Zarqawi, Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio
As Second Setback Shakes 'Progressives', Talkers Benefit
After a second major victory for conservatives and Republicans in a single week, both sides of the ideological divide have now been forced to reconsider how they read the poltical tea leaves.
For lefties, the setbacks began on Tuesday, with a disappointing loss for Democrats in California's hotly- contested and competitive 50th Congressional District.

With surveys showing significant Bush and GOP unpopularity, Dems are now forced to confront the only poll that really counts: election day.
Providing a second significant blow for "progressives" was today's confirmed execution of Iraqi al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Concerning the Iraq conflict's progress, that's had the immediate effect of taking the wind out of left- wing sails. Only by falsely claiming that Zarqawi wasn't especially important to the insurgency can liberals hope to circumvent this tremendous setback.
For conservative talkers, the effect has been both immediate and dramatic. Sweeping away the recent gloom and doom over the GOP's sad state of affairs (especially given frustration with Bush over the illegal immigration issue), these developments provide a huge morale boost.
Listening to both libertarian Neal Boortz and conservative Rush Limbaugh's programs Thursday, it was impossible to miss the sudden mood shift. They sounded upbeat and energetic. These stories provide not only a shot in the arm for the right, but spin control manuevers from the left have also created fresh fodder to fuel upcoming monologues.
Among our observations today:
Over what he saw as the mainstream media's diversionary tactics to downplay positive aspects of Zarqawi's capture, Boortz was on the rampage. And when he later interviewed Ann Coulter (whose recent controversial comments about 9/11 widows made a lot more sense when explained at length), it was amazing to sense how quickly the news cycle had already moved on to something bigger.

Right out of the gate, Rush Limbaugh demonstrated a renewed vigor, after a relatively rare week of positive developments. Liberal bloggers who tried to downplay today's events, such as those at the DailyKOS, provided easy targets for the talk titan. Reviewing the distinct differences in network coverage was another popular topic.
Rush wondered whether liberals had made the mistake of "believing their own press" rather than taking a realistic assessment of their current fortunes.
What he didn't mention: in absorbing all of the gloom- and- doom coverage, did conservatives also make the same error with the feeling that everything was hopeless?
Even the callers were picking Thursday's low- hanging fruit. One woman who phoned Howie Carr's regionally- syndicated New England- based show noted her disgust at seeing NBC's Today Show stick to fluff topics (such as June weddings) as other networks covered press conferences and other fast- breaking Iraq developments.
And with late news of a second major terrorist killed today, momentum in Iraq has clearly taken a substantial shift.
ALSO: A major coup for FOX News Radio's John Gibson Show: a testy interview with ultra- lefty Michael Berg, father of activist Nick Berg, who was beheaded by Zarqawi's terrorist thugs in Iraq.
Increasingly part of the radical Cindy Sheehan crowd, the elder Berg sees no difference between Zarqawi and Bush.
Expose The Left has the story and audio.
ALSO: Sister Toldjah monitored Air America's hosts, which was probably about as much fun as eating bugs on "Fear Factor". Thanks, Sister Toldjah!
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of your final purchases, are vital to supporting this site's efforts. Thanks again! Note: Amazon is now shipping copies of Ann Coulter's Godless.
Zarqawi graphic: FOX News Channel
As Second Setback Shakes 'Progressives', Talkers Benefit
After a second major victory for conservatives and Republicans in a single week, both sides of the ideological divide have now been forced to reconsider how they read the poltical tea leaves.
For lefties, the setbacks began on Tuesday, with a disappointing loss for Democrats in California's hotly- contested and competitive 50th Congressional District.

With surveys showing significant Bush and GOP unpopularity, Dems are now forced to confront the only poll that really counts: election day.
Providing a second significant blow for "progressives" was today's confirmed execution of Iraqi al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Concerning the Iraq conflict's progress, that's had the immediate effect of taking the wind out of left- wing sails. Only by falsely claiming that Zarqawi wasn't especially important to the insurgency can liberals hope to circumvent this tremendous setback.
For conservative talkers, the effect has been both immediate and dramatic. Sweeping away the recent gloom and doom over the GOP's sad state of affairs (especially given frustration with Bush over the illegal immigration issue), these developments provide a huge morale boost.

Among our observations today:

Rush wondered whether liberals had made the mistake of "believing their own press" rather than taking a realistic assessment of their current fortunes.
What he didn't mention: in absorbing all of the gloom- and- doom coverage, did conservatives also make the same error with the feeling that everything was hopeless?

ALSO: A major coup for FOX News Radio's John Gibson Show: a testy interview with ultra- lefty Michael Berg, father of activist Nick Berg, who was beheaded by Zarqawi's terrorist thugs in Iraq.
Increasingly part of the radical Cindy Sheehan crowd, the elder Berg sees no difference between Zarqawi and Bush.
Expose The Left has the story and audio.
ALSO: Sister Toldjah monitored Air America's hosts, which was probably about as much fun as eating bugs on "Fear Factor". Thanks, Sister Toldjah!
Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of your final purchases, are vital to supporting this site's efforts. Thanks again! Note: Amazon is now shipping copies of Ann Coulter's Godless.
Zarqawi graphic: FOX News Channel
He'd better watch himself, or else Ann Coulter will give him the same treatment she gave those 9/11 "widows."
Why is it that the left seems to love making hatred for America their M.O. ?????? Especially when leftist bloggers and their pals the Democrats call the death of Zarqawi a stunt--A STUNT?!?! WHO DOES THE LEFT THINK THEY ARE? Oh, I forgot, THEY HAVE NO USE FOR AMERICA!!!!!
The Real Bob Anthony, at 09 June, 2006 06:33
Robert - you forgot one point in your article:
"“People were more obsessed with developing the coalition to overthrow Saddam than to execute the president’s policy of preemption against terrorists,” according to terrorism expert and former National Security Council member Roger Cressey."
In June of 2002, the cleanup in Lower Manhattan had just been completed. We were nine months into Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), which would last in the active combat phase until May of 2003.
The rumblings of taking down Saddam were already starting, but practically everyone in the press was insisting on letting sanctions work, let the UN inspectors do their work, the US cannot act unilaterally, blah, blah, blah.
If Dubya had acted on this, he would have been crucified worldwide. So instead, he waited for the UN negotiations to play out their course, knowing all the while what the end result would be, but allowing the United Nothing to come to the same conclusion.
That 20/20 hindsight thing sure is pretty cool.
A parenthetical story: From 1920 to 1924 there was a Japanese student enrolled at Harvard. This student, in 1922, disappeared for three months and was later observed by Mexican agents observing American oil shipping activities in Tampico, Mexico, prior to returning to Harvard. His presence had been made known to J. Edgar Hoover. He could have been picked up at that time on an immigration visa violation but he wasn't. That student's name was Isoroku Yamamoto. Later, this story would be just one of the threads that got woven into the tapestry of the U.S. Guvmint having foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor, but instead let it happen because FDR wanted us in a war that the American public did not support; thus, he needed an overt act to be committed by someone against the US - another USS Maine or the like.
The path of hindsight never leads to satisfaction. It requires only looking backward instead of looking forward or concentrating on the now.
SierraSpartan, at 09 June, 2006 13:00
Lonegunman, don't forget in your analogy that Hussein knew we were going to be coming a year before we went in. Bush held out because he didn't want the elections to affect the war. Even then he was beat up by the liberals for using the war to get Republicans elected.
That gives a lot of time to hide the goods.
tradersmith, at 09 June, 2006 16:27
"We had the world on our side in 2002 and the world would have understood."
Uhm ex-squeeze me? But didn't France, Russia and German want zip to do with us going after these islamo-fascists because they had some connection to Hussein? So when we got that rat in his appropriate rathole, those three country's ticket for oil--UP IN SMOKE!
Of all the countries in the world, England, Australia, Bulgaria are squarely with us at least as far as I know. Spain after Al-Qaida attacked in 2004 cowtowed and elected a socialist for its leader--voting out Bush ally Aznar. Italy is now on the fence since Berlusconi is no longer in charge and the new PM may be more left leaning.
Canada, however has gone to the other side of the fence thanks to the election of conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper--and of course the big terror bust last week.
The Real Bob Anthony, at 09 June, 2006 19:02
But didn't France, Russia and German want zip to do with us going after these islamo-fascists because they had some connection to Hussein?
If by "some connection," you mean multi-billion dollar oil contracts with the Hussein Regime and billions in kickbacks from the UN Oil-For-Palaces program, then... yes.
The only reason the "world was with us on 9-11" is because they were happy that America had been bloodied. After we started standing up for ourselves, support from the Eurotwits evaporated rapidly.
Anonymous, at 10 June, 2006 14:36
Lynnwood Rooster wrote
"Wait a minute... I thought the mantra of the Left is that Saddam and Iraq had NOTHING to do with Al Qaeda! Now we have admission that the Number 2 guy of Al Qaeda was hiding in Iraq in 2002, well prior to our invasion and overthrow of Saddam?
I guess that puts the whole "Bush Lied - there wasn't any tie between Iraq and 9/11" thing out to pasture... I mean, if Saddam was harboring top Al Qaeda operatives prior to our invasion, well, that does say there was some sort of relationship there, and it's not much of a stretch at ALL to think that Al Qaeda was in Iraq prior to 9/11 as well..."
I was listening to Hannity on Friday and he quoted a statement by Bin Laden calling Zarqawi "the prince of Al Qaeda in Iraq". He was using this to show Zarqawi's linkage to Al Qaeda.
Here is a link to an article about Bin Laden's statement:
This would tend to show an Iraq/ Al Qaeda/ Zarqawi link.
The problem with Lynnwood Rooster's assertions that "the number 2 quy of Al Qaeda was hiding in Iraq in 2002", and "I guess that puts the whole "Bush Lied - there wasn't any tie between Iraq and 9/11" thing out to pasture", is that the Bin Laden was welcoming Zarqawi into a union with Al Qaeda story is dated Monday, December 27, 2004 .
The story states " the tape would mark the first time the al Qaeda leader has mentioned al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist whose group had been responsible for numerous car bombings, kidnappings and beheadings in Iraq.
Al-Zarqawi recently renamed his group from Unification and Jihad to al Qaeda in Iraq.
Bin Laden went on to state "We, in al Qaeda organization, welcome him joining forces with us, a great welcome and this will be a great step towards unifying the mujahedeens' efforts in establishing the nation of justice and destroying the nation of evil.
"We ask God to accept this unity and bless it and for all to know, the dear mujahed brother Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is the prince of al Qaeda in Iraq, so we ask all our organization brethren to listen to him and obey him in his good deeds."
Again this happened in late December 2004, so clearly Zarqawi was not affiliated with Al Qaeda in 2002.
Nice try though.
Ezsuds, at 11 June, 2006 06:43
"If by "some connection," you mean multi-billion dollar oil contracts with the Hussein Regime and billions in kickbacks from the UN Oil-For-Palaces program, then... yes."
v the k, that's what I meant--not to mention Oil-For-Food.
The Real Bob Anthony, at 11 June, 2006 10:21
Hey Brainless Baloney,
Guess who's in your old Sunday night slot on Kiro710?
David Goldstein!
Justice served you freaking, lying right-wing failure!!!!
Look what you're reduced to: brown-nosing wingnut radio liars who still have a job!!
BWTechnical, at 11 June, 2006 14:14
RWW said: "
This story is all you need to know."
Asked and answered, RWW. See above in the thread.
Nice try, though.
I would encourage you to check some of the links provided by the Rooster before closing off your mind to the debate.
Assuming, of course, that your mind is open to debate in the first place.
SierraSpartan, at 11 June, 2006 21:51
Lynnwood Rooster wrote:
"Regardless, I will concede that it's possible that there wasn't an official link between Zarqawi and al-Qaeda prior to 2004; however, I stand by the implication that al-Qaeda was active in Iraq and with Iraq prior to the invasion, and that Zarqawi and al-Qaeda worked together prior to the official merging of the two groups."
I think you have pointed out that it is still unclear exactly what links (if any) existed between Iraq, Al qaeda and Zarqawi before President Bush had our troops enter Iraq.
As time goes by it appears that the justifications President Bush used for war, become more and more questionable.
CIA Questions Saddam's Ties to Al Qaeda
Bush Administration Claims That Zarqawi Sought Safe Haven in Iraq Put in Doubt
Reputed Terrorist Al-Zarqawi Still Shrouded in U.S.-Fed Myth, Mystery
Fabricated Links?
A CIA report casts new doubt on links between Iraq and Al Qaeda
Ezsuds, at 12 June, 2006 03:28
A relatively minor setback for Air America/prog. talk is WHJJ 920 in Providence, RI, jettisoning Randi
Rhodes in favor of Michael Savage.
The curator of the Political Zoo was bounced from WPRO 630 as Jay Severin was added to their lineup. Buh bye Randi!
from North East Radio Watch:
A further update to the evening talk shuffling taking place in RHODE ISLAND: with Jay Severin replacing Sean Hannity in the 7-10 PM slot on WPRO (630 Providence), Hannity moves to the 10 PM-1 AM slot there. That displaces Michael Savage, who moves up the dial to Clear Channel's WHJJ (920 Providence), knocking ideological opposite Randi Rhodes and local host Geoff Charles off the late-night lineup.
raccoonradio, at 12 June, 2006 05:57
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