The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

29 July 2005

Air America Issues Second Statement In Funds Scandal

Scandal Heats Up

Is Air America Answering Questions, Or Creating More?

(Friday evening updates below)

So far, in seeking to determine whether Air America benefited from taxpayer money meant for a community youth center, we've accomplished two things: sending the blogosphere into action mode and compelling the company to respond to the developing firestorm.

Early Friday morning, I was made aware of a new, second press statement on the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club scandal. A number of emails and blog comments quickly followed, leading me to wonder if there was some kind of organized effort to turn the tables.

Sure enough, at the Daily Kos (king of the liberal blogosphere), there is this new post:

Hey folks, I'm the webmaster over at Air America and there has been some discussion in the right wing blogosphere, basically accusing AAR of stealing from poor kids. BlatherWatch has the rundown.

For a full explanation of what REALLY happened, here is Air America Radio's official statement.

That Daily Kos post links to my site, which is why I've been hearing from AAR fans this morning.

The new release seems strange on many levels, in its wording, timing and what it still doesn't say. Here it is from Air America's website.

Note that my comments are the ones in italics in this case, their words in boldface:


If the allegations of mismanagement and corruption at Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club are true, it is absolutely disgraceful.

(If you know Air America received the money, as you indicate below, then aren't the allegations clearly true?)

As reported in the Wall Street Journal and the HBO Documentary, Left of the Dial‚ the company that the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club officials gave money to, Progress Media, has been defunct since May 2004. That company was run at the time by Evan Cohen who has not had any involvement in Air America Radio since May 2004.

(I don't like the way this paragraph is written. It implies that HBO's documentary and the Wall Street Journal covered the transaction between Gloria Wise and Air America. You need to read it very carefully to realize they're merely saying it was reported that Progress Media was purchased in May 2004.

The problem is that the reader could be led to believe that this was somehow old news, previously published, now being dredged up for some ulterior motive. And so what if Cohen didn't have any involvement after May 2004, these actions still took place in Air America's name.)

The current owners of Air America Radio have no obligation to Progress Media's business activities. We are very disturbed that Air America Radio's good name could be associated with a reduction in services for young people, which is why we agreed months ago to fully compensate the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club as a result of this transaction.

(Glad you're disturbed about it. Note the strange choice of words here. "We agreed months ago", what exactly does that mean? See my questions below regarding this paragraph.)

We at Air America Radio strongly believe in the mission of Boys and Girls Clubs to provide a safe and nurturing place for young people to learn and grow. As a result, we recently allowed the same club, Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club, to use our name in a fundraising effort for a summer camp for children in their community.

(So you knew Air America's previous owner engaged in a shady deal with Gloria Wise, but you still continued to deal with them? I thought your contention is that this was all about Cohen and former management? It wouldn't make sense to continue any type of relationship. This paragraph doesn't mesh well with the previous one: it says you realized the problem with the Wise deal months ago. Here, you say you've recently associated with them.)

The funding for Camp Air America was raised and collected entirely by the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club, and Air America promoted the camp on air and urged support for it. A link on our web site sent those interested in contributing to the camp to the Gloria Wise web site.

Regrettably, the camp did not survive the closure of the Gloria Wise organization. We have offered any individuals who contributed to the camp as a result of Air America's promotion the option of a refund paid for by Air America Radio and the Club offered the alternative option of having their donation redirected to Kip's Bay Boys and Girls Club.

There you have it, now, some questions:

1. Have you actually repaid the money to Gloria Wise, or did you simply "agree to" repay it at some future time?

2. How much did you pay them, and when? Can we see a cancelled check?

3. If you repaid the money, what happened to it at Gloria Wise? They don't have it, that's why programs were shut. Where did it go, who did you give it to?

4. When you made the decision to repay the money, why didn't you let the public know?

5. If you were above-board on this from months back, why wait until news of a criminal investigation hits the press?

6. If you knew Cohen had put Air America in a bad position with this money, early in 2004, why did you wait until early 2005 to agree to repay it?

7. Again, if you knew Gloria Wise Boys And Girls Club had participated in an unethical or illegal transaction with Air America's previous owner, why would you choose to have further dealings with the organization, months later?

8. Did any current Air America employees or managers have a role in, or knowledge of, this "transaction"?

9. If you had, in fact, repaid the money months ago, why didn't you say so in your earlier press statement? What would have been the use of holding back that important information?

10. Does Air America realize that even if you've since repaid the money, the network had benefit of its use, while inner-city youth and senior programs were threatened? If I rob a bank, but return the money later, does it mean I'm off the hook?

I just don't buy the transfer of ownership excuse they throw around so sloppily in these releases. Have Air America's hosts been this accommodating toward corporate America during their recent scandals?

11. Are your hosts welcome to discuss this matter on the air, or have they been asked not to, by management or the company's legal department? Have any addressed it so far?

What am I leaving out? Please leave comments below.

Washington Times editorial addresses the issue, both yours truly and Michelle Malkin are mentioned.

New: Malkin points to this excellent legal analysis at Macho Nachos.

New: note from Captain Ed:

Brian and Michelle,

Congratulations on your excellent work on the Air America story! You've got them stuttering now ....


Edward Morrissey
Captain's Quarters

New: More legal questions from Macho Nachos. And further follow-up here.

New: BoreAmerica weighs in, site regularly covers Air America issues.

--- Lance at RedStateRant alerts me to this at Wizbang today.

Wizbang nails a huge point that I should have thought of first: are they repaying Gloria Wise with cash, or non-cash consideration? This means advertising, or other promotional consideration. This is very common in radio. Radio is heavily into barter and scrip. Did Camp Air America promotions count toward this?

--- Catch me on the Hugh Hewitt Show tonight, should be 6pm EDT, but we are still ironing out the details. (Update: interview went well, welcome to Hugh's listeners).

--- Also John Carlson's KVI/Seattle program, at 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT. Go to KVI for audio streaming. (welcome KVI listeners)

--- Here's Michelle Malkin's latest piece on the situation to date. It's a home run!

--- Here's the Captain's Quarters take on this.

--- One thing interviewers continue to bring up with me today (Melanie Morgan of KSFO, Hugh Hewitt, John Carlson of KVI): doesn't this mean that Franken and the other hosts were likely paid with taxpayer funds intended for children and seniors? Don't they have anything to say about it?

--- Coming up tonight: an update on this story, plus another about Michael Graham's removal from WMAL/Washington over remarks about Islam. Here's Michelle Malkin's very complete version. Mine will have additional points, seen only here, because I've been hearing from radio industry people all day who have knowledge of the situation.

--- CNN picks up Air America story for "Inside Politics". Radio Equalizer, Michelle Malkin, Wizbang and others mentioned. Here's a transcript link, scroll down toward the bottom to get the segment.

--- Hugh Hewitt has evening developments on the story here. He's been very helpful in moving the story along.

KSFO listeners, Powerline, Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, RedStateRant, Orbusmax, Wizbang and other readers today!

Please support The Radio Equalizer's advertisers, thanks! It keeps this effort going.


  • From Blatherwatch;

    "Brian Baloney, the Radio Fertilizer...."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 02:50  

  • "The current owners of Air America Radio have no obligation to Progress Media's business activities."

    So they say. But of course, "As part of a reorganization, investors in Progress Media bought the assets of that company, creating its current owner, Piquant LLC."

    So, if I lent Air America (while owned by Progress Media) a dollar, isn't Piquant now responsible for repayment?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 02:50  

  • Poor Brian Baloney,

    He was so wrong about Air America's viability, now he has to manufacture a scandal.

    Do you feel the winds of change yet? When do you think Rush will be indicted for conspiring with his maid to traffic in narcotics?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 03:46  

  • Maybe Bill O'Lielly will give him a loofa rub.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 03:58  

  • Don't forget Poland

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 04:32  

  • and the falafel

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 04:33  

  • This Brian is a real asshat.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 04:39  

  • Ask them why Cohen was fired.

    Ask them if they care about your lame blog.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 04:41  

  • Is it just me or does Maloney look like Coulter before her sex change?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 04:42  

  • The only thing heating up is the chile I had last night. Oops, I made a Brian squirt.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 05:20  

  • You're doing a great job, Brian. Your post is the lead story on GOPINION:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 05:29  

  • How many commies does it take to buy a salsbury steak?

    A: 412,005

    Three to hold the fifth grade kid down, two to ransack his pockets for lunch money and 412,000 to wander the internet mocking and suppressing the Truth.

    By Blogger Norden, at 29 July, 2005 06:29  

  • There are ways for a company to buy only the assets of another company and leave the debts behind; I had the misfortune of working for a company that had that happen to it. However, if that were the arrangement, there would be NO reason for Piquant to repay anything.

    That their press release specifically uses the word "repay" suggests the buy-out wasn't structured that way, that Piquant took on the debts as well.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:18  

  • Look on the bright side Brian ~ you just got feedback from every living AAR listener. (The dead ones were too busy voting to comment).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:26  

  • I believe you left this one out, Brian -

    When will Air America open its books to an independent auditing firm to ensure there are no further improprieties? Will you then make the results public? If not, why not?

    Personally, I find it amusing the "enron-hunters" who were so keen to pursue that scandal appear to be deaf and blind now. I guess it really does depend on which Gore is being Oxed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:29  

  • Caught you on KSFO with Melanie. Great blog! Thanks for all the hard work.

    By Blogger WitNit, at 29 July, 2005 08:36  

  • If Piquant isn't responsible why'd they (supposedly) pay it back?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:41  

  • Looks like "Anonymous" Al Franken had some posting time on his hands for a while there . . .

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:43  

  • If the current promotions for the camp are some form of repayment of loans, shouldn't the promotions mention that? They read as if they've identified a worthy cause, and chosen to promote it. If it is simply quid pro quo, shouldn't that be made clear?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:44  

  • "We are very disturbed that Air America Radio's good name could be associated with a reduction in services for young people"

    Reduction of Services????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 08:54  

  • We have offered any individuals who contributed to the camp as a result of Air America's promotion the option of a refund paid for by Air America Radio...

    They have offered, but has Air America refunded any money to anybody?

    And note the weasel words "as a result of Air America's promotion...". They have not offered to refund money to anybody who contributed to the scam day camp, but only those who contributed as a result of Air America's promotion. Well, how is it possible to define this group?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 09:12  

  • "The current owners of Air America Radio have no obligation to Progress Media's business activities."

    Strange, that isn't an argument that liberals accept when discussing slavery reparations, is it? They argue that current officers, shareholders, and employees are morally and financially responsible for the (then legal) actions of owners and managers in the first half of the nineteenth century!

    Now, though, we find that liberals insist that Air America is not responsible for actions that took place in the lst 18 months because of management and ownership changes (and the fact that they've hit the big six-seven in number of affiliates).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 09:12  

  • Anonymous,
    As a liberal, as your comments suggest, then how can you back up AAR for taking this money. And if Brian made this all up then why is there an investigation. Chili squirt is right and your it BOZO

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 09:28  

  • I suppose most here would consider me a liberal although I am not a Democrat and do not listen to Air America Radio. Just some observations. An investigation is taking place. Obviously AAR is aware of this investigation. As their most recent statement says they have agreed to repay the money. Whether that is a result of the investigation (ie they were compelled to) or because they elected to "do the right thing" is unclear. Perhaps if you keep asking this will be explained. Regardless, the money is being repayed. Why must you equate repayment with an admission of guilt or of liability? Do not philanthropic people seek to correct injustices that they are not responsible for? Is there a problem with that? The fact that AAR did not publicize the fact that they agreed to repay the money is somehow a black mark on them? Nothing was being covered up. There is a criminal investigation going on for crying out loud. If AAR or its current owners have some culpability it will all come out in those proceedings.

    BTW, The Washington Times editorial contains a factual error. Evan Cohen resigned in May of 2004, two months after the network began operations. The editorial says he resigned in May. Quite misleading. Or just sloppy. You decide.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 09:43  

  • Scott,

    Do you know someone is lying?

    Must we have profanity?

    Saying your going to do something isn't the same as actually doing something.

    Well they didn't say they repayed it. They said they agreed to repay it. Agreed. As in the parties involved reached an agreement. One can assume that everyone involved understands the terms of the agreement. So the fact that you would like for the money to be repaid immediately means nothing.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 10:05  

  • No problem with corruption as long as it's your guys right?

    This would be a scandal if there was no investigation going on, there was some indication that someone was trying to hide something from investigators, or the parties involved had not apparently reached some agreement to correct the injustice.

    The current owners of AAR have indicated that they are not the subject of the investigation and they have agreed, for whatever reason, to compensate Gloria Wise Club. An agreement reached according to AAR several months ago. Before anyone outside of the parties involved new anything about what took place.

    How you are spinning that into a scandal or as complacency in the face of corruption is beyond me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 10:42  

  • Should any repayment funds be forthcoming from AAR (as if),
    the payee should not be the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club. The funds should be earmarked to the current administrating org. to
    ensure they reach the intended groups for which public funds were provided.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 10:45  

  • Where are the Senators from New York? It would seem that Schumer and Clinton need to step to the plate to defend the disadvantaged and seniors while calling out those responsible for diversion of funds.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 10:53  

  • Just another example of the leftist mindset where it's reasonable to steal from widows and orphans as long as it's "your guys" doing the thieving. The theft occurred at the board level with all eyes on the crime and there will be other crimes exposed as well during the investigation. The restructure and sale was a conspiracy to cover up these crimes and keep the funds. All an elaborate shell game poorly conceived and executed by "the best minds in the world"!

    By Blogger Beto_Ochoa, at 29 July, 2005 10:53  

  • My guess is that AAR agree to repay the loan with in kind advertising for the Gloria Wise charity.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 11:03  

  • Well if it was NYCity funds that were found to have been misappropriated I'd imagine they would be refunded to the City. Or transfered to what ever agency has taken over the programs the funds were intended for. Lost in all this is the fact that Rep. Joseph Crowley has been instrimental in making sure alternate arrangements were organized to keep the services to the children and the elderly available. But he's a Democrat so no one would want to mention that.

    Is Gloria Wise Club completely defunct? I know the problems were more than just the "loan" to AAR but I wasn't aware that the entire organization had been shuttered.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 11:24  

  • BTW, Air America does a whole lot more public service than WABC or WOR.
    Easy to do when you have bogus funds keeping you afloat.

    By Blogger Beto_Ochoa, at 29 July, 2005 11:31  

  • You people are hopelessly less interested in the facts than in scoring partisan points against each other.

    So goes America.

    Sad really.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 11:33  

  • Just another example of the leftist mindset where it's reasonable to steal from widows and orphans as long as it's "your guys" doing the thieving.

    Has someone on the left excused what has taken place?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 11:42  

  • The new Air America slogan:
    "Children starved so you could listen."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 11:55  

  • Lying Douche Bag is profanity?

    My bad. For some reason I thought you meant it in a profane way. I should have realized it was the meat of your point.

    Thicken your skin and find responsibility. Not an easy task for a Liberal.

    This from a person blabbering on about $400,000 misappropriated as if AAR personally removed helpless children from their homes and left them on the curb.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 12:10  

  • So if no crime has been committed, and all parties at AAR are cooperating, this is a non-scandal? Apply the same standard when judging Karl Rove.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 12:24  

  • Lets agree on one thing about Air America. It exists to to funding by Leftist Philanthropists who are interested in promoting Left Wing propaganda. Conservative radio exists because it MAKES A PROFIT. Another distinction seemingly lost on Lefties like yourself.

    I don't know the first thing about who funds AAR and I don't really care.

    Do you know the details of the agreement that was reached to compensate the parties involved? Why must it necessarily entail the immediate repayment of the money? Is that your scandal? LOL!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 12:36  

  • So if no crime has been committed, and all parties at AAR are cooperating, this is a non-scandal? Apply the same standard when judging Karl Rove.

    Who said no crime has been committed?

    I have not read anything about this that indicates that AAR is not cooperating. I haven't even read anything that states that AAR was asked to cooperate. Have you?

    This has nothing to do with Karl Rove. Did I mention Karl Rove?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 12:40  

  • This has nothing to do with Karl Rove. Did I mention Karl Rove?

    I guess there is a first time for everything.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 12:55  

  • I guess there is a first time for everything.


    Michelle Malkin is the only one I've heard refer to Karl Rove in any of the postings related to this issue. Have you chastised her?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:07  

  • If the allegations of mismanagement and corruption at Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club are true, it is absolutely disgraceful.

    (If you know Air America received the money, as you indicate below, then aren't the allegations clearly true?)

    This presumes that "Air America received the money" is equivalent to "mismanagement and corruption".

    Obviously, Cohen (and whoever else was involved) did NOT think it was or they wouldn't have done it.

    Unfortunately for them, the authorities (aka the law) may disagree...

    The whole deal sounds shady at best, illegal at worst. But it does show one thing: in Cohen's mind, the best way to support these children was to loan the money to Air America. Either that, or he admitted to himself that Air America was more important than the children the organization was ostensibly created for.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:12  

  • Now you know a little more Mr. Anonymous.

    And that tells me what exactly?

    That AAR is somehow involved in a scandal?

    Where's the scandal? The misappropriation of funds is being investigated. AAR has stated what it believes to be its relationship to the dealings in question and has stated that it agreed months ago to compensate the allegedly defrauded parties.

    The fact that millions of liberals have no interest in staring slack-jawed at their radios listening brainlessly to the ramblings of some "radio personality" the way that Rush Limbaughs "dittoheads" do really has nothing to do with this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:19  

  • I'll just bet that "Classic Country" (the dropped format)is warming up in the bullpen.
    Air America on KPTK is toast, even in ultra liberal Seattle.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:23  

  • Scandal? What scandal? Just because it was ILLEGAL doesn't make it a scandal right? Pathetic.

    As said above, even if the bank robber pays back the money, he still has to go to jail.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:34  

  • You're a living, breathing (I think), comedy routine. You ask where the scandal is and then tell us where it is. THE MONEY WAS GOVERNMENT MONEY AND THEY HAVEN'T GIVEN IT BACK.

    Do you know that for a fact?

    Are you privy to the details of the agreement to provide compensation?

    The money was obtained from the city by Gloria Wise. Do you know specifically what the restrictions on how that money was used were?

    Or are you just shooting your mouth off.

    I ask again. Where's the scandal.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:35  

  • Scandal? What scandal? Just because it was ILLEGAL doesn't make it a scandal right? Pathetic.

    Has it been determined that AAR did something illegal?

    As said above, even if the bank robber pays back the money, he still has to go to jail.

    Again, has it been determined that AAR, its current ownership or its previous ownership has committed a crime here?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:37  

  • That line should read, Limbaugh still the giant among talkers if you leave out Howard Stern the real giant.

    Stern beats both Clone Limbaugh and Air America with 25 million listeners on fewer stations.

    They must be paying Clone a boatload of money not to go to satellite.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:41  

  • Yeah, but Limbaugh listener have IQs greater than their shoe size. Can't say that for Stern.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:47  

  • So they have agreed months ago to give back money obtained legally? Surely you're not that thick are you?

    That in no way impies that AAR did anything illegal in receiving the funds in the first place.

    If someone gives me money and I subsequently find out that it was given to me fraudulantly and I agree to make compensation to the parties that were defrauded it does not mean that I broke any laws. You don't even know that AAR was required to compensate. All they said was that they agreed to do it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:47  

  • Yeah, but Limbaugh listener have IQs greater than their shoe size.

    What a ringing endorsement of Mr. Limbaughs fans.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:49  

  • Yeah and you're a great example of the loony left. So what?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 13:53  

  • Yeah and you're a great example of the loony left. So what?

    You're to clever for me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:08  

  • 2. How much did you pay them, and when? Can we see a cancelled check?

    Could you be more infantile?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:25  

  • 3. If you repaid the money, what happened to it at Gloria Wise? They don't have it, that's why programs were shut. Where did it go, who did you give it to?

    Charles Rosen said a check made out to cash would be good. That's the last they heard from him.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:28  

  • 4. When you made the decision to repay the money, why didn't you let the public know?

    Do you let the public know everytime you pay a bill?

    Why should they make a big announcement if they did nothing wrong.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:30  

  • 5. If you were above-board on this from months back, why wait until news of a criminal investigation hits the press?

    Because that's when scandalmongers such as yourself started to ask questions about it. Do you often find yourself answering questions before they are asked?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:33  

  • They will continue to deflect from the reality of what Air Deadbeat has done.

    Please tell me what AAR has done.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:34  

  • 6. If you knew Cohen had put Air America in a bad position with this money, early in 2004, why did you wait until early 2005 to agree to repay it?

    There are a lot of assumptions in there. How do you know how long any legal proceedings or negotiations related to agreeing to compensation were going on? How do you know when they found out that anything untoward had taken place?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:37  

  • 7. Again, if you knew Gloria Wise Boys And Girls Club had participated in an unethical or illegal transaction with Air America's previous owner, why would you choose to have further dealings with the organization, months later?

    Do you know when AAR found out there was a problem with the transaction in question? Do you have any reason to believe that AAR could have known that there were systemic problems with the way that Gloria Wise Club was being run?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:41  

  • Gee, not repay the money it was supposed to.

    Do you know that AAR has defaulted on whatever agreement it has reached to compensate the parties involved?

    You may excuse this behavior, but, if this was Rush or Sean, you would be going nuts on them.

    Behavior that you are making up in your own mind? What do you know about what I think about Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh? Your actions are dictated by what you think I would do? I'm flattered.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:45  

  • I don't believe it's valid to compare Howard to Rush. It's an apples and oranges kinda thing.

    Rush does political commentary. Howard does mainly pop culture.

    They're both the best at what they do, but IMO Howard's potential audience is greater.

    AAR, on the other hand, hasn't made a dent in either arena. Not a single AAR personality has established him/herself as the potential next big thing in radio.

    If AAR apologists like Dick Tuck would just admit that AAR has, to date, been a disappointment, guys like Brian would be disarmed, but Dick has to try and make chicken salad out of chickensh*t, an act that promotes hostility as it insults people's intelligence.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:47  

  • 8. Did any current Air America employees or managers have a role in, or knowledge of, this "transaction"?

    Assumes that something illegal or punishable was done on AAR's end. Any facts that would lead you to that conclusion?

    9. If you had, in fact, repaid the money months ago, why didn't you say so in your earlier press statement? What would have been the use of holding back that important information?

    Did they say they repaid the money months ago? No. They said they agreed to compensate the Gloria Wise Club. Since that entity is now defunct do you think there might be some legal rationale for why no money has changed hands yet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:50  

  • 10. Does Air America realize that even if you've since repaid the money, the network had benefit of its use, while inner-city youth and senior programs were threatened? If I rob a bank, but return the money later, does it mean I'm off the hook?

    Yes. Now I see that you could be more infantile.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:52  

  • 11. Are your hosts welcome to discuss this matter on the air, or have they been asked not to, by management or the company's legal department?

    Do you think? Maybe?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 14:54  

  • The best way to catch a liberal is to grab them just behind the head, with your thumb on the medulla oblongata, so they can't squirm around and sink their tiny, little, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny fangs into you. Let the RICCO investigation begin!

    By Blogger Lone Ranger, at 29 July, 2005 15:22  

  • I'm not wearing pants.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 16:03  

  • What's your phone # Brian, don't feel comfortable emailing Ya. Can't find a number for you on your site.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 16:13  

  • actually, never mind, how would I know it is really you posting your #, correct?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 16:15  

  • They say they agreed to provide "compensation months ago," right?

    Then why did no one (especially the Daily News or the Bronx neighborhood newspaper) hear this tune get played until today? And there is a hell of a difference between "compensate" and "repay."

    They probably got caught out months ago and consider all the shilling they did for the camp to be the "compensation."

    By Blogger Unknown, at 29 July, 2005 16:32  

  • Pinch a log for Brian's blog.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 16:36  

  • My goodness, this anonymous person is still at it. Perhaps he/she might address what Air Deadbeat has done, rather deflect away.

    If you can't figure out what AAR has done why is it you believe they've done anything?

    Na, that would be asking quite a bit from a Lefty. It's ok if they lie, cheat, steal, etc.

    As opposed to idle speculation that anything at all was done wrong on the part of AAR?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 17:08  

  • They say they agreed to provide "compensation months ago," right?


    Then why did no one (especially the Daily News or the Bronx neighborhood newspaper) hear this tune get played until today?

    Why should they have?

    And there is a hell of a difference between "compensate" and "repay."

    Were you part of the party that resolved the situation? How do you know what ompensation they agreed to?

    They probably got caught out months ago and consider all the shilling they did for the camp to be the "compensation."

    Yeah that' probably what happened.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 17:19  

  • Give em all a Dutch Oven. Put a blanket over their head and cut a nasty one. That'll teach em to stop eating children!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 17:29  

  • Lien Baloney tries to make a big stink and winds up crapping his pants.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 17:45  

  • alright, I'll check back tomorrow to see if Brian posted his number or figured out what to do.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 18:39  

  • Nonny, asking whether any current employees or investors (still on board) knew about the transaction DOES NOT assume that the transaction was questionable. You are dodging the question. The issue that is being addressed here is whether a shell game was used to seperate assets from liabilities.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 19:24  

  • Gosh....what a read today!
    Judging by all the braying noises the left leaning donkeys are making me thinks their "ass" is out on a limb.
    All the AirAmerica stations can switch to that new format, Jackass.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 19:52  

  • ---FYI,

    Send an email, it's safe, I'll know if it's really you.

    Use a personal address or set up a new one for this purpose.

    By Blogger Brian Maloney, at 29 July, 2005 19:57  

  • Brian,
    If AAR went on-air 31 Mar 04, that would be about 2 months before the end of the Progress Media / AAR relationship. Did AAR use money from these contributions to buy airtime necessary for launch of AAR? Note the comment on AAR:

    "...Progress Media, has been defunct since May 2004. That company was run at the time by Evan Cohen who has not had any involvement in Air America Radio SINCE MAY 2004 (emphasis added)."

    Maybe they're not using the kid's money now. But did they use it when the needed it? Would the FCC also be interested in finding out if AAR purchased airtime or licenses using taxpayer money, and should their license be revoked?

    In fact, until this investigation is completed, I think AAR should have their broadcast rights suspended pending a full review. This is far too important an issue for AAR to have access to the public airwaves. Good enough for Rove, good enough for Franken.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 July, 2005 21:08  

  • Anton says: In most states, when a new entity buys the assets of a going business, continues to employ the former employees in the same locations and jobs, uses the same names and logos, and takes over the customers (advertisers), they are successors and therefore liable for the debts, liabilities and obligations of the predecessor just as though a statutiry merger had occurred.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 30 July, 2005 06:24  

  • Nice try SGO. Can't make a coherent arguement, so change the subject. And thank for for acknowledging that Karl Rove is innocent until proven otherwise.

    Yes, we are all very concerned about the Children of Iraq. For example, last week those awful American occupiers were handing out candy to kids when 2 homocide terrorits drove a suicide bomb into the crowd of children killing, I believe, 12 kids. Your allies in Iraq will be happy to hear you singing their tune.

    I'm against corruption in any geography. If there's 8.8bn missing in Iraq, let the GAO go find out who has it. If CPA has done something wrong, such as bribe the French into opposing the war with "Oil for Food" money, let's put their butts in jail.

    Back to AAR...let's see if the dinosaur media goes for AAR's throat, calling it Airgate or some other unoriginal turn of phrase. And let's see if John Kerry, Yeehah Dean and the Dem's start calling for people to be thrown in jail w/o evidence, a charge, a trial or a conviction.

    Remember, AAR tried to go on-air several times before 31 Mar 04, but it kept falling through due to lack of investors and no coherent business plan. In their mad dash to raise cash maybe they cut some corners. That is, of course, speculation. An investigation is needed. Too bad MSM doesn't do any real investigative journalism anymore.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 30 July, 2005 15:26  

  • NeedyGate is spreading like WILDFIRE



    By Blogger Lidsville, at 30 July, 2005 19:27  

  • [SGO] Who is responsible for the $8.8bn unaccounted for by the CPA? Does $8.8 Billion unaccounted for not bother you? What about the Iraqi children? Are they not worthy of your concern?

    Whoa, you think the AAR network ripped off $8.8 billion from Iraqi kids *too*?? Dang. Knew they were greedy sons-of-bees, but I think that's going a bit far don't you? :)

    By Blogger RD, at 30 July, 2005 21:42  

  • Lien Baloney, the pathological liar, his whole identity built on speading falsehoods. Lied about why he was let go from KIRO and keeps right on lying blogorrhea-style.

    Brainless Baloney indeed!

    Long Live AAR!!! Take down the oxycontin fueled, doctor-shopping, serial lyin' gasbag and his fellow pretenders!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 30 July, 2005 22:10  

  • This fisking contains the story that Air America should have reported on the air. Long post alert; feel free to edit, chunk or steal from it. Forgive me, for I know not what I do...

    Anonymous responds to: --// My goodness, this anonymous person is still at it. Perhaps he/she might address what Air Deadbeat has done, rather deflect away.

    with: "If you can't figure out what AAR has [not] done ..."

    Here's what we've "figured out" for sure: AAR did not run the following story - or one very similar to it - as soon as they learned of the theft (yes, theft) by their erstwhile colleague:

    "Oh my, we've been snookered! By a slime-ball crook who said he was our friend! What a shock! A large chunk of our seed money was embezzled from a kids' charity, and now we've got to pay it back pronto! This guy defrauded the Government by diverting money to us from poor school children and Alzheimer's patients, and then had the NERVE to pretend it was HIS to spend! [Or whatever their story is.] What a vile criminal! He ALMOST got us into big trouble! (And made us look bad, too. ;) Thank goodness we caught it before THAT happened... We're going to pay the money back to GWBG [or directly to the Government, now that the club is defunct] as soon as we have the cash."

    "BTW, on that subject - donors, anyone? Help bail us out? If you REALLY want to help kids, then don't send those donations to "Camp Air America", send them to the "Gloria Wise Memorial (R.I.P.) Government Recompense Fund" instead. Those children - and the gov't programs they depend on - are depending on YOU. If it weren't for you, after all... uh, we wouldn't have spent the money. Help us with our screw-up...please? Thank you very much..."

    Would've taken 10 minutes tops on Rachel Maddow's show. Could then have taken callers, discussed it, beaten up on Cohen like he deserved, the whole bit. Al Franken could have railed on the guy and then lectured us on how we should not let ambition turn us into "evil Republicans", even in the name of a "good cause"... and so on.

    Does that answer your question? Or just pique you further? The line you've been taking is: "Why is it AAR's responsibility? If AAR didn't KNOW the money was fraudulently obtained, then how could they have reported it? Isn't it unfair to accuse them of doing ANYTHING wrong at this point?" Well, it happens to be the standard CBS holds Corporate America to every Sunday on 60 Minutes, whether you think it's "fair" or not. So what's YOUR excuse for AAR?

    If you're pinning your hopes on "ignorance", think again. Half a million dollars is a lot of money. When a chunk of money like that comes their way, corporate officers are OBLIGATED to understand where it came from. If they don't know, they must investigate credibly to "figure it out". If a slimeball like Cohen tells them, "It's mine" (or some other answer), you do realize, don't you, they're guilty of NEGLIGENCE if they accept his answer at face value? (BTW that's not just 60 Minutes "ethics", it's basic fiduciary responsibility.) Or do you disagree?

    And how long do you think they'd have remained "ignorant" of this little problem had they made the proper inquiries BEFORE accepting the money? Hmmm?

    So, to answer your question: What AAR has [not] done - if they are indeed innocent of criminal conspiracy in this matter - is to track the source of their investment capital; then, when they got "snookered", to publicize their screw-up in a timely and transparent fashion.

    Another line I'm hearing from you is: "Maybe they did realize the screw-up but chose not to publicize it. The fact that AAR did not do so is somehow a black mark on them? Why are they OBLIGATED to report it to the whole world, even before the criminal investigation is complete?"

    Why? If for no other reason than to warn other people away from doing business with Mr. Cohen! My God! Don't you think that news is remotely in the public interest? Isn't that what Air America is supposed to be about?

    [Anonymous] "... why is it you believe they've done anything?"

    The following is not disputed: AAR has accepted close to a half a million dollars in government subsidies, knowingly or unknowingly. That qualifies as "something". In the moral universe of 60 Minutes, the New York Times and Air America, it even qualifies as "something wrong", whether or not they were aware they were involved, whether or not the money's returned afterwards.

    Whether it qualifies as "intentionally wrong" or even "something illegal" is yet to be determined. What's not fair, obviously, is to insist that AAR has done something illegal or intentionally wrong without evidence and valid legal argument.

    So, is that where your the bulk of your concern lies? If so then I agree with you. But realize also that the criminal investigators aren't the only ones with the right to evaluate the extent of Air America's guilt, criminal or otherwise. (Isn't that what the Free Press is intended for?)

    And in that capacity, Brian's questions are neither inappropriate nor premature.

    [Anonymous]This from a person blabbering on about $400,000 ...
    If you're gonna round, pal, it's $500,000.

    ... misappropriated as if AAR personally removed helpless children from their homes and left them on the curb.

    If Cohen had only done this, then charitable organizations would be able to set it right. Defrauding charities OTOH leaves them unable to do even that. Nice work.

    By Blogger RD, at 31 July, 2005 17:27  

  • Is it repayed?

    Funny, my red-state public education taught me that the word was spelled "repaid". Maybe that was the ebonics spelling

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 July, 2005 18:19  

  • Oh Wow. The professional apologists stream in to defend the discredited wannabes like Lyin' Baloney.

    Baloney can ask all the "appropriate" questions he likes - as long as they gets echoed by his fellow discredited scumbags - the goal is the same - smear AAR with trumped up garbage because they can't stand the competition especially if the competition exposes their lies 24/7.

    AAR succeeds and Lyin' Baloney's chances dim ever more of getting his own show and joining the heavenly choir of liars and winger propagandists on the public airwaves. The failed winger talk show host has to remain stuck writing blogorrhea.

    Clear Channel and Infinity suits dare to serve blue state markets with AAR? What blashphemy! How dare they interfere with employment prospects for scumbag opportunists like Lyin' Baloney. How dare they block the heavenly echo-chamber of winger fantasies and propaganda?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 July, 2005 18:50  

  • Oh yeah. Air(head) America is REAL competition. Miserable ratings across the board and those of us who have active brain cells are supposed to be scared of your endless lies.

    Without a constant inflow of money from America haters like George Soros, Air America would have been long gone by now.

    Try airing political commentary people actually want to hear. This strange thing called "Competition" is going to force you off the air (except for the daily bilge coming from ABC, SEE-BS, NBC, CNN, NPR, PBS, the NY Times...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 15 August, 2005 21:49  

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