08 July 2007

Fred Thompson Campaign, Jeri Kehn Thompson, New York Times


As Campaign Takes Off, Fred-Bashing Again Hits Spouse

Clearly worried about unofficial presidential candidate Fred Thompson's solid fundraising skills and emerging popularity, our mainstream media friends have returned to attacking his spouse's appearance and age.

The result is likely to fuel tomorrow's talk radio debates.

And this time, the elitists are holding nothing back. Is the New York Times determined to sink Fred before his campaign ever gets off the ground?

It sure looks that way. Get a load of this tacky, would- be editorial disguised as news reporting:

AS the election of 2008 approaches with its cast of contenders who bring unprecedented diversity to the quest for the White House, the voting public has been called on to ponder several questions: Is America ready for a woman to be president? What about a black man? A Mormon?

Now, with the possible candidacy of Fred D. Thompson, the grandfatherly actor and former Republican senator from Tennessee, whose second wife is almost a quarter-century his junior, comes a less palatable inquiry that is spurring debate in Internet chat rooms, on cable television and on talk radio: Is America ready for a president with a trophy wife?

Again, what does this have to do with Thompson's qualifications? And what exactly is the real issue with Jeri Kehn Thompson? Has anyone bothered to interview her? The press assumes she's a bimbo.

And more often than not, we've seen these anti- Fred and Jeri pieces written by women. Is this catty "journalism" at its worst?

At the Moderate Voice, not at all associated with the right, writer Joe Gandelman calls this "smelly journalism":

To those of you who roll your eyes and groan when you hear people go on and on about the biased news media that injects its personal opinions into news stories and peppers them with assumptions that the writer more than “critics say” seems to hold, roll your eyes no longer.

The New York Times has a piece that makes you conclude: somewhere at that (once stellar) newspaper, an editor was asleep at the switch.

Joe, that's giving this overpriced rag far too much credit. More likely the editor found no objection to the writer declaring Jeri a "trophy wife".

If the mainstream media keeps this up, they may very well unite conservatives behind Thompson. Wouldn't the Grey Lady prefer a divided right?

ELSEWHERE: Cindy Sheehan proves she's addicted to the limelight like it's crack cocaine.

ALSO: lib blogger calls for executions of Rush, Ted Nugent.

FOR Boston- area talk radio updates, see our other site. New: why the potential end of Boston's race- based METCO busing system may be off- limits at some local talk stations.

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  1. Listen you fat sniveling pissant,

    When a person runs for office EVERYTHING is an open book. His young gold digging wife reflects the debauchery of a rich divorced Hollywood elitist who got wealthy as sleazy corporate lobbyist.

    Thompson is going to prove he is another sanctimonious, hypocritical piece of fecal matter that will pander to his base on social values so that he can screw the America worker and enrich his corporate supporters as well as his sleazy lobbyist sons.

    I dare that filthy bass turd to run on the track record of George Bush and utilize the fear mongering, saber rattling and evangelical brown nosing that got Bush elected to a second term.

  2. Wow elmonica such language. You speak like a real Democrat. You should contact the Edwards campaign. He's been known to hire women bloggers with no brains or intellectual capacity. You'd fit right in.

    Senator Thompson's wife shouldn't be discussed in the editorial pages of the New York Times or any other print media or news broadcast. Love is ageless there's no restriction so the age difference is irrelevant. I suspect what you're really upset about is the fact that Senator Thompson is electable. His poll numbers already have him out in front of Rudy his only competition. He will succeed in unifying the Republican Party because he will garner the support of the right-wing Christian base. And who can challenge him on the Republican side as to his ability to raise campaign funds? Nobody.

    Too bad the Democrats don't have an electable candidate. Hillary is too divisive and her non-approval numbers amongst AMERICANS is 40% or higher. She's not electable. Senator Obama is too inexperienced and former Senator Edwards...enough said.

    You're going to have to get over yourself and realize AMERICANS aren't buying Democratic lies..ANYMORE. How long has it been since the 2006 mid-term elections? 7 months and just like I told my Democratic parents...after 2 months the old left-wing of the Democratic party will take over and it'll be business as usual for the Democrats which means an expansion of the federal government and higher taxes. If you check the Democrats proposed/passed legislation, you'll see my prediction was correct. Now go on and support the secular-progressive agenda of the Democratic Party. Jump on the Socialistic bandwagon of the Hillary Campaign. Maybe you two can sit down and read her senior year thesis from Wellesley College and she can tell you wonderful stories about Saul Alinsky or explain all her socialistic statements she's made to the AMERICAN public while campaigning. Ask her what she meant by the " We're going to take from you for the common good " statement.

    Leave Fred alone. Go whine somewhere else to someone who cares what you think.

  3. Good post, thanks for sharing it. I tend to agree, this story was beyond the pale for pointlessness and idiocy, but then it is pandering to a audience that believe that story is real journalism. Thompson may not be my candidate of first choice but this was just plain dumb.

    I love people like elmonica, I encounter them quite often on my Vlog, folks who believe the level of debate is elevated by that sort of trashy response.

    Keep it up

  4. Just remember, when it's the wife that's the gold-digger of the candidate, it's bad.

    When it's the husband who's the gold-digger and candidate (a la Kerry) it's perfectly wonderful.

    At least that seems to be the Democrat's position...

  5. "Love is ageless...."

    Oh, don't make me vomit.

    A sex kitten, as First Lady?

    Shows what total hypocrites you Rethugs are.

    Check a REAL poll. Rudy is still the front also-ran....

    "He will succeed in unifying the Republican Party because he will garner the support of the right-wing Christian base."

    Not really. The Christianists already understand that this doddering old fool actually supported abortion-rights legislation at a time where this was ground-breaking, before he came out against it....the key is whether or not the Christianists in play are pro-Zionist, and to what extent...marriage equality won't even enter into the equation this go-round...so what does he have to offer them?

    "And who can challenge him on the Republican side as to his ability to raise campaign funds?"

    Oh, there's no question of that...his ability to build a slush fund for Libby's defense (which doesn't actually exist), his EIGHTEEN years of experience as a paid Washington lobbyist, and his role in the savings and loan scandal all prove, if there's a pocket to pick, he'll pick it...

    "Hillary is too divisive and her non-approval numbers amongst AMERICANS is 40% or higher..."

    I agree, but trotting out a sleazeball like Thompson as a frontrunner will virtually guarantee Clinton's victory, if an honest election were to be held...there will be NO crossovers to the GOP, because of Thompson's Bush-esque permanent war strategy.

    "Senator Obama is too inexperienced ..."

    Agreed, and he's black, and he has a Muslim-sounding name.

    "former Senator Edwards...enough said."

    What's your damage with Edwards?

    "You're going to have to get over yourself and realize AMERICANS aren't buying Democratic lies..ANYMORE."

    After the most crooked, corrupt, lying administration EVER, what would make you think Americans are in the mood for more?

    Conservatism is OVER....

    "Jump on the Socialistic bandwagon of the Hillary Campaign."

    Take the needle out of your arm, go back to school, and read some history. Learn what "Socialism" means, before you throw the term around.

    "Maybe you two can sit down and read her senior year thesis from Wellesley College and she can tell you wonderful stories about Saul Alinsky..."

    Ooooo, RESENTMENT!! I LOVE it!!

    "Leave Fred alone."


    And go ahead. Try and make me, little piglet.

    I assure you, you'll be the one face forward, squealing in the mud, first.


  6. "Just remember, when it's the wife that's the gold-digger of the candidate, it's bad."

    Da, there are gold-diggers, and then there are common sluts.

    A gold-digger would...could...be welcomed in the White House as a First Lady.

    A slut cannot.

  7. "...this story was beyond the pale for pointlessness and idiocy..."


    Do I need to even go into the whole THOMPSON=WATERGATE MOLE FOR NIXON equation, in order to "elevate" this conversation to a more desired level of sophistication?

    Or will you just admit that you intend to automatically brand ANY criticism of Thompson between now and next November as either a personal attack or sheer invective?

  8. Whats wrong with Catty Journalism? That is what the public wants, and advertisers want to reach the public. It better to make a big deal out of nothing than to discuss topics that actually have gravity on the planet.

  9. Brian is complaining that a GOP candidate is under the microscope? When you run for president every
    stone is turned over by the media (usually, unless a Bush thug is running, than the media tells you to vote for him) AS IT SHOULD BE. This is EXPECTED , mmmmmmmmm In 7 months we heard "Obama is a Muslim terrorist", mmmmmmm "Obama goes to a radical black church", mmmmmmm. "Hillary used to admire a socialist pofessor". blah blah blah

    Fred Thompson, just like any other candidate is going to be examined...

    speaking of which

    Fred Thompson the big "fetus lover" used to lobby for a right to choose group!!!!

    It's only just beginning Maloney............. Maybe your sick Anti-family, Anti-worker party party should not have started in January with the attacks on Obama..

    Every action has a reaction, Rudy has been knocked out pretty much by exposing the fraud, MCain as well, not it's Fred thompson's turn.....

    Come on down Mr. pro-life but I looy for pro-choice groups..........

    Sorry Maloney nobody has to kiss the ass of the GOP and protect their candidates........ What happened with "W" will NEVER happen again, and apparantly this time, some outlets are doing their homework.

    The media waltzed W into office, they let his background slide, they let his record in 2004 slide........ Be grateful the MSM elected a GOP candidate for 2 solid terms.....

    Almost forgot about the 21%er xxpig: This hack posted
    You're going to have to get over yourself and realize AMERICANS aren't buying Democratic lies..ANYMORE

    at 21% Pig, it's the GOP lies that America is not buying ANYMORE. Pig is obviously stuck in 2001. Listen close con sh*t, in 2007, YOU ARE IRRELEVANT, and all the GOP's positions are rejected by America, and GOP membership is at an all time low, and your candidates have no shot, FRD THOMPSON will NEVER be president, mafia boy Rudy will NEVER be president. Pig, GET OVER YOURSELF, your irrelevant , your the moonbat, America rejects you.
    You are one of the 34% of america that still considers themselves "conservative", YOU ARE THE MINORITY, your an IRRELEVANT moonbat.

    and Fred Thompson repeat, used to lobby for abortion rights groups!!

    and one more thing ...

    he really does not drive a red pick up truck!

    Nothing like sh*tting all over the con sh*ts delusional vision of the world, first thing on a monday morning. I thrive from watching the radical right squirm.

    GO GET FRED!!!! NAIL THE FREAK ON EVERYTHING, same thing goes for "America's mayor", ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK! GOP does not own this country, and the GOP no longer controls the political discourse.
    You blew it, the public is sick of you, filthy GOP con sh*ts......

    I hope each and every con has an awful, week. I hope your job is replaced by an Indian as well. Free market baby!!

  10. LEAVE FRED ALONE???????

    and you left Kerry alone?
    and howard dean and clinton, and hillary clinton, and obama, and kucicich, and John Edwards.


    America does not owe you con sh*t pigs ANYTHING.

  11. As far as Thompson, he is not winning ANY polls, Giuliani is still winning all GOP polls and trailing Obama, Clinton and Edwards in polls against Democrats....

    Thompson is the candidate for the delusional 21%ers, it's amazing how the MSM wrote off Gravel, Paul, Kucinich, Dodd and others, while this hack the media basically said has a "legit" shot. The media turned this hack into a legit candidate, which he is not..

    So what are you whining about?

    Giuliani is why certain cons are pushing Thompson, Rudy is a total hack and has no shot. His whole campaign is "stay in Iraq" and '9-11', ohhh let's not foget the great stance he takes on healthcare " nothing is wrong with it, the market works" or his very popular "REAL ID" which even conservative states are against. speaking of real ID, Rudy's big selling point !!!, New Hampshire, says NO WAY to Real ID.

    So tell me again pig, how a America is sick of the Democrats? You may indeed have a needle in your arm.

  12. ... is going to prove he is another sanctimonious, hypocritical piece of fecal matter that will pander to his base on social values so that he can screw the America worker and enrich his corporate supporters as well as his sleazy lobbyist sons.

    What a perfect description of Harry Reid.

  13. You're a real class act Jared. You and elmonica should hook up and share your extensive profane vocabulary with each other. It's Democrats like you two morons that make the Democratic Party what it is today...uneducated.
    You guys had a perfecr opportunity to return to greatness with the 2006 elections but you blew it. Just like I knew you would. The left-wing wackos of the democratic party were not going to sit back and let the moderate newbies pass any meaningful legislation. No way it's time to Impeach W, raise taxes, expand the size of the federal government, negotiate with terrorists, kill embryos for science, hate AMERICA, promote a SOCIALISTIC agenda, control the price of gasoline but not provide domestic opportunites to search for oil,legalize the illegals. Yea you Democrats are something else. I hope Hillary wins the nomination of the democratic Party. You talk about voter turnout..it'll be 80% or more just to defeat Hillary. AMERICA HATES HILLARY...LOOK AT HER NUMBERS. God she can't even win support from the left-wing of her party and without them...she's toast. Amongst AMERICAN she polls a 40% + unfavorable rating. AMERICANS don't trust her. She's even admitted to the MSM that she can't run the country or make decisions by herself. 8 more years of BILLARY???? NEVER HAPPEN. kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JARED...cuss me out again.

  14. I will curse you out, you filthy right wing scum bag. For 25 years you did it to the left, since the day that Anti-American anti-labor freak ronald reagan took office, the reich wing started attacking the 'liberals", you scum bag profits over people degenerates created this enviornment, and yes, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU. Your an enemy of my country, your an ENEMY of DEMOCRACY, your an ENEMY of the military, and enemy of the flag, an enemy of the constitution.
    You take party over country all the time, your a traitor.

    Now con shit, does of reality. Hillary Clinton (a republican with a D next to her name) is polling higher in "favorability" than Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson. See the polls yourself TRAITOR. pollingreport.com

    Social issues, America LEANS TO THE left BIG TIME. America supports a change in healthcare, America is receptive of social medicine, America thinks tax cuts for the rich should be scaled back, America is moving LEFT, you are in denial, this is why you hide in an alternate universe.

    America has drifted left. Every public opinion poll proves it. America is not scared of "communist medicine" and "communist Hillary'. YOU ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH YOUR OWN COUNTRY, fiugures your a Anti-american con sh8t. party over country all the time

    Your time has come and gone, 21%er
    Learn to accept it. The CON revolution is DEAD, America understands your ideology takes profits over people, corperations over people, business over families, global domination over the military.

    you were so drunk with power, you never saw it happen. Keep tuned to RNC radio, as America abandons your party and ideology in droves.

    31% of America consider themselves "republicans"

    My observationsd are based on public polls, all swinging left, especially on socio-economic issues... but not only socio-economic, Americans are not too bomb happy anymore, CLOSE TO 90% OF America favors diplomacy with Iran over dropping bombs.

    Yes, con sh*t, your small minded ideology, has failed America, and now your the traitor to your own country.

  15. MOP said:
    I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU. Your an enemy of my country, your an ENEMY of DEMOCRACY, your an ENEMY of the military, and enemy of the flag, an enemy of the constitution. You take party over country all the time, your a traitor.

    Nice response. It is so insightful into the thought process of the left. Where have I heard this type of response before?

    Oh, yes, it was just a couple days ago at the Live Earth concert, spewed by that insane Kennedy offspring, about politicians who did not believe in his perverted view of Global Warming.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmentalist author, president of Waterkeeper Alliance, grew hoarse from shouting. "This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors."

    By the way, the hypocritical Kennedy adamantly refuses to comment on how many miles he flies in private jets each year.

    Sounds similar to Al Gore's view on Global Warming demands. Do what I say, not what I do!

    Ahhh, wouldn't it be wonderful if Al ran for the Presidency. That would be so enjoyable to watch. I guess he realized that he would be the laughing stock of the race.

  16. Gore would sweep if he ran again, Benson.

    Your the laughing stock, your failed ideology has brought nothing to America but dispair, poverty, mother's working 6 jobs, dead soldiers, wasted money, floating corpses in New Orleans, turned the DOJ into a mockery, turned the surgen general into a politcal hack, turned every regulatory agency in the government into a big business rubber stamp, poisoning our children and pets, turned the constitution into a secondary doctrine, and destroyed the American dream for millions of Americans....

    and yes, your anti-american ideology is the ENEMY of America.

    Tables turned, your the traitor, the moonbat, the enemy " within". Everything cons say about me, bounces right back and sticks to YOU. The only thing cons are good at is projecting. "liberalism is a mental disorder" and all the other scathing hate against the majority of America are nothing but works of projection. The insane, Anti-human, Anti-family, Anti-worker right projecting their failure and warped logic onto everyone else.

    Your the one who is "godless"

    Your the one suffering from a "mental disorder"

    Your the "enemy within"

    You "don't support the troops"

    Your "anti-American"

    your the "moonbat"

    your the "radical"

    your party is the "hollywood elite"

    all the sh*t your side has spewed is comming back to haunt you, as 80% of this country is wholeheartedly rejecting your failed ideology..........

    do you think you would get away forever thrashing the American people, who don't subscribe to your radical profits-over-people ideology?????

    as far as that concert, I hear it was the most watched event in the histroy of the internet..........

    Yes, America undrstands Global Warming is real

    Yes, if Al gore ran, your Anti-American Rapeublican party would suffer the most humiliating defeat ever.

    America respects Al Gore

    America detests the radical right....

  17. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmentalist author, president of Waterkeeper Alliance, grew hoarse from shouting. "This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors."

    He is 100% correct, the global warming deniers are treasonous profits over people demons, who should in a perfect world be locked up in determent camps. Filthy lobbiests are the only individuals who continue to deny science, and take profits over life.

    Culture of life?
    Try culture of profits

    disgusting... The Global Warming contrarians are the fringe of the fringe, the scum putting out the lies, at least have a reason to do it, they are doing the bidding of big business......

    Sadder are the Benson's of the world who cling to 1%er science, simply because a "D" made Global warming an issue......

    If an "R" said global warming was a problem, and made a fuss over it, cons would suddenly be enviornmentalists. Those who believe the oil lobbiests who put out the 1%er junk science are doing so out of spite.... Jealous, that Al Gore identified a problem, the whole world is taking serious

    It is all party over country and now party over Earth to sick degenerares like Benson.

  18. MOP said:
    your failed ideology has brought nothing to America but dispair, poverty, mother's working 6 jobs, dead soldiers, wasted money, floating corpses in New Orleans, turned the DOJ into a mockery, turned the surgen general into a politcal hack, turned every regulatory agency in the government into a big business rubber stamp, poisoning our children and pets, turned the constitution into a secondary doctrine, and destroyed the American dream for millions of Americans....

    And yet, there are hundreds of thousands of non-Americans who are desperate to immigrate to the USA (that has been controlled by the Republicans for the past decade+).

    Go figure!

  19. "He is 100% correct, the global warming deniers are treasonous"

    They are treasonous. The punishment for treason is death

    Yeah thats your thinking death to all that disagree with you.

    Bring it on you leftist Puzzy

    Just keep throwing it against the wall and see what sticks.

    I guess their are a few idiots who believe your lies.

    Just keep screaming "I hate you" that makes you smarter.

    What a waste.

  20. Benson:

    And yet, there are hundreds of thousands of non-Americans who are desperate to immigrate to the USA (that has been controlled by the Republicans for the past decade+).

    For sure, mostly from countries that have been destroyed by the same libertarian, non-regulatory policies the GOP espouses....

    Mexico anyone?

  21. OH NO..I have a life..How do I know? I had no idea who Fred Thompson OR HIS WIFE were until I saw the article I just read. I don't care who or what he marries. It's his business.
