Joycelyn Elders, Al Franken, Planned Parenthood, Arkansas
Away From Home, Franken's Political Tone Shifts
Has Al Franken been taking his political cues from Hillary Clinton?
In a seeming break from the ideologically cautious tone seen recently, the Air
America Radio host spoke at a fundraiser Saturday night for Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma. Joining Franken was radical former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders.
From the Arkansas Times Arkansas Blog:
Interestingly, beyond the one blog entry, we can't find any coverage of the event. For Franken, that sure seems convenient, since it seems unlikely he would come within a mile of such a crowd, or the likes of Elders, in his home state of Minnesota.
There, he's been busy crafting a Hillary-esque moderate image, even carrying that over to his radio talk show in recent times. While that may have ticked off some of the Dean / Sheehan types that make up Air America's listenership, it's a smart strategy for taking on Republican Norm Coleman in 2008, if he can get away with it.
In other parts of the country, however, a different Stuart Smalley emerges. This one isn't afraid to associate with the likes of Joycelyn Elders, or others on the far left.
For fundraising purposes, that keeps his liberal credentials intact, without attracting too much attention at home in Minnesota. Isn't that right from the pages of Hillary's political playbook?
Remember Elders? If not, here's a trip down memory lane (via the Washington Post):

And, from Wikipedia:
What's next for Franken? For the latest, watch here.
UPDATE-- New press release from
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Elders photo: AP
Away From Home, Franken's Political Tone Shifts
Has Al Franken been taking his political cues from Hillary Clinton?
In a seeming break from the ideologically cautious tone seen recently, the Air

From the Arkansas Times Arkansas Blog:
Former surgeon general Joycelyn Elders and comedian Al Franken spoke last night at a gala event to benefit Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma. They drew a capacity crowd at the Great Hall of the Clinton Presidential Center, and the evening raised about $40,000 for the organization.
Elders focused on her longstanding message of talking openly and factually about sexuality. Franken made a more wide-ranging critique of the Bush administration.

There, he's been busy crafting a Hillary-esque moderate image, even carrying that over to his radio talk show in recent times. While that may have ticked off some of the Dean / Sheehan types that make up Air America's listenership, it's a smart strategy for taking on Republican Norm Coleman in 2008, if he can get away with it.
In other parts of the country, however, a different Stuart Smalley emerges. This one isn't afraid to associate with the likes of Joycelyn Elders, or others on the far left.
For fundraising purposes, that keeps his liberal credentials intact, without attracting too much attention at home in Minnesota. Isn't that right from the pages of Hillary's political playbook?
Remember Elders? If not, here's a trip down memory lane (via the Washington Post):

Talking is what got Elders into trouble in Washington. She arrived with great fanfare as the first black woman to be surgeon general, a sharecropper's daughter who overcame racism and poverty to rise to the top of her field. But she was preaching safe sex and condom use at a time policymakers didn't want to hear it. Even more, they didn't want to hear about masturbation. In December 1994, during a talk, someone asked Elders what she thought
of discussing masturbation with young people as a way to prevent them from having unsafe sex. She said, well, yes, masturbation probably should be discussed in a sex-education curriculum.
Critics were apoplectic. They said she was promoting teaching masturbation to children. The story wouldn't die, and she was forced to step down.
And, from Wikipedia:
Elders wrote a book an attempt to present her side of the controversies that surrounded her during her 18-month tenure as surgeon general. Already reviled by conservatives for advocating abortion rights and condom distribution in schools, Elders drew fire — and censure from the Clinton administration — when she suggested that legalizing drugs might help reduce crime and that the idea should be studied. Almost immediately afterward, her son Kevin was arrested for cocaine possession, in what she still believes was a frame-up designed to embarrass her and the president.
On December 7, 1993, Dr. Elders commented at a press luncheon, "I do feel that we would markedly reduce out crime rate if drugs were legalized." Eight days later, in the midst of a media frenzy, the Little Rock police issued a warrant for her son's arrest.
What's next for Franken? For the latest, watch here.
UPDATE-- New press release from Hosts National Conference Call With Sen. Barack Obama, Al Franken Events to Mobilize and Energize Democrats for '06 Elections Cutting-Edge "Call for Change" Phone Program Will Be Unveiled
WASHINGTON - July 31 -
WHAT: National conference call open to media
WHEN: Tonight, Monday, July 31, at 8:20 p.m.
WHO: Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Al Franken headline 685-plus GOTV House Parties Nationwide
Tonight, MoveOn members will gather in homes across the nation to eat dessert, get energized on a conference call with Sen. Barack Obama and Air America host Al Franken, and strategize about what they can do locally to ensure a national democratic victory in 2006.
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Elders photo: AP
Are you arguing that anyone who doesn't think that touching themselves is evil, is far left?
Because that's all that the Elders controversy was really about: prudes who think that sex related pleasure is evil.
Ben, at 31 July, 2006 14:03
Speaking about Wikipedia, busy little fingers deleted this site - but not my site - from the AAR entry; I put it back. If someone could make sure both sites are in the 'critics' section there that would be appreciated. In the past both sites have been deleted.
And, for extra credit, please make sure the 'Parodies and Satires' section of the Huffington Post entry isn't deleted; I've had to add it back several times already.
LonewackoDotCom, at 31 July, 2006 14:53
Where is Al Franken? Oh, that's right... this is for Knowledge, not LIES
Rush Limbaugh Listeners Top Chart for 'High Knowledge'
Which party controls the U.S. House? Who is the current Secretary of State? Who is the president of Russia?
If you know all three questions, you could be a Rush Limbaugh listener. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Rush Limbaugh listeners place second in the category of "high knowledge." This is above the pretentious New Yorker, the almost as pretentious NPR, news magazines like Time, the "News Hour with Jim Lehrer," and cable news outlets.
Doesn't "acting" smart count for something? It only does in New York socials and in "An Inconvenient Truth."
Weekly Standard/New Republic: 50%
Rush Limbaugh: 48%
New Yorker/Atlantic: 44%
O’Reilly Factor: 42%
News magazines 41%
Online news (daily): 41%
NPR: 39%
Daily Show: 38%
Sunday AM talk: 36%
Talk radio: 36%
Business magazines: 33%
NewsHour: 32%
CNN: 31%
Daily newspaper: 30%
Nightly network news: 30%
Larry King Live: 30%
Fox News Channel: 28%
TV news magazines: 27%
Community newspapers: 27%
Letterman/Leno: 26%
C-SPAN: 25%
Local TV news: 24%
Hey, it's dark down here.
Anyone seen Sam Seder
or Frankin?
How about Olbermann?
The Benson Report, at 31 July, 2006 20:20
I fail to see the point of this thread.
Franken speaks at an event populated by Donks, which was held at The Ultimate Answer's Presidential Library. Also speaking at the event, a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood, is none other than Herself, Dr. Elders. In an update to the original story, the sun rises in the east, and bread falls butter-side down.
To me, the only surprise is that there is no mention of this story in either the Strib or the PiPress. That represents either bad publicity on the part of Franken's people, or that he doesn't want folks in MN to know what he does or with whom he spends his off time. Again, not surprising for a politician - even an aspiring one.
If Franken does a fundraiser for the Nixon Library or the Reagan Center, then that will be a surprise.
SierraSpartan, at 31 July, 2006 22:14
Wow! You try to be as slippery as a snake. Fortunately, there are a few mongooses in the real world. The original discussion was about AAR ratings. After giving up on defending Franken and his cronies, you tried to slip in the weak signal excuse and the spin that NPR was stealing Franken's customers.
AAR is a failure.
Oh! and speaking of weak signals, how was your top-rated Radio show on Monday evening?
The Benson Report, at 02 August, 2006 13:43
The Air America affliate in my hometown in the Midwest sure isn't doing too badly. Granted, it doesn't air purely AA shows - it also includes Stephanie Miller's and Ed Schultz's show, as well as a local morning show. Nonetheless, it (the Mic 92.1 in Madison, Wisconsin) is an example that liberal talk radio can be successful.
Ben, at 02 August, 2006 14:16
First, according to you, Brian, Al Franken is a far left wing wacko (you may not have said these exact words, I am merely giving you my impression of your position).
Then, according to you, Al moves back to the Center (and, toward the Right, duh), or at least appears to do so. This may not even be true, but, okay, I'll accept this premise of yours.
But this is not acceptable to you! "Al Franken is evil because he is so far away from my politics. But when he moves closer to my politics, he is even more evil because he MUST be lying somehow, because he is so far away from my politics."
Face it, you're no journalist, just a hater.
Scott, at 02 August, 2006 14:51
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