06 May 2006

Huffington Post, Bill O'Reilly, Anderson Cooper


While Lefties Attack O'Reilly, What About Air America?

Since ratings seem to have become an increasingly popular topic at the Huffington Post and elsewhere in the liberal blogosphere, a question: why leave out the dismal radio performance by Franken & Friends?

Spreading like wildfire across the Internet's left side is the assertion Bill O'Reilly's ratings have taken a nose-dive.

What they fail to mention, however, is that cable news tends to be event-driven. Without something to fuel the cycle, audiences tend to drop off until something major breaks. That goes for FOX, CNN, MSNBC and the rest.

Is anyone coming close to beating Bill O'Reilly? Not at all, but you won't find Arianna's pals mentioning that inconvenient fact.

Apparently also unpopular
with the left, the other weird fixation is with CNN's Anderson Cooper. Hasn't he always been on their side?

This one's baffling.

Even more peculiar: our friends at HuffPo reference the New York Post, an arch-enemy, to make their anti-Cooper case. It seems his crime was to replace Aaron Brown and generate lower ratings.

When were Brown's numbers impressive? We don't remember that ever being the case.

With all of this talk about ratings, why doesn't the HuffPo mention Air America? Could they possibly be happy with the liberal radio network's sorry performance?

Just in case Arianna and her celeb friends want to take a look at Air America's sad reality, here's a link.

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Frankengolf Classic: Pete at IHillary


  1. Their article would have been more informative if it compared the changes in ratings for "The Factor" to changes in ratings for other shows on Fox and competing networks.
    Comparing O'Reilly's ratings on T.V. , with Air America's ratings on radio, would not be a valid comparison. If you wanted to compare ratings for the Radio Factor, to other political radio shows (including Air America), the article might be more worthwhile.
    Writing an article comparing O'Reilly's TV ratings, to Air America's radio ratings, makes sense only to someone who has an obsession with either O'Reilly or Air America.
    I think that explains why you suggested it.

  2. I think it is YOU who doesn't get it. The point is that there is NO REASON to bring up the radio ratings of Air America, when discussing ratings of O'Reilly's TV show.

    Apples and oranges.

    Get it yet?

  3. No, Suds, actually, it IS you who doesn't get it. Brian's point is that if Huffpo is going to spotlight O'Reilly's declining ratings - due no doubt to the fact that people are finally tired of the "rightwing slant" of both the show and the network - then they should also acknowledge that Air America's nonexistent ratings are an even greater rejection of the leftwing mindset.

    Which of course it is...

  4. The problem with the Huff-Post article is that it just gives viewer numbers, and doesn't compare them to those of any other TV shows during the same ratings periods. It doesn't say why O'Reilly's ratings have declined in the 25-54 demo, just that they have declined. If the article examined either or both of these subjects, it would be more informative. On the otherhand, comparing Oreilly's TV ratings to Air America's radio ratings would not by itself provide insight into either.

    If Brian would care to write a detailed analysis that shows that a similar phenomenon is causing lower ratings for both O'Reilly's TV show, and Air America's radio programs, have at it.

    I agree that the Huff-post article was pretty useless, but not because it didn't bring up Air America Radio.

  5. I don't watch O'Reilly, but even his detractors claim he has 2.4 Million viewers per night Link.
    Why would you lie about something like that whiner?
