Keith Olbermann, Phil Donohue, MSNBC, FOXNews, O'Reilly Factor
FNC Host's Response To Olbermann's Attacks
Update: Leftist Response below
After enduring months of public attacks from
an angry rival, what's the most clever and effective way to fight back?
For the FOX News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, waiting for MSNBC's Keith Olbermann to slowly hang himself may have been the best strategy. While Olbermann has never missed a chance to take a shot, the O'Reilly Factor host has ignored it all, until now.
Call it the art of war.
With Olbermann frequently calling O'Reilly "the worst person in the world", "Countdown" sometimes resembles an on-air anger venting session for Bill's enemies.
Now, just as Olbermann had likely written off the possibility of a two-way battle, the MSNBC host has suddenly received what he's always wanted: a response.
Be careful what you wish for.
Instead of attacking Olbermann personally, O'Reilly simply dug out his predecessor's ratings, revealing higher figures than the "Countdown" host has since been able to achieve.
Before Olbermann, do you remember who occupied MSNBC's 8pm timeslot?
Phil Donohue!
That's right, the ill-fated Donohue talk show had better numbers than his much-hyped successor has been able to achieve.
Kicking his return fire up a notch, O'Reilly has begun an online petition drive, calling for his longtime nemesis Donohue's MSNBC return. Collected signatures will be submitted to NBC programming suit Robert Wright.
From Thursday's Factor "Most Ridiculous Item" segment:

And here's the petition language:
Is it a gimmick? Of course, but a funny one.
After Donohue's last Factor appearance, where physical restraints seemed necessary to keep him from attacking the host, who would expect O'Reilly to push for his return?
Good blog find: OlbermannWatch.
UPDATE: liberals at Daily Kos can't take a joke, it seems: they're circulating a petition of their own to get O'Reilly fired. Take a look at their first grade playground-level O'Reilly reader "poll":
What in the world is "sulfer" or "Viagara"?
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, bring vital support to the Radio Equalizer's efforts. Thanks again!
FNC Host's Response To Olbermann's Attacks
Update: Leftist Response below
After enduring months of public attacks from

For the FOX News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, waiting for MSNBC's Keith Olbermann to slowly hang himself may have been the best strategy. While Olbermann has never missed a chance to take a shot, the O'Reilly Factor host has ignored it all, until now.
Call it the art of war.
With Olbermann frequently calling O'Reilly "the worst person in the world", "Countdown" sometimes resembles an on-air anger venting session for Bill's enemies.
Now, just as Olbermann had likely written off the possibility of a two-way battle, the MSNBC host has suddenly received what he's always wanted: a response.
Be careful what you wish for.
Instead of attacking Olbermann personally, O'Reilly simply dug out his predecessor's ratings, revealing higher figures than the "Countdown" host has since been able to achieve.

Phil Donohue!
That's right, the ill-fated Donohue talk show had better numbers than his much-hyped successor has been able to achieve.
Kicking his return fire up a notch, O'Reilly has begun an online petition drive, calling for his longtime nemesis Donohue's MSNBC return. Collected signatures will be submitted to NBC programming suit Robert Wright.
From Thursday's Factor "Most Ridiculous Item" segment:

Time now for the most ridiculous item of the day.... bring back Phil!
Bring back Phil Donahue. It was three years ago this month that MSNBC fired Mr. Donahue for low ratings.
We felt bad for Phil. They didn't give him much of a chance. Phil actually said his firing was a mistake and he was right.
His successor, after three long years on the air, actually has fewer viewers now than Phil did when he left. Not good.
Bring back Phil!
So in the interest of fairness, we have a petition on Bill O' to bring Phil Donahue back, Marlo too if she wants. Kind of like the Maury-Connie show.
If enough of you sign a petition, we'll send it over to NBC and hopefully Phil will get the chance he deserves.
Let's all go to bat for our pal Mr. Donahue.
To not do so, would be ridiculous.

Dear Mr. Wright:
We, the undersigned, are becoming increasingly concerned about the well-being of MSNBC and, in particular, note the continuing ratings failure of the program currently airing weeknights at 8:00 EST.
It is now apparent to everyone that a grave injustice has been done to the previous host in that time slot, Phil Donohue, whose ratings, at the time of his show's cancellation three years ago, were demonstrably stronger than those of the current host.
Therefore, in an effort to rescue MSNBC from the ratings basement and to restore the honor and dignity of Mr. Donohue, who was ignobly removed as host three years ago, we ask that you immediately bring Phil Donohue's show back at 8:00 EST, before any more damage is done.
Is it a gimmick? Of course, but a funny one.
After Donohue's last Factor appearance, where physical restraints seemed necessary to keep him from attacking the host, who would expect O'Reilly to push for his return?
Good blog find: OlbermannWatch.
UPDATE: liberals at Daily Kos can't take a joke, it seems: they're circulating a petition of their own to get O'Reilly fired. Take a look at their first grade playground-level O'Reilly reader "poll":
Bill O'Reilly Smells Like:
-- Falafel
-- Feet
-- A Teenaged Boy's Bedroom
-- Cat Puke
-- Dog Turds
-- Sulfer
-- Spoiled Milk
-- Serious BO
-- Onions
-- Viagara
What in the world is "sulfer" or "Viagara"?
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately purchase, bring vital support to the Radio Equalizer's efforts. Thanks again!
Well, the other thing is that his %28 is nearly all in the 18-49 demo. He's kind of their Gold Midas right now. O'Reilly's ratings haven't increased in awhile and never among that demo. Keith Olbermann's really funny, besides.
Adam Berkowitz, at 24 February, 2006 11:01
Olberman needs to get back to sports. Oops, he was fired from several jobs. My bad.
Patrick/Olberman were a good tag team till Olberman's hat got too small.
tradersmith, at 24 February, 2006 11:12
Olbermann: "I'll Sign That Petition!"
Following up on this post about Bill O'Reilly's petition asking Bob Wright to can Keith Olbermann and bring back Phil Donahue. TVNewser asked Olbermann for his reaction to the petition, and he wrote:
"I'll sign that petition!
We'll be doing this as tonight's number three story. Honestly, I should send him a check each week.
And I know why he won't use my name. He tried to, in 1998 -- and he mispronounced it."
The entire Countdown staff will sign the petition during tonight's broadcast...
Justin, at 24 February, 2006 14:16
I think MSNBC should dump their whole line up. Nobody is watching!
PCD, at 24 February, 2006 14:21
Brian's Lies Watch - Day 5, Post 4
It's been 3 posts and 4 days now since Brian lied in his story about the media attachment to Rush Limbaugh's latest/greatest Lie!
New readers, old reader-liars - do you really want to line up and agree with a liar?
Check for yourself (those of you who DON'T wish to ignore the truth) - the post at issue: "Flash: Rush Errs" on this site.
Don't trust this man, or his "reporting"
question for Brian - did Rush Limbaugh make up this angle of the story? - "there's a racial element here, too"
TJ, at 24 February, 2006 15:19
Boy, it's funny that the only thing that can boost MessNBC's ratings are the bottom dwelling Olympics themselves. What's next...are they going to shell out to carry Pro Bowling or maybe the Professional Mini Golf circuit?
In case none of the idiots here haven't noticed, the Olympic ratings are a laughing stock. Fox is so undeterred, they aren't even running repeats of their regular shows against it like the other networks.
Dr. T, at 24 February, 2006 16:19
Another thing about Olbermann...he was one of the main influences that destroyed SportsCenter as well. (Stuart Scott drove it into the grave.) I know plenty of sports fans that stopped watching SportsCenter because of what he helped bring about. Did MessNBC think he would fare any better in a different format?
Dr. T, at 24 February, 2006 16:23
Pro Mini Golf!
Oh, man. Childhood memories of North Carolina without cable - only 4 channels to watch, and one of those was PBS...
watched quite a bit of mini golf (Putt-Putt - For the Fun of it!) for lack of a good Star Trek rerun - because I was near-constantly glued to the TV.
Least that and bowling are more tolerable to watch than Oreilly & Hannity
TJ, at 24 February, 2006 17:09
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