Keith Olbermann Demands Huge Raise, MSNBC
Attends Franken School Of Economics
In this consolidating media environment, is a perennial also- ran like MSNBC's Keith Olbermann really in a strong position to demand a huge raise?
After word emerged today of his hardball tactics in attempting to secure a whopping 400% pay increase, we'll apparently soon find out just how much the networks think he's worth.
Reportedly, if MSNBC can't reach a new deal with the O'Reilly- obsessed cable talker, CNN may very well be interested in him. Towing the mainstream media's line sure has its monetary advantages!
From Broadcasting and Cable:
A big hat tip goes to NRO's Media Blog for this item, meanwhile, OlbermannWatch has it covered from every angle.
So what motived our friend Olby to make such a whopper of a demand? We think it may be a result of his time spent studying at the highly- regarded Franken School of Economics, where he learned the following:
No matter how low the ratings, you're worth more, baby, more!
Ditto when it comes to the revenues.
Remember: no matter how many support staffers are having their heads chopped off, it's all about you! Sacked support staffers mean more room in the budget for your bloated paycheck.
To see how this one plays out, stay tuned for more.
Dogs: David A Lunde
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Technorati tags: keith olbermann olbermann contract msnbc bill o\'reilly cable talk cnn al franken olbermann watch
Attends Franken School Of Economics
In this consolidating media environment, is a perennial also- ran like MSNBC's Keith Olbermann really in a strong position to demand a huge raise?

Reportedly, if MSNBC can't reach a new deal with the O'Reilly- obsessed cable talker, CNN may very well be interested in him. Towing the mainstream media's line sure has its monetary advantages!
From Broadcasting and Cable:
MSNBC's Olbermann Seeks Big Raise
By J. Max Robins -- Broadcasting & Cable, 12/18/2006 3:54:00 AM
Olbermann and MSNBC are knocking heads over a new contract. The controversial host of Countdown With Keith Olbermann is said to be seeking "north of $4 million" a year, according to an industry source, to re-up on his pact that comes due in April. That would represent roughly a four-fold increase over his current deal, believed to be in the $1 million-per-year range.
Olbermann is looking for such a big pay raise because Countdown has been on fire, playing a big part in the current audience uptick at the network. In the key 25-54 demo, its ratings are up 25% year-to-date and an astounding 75% so far in the fourth quarter.
But MSNBC brass may have their hands tied on how much they can pony up for Olbermann. MSNBC parent NBC Universal has mandated $750 million worth of budget cuts across all divisions, and this is hardly a politic time to hand out a gargantuan raise. Meanwhile, CNN may have interest.
A big hat tip goes to NRO's Media Blog for this item, meanwhile, OlbermannWatch has it covered from every angle.

To see how this one plays out, stay tuned for more.
Dogs: David A Lunde
Looking for gift ideas? Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately select for purchase, greatly help to support this site's efforts. Thanks again!
Technorati tags: keith olbermann olbermann contract msnbc bill o\'reilly cable talk cnn al franken olbermann watch
A substantial number of Americans, from across the political spectrum, depend on Olbermann for news and essential information, on a daily basis.
hashfanatic, at 19 December, 2006 00:09
Ah, another bottom-feeder is here, grubbing for scraps.
hashfanatic, at 19 December, 2006 00:54
I can't understand why hash continually supports the outrageous salary demands of Olbermann and Franken, yet is anti-capitalist in every other of his posts.
PCD, at 19 December, 2006 08:35
Wasn't it just two months ago that MSNBC was cutting costs by consolidating broadcast centers, costing people jobs? Why ... yes it was!!! Instead of demanding a raise, why doesn't Olbermann use his clout to get his former staff's jobs back? Doesn't Olby care about the little guy?!?
BF, at 19 December, 2006 09:12
PCD, I'm not crazy over ALL of these big media, music, sports, etc. types demanding the types of compensation that they do, but I'm also keenly aware of what professional shitstirrers like Mark Levin, outright liars like Hannity, and individuals who actually act to subvert the electoral process, like Ingraham.
Against that backdrop, I can to a certain extent forgive fellow truthseekers like Olbermann, Randi Rhodes, or even the crucified Dan Rather for their compensation demands, given what they do to promote real patriotism in the country.
I'm also troubled about the recent, abrupt mass firings of radio hosts across the board, and can understand that professionals want to be fairly compensated for their contributions, especially in view of the outrageous salaries in upper management...
There's a considerable basis for argument from each viewpoint.
hashfanatic, at 19 December, 2006 09:51
WD. Dumbass posted
A substantial number of of those people are Mentally ill nitwits, as you prove every time you post
That would be tyhe Oriley fan, the Hannity fan, the Savage worshipper. At 20% for this administration, 80% of the country can't be nit-wits
You are the mentally ill freak hanging onto a failed administration, a failed ideology of killing government and replacing it with privarte industry, resulting in a failed war, the end of New Orleans, food poisoning in record numbers (worse than 1906) as a result of big business running the FDA. You, are the ignorant, knuckle dragging, FAILURE WPDUNN. YOU, do not deserve this great country. You willfully support a murderous regime. You are an ENEMY OF AMERICA
Think it's harsh? not at all, I don't give a crap. Knuckle draggers like you are DESTROYING AMERICA
PCD: another right winger with a brain the size of a lima bean. Demanding regulation in business (such asd Franken) does not mean anti-capitalism, it means PRO LIFE
Deregulation of business is KILLING AMERICA.
Minister of Propaganda, at 19 December, 2006 10:01
Against that backdrop, I can to a certain extent forgive fellow truthseekers like Olbermann, Randi Rhodes, or even the crucified Dan Rather for their compensation demands, given what they do to promote real patriotism in the country.
Right on, comrade! Long live the Proletariat! Some Animals are more Equal than Others...
BF, at 19 December, 2006 15:31
Still milking the Red Scare, eh?
hashfanatic, at 19 December, 2006 18:57
Keith Olbermann, news and essential information
Does anyone else think that sounds like one of those old Johnny Carson "Karnak the Magnificent" set-ups where he said several unrelated things as the answer, then tore open the envelope with a flourish to reveal the loopy question?
Chromium, at 20 December, 2006 12:37
Not really....
hashfanatic, at 20 December, 2006 19:53
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