bible and it clearly states marriage is between a man and a woman.

    It is Liberals and Gays that want a Church to change to meet their belief. The minute gay marriage is allowed, then they will run to a church and demand to be married. If the church says No, then the church will be sued.

    Civil unions are fine, but marriage, no.

  4. Wait a minute. Are you telling me like Malloy says that all we need to do to get rid of queers is to buy a chicken sandwich? Give me a bag full.

  5. I'm happy to see Mike Malloy is still wasting his time broadcasting to his 37 listeners. It keeps him off the street, so he's not a threat to others. So Malloy has issues with Chick-Fil-A? Maybe, but it seems that he has a problem with anyone or anything more successful then him. Which is everyone. Malloy is a sad man who deserves all the anger he has built up in his black heart.

  6. I'm happy to see Mike Malloy is still wasting his time broadcasting to his 37 listeners. It keeps him off the street, so he's not a threat to others. So Malloy has issues with Chick-Fil-A? Maybe, but it seems that he has a problem with anyone or anything more successful then him. Which is everyone. Malloy is a sad man who deserves all the anger he has built up in his black heart.

  7. Mike Malloy RULZ !
