St Louis Hip Hop DJ Thugs Fired
Persistence Pays Off
What We Can Learn From St. Louis
What's next for Air America's programming and personalities, after a week of blogospheric pummeling and self-destructive corporate behavior?
Many have asked that question in recent days, wondering if Franken & Co. could actually face real consequences. Not just legally, but in terms of public image, as they take self-inflicted beating after beating.
A fresh example of success from St. Louis, however, proves Air America's real fate may be in your hands.
Are you willing to see this through? It's going to take an ongoing, noisy, stubborn pressure campaign if there's any hope of seeing justice served at the liberal talk radio network.
After two St. Louis hip hop DJ's sprayed the airwaves with verbal machine gun fire, encouraging violence against area police just days after an officer's murder, some outraged residents relentlessly fought the station and its morning show menaces.
And the good news has arrived at last: DJ Kaos and Sillli Asz (shown right) have finally been fired as a result of this pressure campaign, after a three week suspension.
One of the loudest critics has been blogger, radio veteran and media watchdog Mike Anderson, who clubbed KATZ-FM daily on his primary website, STLMedia.
Widely read among Midwestern radio and TV professionals, STLMedia was relentless, in ensuring nobody forgot how a fallen police officer's family was revictimized by these radio thugs.
Every day for over three weeks, Anderson led news updates with the latest on his crusade against the DJ's, even after the local media had mostly moved on. It prevented the thugs from having a chance to ride out the storm.
The Radio Equalizer previously covered this story here.
Even under pressure, these on-air cowards refused to provide anyone with their real identities, instead maintaining stage names.
Anderson's not ready to back down completely, until the manager who he says created this type of environment, is also shown the door.
Conservatives and others concerned about Air America's actions can learn a lot from what went down in St. Louis yesterday. If you truly believe that it's time to right a wrong, can you afford to ease the pressure on Air America's sleazy operations?
Justice doesn't occur overnight and is never served when you leave it up to the New York Times.
Are you ready to keep up the pressure on Franken & Co.? It's a question for radio listeners, bloggers and industry professionals. At the moment, Air America's on the run, but wondering just how long they'll have to wait until conservatives let it blow over.
Air America's scandal story was slow to build and there is much more yet to be revealed. The question: will you help see it through?
Letting go means letting Franken's cabal win. Is that tolerable, given the severity of the circumstances?
Listen for me as a guest on KSFO/San Francisco, 6.35am PDT, 9.35am EDT, streaming at 560KSFO's site. And at 1.30pm EDT on the syndicated "Right Talk" program.
Franken/AAR graphic by Darleen Click, City Kid$ by George Adair, MSM Silence by Suzy Rice. Louie image from STLmedia.
What We Can Learn From St. Louis

Many have asked that question in recent days, wondering if Franken & Co. could actually face real consequences. Not just legally, but in terms of public image, as they take self-inflicted beating after beating.
A fresh example of success from St. Louis, however, proves Air America's real fate may be in your hands.
Are you willing to see this through? It's going to take an ongoing, noisy, stubborn pressure campaign if there's any hope of seeing justice served at the liberal talk radio network.
After two St. Louis hip hop DJ's sprayed the airwaves with verbal machine gun fire, encouraging violence against area police just days after an officer's murder, some outraged residents relentlessly fought the station and its morning show menaces.
One of the loudest critics has been blogger, radio veteran and media watchdog Mike Anderson, who clubbed KATZ-FM daily on his primary website, STLMedia.
Widely read among Midwestern radio and TV professionals, STLMedia was relentless, in ensuring nobody forgot how a fallen police officer's family was revictimized by these radio thugs.
Every day for over three weeks, Anderson led news updates with the latest on his crusade against the DJ's, even after the local media had mostly moved on. It prevented the thugs from having a chance to ride out the storm.
The Radio Equalizer previously covered this story here.
Even under pressure, these on-air cowards refused to provide anyone with their real identities, instead maintaining stage names.

Conservatives and others concerned about Air America's actions can learn a lot from what went down in St. Louis yesterday. If you truly believe that it's time to right a wrong, can you afford to ease the pressure on Air America's sleazy operations?
Justice doesn't occur overnight and is never served when you leave it up to the New York Times.

Air America's scandal story was slow to build and there is much more yet to be revealed. The question: will you help see it through?
Letting go means letting Franken's cabal win. Is that tolerable, given the severity of the circumstances?
Listen for me as a guest on KSFO/San Francisco, 6.35am PDT, 9.35am EDT, streaming at 560KSFO's site. And at 1.30pm EDT on the syndicated "Right Talk" program.
Franken/AAR graphic by Darleen Click, City Kid$ by George Adair, MSM Silence by Suzy Rice. Louie image from STLmedia.
Well you have my vote. Hypocrisy's an ugly thing no matter how it's dressed up. They may be throwing a big tarp over it but it ain't gonna "disappear"...
A question: Was Mr. Cohen given a legal "free ride" by Air America for any length of time? Like between the time AA "discovered" the theft and the time they were contacted about it by the DOI? (I call it the "obstruction-of-justice" period) What are they criminally liable for during that period of time?
RD, at 04 August, 2005 05:18
Good riddance to 'em.
I don't care what your beef is with the police. Calling for violence against police officers is never acceptable.
Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 09:03
"What's next for Air America's programming and personalities, after a week of blogospheric pummeling and self-destructive corporate behavior?"
The more the piggies squeal, the better AAR is doing. They appreciate all the free publicity.
Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 09:50
Is Lien Baloney Gannon's bitch?
Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 09:53
Put out a call for a better graphic: request a banner size gif that shows Al Franken's head inside the cockpit of a plane, with the plane doing a 180 so it ends up flying upside down, then nose down like its going to crash. Start with a smiling Al Franken, then switch to one with him mouthing an "oohhhh...." Obviously it's going to be a motion .gif, cartoon/caricature style, but I'm sure there are plenty of graphic artists out there who can create such a banner as long as they receive credit/link.
If the graphic is done good enough, and it is a motion graphic, plenty of other sites will pick it up. Just the graphic itself may be enough to mainstream the story.
Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 13:07
Just the graphic itself may be enough to mainstream the story.
Onto FOX News maybe!
Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 14:58
Onto FOX News maybe!
Where else?
WED, AUG 3, 2005
Need to get something seen on MSM? FOXY News is the place to do it. #1 in every time slot for how many years now? The other "news" stations can't even stand in FOXY News' shadow.
Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 20:54
Just wondered what happened to free speech. I am a 100.3 the beat fan who will no longer listen to the radio station simply because of the "big wigs" decision to fire the two DJs. I hear worse stuff discussed on the radio every single day that is considered "jokes". DJ Kaos is constantly making light of ugly situations and this was no different. Words spoke over the radio never killed an officer of the law...that is reserved for criminals who would have killed a police officer regardless of what they heard on the radio. I would also think that officers of the law would find the topic of "how to disarm a police officer" very educational and may even teach them what to watch for. Maybe everyone took this and blew it WAY out of context. I only have one thing to say...THANK GOD FOR SATELLITE RADIO!
Anonymous, at 09 August, 2005 22:29
This needs to be repeated.
Air America is the station of choice for bitter, white, spoiled, elitist liberals who hate America, our military, and work to undermine our war effort.
Their awful ratings reflect the harsh reality that they are a degenerate minority.
Let them swim in money stolen from babes as they try to cash in another election with the fool's gold of fake polls.
Arbitron Ratings and election results are real. Polls taken by a liberal media that oversample Democrats, undersample Republicans, and poll 'national adults'(55% of whom will not vote in 2006) instead of 'likely voters', are about as real as Kerry's chances of ever being President.
Enjoy reality, you liberal losers.
Anonymous, at 13 August, 2005 14:18
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