23 July 2007

Talk Radio, Jose Alonso Compean, Ignacio Ramos, Senator Dianne Feinstein


Slanted Coverage Meant To Alarm 'Progressives'

In the angry and emotional world of San Francisco politics, even the slightest hint of an association with conservatives could send any politician's career into a nosedive.

So when the San Francisco Chronicle yesterday published a piece highlighting Senator Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) recent praise from the right on the sad plight of jailed border patrol agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos, its intent was instantly clear.

Because they were law enforcement agents doing their jobs, San Francisco's "social justice" hypocrites have been nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, these guys are unfairly stuck behind bars. We previously covered the story here.

Feinstein has right singing her praises

Edward Epstein, Chronicle Washington Bureau

Washington -- Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, normally a target for criticism from outspoken conservatives, is being hailed as an unlikely hero by the political right for joining them in calling for President Bush to free two U.S. border agents convicted of shooting a suspected drug smuggler.

The case of agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos has become a cause celebre for conservative talk radio, bloggers and politicians. The agents were sentenced in October 2006 to 12 and 11 years in prison, respectively, by a federal judge in El Paso, Texas. Supporters say the initial verdict and the sentences were unbelievably harsh, an example of overzealous prosecution and of misplaced government priorities.

The critics of the sentence, many of whom opposed the failed immigration reform bill that Feinstein backed, also say the incident shows the U.S.-Mexico border is out of control because of drug smuggling and illegal immigration.

The two agents admit they shot and wounded unarmed drug smuggling suspect Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila in the buttocks as he fled from them after crashing a van loaded with 743 pounds of marijuana. He fled on foot, they caught him and scuffled. He escaped and refused their order to stop as he ran toward the Mexican border.

Compean and Ramos opened fire. The two veteran agents say they saw him reaching for something, perhaps what they thought might be a gun, when they fired.

Aldrete-Davila made it to Mexico, and in a step that really riled the critics of the federal government, was granted immunity from prosecution to return to Texas to testify against the agents. Aldrete-Davila also is suspected of subsequently trying to smuggle another large pot shipment into the United States, an allegation jurors in the agents' trial weren't allowed to hear.

San Antonio-based U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, who prosecuted the two, said this week at a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing that he based his case on the theory that "the agents shot at and struck an unarmed, fleeing drug smuggler; that they deliberately failed to report the shooting as they were required to do; that they destroyed evidence to cover up their actions; and that they did these things willfully and in violation of the laws they were sworn to uphold."

As the story continues, it's repeatedly drilled into the reader's skull that Feinstein's support on this issue comes entirely from the evil right. Right, right, right! Attention Bay Area lefties: that's your official protest signal! Fill the streets!

What we don't find, however, is an explanation as to why the left lacks compassion for Ramos and Compean. What makes this an ideological issue? Feinstein hasn't turned conservative, it's simply about common sense.

And here's a tip for the jailed agents: simply add "Mumia" to your names and watch support suddenly come from the "progressive" side as well (it wouldn't hurt to grow dreadlocks either). This should work like a charm.

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  1. "..recent praise from the right on the sad plight of jailed border patrol agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos..."

    Feinstein's praise from the right?

    Excuse me, but it was George Bush who demanded those guards be jailed.

    Since when can the right claim a higher ground on this issue?

    For your information, I am a proud leftist and I have deplored the imprisonment of those two border guards from day one...and I'm not the only one.

    Your constant attempts to twist reality in order to conform to your bizarre, unreal agenda is obscuring any worth your posts ever have had, and are making your site almost unbearable to read, for all of its simplistic falsehoods.

    Shame on you, Brian Maloney.

  2. Dirty freak posted:
    simply add "Mumia" to your names and watch support suddenly come from the "progressive" side as well (it wouldn't hurt to grow dreadlocks either). This should work like a charm.

    You and 2 other Americans are listening to you and are laughing. Are you trying to be funny? All it takes to be a conservative is a lapel American flag pin. Your side has always been the intelectualy devoid and lightweight, and a few hunderd Mumia supporters do not represent the majority of Americans who lean LEFT...

    How about this..

    Want support from the right? Wear a lapel pin and shoot a brown person

    From coast to coast conservatism has been rejected, and you asre not considered the enemy by the vast majority of the country

  3. MOP said:
    Want support from the right? Wear a lapel pin and shoot a brown person

    You've got it wrong. The correct spin is:

    Want support from the left? Wear an "awareness ribbon" and make a minority dependent on government handouts.

    Awareness Ribbon: This is a typical liberal form of slacktivism (slacker and activism), allowing people to 'show support' without making any effort in time or money.

    Examples of Actual Awareness Ribbons: AIDS Awareness, Awareness of violence against women, Substance abuse, Alzheimer's disease, Gender violence, Suicide awareness, Endometriosis awareness, Child Abuse Awareness, Victims of Hurricane Katrina, Huntington's Disease, Genital integrity (WTF?), Infant Loss Awareness, Breast Cancer, Animal Protection Awareness, Self-Injury Awareness, Diabetes Awareness, Mental Health Awareness, Organ donation awareness, Ovarian Cancer, Lyme Disease

    The left just loves these warm and fuzzy useless symbols.

    I won't even bother to comment on your dumb-ass final comment.
