30 April 2006

Bill O'Reilly, MSNBC, Keith Olbermann


From The Left, Emotions At The Forefront

With such a consistently emotional choice of language, why do left-leaning political book authors work so hard to undermine their own efforts?

For whatever reason, something routinely compels so-called "progressives" in the book business to use words like "hate", "fat" and "idiot" in their titles.

As a result, even without opening the cover, the reader already has a strong indication that sound arguments will be lacking.

Otherwise, why resort to these playground- level emotional antics?

Now, following on the heels of such dubious titles as The I Hate Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity. . . Reader: The Hideous Truth About America's Ugliest Conservatives, by Clint Willis and Al Franken's Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot comes Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly.

Yes, we're going to retake Congress this year by pointing out that our ideological opponents are "fat" and "idiots". Go ahead guys, give it a try.

To see how well this strategy has worked, we'll meet you on the other side of election day.

Sure enough, obsessed O'Reilly-hater Keith Olbermann couldn't wait to get the authors of Sweet Jesus on his MSNBC-based Countdown program. But when Joseph Amann and Tom Breuer actually appeared on Friday's show, they unsurprisingly had little to say about much of anything.

What was made clear, however: Amann and Breuer are Wisconsin-based ideologues with backgrounds in "alternative" leftist journalism.

Primarily emphasized in the segment was a recent error made on O'Reilly's show, where a newspaper publisher was confused with his deceased father.

While it's a bona fide mistake, we all make them. Because it opens up your own product to future criticism of a similar nature, however, it isn't a recommended road to travel.

Most in the media know that already, but not the increasingly- unhinged Olbermann.

Like Franken, Amann and Breuer foolishly push the "parody" concept, hoping it will stick. But what is funny about hate?

A glance at the book's index finds it thin in the references department, so don't expect a lot in the way of content. And because it leans left, Sweet Jesus benefits from undeserved attention by reviewers that often ignore conservative counterparts.

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How I Learned To Love Keith Olbermann: Pete At IHillary for the Radio Equalizer


  1. WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP? LIES?! Liberals have been caught in more lies and more hypocrisy than conservatives. Conservative books sell MORE than liberal ones--and I need not tell you about talk radio--UNLESS YOU SHILL FOR HOT AIR AMERICA!


    I am a neo-con and d**n proud to call myself one!

  2. No he means dog-gon' or, more likely, just "darn".
