The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

06 August 2006

San Diego, Don Perata 'Crackers' Slur, KFMB, KOGO


San Diego Hosts Turn Lemons Into Lemonade

An ethnic slur directed at San Diego residents by a prominent Californian politician has turned into a gold mine for area talk show hosts.

On Thursday, State Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, a Democrat who represents crime- ridden Oakland, called San Diegans who favor immigration enforcement "crackers".

By the next day, San Diego- based talk show hosts at both KFMB-AM and rival KOGO-AM had seized upon Perata's bizarre slur, happily tossing the grenades right back at the Bay Area leftist.

From the San Diego Union Tribune's Anne Krueger:

Among certain radio talk show hosts, bloggers and their followers, being called a cracker was a high compliment yesterday.

They seized upon a comment made Thursday by state Senate leader Don Perata, D-Oakland, who talked about “all these crackers down in . . . San Diego, taking on the governor” over immigration issues.

Perata, who made the comment during a news conference, was referring to a forum in La Mesa with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last week where some accused him of being soft on illegal immigration. Schwarzenegger later said he was surprised at the “intensity of the prejudice” of some opponents.

“Cracker” is generally considered a pejorative term for a poor, uneducated Southern white person. Yesterday, some in San Diego County proudly adopted the title.

Barry Jantz, a La Mesa councilman, described himself as a “La Mesa cracker” in a posting yesterday on the political blog

“Most of us are simply graham crackers on the question of illegal immigration compared to Arnold's milque-toast and Perata's soggy saltines,” Jantz wrote.

And talk radio's response, as the story continues:

Perata's initial “crack- ers” comment, made in response to a question about legislation to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses, was conversation fodder yesterday for radio talk show hosts Rick Roberts and Roger Hedgecock.

Roberts was introduced on his KFMB show as “San Diego's No. 1 cracker on the radio.” Hedgecock, who called Perata a “wacko leftist Democrat,” said the cracker comment was demeaning, stupid and racist.

“Don Perata, much of who you actually are has been revealed here,” the KOGO host said.

Michelle Malkin has background on the story here.

At KFMB's website, host Rick Roberts demanded a full apology from Perata:

Not only do I demand an apology Senator Perata, but the citizens of San Diego deserve an apology.

In case you missed the show this morning, we talked about yet another racist comment made by another ever-so-tolerant (ha) liberal.

Get a load of this one.

Democrat Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata said during a press conference when asked about giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses (something he supports) “Immigration is a red meat issue. You’ve got all these crackers down in San Diego taking on the governor. Even the governor was shocked.”


Perata… first of all…you’re white. So I think you have some issues… BUT COME ON— THAT’S A RACIST STATEMENT!

You couldn’t and wouldn’t say “all n-words in San Diego” or “all slant eyes etc… you get the idea.

So basically, as I see it, you have 2 choices. Apologize or resign.

Rick, don't hold your breath, as the Bay Area media will back him until the very end. In the meantime, enjoy your free fodder helping, courtesy of Senator Perata.

By the way, the official cracker of the Radio Equalizer is the Crown Pilot, a 213- year- old chowder legend sold only in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. There's simply nothing like it, anywhere.

Amazingly, Amazon is now shipping them to other parts of the country, so we've added a box link below.

Thanks for your continued and vital Radio Equalizer support, via Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order!

Perata crackers image: KFMB- Rick Roberts


  • I, too, am outraged at Mr. Perata's description of South State citizens who favor enforcement as "crackers."

    The proper term for such a group of people is "fascist gringos."

    Mr. Perata really should be more careful of his choice of words.

    By Blogger SierraSpartan, at 07 August, 2006 01:29  

  • John and Ken are asking their listeners to send him crackers. They previously asked their listeners to send toilet brushes to L.A.'s mayor Tony Villar, a Democrat and a former member of a racial separatist group.

    There are a couple links with background on Perata - as well as his followup statement - here.

    By Blogger LonewackoDotCom, at 07 August, 2006 22:55  

  • And I thought the people protesting Arnie in La Mesa were angered by the raping of women and children by illegals, the filth and prostitution in their camps, and the devastation of the local economy. But the Guv says that's PREDJUDICE. Call me a cracker.


    By Blogger Anonymous-9, at 30 December, 2007 11:50  

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