Obama-Supporting KGO Libtalker Calls For Death Of Joe The Plumber
CAUGHT ON TAPE: KGO Talker Wants Ohio Plumber Killed

UPDATED BELOW: KGO / San Francisco libtalker / Obama supporter Karel has been caught on tape calling for the death of Joe The Plumber.
According to a key industry source, this DID go out over the airwaves.
Karel, also known as Charles Karel Bouley, is an evening and weekend host at KGO radio in San Francisco. This incident occurred during Saturday evening's show.
Based in Los Angeles, Karel is a gay activist who also writes for the Huffington Post website.
This latest incident caps a weekend of unhinged behavior by Obama's supporters, including a call for the death of Mormons campaigning on behalf of Proposition 8 in California and the push for an investigation into the "leak" that Obama's aunt was an illegal alien facing deportation.
It also adds to a number of dubious recent developments at the Citadel - ABC Radio powerhouse station, including a widely-anticipated station announcement that actually turned out to be a cheap campaign stunt for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In addition, KGO and ultra- liberal station manager Mickey Luckoff have generated negative headlines this year for throwing a lavish party at the Four Seasons Hotel in the midst of staff layoffs and attempts to rehire convicted child porn distributor / libtalker Bernie Ward while he was awaiting trial.
UPDATE: many have asked today what kind of punishment might await Karel or Luckoff over this. The usual CYA proceedure is to fire the engineer, but the flap over this is intense enough that it may take down Karel himself. Your Radio Equalizer is hearing that Citadel's corporate suits are currently trying to determine how to proceed.
Why Karel should be held responsible comes from Broadcasting 101: one must always assume the mic is HOT!
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Technorati tags: talk radio karel bouley kgo karel joe the plumber talk host called for joe the plumber\'s death obama supporters obama joe the plumber obama supporter wants joe dead
CAUGHT ON TAPE: KGO Talker Wants Ohio Plumber Killed

UPDATED BELOW: KGO / San Francisco libtalker / Obama supporter Karel has been caught on tape calling for the death of Joe The Plumber.
According to a key industry source, this DID go out over the airwaves.
Karel, also known as Charles Karel Bouley, is an evening and weekend host at KGO radio in San Francisco. This incident occurred during Saturday evening's show.
Based in Los Angeles, Karel is a gay activist who also writes for the Huffington Post website.
This latest incident caps a weekend of unhinged behavior by Obama's supporters, including a call for the death of Mormons campaigning on behalf of Proposition 8 in California and the push for an investigation into the "leak" that Obama's aunt was an illegal alien facing deportation.
It also adds to a number of dubious recent developments at the Citadel - ABC Radio powerhouse station, including a widely-anticipated station announcement that actually turned out to be a cheap campaign stunt for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In addition, KGO and ultra- liberal station manager Mickey Luckoff have generated negative headlines this year for throwing a lavish party at the Four Seasons Hotel in the midst of staff layoffs and attempts to rehire convicted child porn distributor / libtalker Bernie Ward while he was awaiting trial.
UPDATE: many have asked today what kind of punishment might await Karel or Luckoff over this. The usual CYA proceedure is to fire the engineer, but the flap over this is intense enough that it may take down Karel himself. Your Radio Equalizer is hearing that Citadel's corporate suits are currently trying to determine how to proceed.
Why Karel should be held responsible comes from Broadcasting 101: one must always assume the mic is HOT!
FOR New England regional talk radio updates, see our other site.
Amazon orders originating with clicks here benefit The Radio Equalizer's ongoing operations.
Your Honor System contributions keep this site humming along. Thanks!
Technorati tags: talk radio karel bouley kgo karel joe the plumber talk host called for joe the plumber\'s death obama supporters obama joe the plumber obama supporter wants joe dead
This person should be arrested! He's advocating the death of an innocent guy who was just minding his own business when Obama walked down his street. Apparently Obama can't handle tough questions from regular people without his media buddies parsing everything. Since then they've used Ohio government resources to investigate Joe in 24 hours, more than Obama has been investigated by the media in 2 years. Then this idiot calls for his death. I've had it with these people! Obama is an aspiring dictator who wants to create his own Civilian National Security Force (from July 2nd Colorado speech) as strong, as powerful and as well funded as the real military! If these people are coming after us, just maybe we should come for guys like this libtalker first!
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 18:57
Not to agree with a lib, but the guy is right. F*ck Joe the Plumber, the meme AND the man.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 18:57
Good catch Brian.
Let's see how the fruits and nuts in San Francisco handle this latest fiasco.
The Benson Report, at 02 November, 2008 19:30
That's one tolerant homosexual.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 19:37
Friggin awesome, JTP needs to meet the business end of a wrench upside his head.
A.) His name is not "Joe".
B.) He's not a plumber.
C.) He waded through a crowd to yell to Obama that HE had a question, about a fictitious business purchase and taxes.
D.) He's much better off, in his real financial situation, under Obama's tax plan.
E.) McCain mentioned JTP over 20 times in a debate, bringing him to the attention of the Media, who "vetted" Mr. Plumber.
Now he wants to act like he knows his @ss from a hole in the ground about politics. He's a GOP plant.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 19:41
First they came for the plumbers ...
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 19:58
Thank goodness.
This is what should happen to anyone who asks inappropriate questions of our great leader.
Viva Kim Jong-Il and the glorious... oh, Obama and America. Whatever.
Free speech had a good run, lets shut this f***er down and go for a totalitarian state.
It seems to be the goal here, lets be honest and declare it as such.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 20:00
Friggin awesome, JTP needs to meet the business end of a wrench upside his head.
What's awesome is that the Democrats continue their unbelievably self-defeating attacks on a private citizen for simply asking a question.
This is playing really well for the Republicans, so I urge Democrats to up the ante in their attacks. Become even more unhinged. Joe is tough and can take it, the way Palin did, and it chips away at support for Democrats.
I beg you, Obama cultists, to keep exposing yourselves as thugs who will do anything to stifle free speech and dissent.
You're doing an excellent job of defeating your own candidate.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And somewhere, Karl Rove is laughing.
Tom W., at 02 November, 2008 20:04
Seems truth and facts bother the light worker and his followers. He should spread his own wealth around before reaching into others wallets. Help his half brother in Kenya mud hut George, a new rug for his dirt floor would be nice (or will our $50 billion to the UN cover that)? And then that book fabled illegal aunti living in slum gov. housing in Boston, a new walmart security door or legal fees?
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 20:42
Doh doh doh...'He's better off under Obama's tax plan"...you Obama supporters are ignorant fools...it's amazing so many people are stupid enough to be duped by empty slogans and mindless rhetoric...
DC Jeff, at 02 November, 2008 20:59
Joe the plummer's name is Samuel...whoppty doo. Obama's a socialist who let his stupid commie skirt show.
You browncoat bootsteppers sure are tolerant for opposing views. I cant wait to see you wimps crying in your fru-fru's Tuesday evening.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 20:59
The left love to preach tolerance and civility. Gotta love their real agenda, 'hypocrisy'. One guy asks a question, and now, people on the left are calling for his death? I can only say that you people really must have some out of control issues and really need some psychiatric care when you say things like this. It is a sad time for America when things like this happen.
El Progresso
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 21:04
Hey, morons! You wanna talk about 'laying wrenches across people's heads' and wanting conservatives to die...you're not helping your cause any by talking smack.
All you're doing is putting conservatives on notice that an mob of hate-filled violent liberal scum is just waiting for the command to rob, kill and maim.
You seem to have forgotten that most of us are armed...and we will use them against anyone we need to...including frothing at the mouth punks with pipe wrenches.
Thank God for the Second Amendment.
Be warned, punks.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 21:08
Calling for someone's death. A contributor for the Huffington Post..
HMMM. Huffington Just had one of their own stab their ex 220 times.. are all the nut cases for some reason drawn to a light on that site or is it just Karma
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 21:13
I will leave a comment for the libs now. Yeah, sometimes I feel the same way. Why do people have to ask questions? Just accept what you are told and if you ask a question, you should be shot. How dare you!!! I can't even open a newspaper or a magazine anymore it makes me so angry... I DAMN the people who ask questions to hell!!! What are you people thinking... Oh sh#$, did I just ask a question... cya....
El Progresso
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 21:18
A.) His name is not "Joe".
B.) He's not a plumber.
C.) He waded through a crowd to yell to Obama that HE had a question, about a fictitious business purchase and taxes.
D.) He's much better off, in his real financial situation, under Obama's tax plan.
E.) McCain mentioned JTP over 20 times in a debate, bringing him to the attention of the Media, who "vetted" Mr. Plumber.
Now he wants to act like he knows his @ss from a hole in the ground about politics. He's a GOP plant.
Yes! The GOP knew exactly where Obama would be, right down to the street, and time, and planted Joe in there, to ask the question. Now, since Joe DID ask a question, and Obama's answer is what caused all the hullaballoo...Joe should die?
McCain referenced him, at a debate, and that means Joe should die?
Mormons should die? Everyone that doesn't agree with the psychosis that is so evident, in so many liberals, should die?
Welcome to Germany ladies and gents. Circa 1930.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 21:57
"Joe's not his real name"
LOL...Let's see, was it Barry, no it's Sotero, no it's Barak, nah I know, it's HUSSIEN
You tools give a whole new meaning to "usefull idiots!
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 22:04
I have been a DJ at a college radio station since 1981 and know full well
the importance of being careful what you say, lest the microphone be open,
as it was here. Unless he meant for it to go out on air.
raccoonradio, at 02 November, 2008 22:25
The veil has been lifted off the so called mind numbing, mind control,"diversity and tolerance training" that has been shoved down American citizens throats from ilk like this. This man is nothing more than an intolerant aggressive homosexual who needs to be simultaneously FIRED and brought up on civil criminal and hate speech charges.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 22:43
How would you like it Karel if someone advocated "Death to Karel" over the airwaves? Of course you would agree that was acceptable, free speech and all, correct? JERK! Get a life.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 22:45
Anyone who wants to see violence come to someone who just asked a freakin question is a complete idiot. The libs keep proving their stupidity more and more each day.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 23:12
typical mentally ill lefty who needs his messiah's free mental health counseling to treat his anger and projection. Hypocricy can cause ulcers and high blood pressure.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 23:15
Ah, yes. Another non-violent, oh-so-tolerant, leftist homosexual heard from. Just normal folks...This guy could easily be the poster boy for the pro-abortion or pro-euthanasia crowds.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 23:24
We can only hope this jackass gets fired and some sort of criminal or civil axtion against him. This is unacceptable.
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 23:26
lol, you people are sure easy to rile up. Show of hands, how many Raptureites out there? Any good pictures of your relatives with dinosaurs?
There are no stupid questions, but when you use this "question" as a jumping off point to spew your "opinion" based on "facts" that have been continually debunked and disproved, then are given a platform by the most corrupt, duplicitous, jingoist political party to defile the American way of life,you get whats coming to you.
Have you people even watched the original JTP video? He obviously prepared this "question" before hand. Yeah it sucks that his private life was delved into, but HE thrust himself into the spotlight. He conjures up this FALLACY of a business purchase and thinks to himself, "I'll pull one over on THAT ONE! HURHURHUR!" Obama gives a candid off the cuff answer, and uses a common turn of phrase about "spreading the wealth around" to describe Progressive Taxation, which Mr. McCain was for and described himself as something the "better off" should do. Then the "Right" parses out the term so they can make it sound incendiary. Unless you sheep make more than $250,000 and have more than a double wide to pass off to lil' Jimmy and Suzie, why are you concerned about a reinstatement of taxes to the Clinton Presidency's level or the estate tax?
Enough about you people, back to the so called every man JTP. He's some bone head who found a way into the spotlight and like your Ice Queen, Palin, should be waiting tables at a Denny's somewhere and not making/describing policy for the U.S.A. He got WTFPWND by the Media/Bloggosphere, NOT the Obama campaign. This is the 21st century people, the all watching all seeing interweb is looking in and won't let you get away with anything. If it's been recorded, on any medium, withing the last 15years it can and will be found, to the benefit or detriment of all.
... now wheres my wrench?...
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 23:31
Calling for the death of a person who simply asked a question of someone running for the highest office in the free world? Are you kidding me? Who and what "Joe the Plumber" is isn't the point. Who and what Barack the Marxist is is the point.
Ohms, at 02 November, 2008 23:38
Good old Karel, this scumbag sharing the same like with the child molester Bernie Ward.
To HELL that fudgepacking freak....
Anonymous, at 02 November, 2008 23:45
Riiiiggghhht.... like a bunch of sissy losers are going to have the guts to do anything.
No, all you would have to do is say "boo!" and they'll run home to cry on each others' shoulders and then cuddle each other while watching a DVD of Fudgepack Mountain.
buster, at 02 November, 2008 23:46
Friggin awesome, JTP needs to meet the business end of a wrench upside his head.
A.) His name is not "Joe".
Excellent point! Although you have no idea why, do you?, sad.
”B.) He's not a plumber.”
Correction, he’s not a plumber in Toledo union 50.
Hint most plumbers are not in Toledo Union 50.
In fact there are NO Toledo union 50 plumbers out here in San Diego CA.
Do you really believe ALL plumbers, anywhere in the USA and military, MUST belong to Toledo union 50?
Are you real that stupid?
(That’s a rhetorical question, you don’t have to answer, we already know)
”C.) He waded through a crowd to yell to Obama that HE had a question, about a fictitious business purchase and taxes.”
He waded through a crowd in his own neighborhood, that Obama chose to stop in, and take questions.
Was Joe using some kind of mind control over Obama?
His question was hypothetical, in the future, Much like Obama’s TAX plan.
You DO KNOW Obama’s tax plan today is NON-EXISTENT hypothetical, some time in the future, IF he gets elected and only IF he can get his NON-EXISTENT hypothetical plan through both houses WITHOUT ANY changes right?
Seriously are you an idiot?
(That’s a rhetorical question, you don’t have to answer, we already know)
D.) He's much better off, in his real financial situation, under Obama's tax plan.
Really? And how do you know his REAL financial situation?
How could anyone know that without accessing his tax records? Hint they can’t, meaning someone ILLEGALLY accessed his GOVERNMENT tax records using government computers on government time and made them public. That is a felony.
Oh and it hasn’t come out yet but not only was JTP tax records ILLEGALLY accessed but those of his employer as well, who’s name was never mentioned in the debate.
Can you explain that?
How do I know they were searched? You didn’t ask, because the same idiots who’s talking points your parroting claimed the “business” he was looking to buy wasn’t and hasn’t been making 250K.
They can’t know that without accessing his bosses tax records, and that is also a felony.
E.) McCain mentioned JTP over 20 times in a debate, bringing him to the attention of the Media, who "vetted" Mr. Plumber.
Excellent point! Your learning!
Now bright one, JTP, Joe the plumber is not his real fist, middle and last name is it?
So yes McCain mentioned JTP over 20 times, heck he could mention that name 2000 times, and ya know what? You won’t find anyone living in Ohio who’s real name is
“Joe The Plumber”
And How exactly could the media vett someone named “Joe The Plumber”, the name you claim McCain used 20 times?
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:14
I have sent an email to the FCC regarding the enforcement of the law in this case. KGO should be fined and/or shut down, and this creep should be in jail. Anyone who gives a rats rear end needs to contact the FCC. This is an outrage and must be stopped.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:15
Barrel_first said...
“Seems truth and facts bother the light worker and his followers. He should spread his own wealth around before reaching into others wallets.”
If JTP were a plant, as the idiots seem to believe,
He would have told Obama to give him his wallet and his pin numbers,
after all that would be spreading the wealth
and doggone it would have made Obama feel soooooooo much better.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:25
“Obama gives a candid off the cuff answer, and uses a common turn of phrase about "spreading the wealth around" to describe Progressive Taxation,”
Errrrr what?
Is that like wearing bed sheets and hoods is a “common turn of phrase” for civil rights?
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:29
Have you people even watched the original JTP video?
He obviously prepared this "question" before hand.
Really? And how do you know that are you claiming to be some sort of mind reader?
Okay, Ill play, lets say the EVIL rep planted “Joe”
And the “question” Joe asked was thought up in focus groups and tested against a set of possible Obama responses, knowing after all that research, Obama would say “spreading the wealth”
Good so far?
Okay, how did the EVIL reps get Obama to stop in that neighborhood?
Is the Obama's driver also in on the conspiracy?
Is Obama also in on the conspiracy?
Did it not matter where Obama chose to stop or whom Obama chose to speak to cause the EVIL reps had some sorta invisible UMCAV (Unmanned Mind Control Arial Vehicle) flying around and targeted someone who just happened to talk to Obama?
Please explain this should be a hoot!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:43
Just like a lib bring a wrench to a gun fight.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:49
The person who wanted Joe dead should be taken to task for his extreme view. On the other hand many believe that Joe should be *ss-raped by a LICENSED homosexual plumber to teach him a lesson for being a scab. And the true art of plunging. Is that too much?
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 00:59
That's Stupid! Typical Over Reacting Republicans! They are all Embarrassed to admit that they made a mistake with bush, and are now finding ways to ambush the Democrats since they now have the upper hand in a majority vote even some republicans are voting for Obama. George W Bush is the worst president in HISTORY. McCain is all talk and will eventually screw everyone in the Good ol' U.S.A in the end of his term or even sooner.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 01:25
I love the way all you idiots post anonymously! Gimme a break!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 01:44
so we have joe the plumber -- who isn't really a plumber, not a union member, not making enough to buy the business, (especially since he would need to have a licensed plumber pulling permits and that would really subtract from his income, probably couldn't get insurance, and now after all this non-success has graduated to telling all of the uninformed voters in the USA about how Obama will tax them to death and abandon Israel. Come on! At the very least try and imagine the USA giving up the ONE reliable partner in that part of the world! What a bunch of complete fools you have to be to buy that bullcrap.
Unknown, at 03 November, 2008 01:46
Hah! You Repugnicans are only now getting a taste of the hate you've been spewing for the last eight years. Yes, the Dems have learned well. Eat your medicine and shove the spoon all the way down.
There's not a single thing Bush & Co. have gotten right. Not one.
1. 911 happened on his watch.
2 Bush tries to squash 911 commission investigation
3 He and henchmen commit treason by revealing a CIA operative. (and Bush promising to punish the traitor does nothing)
4 Bush invades a sovereign nation (which is why his daddy emasculated Hussein 10 years before)
5 Bush lies about WMD to secure a presence in middle east--and dont give me that crap about Hussein being a bad guy--there's lots of them we do nothing about
6 Bush guts constitution.
7 Commits illegal wire taps
8 (Heres the doozy) Osama Bin Laden is still alive!
Bush completely blows it when the CIA has Bin Laden in its grasp at Tora Bora.
Face it Repugs, if Bush were a Dem you'd have his balls. And rightly so. If Bush were a Dem I'd have called for his imeachment.
Your claim of Dem tax and spend is fellacious. The Repugs just spend and leave it for your kids to pay the debt. 300 Million per month for Iraq and you dont give a damn about that expense. The light at the end of the tunnel is the Dem freight train coming straight at you. God, it's gonna feel good on tuesday!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 02:41
I listen to Karel on KGO all the time. His comment off the air ( I
wonder how you got it) makes perfect sense. Joe the Plumber never existed. The guy's name was
Sam. He wasn't a licensed plumber.
What Karel mean't when he said he wished Joe the Plumber was dead was
he wished all the hype was dropped.Sam would have made out better under Obama's tax plan. Don't any of your hate filled readers inform themselves and shame on you for stirring the illiterate.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 02:51
"He obviously prepared this "question" before hand."
And Barry had obviously not preapared his answer beforehand, because of his inarticulateness and revealing of his "truth".
Just spreadin' the wealth around, yep. But it's not socialism, no way.
The left doesn't like outsiders asking questions.
And you lefties still think that you aren't totalitarians? I have seen nothing to prove otherwise, Komrades! Violence against the non-believers!
E Buzz, at 03 November, 2008 03:22
Listen to all the right wing hypocrites foaming at the mouth! You, of all people, are crying pious tears because a lefty bone-headed jerk pops off and says what passes as polite conversation at Palin/ McCain rallies! Condemn this clown, he deserves it - but so do the lynch mob mentalities found on the right.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 05:40
This guy is one sick puppie. Seems to be a lot of fruitcakes out there running around on both sides of the aisle.
We have free speech in this country and every "joe" should be free to speak his piece without a death threat.
People like this nut are what's wrong with this country. They haven't got a CLUE what freedom is or how to hold onto it.
And yes, I am a Dem that did NOT vote for Obama.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 06:05
This video says it all!
Enjoy this forum while you can - Obama is already scrubbing the net!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 06:41
They're poo-pooing this, and you, on radio-info.com; wonder what would have happened if a conservative had said the same thing, even unintentionally, about an Obama
associate? It would be investigated as a hate crime.
raccoonradio, at 03 November, 2008 07:19
I am glad that the press "Vetted" JTP. as it is very important that someone not running for office be so closely scutinized. Here is the question... Why hasn't the media "vetted" Obama the same way?
That is right... he IS the chosen one.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 07:30
"lol, you people are sure easy to rile up."
Calling for someone's death on the radio = "lol"? I must admit, I don't get the joke there.
eLarson, at 03 November, 2008 07:31
Kill people and raise tax, that's the belief of the Democrate, don't like them, just KILL THEM!
Yee Pee, We need a LARGER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. BIGGER PAY ROLL, increases spending, good for economy. Kill Everyone who don't pay tax(Also less crowded in Jails too). MORE TAX for EVERYONE.
Also arrest this Moroon for trying to kill a honest hard worker who pay Tax.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 07:32
So republican ARE right when they say if you are gay you have a mental illness.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 07:33
Death threats should be investigated and then proescuted if needed. It does seem that the left has been getting away with almost anything including the potential threat of murder.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 07:48
juandos, at 03 November, 2008 07:56
F*ck Joe the Plumber?
How about Nuke San Francisco!
It is time to sweep these "politically correct", "tolerant" people off the face of the earth.
They are worthless and contribute nothing concrete to society, other than the typical BS that the minority's rights are more important than the majority of society. They are the reason this country is suffering and should be ridded of. Permanently.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 08:10
THis goes to show once again howwwwwwwwwwwww far out of context this world takes things to make a mountain of a mole hill, I am a housewife, ill give you that, and I am also blonde , Ill give you that too. I can clearly hear this statement was not to be anything more then to quittttttttttttttttttt as manyyyyyyyyy have said usen Joe the Plumberrrr Mccrap...... This is the only thing you have said through your campaign. Well Joe the plumber does NOT represent me or anyone I know of, were all laughing at you, I will also now say Im a geriatrics nurse. ( aged elderly care) and what I can see is that as many of the patients I have cared for, with age when the mind starts to go you go into repeat mode, like a broken record. Well Joe the plumber, Joe the plumber, Joe the plumber, McCrap do you dream of Joe at night as its all I have heard out of your mouth. Give it a rest. The rest of you taken this drama waste of time further, Get a grip.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 08:21
I am a 55 y/o white retired Fire Chief who supports Barack Obama..For all you middle aged white racists out there...you can say anything you want about barack...the only thing you have to do on November 5th is call him....MR. PRESIDENT!
Victor S., at 03 November, 2008 08:58
Is it not a "hate crime" to wish for the death of Joe the plumber? After all, those who choose the plumber lifestyle should be accepted just like everyone else!!
golfnut324, at 03 November, 2008 09:32
Fat hope Victor, you're just another one of those Demmy losers who's always assuming that everyone who doesn't vote for Odumbo is a 'racist'. It's not cos he's black or anything, he just SUCKS!!! I'd vote for other and more EXPERIENCED blacks, who dont think money can fly down from heaven.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 09:40
Obviously, you ARE a 'blonde'!
Housewife does not equal geriatrics nurse.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 09:45
There's nothing tolerant or tolerable about the Left. They are detestable little people who claim they love this country but only ever exhibit hatred toward others.
I have no interest in supporting their agenda, so I will vote against them every step of the way.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 09:47
Well it sure is a good thing there aren't any McCain supporters out there planning assassination attempts or yelling "kill him" about BO at rallies or anything. Just a load of nice folks, all them Republicans yessirree bob. Just ignore those white sheets and that burning wood smell and that rope tied oddly like a noose, and you got yerself all the fixins' for a nice ice cream social, you betcha.
Is the difference here that JTP's life is more valuable than BO's because he's white, or is it because any person who supports Obama is automatically indicative of Obama's character while any person who supports McCain isn't at all like McCain? I considered the possibility that it was because the average Republican is too willfully ignorant to understand that socialism is properly defined as "spread the wealth EVENLY" not "spread the wealth around a bit", but since that doesn't have any hypocrisy in it, it can't be the reason.
I mean, Republicans ARE the people who claim to be "pro-Americans" and part of the "real America", but also claim that the American ideal of "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" doesn't apply to William Ayers or ACORN while the decidedly un-American ideal of "innocent even after proven guilty" doesn't apply to their favorite son and poster-child Larry Craig.
Hypocrisy is the primary of the five pillars of the Republican party, so the ire over what this man said can only be understood if one considers the mirrored behavior coming from the right that this site and the other Republicans cast a quiet hence approving eye on.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 09:54
I listen to Karel on KGO all the time. His comment off the air ( I
wonder how you got it) makes perfect sense. Joe the Plumber never existed. The guy's name was
Sam. He wasn't a licensed plumber.
What Karel mean't when he said he wished Joe the Plumber was dead was
he wished all the hype was dropped.Sam would have made out better under Obama's tax plan. Don't any of your hate filled readers inform themselves and shame on you for stirring the illiterate.
03 November, 2008 02:51
What Karel mean't when he said ...
Sounds like you've got a future in jouralism (If you can work a little on your spelling...)
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 09:56
Anonymous said...
So republican ARE right when they say if you are gay you have a mental illness.
03 November, 2008 07:33
Republicans are right...
Democrats are right...
Unaffiliateds are right...
And others are right...
when they say if you are gay you have a mental illness.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 10:03
Samuel is to Joe (okay, Joseph) as HUSSEIN is to Barack (okay...BARRY). And as for this KY-arel, system-wide, full-blown Kaposi's sarcoma is TOO GOOD for this POS. May he rot in hell.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 10:13
I'm fed up with th Hollywood, California liberals, I'm not spending my money on any of the Hollywood crap anymore, no movies, no music. Joe Plummer is an asset to all common sense Americans who have their own mind and use it, NOT like the liberals who listen to what others think and adopt their agenda. I like Joe have my own mind and use it.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 10:43
I naively thought that incitement to murder was a crime, but it cannot be, considering that this filth is free.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 11:01
"or yelling "kill him" about BO at rallies or anything."
Step away from the Kool-Aid. The Secret Service, whose job it is to take this sort of thing deadly serious, found nothing to corroborate this "kill him" claim. In this case of Karel calling for the death of Joe (both people are using their middle names here) the Plumber, we have audio tape evidence that this has occurred.
Ohms, at 03 November, 2008 11:55
This man should never be on the air again and should be in jail. This shows how hateful Obama supporters are, calling for the death of Joe the plumber and Mormons against gay marriages. You people are hypocrites. You are the least tolerant people out there and this election shows the stupidity of the people who blindly follw Obama. You want facts - 1. Obama refuses to show his birth certificate, what does he have to hide other than criminal activity. 2. Obama is a racist as well as Miachelle for sitting in church with Wright and Pfleger preaching racism and hate. 3. Obama is closely linked to Tony Rezko with shady real estate dealings on both of thems part. 4. Obama grew up at the feet of his mentor Frank Davis ac communist pedophile and drug pusher who also sold to Obama. Obama can't even qualify for a security clearance. 5. Obama's two economists are the ones who created the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crisis and caused the market to collapse and also gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Obama. 6. Obama has Deep roots to both ACORN and Ayers and Dohrn, all whichare criminals and terrorists. 7. Obama has never run anything in his life and has no knowledge about the military other than to attack them saying they kill innocents. I can continue, but you people are too blind and ignorant to see this man should be in jail, not in the presidents chair. He hired prosecuting attorneys and sherrifs to go after the people in Missouri that spoke out against him. His people have taken illegal donations from overseas, illegal immigrants, the PLO and terrorists and have turned off the security feature on their credit card processing equipment so they could fraudulently get illegal donations there alos. In Kansas City they have illegally charged donations to credit cards of McCain supporters. I wouldn't vote for a Democrat for dog pooper scooper because they are all liars who commit criminal acts and should be in jail. They have no morals, just like this idiot on the radio.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 12:16
Amazing, lib radio hosts can call for the death of American citizens for expressing their opinions, but threaten others who call for the deaths of radical terrorists.
Absolutely amazing. Where is the outrage?
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 12:28
Commenting on a few leftist posts:
"Hah! You Repugnicans are only now getting a taste of the hate you've been spewing for the last eight years. Yes, the Dems have learned well. Eat your medicine and shove the spoon all the way down."
Calling for someone's death is our "own medicine"? Can you cite one instance where Rush or Hannity or any other locus of your scorn has called for someone's murder? So you think policy criticism and a call for someone's death are moral equivalents? Honestly, you guys are utterly incapable of nuanced thinking (which is why you're on the left in the first place, I guess).
But then, criticism really is deeply upsetting and does seem near-lethal to the emotional pantywaist (a type overrepresented on the left). "You made fun of my political views. You haaaaaate me!"
"Well it sure is a good thing there aren't any McCain supporters out there planning assassination attempts or yelling 'kill him' about BO at rallies or anything. Just a load of nice folks, all them Republicans yessirree bob. Just ignore those white sheets and that burning wood smell and that rope tied oddly like a noose, and you got yerself all the fixins' for a nice ice cream social, you betcha."
That whole "kill him" thing has been debunked. Pay closer attention. Oh, and very few in the GOP belong to the Klan (you know, Robert Byrd's old haunt). I realize that such an inconvenient fact neutralizes about 80 percent of your anti-conservative argument. But take heart, there's always the equally vapid, "You're a Nazi," and "You're just like Hitler."
SteveJ, at 03 November, 2008 12:45
I know this isn't going to mean anything, but "Joe" can do apprentice and journeyman plumbing work as long as a licensed plumber is on site. So yes, he's a plumber.
People checking out Joe's background...he has been vetted much more than Obama, and he's not running for office.
I was a Navy recruiter for three years, and I know that Obama couldn't enlist in the Navy, even to swab decks because he can't produce a valid birth certificate and because of his proven, documented membership in subversive organizations.
I know...I know...now I'M a useless piece of s**t for stating my opinion. As if I care what people think about me...
Master Chief retired, at 03 November, 2008 13:02
Anyone else find it funny how Joe the Plumber lived in Alaska before? and another one with same name lived in Wasilla when Palin was governor? All set up.....Sounds like something that would come from her. Not a brilliant plan. LOL
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:04
This election is a test of this country's morality and intelligence. According to the KGO libtalker, there needs to more of his kind in this country and less of hardworking, clean living, straight people like Joe the Plumber. Yeah, right. Obama gets the idiot vote, the lazy vote, and the "me first" vote. And the Dems love the idiot vote because stupid lazy people are a whole lot easier to control than intelligent hardworking people.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:18
I wonder if this is the way the country is going to go after dissenters after Obama's coronation.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:21
Welcome to Fascism circa 2008. The left has learned much from Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Castro
Capitalist Infidel, at 03 November, 2008 13:22
why is there so much hate speech on both sides? where have all the reasonable people gone?
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:22
No one, Liberal or Conservative, should be calling for the death of an individual involved in this election campaign. This guy is a Liberal nut case, just like Limbaugh is a Conservative nut case (and there are others out there). Why can't you all just use your brains and not your mouths, and just be reasonable? This anger, name calling and ranting is so devisive and so immature.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:31
OK - so the guy is heated (as most are on one side or another) about this election and said something by mistake while thinking he was off air. McCain did it about bombing Iraq, Bush has done it more then once, etc. Let's get off the distractions and focus on the real issues (not the fringe stuff that soap operas are made of). I feel like this country is starting to live a real life Jerry Springer show - GROW UP!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:32
Unhinged behavior questioning the leak of information about his aunt? Hate to trouble you with things called "facts", but the feds are looking into that, since it is clear Republicans in government committed CRIMES leaking that information in one more pathetic smear attempt.
On JTP, others have said it well. He's a fraud, a fool, and a flop. Maybe the perfect symbol for the McCain campaign.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:34
I have read alot of these comments- and it sounds like All of McCain's supporters are 'MENTAL CASES' to say the least!!! Two advices-GET MENTAL HELP SOON and STOP blaming gay people or anyone else for YOUR illness!!!! Maybe McCain can help you lost souls!!!!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:36
This man should be fired but won't because he didn't ask Obama a question.This race would be a McCain blow out if other people like JTP had asked questions instead of one thoughted media.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:38
I heard that there's a video tape of Obama having a secret meeting with Karl Marx and that Lenin guy and how the mainstream media doesn't want the tape to come out because Marx is a Jew and he owns a lot of the media.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:45
Seems maybe I just don't get it. Both candidates state how great and incredible this country his, how great the people are. Yet I read these posts and whether from the right or left most of it is hate, basing, misinformation, lies, anger, etc. Why can't people support who they want to, vote and their candidate wins, great, if not, well, deal with it. Why so much negativity, lies, slander and all the other things that are on here? People, get a grip and chill out already.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:45
It is time for the new RECONSTRUCTION without mercy
Now the wealth that White's stole from African Americans can be recovered through involuntary slave reparations.
Also racist talk radio and Fox News MUST be shut down.
All support for the Zionist entity (Israel) must be removed.
50% of ALL high level jobs MUST be set aside for African Americans.
White's who support Republicans MUST lose their vote ... just like the Confederate losers.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:47
It is time for the new RECONSTRUCTION without mercy
Now the wealth that White's stole from African Americans can be recovered through involuntary slave reparations.
Also racist talk radio and Fox News MUST be shut down.
All support for the Zionist entity (Israel) must be removed.
50% of ALL high level jobs MUST be set aside for African Americans.
White's who support Republicans MUST lose their vote ... just like the Confederate losers.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 13:48
Being a good Plumber,Mechanic,Farmer,Carpenter,or whatever DOES NOT require you to be a Union Member! Not all union members are good at their job and probably all will never own,or will plan to own their own business. Different types of people need or want different things. The problem comes when the Liberal way of life IE: Unions,Socialism,Communism,Marxism not only require,but DEMANDS you,as a worker to belong,to pay a kick-back(Monthly Dues)to the Controlling Party. They require you to stay in ranks-OR you will be punished,not for breaking a public law,but the unwritten laws of the controlling Party.Spend some time reading about life under Hussain and you will see that the goal of the Left really is!!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 14:04
Judging from the behavior of the queer with a microphone, and the reaction of many of his fellow radical lunatic queer liberals -- I believe it is time to revisit the decision made years ago by psychiatrists that Homosexuals were "Normal"....
I'm seeing far more evidence they've had their fudge packed so tight - their brain housing group is over pressured.
river rat, at 03 November, 2008 14:09
I can appreciate the moral high-grounders here who are telling both sides to calm down and are chiding both for hate speech. I really do feel the same impulse. But honestly, a private citizen dares to ask Obama a non-softball question and someone wants him to die? Can't you understand why that would outrage some of us?
We have some potentially seismic shifts facing our country -- the way it views wealth, the way it understands the Constitution and the role of government. We're NOT arguing about whether Babe Ruth or Ted Williams was the better hitter. If we're a little emotionally heated about all this, you might cut us a little slack, given the gravity of the situation.
We on the right are plenty angry, but we're not calling for someone to die or even to get a "pipe wrench upside the head." That talk is commonplace on the left, not the right. And while there may be lies and distortions on both sides, we're frustrated that the mainstream media has ignored anything that might be damaging to its Chosen Candidate. We feel like voices crying in the wilderness. So we're ticked off. (This country, by the way, was founded by a bunch of ticked-off people. Should they have just "calmed down"?)
BTW, Ted Williams was the better hitter and anyone who disagrees is a worthless sack of slug droppings. (Just kidding.)
SteveJ, at 03 November, 2008 14:30
Joe the plumber is a pretty dumb role model for you guys. Under Obama, he'd get a fatty tax cut, because he's no where near the $200k-$250k income nor probably will ever be. McCain tries to use him as an example of the "common man who earns more than $250k" yet he's really an example of someone who will benefit more under Obama.
Karel's comment was off-air. The guy was spouting off and his mic happened to be on. Big deal.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 14:45
This is perhaps the worst violation of FCC indecency rules I have ever heard during my 20 years in radio. This DJ should be fired and KGO should be fined to the maximum because this is a gross violation. Doesn't matter if he left the microphone on by accident or not, at not time can swear words be transmitted over the air for any reason. The FCC can and should fine KGO the maximum of $325,000 per word said.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 16:47
It's pretty sad that Joe the Plumber has been vetted more by the media than Barack Obama has.
Capitalist Infidel, at 03 November, 2008 16:50
"This person should be arrested! He's advocating the death of an innocent guy who was just minding his own business when Obama walked down his street."
First of all, the host did not commit any kind of crime. The First Amendment to the US Constitution affords people the RIGHT to express their views no matter how unpopular unless they solicit violence. To merely advocate it is not unlawful unless it falls in the purview of solicitation.
Second of all, Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, who is NOT a licensed plumber and who owes over $1,100 in back state taxes, is not "innocent" by any stretch of the imagination. He is an insidious Republican operative who went to up Obama in an antagonizing and pugnacious manner to elicit "red meat" for the Fascist Republican Right. Sure enough, he accomplished it by taking a statement, "spreading the wealth," completely out of context to falsely ascribe a socialist ideology to him. Yet, the same people complaining about this have nothing to say about the upwards redistribution of wealth that occurred when Washington decided to bail out Wall Street with $700 billion of our tax dollars. That is the most obscene form of socialism because it is stealing from the poor to cushion the losses of the rich. Of course, the double standard to which the Republicans suscribe prevent them from coming to that logical conclusion.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 17:01
While I acknowledge the stupidity of saying somebody should die while in the vicinity of a microphone, and I certainly don't think (ugh) Joe The Plumber deserves violence, I'm looking forward to the right feeling like the average sane liberal-minded freethinker has felt for the last 8 years. It's gonna be fun.
Also, quit acting like the 4th Reich is imminent. At worst, we'll live in Sweden or the Netherlands. I can't wait. I'm also a diehard defender of the 2nd Amendment. Guns aren't going anywhere, nor should they. I wouldn't start stockpiling them or anything for your "revolution".
Here's an idea: move to Alaska! You can get front-row seats to your new idol's impeachment.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 17:01
Enema Karel,
I know you do your own plumbing and you do it in an area most of us just wipe...but I believe there is one group who may listen.....
I wonder how the FCC will react....they seem to be the ones very interested in Karel's remarks. I hope they will pull the plug on this anti-American PIG....he deserves nothing but a large fine and few years off air.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 17:07
Actually JTP has some principals!
He doesn't think he or anyone else should be "entitled" to someone else's hard earned money! It's legalized theft is what it is. The $$ amount for the income taxation seems to be changing almost at a daily rate. It's gone from $300K, $250K, $200K, $150K to $120K? Well which is? Is the value going to drop even more? What #'s next? Will it be YOUR earnings? BO might as well just go into everyone's savings account right now to get the money he needs for his trillion dollars of planned spending!
Did you know that both BO and JB voted for a tax increase for anyone earning more than $42K? Your kidding yourselves if you think this spreading the wealth is not going to come and bit you in the a**.
Here's an analogy from a 14 year old : A teacher decided to spread the marks around by taking away grades from the A students to give to the F students so that there could be a whole lot of C students. Don't you think that this country will become a mediocre country if you don't have have the drive to succeed? If you have to work hard, study, take time from your family, pay back tons of student loans just to have part of your paycheck go to those who either don't pay taxes or don't apply themselves what's the point???
Another thing I wanted to mention that does not have anything to do with JTP is the effigy of BO. When an effigy went up of Palin and McCain in Hollywood nothing was done about it but when an effigy went up of BO the university students got arrested? Don't you Dems think somethings up with that? What kind of country are you going to have if there is no such thing is equality?
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 17:08
Hey 'Lefties'! What happened to 'tolerance'? Huh, 'comrade'? What happened to the rest of radio guys beard? A nut-sack rub it away? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 17:45
"Joe the plumber is a pretty dumb role model for you guys. Under Obama, he'd get a fatty tax cut, because he's no where near the $200k-$250k income nor probably will ever be. McCain tries to use him as an example of the "common man who earns more than $250k" yet he's really an example of someone who will benefit more under Obama.
First off, there's something that's lost on too many nowadays, it's called principle. The guy doesn't want the government to take money from people who earned it and give it to people who did not. We have a means of spreading the wealth already. It's called commerce.
Whether or not he personally benefits doesn't matter. If you did the actual math you'd know that, in the long run, none of us benefit from this sort of system. It may "feel good" and "sound fair", but ultimately it collapses in upon itself. If the media was doing its job, the implosions of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the subsequent affect they had on the economy would serve as perfect examples of how doing things that feel good and sound fair, yet are wholly foolish, cause more harm than good.
Karel's comment was off-air. The guy was spouting off and his mic happened to be on. Big deal.
Big deal? Big deal? He wants a fellow citizen to die for asking a question of someone wishing to be an elected official. I don't give a crap if he knew he was on the air or not. Joe didn't rape a child or blow up a soup kitchen. He asked a question and this Karel guy wants him dead. If you can't see how that's a big deal, we're worse off than you simply buying this redistributionist jazz.
Ohms, at 03 November, 2008 18:14
McBush should have killed the Joe the plummer routine, 3 weeks ago
Joe the plummer is a role being played by a fraud, looking for a music deal
kill the imaginary right wing character....
GOP continues to show complete contempt for the base of low IQ idiots
and cons this lib has a .44 and nver runs... try me traitors
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 18:15
Hey 'bendoverbenson'!
No matter what you're a queer! As such, you're a walking petri dish of disease with blood, feces and seaman (from NUMEROUS donors I'd bet) boiling in you anus creating the next batch of AIDS!
So, no matter how you try to package your 'orientation' your an unnatural freak of nature! A pervert.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 18:58
I filed a complaint today with the FCC and anyone who feels as outraged as me at Karel's remark should do the same. I called KGO and demanded that he be fired, I called the police department and they said to call the FCC who told me to go to their website FCC.gov under consumer actions and follow it from there with an online complaint form. What in the hell is wrong with all you liberals. If someone said that about a democrat citizen who asked a question the press would all over it and the guy on the radio station would be fired. Look at Imus and his remark was nothing like Karel's remark. Michael Savage is right liberalism is a mental disorder. You are all a bunch of sick anti-American pathetic assholes.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 19:04
"A.) His name is not "Joe"."
Not only wrong, but stupid. Are you somehow suggesting that Ross Perot's real name isn't Ross? What about P Diddy? Lots of people go by their middle names, moron.
"B.) He's not a plumber."
OF course he is, and you know he is...he's just not personally licensed, Barack aint exactly a licensed senator...or an intellectual. Again, deliberate stupidity on your part.
"C.) He waded through a crowd to yell to Obama that HE had a question, about a fictitious business purchase and taxes."
The kool-aid stains on your short are showing. Obama approached him...it's on camera. Oh, and you do realize - while you're spewing the weakest propaganda ever - that it's not about the question, it's about the fact your boy Obama accidentally unzipped his socialism.
"D.) He's much better off, in his real financial situation, under Obama's tax plan."
Of course he is. Because all poor folks are better off under Obama's plan. That's what the One's plan is all about, suppressing the desire to better one's self and one's surroundings. Obie NEEDS poor people to stay poor, specially single dads like Joe. Otherwise he can't buy their votes with my money.
"E.) McCain mentioned JTP over 20 times in a debate, bringing him to the attention of the Media, who "vetted" Mr. Plumber."
if by "vetted" you mean, "wrongly invaded the privacy of a citizen in order to destroy him" then you're right. See, since you claim Joe isn't his real name, and that he's not a real plumber, then McCain's mention of a fictitious plumber named joe in no way meant his life was open to be "vetted". However, this particular hypocrisy of yours does seem to be a tacit admission that JTP is real, legit, and that he probably cost your candidate the election.
Oh, and Karel's just as big a dumbass as you, BTW. Lisping pseudo-intellectual "radio personality" who makes Barney Frank sound like Frazier Crane...and a useless waste of human material.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 20:52
Define Irony.
Karel posted on Oct 13th, on the Huffington Post an editorial entitled "I'm Afraid" about "credible death threats" stating that the McCain campaign was trying to get Obama out of the race, literally, as in, taken out and it should be taken seriously.
Misery Index, at 03 November, 2008 22:33
Bunch of freakin' crazies in here. The guy's comment was obviously tongue-in-cheek. It's called sarcasm. A la George Carlin. (You all need a big damn dose of Carlin.)
I know you all are going to grab onto any damn thing you can get your hands on to steal this election, but wow... talk about intellectual dishonesty. Pull those sticks out, fellas.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2008 23:38
"McBush should have killed the Joe the plummer routine, 3 weeks ago
Joe the plummer is a role being played by a fraud, looking for a music deal
kill the imaginary right wing character....
GOP continues to show complete contempt for the base of low IQ idiots
and cons this lib has a .44 and nver runs... try me traitors
And apparently can't spell either. Let's see if I can dumb it down for you. This has nothing to do with Sen. McCain. It has nothing to do with Joe the Plumber. It has everything to do with Sen. Obama being caught in a moment of honesty. Moreover, it has to do with someone, presumably an Obama supporter, calling for the death of a citizen whose question allowed for that moment of honesty. If you don't find that troubling you clearly have some important wires crossed.
Not only do I find it humorous, and more than a bit troubling, that you would kneejerkingly infer a threat with your ".44", but you would call those who find fault with a Marxist, who couldn't pass the screening for a top secret clearance, running for the highest office in the free world traitors.
Democracy and the free world may be dying with this election, but clearly irony is alive and well.
Ohms, at 03 November, 2008 23:41
You left leaning liberals must have sore knees and bruised lips from getting down on the ground and kissing Mr. Hussein Obama's feet. None of you jerks can take any criticism when it come to your god. But the idiot who said that Joe the Plumber should be dead, and the idiot station manager should be fired, charged with making death threats and all. I dare that idiot Charles Burley to come to Colorado and say that about one of our people.
Anonymous, at 04 November, 2008 00:24
Regardless of politics, this kind of trash is disgusting. This Karel guy should be banned from the radio immediately. Do you all remember the Don Imus ordeal? They were thinking about taking the whole radio station off the air. Calling for the death of an individual is a whole lot worse than making a racially insensitive remark in my opinion.
Anonymous, at 04 November, 2008 08:28
I have registered a complaint with the FCC regarding this, and more of us should do the same. Here is what I wrote.
This DJ made obscene remarks about John McCain and his broadcast license should be revoked. There is no reason for these kind of remarks on public radio. The station should also be fined. I would also like to be notified about the penanlties which the FCC levies on this subject. Thank You,
FYI the station KGO,AM 810, and his show is on at 12-1 AM.
Anonymous, at 04 November, 2008 08:33
He's probably mad at joe because he's not gay....he must like him.
Anonymous, at 04 November, 2008 09:41
It is time for the new RECONSTRUCTION without mercy
Now the wealth that White's stole from African Americans can be recovered through involuntary slave reparations.
Also racist talk radio and Fox News MUST be shut down.
All support for the Zionist entity (Israel) must be removed.
50% of ALL high level jobs MUST be set aside for African Americans.
White's who support Republicans MUST lose their vote ... just like the Confederate losers."
03 November, 2008 13:48
You certainly feel entitled to the top jobs...What are your qualifications?? Black? I meant, what can you DO besides get angry? Did your mother ever teach you that life isn't fair? To get the best jobs, you have to be the best at something functional, you know, WORK HARD, STUDY, DELAY GRATIFICATION. Obama's presidency - woohoo! We can finally stop hearing how hard it is to be black - and raise the bar. This is finally the end of affirmative action. Yeah!!
Anonymous, at 05 November, 2008 13:37
The Mormon Church financed "Yes on 8" ads, which puts them smack in the middle of politics. They basically said "Vote Yes on 8 because the bible says this and that. Churches want government to stay out of their business, citing separation of Church and State, while at the same time they become active AS A CHURCH in politics. How is that not violating the separation of Church and State? Churches that act in this manner should lose their tax-exempt status for actively practicing politics.
Anonymous, at 06 November, 2008 02:48
Get over it! Arrest him? That is ludicrous. I still love you Karel as do many!
Anonymous, at 06 November, 2008 13:15
Radio talk show host Karel had just done a segment about "Joe the Plumber" being a fictional character, someone who does not exist. His so called "death threat" happened during a news break, when his microphone should have been off. He was not even near the microphone, and was talking to himself about the fictional character "Joe The Plumber". Anyone who thinks a compassionate man like Karel would make a death threat is a complete idiot.
Anonymous, at 06 November, 2008 13:35
You know, I wish there were taxes on the churches "give unto Caesar.." and all that. In that manner, the churches would finally have their muzzles taken off and speak the truth and tell people that it is unrighteous, sinful, and an abomination to participate in homosexual behavior. The churches would be able to adequately affect public policy and politics without the threat of taxation. Do it! Going to church and participating in religious services are in vain unless they effect the rest of your life. THAT'S THE POINT. Without religious direction, attending services is worthless. And for you militants out there, Our founding fathers came to this country for freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. You need to do more reading - and no, "of" and "from" are two different words.
Anonymous, at 07 November, 2008 08:09
Karel said nothing more than what the rest of us are saying. Not literally Kill, just that we are sick and tired of hearing about him. I will be most saddened if Karel is no longer on KGO. I guess we really don't have free speach.
Anonymous, at 07 November, 2008 18:40
I work many of late nights in the Bay Area . KGO has provided me with a amusing and sometimes thoughtful prospective . I notice with all the hosts , they are so quick to jump on the caller if they do not agree totally . Or shower the host with praise . Karel is no different , except for he is so much more ???? . ( FLAMMER ). The only thing worse on that channel was Ward . I now just listen to Bill Wattenburg . Don't fail me Bill . Who wants to listen to rock throwers ..........
Anonymous, at 07 November, 2008 23:21
"Anyone who thinks a compassionate man like Karel would make a death threat is a complete idiot." You're the moron. A compassionate man does not swear like a drunken sailor and call for someone's death. Compassionate does not go on a rampage and have a big sissy fit when it doesn't get it's own way - such as the marches and riots because of issue 8. When was the last time you saw Republicans riot!! You people are so funny - and hypocritical.
- Straight and Sane in the Heartland
Anonymous, at 07 November, 2008 23:22
You people are unbelievably hypocritical! Karels engineer screwed up and left his mic on while a commercial was running. He did not "call for the death" of of JTP, he was making a comment he thought was private. Do you people actually want me to believe that if the engineer on any number of right wing radio talk shows- Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity even- made the same mistake, we wouldn't potentially catch them making some crazy racist,anti-gay, hate speech coming out of their mouths?
Just reading some of these unbelievable hate filled anti- gay tough-guy B.S. responses is all the proof anyone needs that you are all a bunch of hypocrits.
TAILGUNNER- Threatening that "we are armed and will use them against anyone we have to"
You're the PUNK- DICK.
Anonymous, at 10 November, 2008 20:57
Forget Joe and Karel now - focus, people. We have more serious issues. Now we have the liberal Nazis wanting to silence any and all opposition. Whatever happened to "I may not agree with you but I defend your right to say that"? That's our Constitution and that's the country I love. And speaking of which, I have never heard anyone on the left defending this country. If this is so imperfect, maybe they should all just LEAVE?
Arm yourselves and start mass emmailing your Legislators on all this Commie legislation Osama, sorry, I meant Obama, wants to push through.
Anonymous, at 11 November, 2008 11:23
Your reasoning leaves a lot to be desired. So...It was the engineer's fault and Karel didn't say that? I think we just got a glimpse of what's in his heart.
Anonymous, at 11 November, 2008 11:31
A guy popping off when he thinks he's off-air is one thing...what one of us hasn't said something similar in a fit of rage while at home, watching the t.v., or whatever. It' assumed that's private conversation. It's another thing when Ted Nugent incites a crowd by holding up machine guns and tells them he wants Obama to suck on the barrel or for Clinton to sit on it. Now THERE'S a guy who needs to be shut down!
Anonymous, at 11 November, 2008 19:12
I have always been very liberal and non-conservative in my thinking and have always been surprised that someone like Karel is accepted as someone that represents the gay community and non-conservative thinking. He is so hateful and mean spirited, and I for one am very glad that he is off the air for now.
Time for KGO to clean house.
Anonymous, at 12 November, 2008 13:16
How dare he threaten an american! He should have done the right thing and threatened the illegal elect alien. Illegals are fair game!
Anonymous, at 12 November, 2008 17:03
Hey, I have an outrageous idea: how about you folks who are contending for the Karel slot, including Karel, redeem yourselves for throwing Bernie Ward to the wolves. He's in prison now, in part because you stood by while Bush railroaded him there. You *AND YOUR COWARDLY KGO "MANAGEMENT"* should be ashamed of yourselves. Now here's an idea to redeem yourselves, *if* you ever had a quantum of courage in you to give.
I am probably not the only one out here in the KGO audience who misses Bernie Ward's courageous voice. I would sore like to hear that voice again, and in the physical sense, through the Prison Radio program, which the Bay Area's own Noelle Hanrahan directs. I don't give a good goddamn if her program airs on a competitor station. Get off your cowardly asses and make something happen here. Redeem yourselves.
Rick Wilson, Reno, Nevada
Unknown, at 13 November, 2008 05:42
Hey, I have an outrageous idea: how about you folks who are contending for the Karel slot, including Karel, redeem yourselves for throwing Bernie Ward to the wolves. He's in prison now, in part because you stood by while Bush railroaded him there. You *AND YOUR COWARDLY KGO "MANAGEMENT"* should be ashamed of yourselves. Now here's an idea to redeem yourselves, *if* you ever had a quantum of courage in you to give.
I am probably not the only one out here in the KGO audience who misses Bernie Ward's courageous voice. I would sore like to hear that voice again, and in the physical sense, through the Prison Radio program, which the Bay Area's own Noelle Hanrahan directs. I don't give a good goddamn if her program airs on a competitor station. Get off your cowardly asses and make something happen here. Redeem yourselves.
Rick Wilson, Reno, Nevada
Unknown, at 13 November, 2008 05:43
This is the kind of hatred and division our new racist president has caused.
Children are being told to die in schools, people were beaten over the head with their campaign sticks, cars were vandalized, and the opposition was hanged in effigy.
Obama and his violent racist terrorists (rich ones at that ) have really ruined this country.
Anonymous, at 14 November, 2008 23:48
To the coward at 02 November, 2008 19:41 who wrote this nonsense:
A.) His name is not "Joe".
Sorry he's Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher. Haven't you ever heard of anyone being called by their middle name?
B.) He's not a plumber.
Interesting. How has he made any money all these years, ballet dancing? LOL
C.) He waded through a crowd to yell to Obama that HE had a question, about a fictitious business purchase and taxes.
You can't prove this crap.
D.) He's much better off, in his real financial situation, under Obama's tax plan.
He is not. One of Obama's 145 documented lies.
E.) McCain mentioned JTP over 20 times in a debate, bringing him to the attention of the Media, who "vetted" Mr. Plumber.
It doesn't matter if Joe is a three headed dragon. He exposed Obama for the fact he was once a member of the Socialist party in 1996 and a Marxist and you don't like it.
And finally this gem:
Now he wants to act like he knows his @ss from a hole in the ground about politics. He's a GOP plant.
Not any more than those of you who pretended to yell Kill Him at a McCain rally.
You liberals have no morals, no conscience and you like to use the government to steal from people. Keep preaching that wrench mentality tolerance. YOU SUCK.
Anonymous, at 14 November, 2008 23:55
I wish ALL bigots dead. Now, you phonies who jump all over Karel for his impassioned comment over this plumber idiot, who isn't even a REAL plumber, and whose income will never come CLOSE to being taxed under Obama's presidency:
It is YOU and your ilk, who chanted death to Obama at both McCain's and Palin's speeches...who were NOT silenced and chastised by either candidate or their representatives.
It is YOU and your ilk, who perpetrate death and misery 24/7 towards homosexuals. And that's the REAL reason you HeteroFascistGoons have attacked Karel the moment he was down. You are full of HATE and death wishes towards Karel, because he is gay, and became an easy target.
Has nothing to do with righteous anger...your kind are not capable of such.
Many are called, but few are chosen,
So step right up for your lederhosen!
Anonymous, at 08 January, 2009 04:18
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