Think Progress Air America Bankruptcy Story Retracted
Think Progress Retracts, Conservatives Blamed Anyway
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When a liberal website run by a so- called "progressive" foundation retracts a story claiming that Air America Radio is about to file for bankruptcy, would you expect the left to do some serious soul- searching to see how this occurred?
How about an examination of the very type of back- stabbing within their movement that likely caused this now- discredited "report" to ever see the light of day?
Tonight, beyond the retraction itself, none of that is happening. In fact, conservatives are being blamed anyway, which is about as intellectually dishonest as one can imagine politics to become. Given that this site cast doubt on the report soon after it hit the mainstream media, it's simply false to assert we are responsible for what a "progressive" website publishes.
From Inside Radio:
Al Franken, this is a new low, even for you.
At Think Progress, the retraction post is brief and relatively contrite, but the comments section contains some real winners:
On our side of the fence, meanwhile, we're sticking to indications that the cash- starved network is up for sale and that it is very possible that a takeover group seeking to depress Air America's value could have leaked the bogus report.
ELSEWHERE: LA Talk hosts blasted by Mayor Villaraigosa for opposition to illegal immigration.
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Technorati tags: al franken air america think progress bill o\'reilly fox news radio equalizer talk radio
Images: David A Lunde
Welcome Instapundit readers!
Think Progress Retracts, Conservatives Blamed Anyway
*** Sunday Updates Here ***

How about an examination of the very type of back- stabbing within their movement that likely caused this now- discredited "report" to ever see the light of day?
Tonight, beyond the retraction itself, none of that is happening. In fact, conservatives are being blamed anyway, which is about as intellectually dishonest as one can imagine politics to become. Given that this site cast doubt on the report soon after it hit the mainstream media, it's simply false to assert we are responsible for what a "progressive" website publishes.
From Inside Radio:
Despite reports the liberal talk network would file for bankruptcy protection by week’s end – that apparently isn’t happening. Franken tells listeners “we’re not in Chapter 11” and pokes at conservative talk hosts and websites for getting it wrong with quips like “who’s gloating now Bill O’Reilly?” We still believe it’s a tough economic situation at the libnet – and several staffers have been laid-off.
Al Franken, this is a new low, even for you.

Please burn your source.
Keep them from doing it again.
Viva La Young Turks! Good luck on Air America!
Comment by Guy — September 15, 2006 @ 5:41 pm
Let’s see, first AA’s going bankrupt then Oops, their not going BK.
First I voted for it but then I voted against it…. D’OH!!
Sounds familiar huh Marge?
Comment by Homer+Simpson — September 15, 2006 @ 5:48 pm
I don’t think its a retraction, its an update.
Billy O’lielly will have to retract his story, sorry trolls.
Comment by ForTruth — September 15, 2006 @ 5:59 pm
The trolls were unstoppable in their glee when the rumour about AA filing for bankruptcy started…but now that the rumour has been put to bed, they’re strangely silent…
Helloooo? Here, trolls…where you hiding?
Comment by TripMaster Monkey — September 15, 2006 @ 6:10 pmWho the hell were your sources, Jason Leopold and Jayson Blair?
Looks like it.
Comment by Doh! — September 15, 2006 @ 6:18 pm
Well, since ThinkProgress “broke” the story, and I’m willing to bet hundreds of right winger whackjob blogs and websites linked to it triumphantly, then I guess it’s that many more conservatives that got some exposure to some fact and some truth and some progressive framing.
Comment by Dave M. — September 15, 2006 @ 6:19 pm
Put Randi Rhodes on Comedy Central after Colbert.
Please, finish the trifecta!
Comment by Ronin Tetsuro — September 15, 2006 @ 6:21 pm
On our side of the fence, meanwhile, we're sticking to indications that the cash- starved network is up for sale and that it is very possible that a takeover group seeking to depress Air America's value could have leaked the bogus report.
ELSEWHERE: LA Talk hosts blasted by Mayor Villaraigosa for opposition to illegal immigration.
Thanks for your continued and vital Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!
Technorati tags: al franken air america think progress bill o\'reilly fox news radio equalizer talk radio
Images: David A Lunde
Welcome Instapundit readers!
Sorry freaks,
Looks like you will have to put off your celebration for another day.
For me, the outrage of the week has been the railroading of the patriotic congressman Boy Ney who renamed french fries to freedom fries. The Fox drones really eat that shit up leading up the Iraq war.
It is time to find another misdirection before the upcoming elections.
none, at 16 September, 2006 00:39
More like, you'll have to wait for after the impeachment election for your WORLD to go under...
Financially viable? Good Lord, no, not by a long shot.
Not many non-regressive media organizations are permitted to be, making their survival all the more heroic.
My main question to regressives is: would you truly be happy with programs such as Mike Malloy's and Randi Rhodes's being on the next wave of media's future, satellite radio?
hashfanatic, at 16 September, 2006 21:07
Please correct your story and inform your cronies at Inside Radio.
Yeah, like that will ever happen. Brainless Baloney cranks out slander after slander as long as it benefits his "team". And why not? He's so in bed with that "team", he couldn't possibly do anything else.
Look at this pitiful site. It's one slander after another against Franken and AAR. It's all about Baloney's sour grapes - Franken has a job (a good paying job) and Baloney has this crappy blog and a few scraps that fall off the wingnut hate talk table.
BWTechnical, at 16 September, 2006 22:30
If that's the case leftists then you can expect something like this to happen to this country when Speaker Pelosi-Mussolini takes over and the impeachment hearings start:
(To be honest I was no fan of the Clinton impeachments myself as they were a waste of America's time and money--then again Clinton's 8 years of debauchery in the people's house was an even BIGGER waste of both)
(Of course the link above is done in sarcastic humor by Mike Smerconish, the morning man at WPHT 1210 in Philly.)
The Real Bob Anthony, at 16 September, 2006 22:30
On immigration alone, the fascists will be trounced.
hashfanatic, at 17 September, 2006 02:38
Well, since ThinkProgress “broke” the story, and I’m willing to bet hundreds of right winger whackjob blogs and websites linked to it triumphantly, then I guess it’s that many more conservatives that got some exposure to some fact and some truth and some progressive framing.
Comment by Dave M. — September 15, 2006 @ 6:19 pm
Truer words were never spoken. And so articulately!
Dave, at 18 September, 2006 14:33
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