18 July 2007

Joey Buttafuoco Begins Talk Radio Show


Buttafuoco Show Will Focus On Recovery

Sure enough, we've officially reached the point where everyone has a talk show.

When none other than Joey Buttafuoco is now on the air, there's no disputing that point! Yes, the pride of Long Island is set to kick off a self- help show on the Let's Talk Recovery network, which provides Internet- based radio programming.

How might Joey address recovery? Here are some potential topics, laid out in "bullet" points:

Finishing the job: recovering from sloppy mistakes made by young girls sent to kill the wife.

Recovering from circulation problems caused by that pinky ring that got a little bit too tight.

Recovering some of those gold chains that SOB Giuseppe took from my house while I was in the can.

Yes, this show is bound to be exciting, but for the callers, here's a warning: Joey has caller ID, so don't give him any trouble if you know what's good for you.

FOR Boston- area talk radio updates, see our other site. Howie ready to bolt sooner than expected?

SAVE Internet radio: it's nearly too late!

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1 comment:

  1. Maloney:Recovering from circulation problems caused by that pinky ring that got a little bit too tight.

    Recovering some of those gold chains that SOB Giuseppe took from my house while I was in the can.

    mmmmmmm. sounds like Italian stereotypes to me, is every square inch of your brain racist Brian.....
