Libtalker Laughs As Wife Slurs Bobby Jindal
Caught On Tape: Libtalk's Racist Anti-Jindal 'Humor'
Continuing an alarming recent pattern of utilizing racism and overt bigotry to neutralize political opponents, two syndicated liberal radio personalities have been caught on tape disparaging Governor Bobby Jindal.
This time, the culprits are libtalker Mike Malloy and producer / wife Kathy Bay Malloy. During Wednesday's show, Kathy used a mocking impersonation of an East Indian to ridicule the Louisiana governor.
First, the transcript, followed by our exclusive, caught-on-tape clip of the incident:
And here's our clip:
Were this an isolated incident, it would still be disturbing, but combined with a peculiar pattern of liberal and Democratic Party racism aimed at East Asians, it calls into question their supposed "tolerance" of others.
In the past, Democrats Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have also ridiculed Asian immigrants, particularly those from India.
In fact, in recent days, other liberals have been caught using racism to disparage the GOP's rising star. Early Wednesday, for example, longtime liberal stalwart Helen Thomas of the White House Press Corps made an unfortunate "Slumdog Millionaire" reference.
MSNBC wacko Chris Matthews also carelessly used the word "outsourcing" to describe Jindal's selection to deliver the Republican response, an obvious reference to the use of Indian labor by American corporations.
In addition, Washington Post columnist Amy Argetsinger was caught comparing Jindal's eyes to that of Charles Manson, which if not racist is certainly a slimy personal attack.
Now that they've elected Barack Obama, white liberals apparently believe they've been immunized against future criticism, even when they resort to racism to attack opponents. But the very people who routinely make the same charges against conservatives are mistaken if they believe we won't hold them accountable for their bigoted and hypocritical antics.
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Caught On Tape: Libtalk's Racist Anti-Jindal 'Humor'
Continuing an alarming recent pattern of utilizing racism and overt bigotry to neutralize political opponents, two syndicated liberal radio personalities have been caught on tape disparaging Governor Bobby Jindal.

First, the transcript, followed by our exclusive, caught-on-tape clip of the incident:
KATHY BAY MALLOY (50:34) in mocking East Indian voice: Hello, my name is Bobby, how may I give you excellent customer service today, I hear you are having problems with hard drive. I am so very sorry this is happening to you, ma'am (Mike Malloy laughs throughout)
MIKE MALLOY (50:49) (Laughing): You're getting a bit racist in your middle years, aren't you?
And here's our clip:
Were this an isolated incident, it would still be disturbing, but combined with a peculiar pattern of liberal and Democratic Party racism aimed at East Asians, it calls into question their supposed "tolerance" of others.
In the past, Democrats Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have also ridiculed Asian immigrants, particularly those from India.

MSNBC wacko Chris Matthews also carelessly used the word "outsourcing" to describe Jindal's selection to deliver the Republican response, an obvious reference to the use of Indian labor by American corporations.
In addition, Washington Post columnist Amy Argetsinger was caught comparing Jindal's eyes to that of Charles Manson, which if not racist is certainly a slimy personal attack.
Now that they've elected Barack Obama, white liberals apparently believe they've been immunized against future criticism, even when they resort to racism to attack opponents. But the very people who routinely make the same charges against conservatives are mistaken if they believe we won't hold them accountable for their bigoted and hypocritical antics.
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lol since when do rethugs care about a little good-hearted mocking of racial differences.
i will believe the outrage when rush limbaugh calls for the resignation of ruprecht mcmurdocker over the NY post cartoon
Anonymous, at 26 February, 2009 18:51
"Were this an isolated incident, it would still be disturbing..."
it was YOU PEOPLE, who put forth this cartoon caricature forth as your version of a credible "conservative" candidate, another unqualified empty suit, JUST BECAUSE HE IS A MINORITY...
you are simply not real conservatives
you get all the blame, for setting that dopey clown up, like that
and malloy is on his way out to the mists of mediocrity, he so richly deserves...there's hardly any reason for him to hold back, at this point
you're all hypocrites of the first's not just the left and republicans, but "conservatives" who think you're a joke, now
Anonymous, at 26 February, 2009 19:19
BAGGED! Oh well, chalk 1 up for Brian.
Anonymous, at 26 February, 2009 22:46
Is it just me, or does Mike Malloy look EXACTLY like former cult leader Marshall Applewhite?
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 00:28
The Real Bob Anthony, at 27 February, 2009 06:36
I always knew that MoPoop and Che Hashhole were raging racists.
PCD, at 27 February, 2009 09:01
once again the libtard posters show whatb classless,cluless asshats they are.
The Corpse and the Whore are scared crapless that their pretend radio show will disappear and Mikey will have to resume his SSI payments for alcoholism and the wifey will have to go back to working for Maureen Dean's escort service.
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 09:38
coming from the party that defends "shoot the monkey/ stimulus package cartoons.. Give us all a break.
Malloy's comments while "insensitive" are far, far, far from racist.......... If it is racist, Indian activists will speak up. Yes... there are Indian community activists
as someone who visited India, and mediated at Ashrams, and practiced yoga with some of the finest gurus in the world.... You're not going to gain sympathy from the Indian community... regarding the morally bankrupt, mentally ill Republican party.. Indians in America,do not give a damm about the REpublican party(either does 75% of America)
it will be decades.....
the motive behind this: conservative want to protect their outsourced labor...... Do you understand cons, unfortunately (as the result of your warped free-market policies) there is a lot of resentment against Indians, who took millions of our formally decent jobs? Conservative policies have made Indian people a public enemy among working people, this is unfortunate. They are not to blame for a traitorous conservative ideology which favors corporations over people.
Personally this was unbecoming of Malloy, he should be more sensitive, however the resentment and anger is over what free-market policies have done to our work force.
I love Indian culture, and music, however I do not appreciate millions of jobs (thanks to the Reagan era and school of thought) being lost to the "free global economy"...
IF a"lib" happened to be Indian and the pig-man did a similar kind of routine, the silence on your psychotic half would be deafening
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 09:54
I don't know, Bob.
I do know he sure does hate Christians, though...
"I always knew that MoPoop and Che Hashhole were raging racists..."
That's where my pancake turner comes in, fudgie!
That's why i like to spanky-spank your cheeks with it, till they turn bright red, mmmmmm...
I like to think about you, that way...
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 10:34
I used to listen to Mike Molloy when he had a show on WSB 750 in Atlanta during the time that the "Fairness Doctrine" was the law of the land. It was important to me to make the attempt to hear what a few of the socialists had to say.
There were so many instances of arguments he would make and positions he would take that were utterly indefensible. Logic was a complete stranger to the man.
I see nothing has changed. His laughing while his wife made racist comments is once again an indefensible position.
On a related note, this is the type of radio journalism you can expect if the "fairness doctrine" once again becomes the law of the land.
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 11:18
it was YOU PEOPLE, who put forth this cartoon caricature forth as your version of a credible "conservative" candidate, another unqualified empty suit, JUST BECAUSE HE IS A MINORITY...
I was impressed with Jindal the first time I heard him speak. He was running for governor, and he said he simply could not understand how the state of Louisiana could be in such bad financial shape when it is so rich in resources:
the year-round warm water port of New Orleans, gateway to the bulk of the nation
the petroleum and petrochemical industries
a vast labor pool.
He saw how the state was mismanaged and told how he planned to turn it around, work in progress now that he is the governor.
That he is of an ethnic group underrepresented in politics is a positive for him, but not the reason I am impressed with him.
Chromium, at 27 February, 2009 13:30
Anonymous said:
"i will believe the outrage when rush limbaugh calls for the resignation of ruprecht mcmurdocker over the NY post cartoon"
Let's compare -- The New York Post cartoon monkey was (arguably) not intended to be a racial reference, but a reference to a local story involving a real monkey.
Also Murdoch personally apologized for his paper publishing the cartoon.
Tell you what, A., you go ahead and hold your breath waiting for _any_ of these leftists apologise to Jindal for the unambiguously racial slurs.
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 15:12
"once again the libtard posters show whatb classless,cluless asshats they are..."
Except, i'm not a liberal, you simple miltard...
now, please join malloy on suicide watch, while your family can still claim combat exemption, I am NOT thankful for your service...
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 21:40
"He saw how the state was mismanaged and told how he planned to turn it around, work in progress now that he is the governor..."
chromium, then let him fight crime and corruption in the justice sector, not playacting as an executive
his "delivery" cannot be tweaked
"That he is of an ethnic group underrepresented in politics is a positive for him..."
not really, not in 2012
if you believe, as i do, that barky's presidency will be a disaster from beginning to end, it logically follows that there will be public awareness of how the desire on the part of most americans to see an african-american make good, was a prime factor in their willingness to elect an empty suit, along with acknowledgment that being influenced by such considerations is foolish, and risky
therefore, politically, the public will be skeptical and maybe inordinately suspicious of any one different, or "exotic" in any way
besides, barky could screw up, every day, for the next four years, and STILL be able to wipe up the floor with jindal, unfortunately
it has to be someone who can overcome the barkster's weird, creepy, charismatic mass appeal...
jindal ain't it, pawlenty ain't either
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 21:49
"That he is of an ethnic group underrepresented in politics is a positive for him..."
you mean like when biden did, and no one with a whit of sense bought it, LOL??
face it, stephen, this was inevitable
what the right tried to spin into an attribute, the left turned around and made into a comic backslap, racism really has little to do with it all
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 21:55
This is MUCH worse than anything the Malloy's said:
The Real Bob Anthony said...
Anonymous, at 27 February, 2009 23:51
How can liberals be both idiots and hypocrites at the same time?
@Anonymous (hypocrite): no, you don't get to apply a double standard. Either racist remarks have a place in our society or they don't. Your definition of "good-hearted" is "spoken by a liberal."
@Anonymous (idiot): there was nothing racist about the cartoon. The cartoon monkey was a direct reference to an actual, real-world monkey recently in the news. The cartoon cops who shot the monkey spoke in reference not to the still-living Obama (obvious to anyone with even a modicum of reading comprehension ability), but rather to Congress.
Perhaps liberals' misunderstanding of the cartoon points to their own ingrained racism, that would link a monkey to a black man?
Moving on...
@hashfanatic (idiot): go ahead and discount Jindal as not credible (an "unqualified empty suit"). I will enjoy every moment that he spends wiping the floor with whatever democrat he runs against should he ever decide to run for national office.
@hashfanatic (hypocrite): please source your assertion that Jindal has been "put forth" simply because he is a minority. Please contrast this assertion with the rise of Barack Obama.
Also, how do we (allegedly "not real") conservatives "get all the blame" for some liberal's racist remarks about Jindal?
@conterrorist (idiot): see comments above regarding the monkey cartoon. Please learn basic reading comprehension skills.
@conterrorist (hypocrite): how could these comments be defended as "insensitive" but not "racist", yet you liberals wanted to lynch Don Imus for his "nappy headed ho" comment?
Further, how can you possibly try to defend the racist slander of Jindal by blaming it on public outrage toward Indians? What on earth does Bobby Jindal have to do with Indian outsourcing? Is the state of Louisiana losing jobs to outsourcing under his watch as governor?
Also, justifying racism because of contrived "public outrage" toward a nationality has had some rather brutal outcomes in history. Perhaps you would be in favor of having all Indians wear emblems on their backs, or to be rounded up - you know, for their own "protection"?
chipbennett, at 28 February, 2009 11:27
Liberals cannot be shamed because they believe their cause is superior to the nonsense they spout to support their nonsense cause.
In other words. Libtards are emotionally disturbed. Libtards do not ADD to society, they SUBTRACT.
Libtards suck the life's blood from America, because they CANNOT compete in a CAPITALIST society.
In short. Liberals are losers. Complete failures and emotionally disturbed MISFITS.
Anonymous, at 28 February, 2009 23:42
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