The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

09 October 2006

Talk Radio, North Korea Nuke Test


As Rogue State Detonates Nuke, All Eyes Overseas

Dashing the hopes of Democrats who had hoped to keep the Foley mess on the front pages for at least another week, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has chosen not only to reconfigure the balance of power in Asia, but also to make the left's worst pre-election nightmares come true in America.

By going ahead with his nuke test, everything has instantly changed.

On talk radio, for example, expect to hear about little else during what will likely become "North Korea Week" (or month) on the airwaves. In a mere moment, the world's focus has now shifted back toward the rogue state, with all eyes on the UN Security Council to see if it is capable of coming up with a strong response.

With even China, normally a staunch ally, denouncing the Kim regime, he may very well be backed into a corner. In addition, President Bush has an opportunity to show strong leadership during this emerging global crisis.

Congressional campaigns, meanwhile, will be scrambling to come up with a retooled message that shows their respective candidates to be sufficiently tough on terrorism and global tyrants. Issues that were on the front burner as recently as yesterday will be swept aside for the time being.

Today, it's a whole new ballgame, with talk radio in position to cover every last detail of this major global crisis. Blogs, of course, didn't waste a moment, filing late reports on Sunday evening.

How will the libtalkers deal with it? Will they find a way to blame Bush?

From the BBC:

North Korea says it has carried out its first test of a nuclear weapon, the state news agency (KCNA) has reported.

It said the underground test, carried out in defiance of international warnings, was a success and had not resulted in any leak of radiation.

The White House said South Korean and US intelligence had detected a seismic event at a suspected test site.

The White House said the reported test was a "provocative act", while China denounced it as "brazen".

In an unusually strong statement against its ally, China expressed its "resolute opposition" to the claimed test and said it "defied the universal opposition of international society".

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is in Seoul for a meeting with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, said the test was "unpardonable".

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso said Japan had detected seismic waves, but could not confirm whether they were from a nuclear test.

South Korea said it would "sternly respond".

President Roh has called an emergency meeting of South Korea's National Security Council and put the armed forces on a heightened state of alert.

Seoul also suspended a scheduled aid shipment to North Korea, the state news agency reported.

US White House spokesman Tony Snow said: "We expect the UN Security Council to take immediate actions to respond to this unprovoked act."

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  • If anyone reading this thinks the Foley mess is going away, think again. As much as pundits will blather about how unimportant this is in the long run, this hits home with the mainstream voter, and hits hard. The message: Republican politicians will sell out Republican children (because who works as pages for Republican congressmen, Democratic teenagers?) to retain power.

    People can understand this (people who don't care about politics, pay attention to politics, read blogs like this one, or even know what a blog is). This is sleaze on a Clintonian level. Congratulations, Republicans, you and Clinton are now one and the same.

    This will hurt Republicans. The X factor in all this is women voters. They put Bush in, they put the Republicans in the majority, and now they're going to take them out. The "Ick Factor" here is not to be underestimated. More of them will stay home and just not vote rather than actually vote for Democrats (there's a sizeable minority that would NEVER do that under pain of DEATH, silly them), but that will be enough.

    My prediction: Dems will take the house by 3-4 votes. Republicans will retain the Senate by 2-3 votes, including Lieberman, who will be Independent and effectively be a Republican.

    By Blogger Scott, at 09 October, 2006 07:31  

  • Ohhh Maloney, you myopic fool. You don't want this on the front page either. TRhis shows how the Bush administration played a blind eye to the situation in north Korea for 5 years. Clinton was on top of North Korea, Bush ignored it for 5 years. Remember the 2004 debates, Bush could not even respond to a question abour North Korea. IF anything, this issue is WORSE for the GOP than Foley. America does not LISTEN to talk radio in the fanatical way, you 26%ers do. Most Americans decide the issues without Limbaugh distorting it, and it is obvious the GOP failed here as well. Good luck with the :we are strong' talking point, Kerry even warned America on this issue in 2004. Bu bu bu bu bu
    Say hello the your democratic congress. This is an excellent issue for Democrats to point out republican FAILURE.

    By Blogger Minister of Propaganda, at 09 October, 2006 09:39  

  • Sigh -

    I wish I could find some liberal newspapers from the day Hitler invaded Poland.

    No doubt there was some sex scandal going on that the myopic insisted was more important.

    My God, people... how much do those blinders you wear cost?

    Oh, and to get back on topic... IF I could hear Al Franken today (he's off the air in Dallas, as of last week)... I'd bet a box of doughnuts that he won't say(more than 10 words) anything about the nuclear test.. because his script writers have the day off.

    By Blogger Lokki, at 09 October, 2006 10:58  

  • Stacy,
    The message to the post is true. Maloney is delusional if he thinks theis issue of North Korea is going to help the GOP. If you think so, you are delusional, and psychotic as well. Keep your acerbity to yourself and your fellow delusional 26%ers. Tune in for yourself, we are running best-of broadcasts this week. You will see exactly what 2 dedicated patriots can do with 2 hours preperation and a hatred of filthy, Anti-American Rapeublicans

    By Blogger Minister of Propaganda, at 09 October, 2006 10:59  

  • MoP is living, walking proof that unchecked liberalism is a mental disorder.

    By Blogger Good Lieutenant, at 09 October, 2006 11:52  

  • Loki
    I wish I could find some liberal newspapers from the day Hitler invaded Poland.

    actually clown the conservatives did not want to get involved. The conservatives in the UK and the conservative senate in America
    woops!!! See, history means nothing, when you are a hack, who knows nothing, and lives off stereotypes Hannity told you. Liberals wanted to stop hitler, conservatives in America were standing up in Senate one after another stating why we should not get involved. Churchhill was a LIBERAL as well. When you talk out of your ass, you sound like an ass. This is too f*cking easy.
    dumb Lt. nothing to comment, just attack. I hand your ass to you every week on this pathetic message board. Every last debate, you have been destroyed by me. Mental illness?? wooo, you read the title of a michael Savage book. Can you make a comment on my statement. OF CORSSE NOT. The North Korea situation makes Bush look terrible. They build their weapons during the Bush administration, the administration DID NOTHING, they stopped monitoring the country, the second clinton left office. FACTS, you worthless hack, FACTS.
    and Franken is talking about it RIGHT NOW, as I post to you 2 worthless losers.
    North Korea= another nail in the coffin of the GOP.

    Again this is too easy. The GOP has done NOTHING to stop the enrichment of nuclear weapons in North Korea, NOTHING, the previous administration has. Maloney, 1000% wrong, "lib media"; is saying EXACTLY what I just told you.
    G.O.P playbook rule #10003233: never let facts get in the way of a false argument.
    Again Bush ignored North Korea. Any proof he did not???

    you pathetic, desperate LOSERS

    By Blogger Minister of Propaganda, at 09 October, 2006 12:49  

  • Hey, MOP or WOP:


    By the way I heard ol' dubya's "speech." Is shows he has no gonads. He's behaving more like John Wayne Bobbitt rather than The Duke himself. Where is Ronald Reagan when we need him? Oh, yeah, he's dead--and so is this country if we don't get our a$$e$ in gear!

    My suggestion--simple--KILL MR. IL! Take out this platform shoe wearing, woman chasing, Daffy Duck idolizing, scotch imbding piece of rotted Kimchi before it's too late and we get nuked!

    By the by Stacy, Lokki and GL, good on you to keep that Koz reading knucklehead in check.

    By Blogger The Real Bob Anthony, at 09 October, 2006 14:46  

  • I dunno...Bush has been in office for over 5 1/2 years now. Bringing up Clinton & Albright as the straw-people for this one is so weak...

    If there has been any failure leading up to this missile test, it lies directly at the feet of the current administration, who did nothing to stop it, let alone discourage it.

    Not to be conspiratorial, but Bush does in fact need something to strike fear in the hearts of voters yet again, since 9/11 is so far past that it won't help as much, Iraq is going so obviously badly, Afghanistan is in distinct danger of reverting to Al-Qaida/Taliban control, and the republican senatorial leadership has done distinct damage to itself.

    North Korea/Kim Jong Il will certainly help Bush' standing, but through his own inaction, not action. He has spent the past 5 + years not doing anything to stop what has come about.

    It's been nice for him to have this on the back burner - and now it's moved itself to the front.

    The fact that the test has failed, however, will soften the blow. And, it is one incident from a madman we already know is a threat, and already know Bush has done nothing about.

    The only way for this to help the current administration would be a decisive (and wholly successful) military action - neither of which is guaranteed.

    Otherwise, this failed missile test will be that "comma" in history of which Bush spoke - everything else, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hastert/Foley/Boehner, Cheney, Woodward, Abramoff - stays in the political forefront.

    I, of course, may be wrong...we'll all see, eventually.

    By Blogger TJ, at 09 October, 2006 15:22  

  • Nixon and the deal with North Vietnam before the 68 election; Regan and the deal with releasing the hostages before the 80 election, I wouldn't put it past Dubya and the Chickenhawks at all that we are witnessing the same thing. A contract, money, some loose American women given to the Zany Song Il? No never.

    Frankly, Maloney, I merely mused about it being some geopolitical fix until I read your column today. As you have been perfect way to monitor Theoneocon talking points, with your hypothesis that this will cool the Foley pedophilia situation, I have no doubt this is another case of Wagging the Lap Dog.

    Really, your excitement about being allowed to disseminate the Rove Doctrine is akin to that of a high school cheerleader.

    By Blogger Nattarg, at 09 October, 2006 15:37  

  • So, let me see if I have this right:

    North Korea is rumored to have weapons of mass destruction, in disregard of previous agreements. North Korea purportedly test-detonates a nuclear bomb. George W. Bush, as President of the USA, did nothing to stop this. Therefore, President Bush made a bad decision.

    Iraq is rumored to have weapons of mass destruction, in disregard of previous agreements. George W. Bush, as President of the USA, acts on intelligence considered at the time to be accurate by both major political parties, and commits troops to an invasion of Iraq. Regime change is accomplished and weapons of mass destruction are found; however, the transition has been and remains rough, with many soldiers and civilians being killed, and the weapons of mass destruction that have been found are not nuclear. Therefore, President Bush made a bad decision.

    Anyone else see the disparity between the two positions? If Iran test-detonates a nuclear device in 2007 (or lobs one at Tel Aviv), will that be President Bush's fault also?

    By Blogger Snowed In, at 09 October, 2006 16:13  

  • Con logic is astonishing

    First the FIRST thing Bush did, was pull America out of the Anti-Ballistic treaty, and shut down all North Korean monitoring programs. First thing Bush did as president. I kid you not. Snowed in, YES it is BUSH's fault, and Limbaugh will not change it.

    Now clinton at least had a program, that worked. Not perfect, but there was no proliferation until Bush took office.
    As far as A.A not talking about it, they have been talking about it ALL MORNING, Sedar, Franken, Rhodes, all talking about it.
    And Stacy 2% of America listens to talk radio. The spin is heard by sheep such as yourself, Limbaugh and Hannity preach to the choir. They are convincing NOBODY. It does not matter what RNC radio babbles, they preach to the choir. So does A.A, they preach to the choir. What matters it, Bush pulled America out of the anti-ballesic treaty, therefore allowing this to happen, and he invaded Iraq, wrecking our military resources. Spin away. This story will only furthur damage the GOP. Remember America is not as dumb as the average RNC talk radio Limbaugh dittohead.

    And Patriot world , "WOP', is that an insult or something? You filthy bigot. I'm not Italian, I'm Russian, very strong and will kick your ass. I'm disiplined by the art of ashtanga yoga, and I have plenty of Italian friends who would not appreciate the term "WOP', you vile, filthy little bigot.

    Stacy, you are brain damaged by right wong radio. domn't bother correcting my spelling. I don't spell check, I have nobody to impress on here, except for a handful or un-employeed losers who listen to right wing talk radio. The lowest form of life on earth, the steering wheel punching, hot headed, bigoted white male.
    good luck trying to spin another GOP failure. unreal. clinton Clinton clinton clinton
    The Republican fear machine no longer works. America is not as dumb as the AM talk radio flunkies, who live and die by what a drug addled, 4 times divorced manic babbles, in between swallowing pills.

    America has rejected the fake moralists, who scream about abortion, yet back Siapan sex workers having forced abortions. The party who hates gay marriage, yet sleeps with young boys.

    limbaugh will not save you now flunkies

    By Blogger Minister of Propaganda, at 09 October, 2006 16:50  

  • Snowed,

    I said nothing about Bush's decision to enter Iraq...that's a moot point.

    The simple fact of the matter is that Iraq is falling apart, and around our troops that are in harm's way, and Bush & Co. aren't doing anything at all perceptible to put a stop to it, but simply "following the course" as repeated as a meaningless mantra.

    That's his problem - not how we got in (though I do believe he's vastly responsible for the misrepresentation getting us in there), but how we're not getting out.

    By Blogger TJ, at 09 October, 2006 17:14  

  • "And Patriot world , "WOP', is that an insult or something? You filthy bigot. I'm not Italian, I'm Russian, very strong and will kick your ass. I'm disiplined by the art of ashtanga yoga, and I have plenty of Italian friends who would not appreciate the term "WOP', you vile, filthy little bigot.

    Stacy, you are brain damaged by right wong radio. domn't bother correcting my spelling. I don't spell check, I have nobody to impress on here, except for a handful or un-employeed losers who listen to right wing talk radio. The lowest form of life on earth, the steering wheel punching, hot headed, bigoted white male. "

    And true to form, The Strawman projects all his anger and venom onto someone who actually has the gall to disagree with him one little bit, and tries to turn his rage around and hang others with the label of 'steering wheel punching, hot headed, bigoted white male' whilst screeching invective and bile and insult from start to finish of his posts.

    Ya know, Strawman, if you actually took some time and read over your yawp before posting it, you might actually make a point or two, but every time you do, you go back and trample all over it with your over-the-top spew and personal insults.

    Blogger has a "Preview" function - start using it, for crying out loud.

    Back to the thread...

    Scott is dead on the mark. The MSM and the Donks have too much invested in the Foley case to allow it to go away. Frank Luntz says it best in an article from Time:

    "The Republican Party of 2006 is a tired, cranky shell of the aggressive, reformist movement that was swept into office in 1994 on a wave of positive change. I knew those Republicans. I worked for them. They were friends of mine. These Republicans are not those Republicans.

    The leaders of the Republican Party in 1994 were bold, passionate visionaries with the courage to go to the people with a clearly defined agenda. Issues and principles drove them. Today, their agenda stretches no further than the next election. The same people who were elected on a platform of change have become the establishment bulls who fight change today. The 1994 Republicans advocated balanced budgets. Today, they defend deficits. The 1994 Republicans wanted to eliminate government programs. Today, they propose and create them. The 1994 Republicans held themselves and Congress to a higher ethical standard. Today, they seem more interested in protecting their jobs than protecting the people they serve. They came to change Washington. Washington won. "

    The only good news for the GOP is the fact that the Donks have no one waiting in the wings for the White House that is anywhere near palatable to the nation in comparison with either John McCain or Rudy Guiliani.

    Thus, when the Donks take over the Congress in 2007 and overplay their hand (as they inevitably will), they will get their arses kicked right back out of the leadership in the 2008 election.

    Potomac Fever does not respect party affiliation. The GOP's got it, and the only cure is a nice little two-year hike in the wilderness.

    By Blogger SierraSpartan, at 09 October, 2006 20:50  

  • Funny, how the North Koreans had no plutonium when Clinton was president, yet under Bush, here they are testing their nukes....

    By Blogger hashfanatic, at 09 October, 2006 23:14  

  • Rudy Giuliani, the adulterer and drag queen?

    Guess Kerik and Foley both blew (pun intended) his chances for him forevermore!!

    Maybe they can get Jeannine Pirro??

    Oh, riot!!!

    By Blogger hashfanatic, at 09 October, 2006 23:22  

  • TJ,

    I never said you did mention Iraq...but many, many others have. I was merely pointing out that seemingly, Bush's critics are wanting to have it both ways.


    Once again, you managed to post without any sources whatsoever, and two minutes of research shows that the reason for this is that you are pretty much wrong on all counts.

    First the FIRST thing Bush did, was pull America out of the Anti-Ballistic treaty, and shut down all North Korean monitoring programs.

    That's right, the very first thing Bush did after he finished that oath was all that. That's why the big news of the entire week was the stupidity involving Clinton's staffers removing the W key from every keyboard in the White House.

    Here's what really happened (and look! a source!):

    President Bush did indeed give notice in 2001 (December, which is slightly later than January 20, last I heard) that the US was pulling out of the ABM treaty, purportedly in order to be able to continue its missile defense program. The US didn't actually withdraw from the treaty until June 2002.

    As for North Korea, there is no doubt that relations chilled between the two after Bush took office. That, however, seems to be because the previous administration's program (to which you referred) was that of appeasement. North Korea continued to break previous agreements, and the US continued to talk with North Korea as that country made demands in exchange for its doing what it should have done in the first place. Monitoring was in place until North Korea booted the IAEA out of the country in 2002.

    (Oh, look! Another source! You should try this sometime...)

    By the way, where did you get the idea I get my talking points from Limbaugh? Yet another off-base assertion you cannot back up.

    And one more can't even get your ad hominems right...Limbaugh is 3-times divorced, not 4. That's nothing to be proud of, but it just proves that you like to make statements that you don't research and occasionally just make up.

    Oh, and HF, you posted while I was typing this, but I'd just like to point out that North Korea had plutonium as early as 1992 (same source as above). That would be just before Clinton took office, and guess what? Clinton's administration apparently didn't do anything about it.

    By Blogger Snowed In, at 09 October, 2006 23:33  

  • JD said "anywhere near palatable to the nation in comparison with either John McCain or Rudy Guiliani."

    As of this moment, in a general election I agree. However, do you think the freaks are going to vote for McCain or Guliani? The hacks at Powerline seem to think Mitt Romney, assuming the base can accept a Mormon.

    The electibility concern is too rational for the freaks, so I say the election is wide open.

    By Blogger none, at 10 October, 2006 01:16  

  • Here is the funniest quote from Brian's article: "How will the libtalkers deal with it? Will they find a way to blame Bush?"

    Since Bush has been in charge here since January 2001, I think his actions should atleast be examined.

    I didn't have much time to listen to talk radio today. I did listen to a bit of Hannity and I'd imagine much of the rightwing talk had a similar focus. It was "How do we blame this on Clinton". I guess I shouldn't be shocked by that, since it's been going on for nearly 6 years.

    I appreciate the sources provided when people make claims. Thanks Snowed In!!

    Let's look at some of what you wrote:

    " North Korea had plutonium as early as 1992 (same source as above). That would be just before Clinton took office, and guess what? Clinton's administration apparently didn't do anything about it." To me this would indicate that the problem developed under Reagan and Bush 41, since North Korea already had the plutonium before Clinton became President.

    As you stated , the IAEA was monitoring the North Korean facilities until 2002, Ensuring that no more plutonium was processed. So from the time Clinton got into office, until 2002, North Korea did not increase the amount of Plutonium that was available for nuclear bombs. I guess that is (at least partially) Clinton's fault.

    It is estimated that since North Korea began again to process their spent fuel rods, they have enough plutonium for around five or six additional nuclear devices.

    At worst, what the Clinton Administration did delayed by around 8 years, the production of the North Korean nuclear weapons.
    Seeing where we are today, that doesn't look too bad.

    By Blogger Ezsuds, at 10 October, 2006 03:03  

  • As you stated , the IAEA was monitoring the North Korean facilities until 2002, Ensuring that no more plutonium was processed. So from the time Clinton got into office, until 2002, North Korea did not increase the amount of Plutonium that was available for nuclear bombs.

    Except that the IAEA wasn't monitoring the North Korea facilities continuously during Clinton's administration, either. (same source)

    But like you said, the problem started before Clinton, and certainly before George W. Bush.

    Anyway, my points in my posts on this topic have been:

    1. To point out a seeming double-standard in how Bush is blamed for action in one case and inaction in another.
    2. To show that monitoring is not something that is controlled solely by the whims of President Bush.
    3. To show, yet again, that MOP makes wild assertions that have no basis in reality.

    But really, the issue of North Korea is far too complex an issue for the type of finger-pointing that is being shown. Clinton's administration could have handled things better, as could Bush's. (Yes, I agree with you that Bush's actions should be examined; however, it would be nice to see such examinations conducted without one side wanting to "get" the other.)

    By Blogger Snowed In, at 10 October, 2006 09:10  

  • The right never takes responsibility for their legacy of failure.

    By Blogger hashfanatic, at 10 October, 2006 21:15  

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