Mugabe Under Pressure, Will US Provide Knockout Punch?
As Americans, we're lucky enough to live in a country where one can easily avoid keeping up with current events, as prosperity and freedom generally reign supreme.

That's why we've been calling attention to the commendable efforts of the staff of SW Radio Africa, who have been working overtime to provide updates to those unfortunate enough to live under Robert Mugabe's tyrannical rule.
From their base in the UK, SW Radio's presenters broadcast via shortwave and provide Internet news updates. Though it isn't easy to get information past Mugabe's thugs, who use jamming devices and physical intimidation, they're doing what they can.
Since we last wrote about the situation, Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party have lost the election, mostly because his cronies were too lazy to finish stuffing the ballot boxes. That left the opposition MDC Party and its heroic leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, as the victor.
But rather than give up power, which was briefly considered, the octogenarian dictator has simply refused to release the results of the election. And the military leaders who prop up his sick regime have gone on a rampage, attacking opposition supporters at will.
And instead of applying the proper pressure on Mugabe in order to force him to leave, morally corrupt South African President Thabo Mbeki has turned a blind eye to the suffering, refusing to admit there's even a crisis. That's despite the millions of starving people who have so far fled Zimbabwe, mostly destined for his own country.

Now, there is renewed global pressure on Mbeki by world leaders who are increasingly fed-up with the ANC's position on the crisis next door. While the US is part of that effort, is our government pushing hard enough to ensure Mugabe's regime is finally smashed to bits?
While Zimbabwe's struggle for survival generates daily headlines in the UK, the American media has been behind the curve, stepping up coverage only quite recently. Meanwhile, talk radio and the blogosphere could do a great deal more to raise awareness of this battle against evil in Africa.
If we truly believe in freedom and prosperity for all, why not call attention to this tyrant and the suffering he is forcing millions of people to endure?
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Technorati tags: talk radio robert mugabe thabo mbeki south africa zimbabwe elections sw radio africa mugabe thug zanu-pf mdc
Top image: Time, airplane banner over UN building: SW Radio Africa
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