13 February 2007

Rush H Limbaugh Sr Federal Courthouse Bill Advances


Federal Courthouse Naming Advances To Senate

In the end, even House Democrats couldn't find a reason to vote against naming a new federal courthouse after talk titan Rush Limbaugh's late grandfather, but we're willing to bet they tried.

Thanks to a voice vote, the move to designate the new facility in Cape Girardeau, Missouri as the Rush H Limbaugh Sr Federal Courthouse was without opposition. Now, the proposal moves to the US Senate.

Once known as the oldest working attorney in America, the elder Limbaugh enjoyed an astounding eighty year career:

WASHINGTON (AP)— Democrats joined Republicans on Monday in voting to name a Missouri courthouse after Rush H. Limbaugh Sr.

A thank-you gesture for the conservative radio host who has made a career of scourging Democrats and their liberal allies? Not quite.

The man whose name will be carved into the new federal courthouse in Cape Girardeau, Mo., was the commentator's grandfather, a prominent attorney and civic leader who died in 1996 at age 104 after practicing law for nearly 80 years. Before his death he was thought to be the oldest working lawyer in the country.

Does that mean career longevity runs in the family? If so, that could finally put to rest persistent, yet lefty- inspired rumors (wishful thinking, perhaps?) that El Rushbo would soon retire. Could he carry on a family tradition and make it to 104?

Now that has got to scare the "progressive" left.

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  1. Statement

    Collier County, Florida Branch

    National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

    February 9, 2007

    In response to the numerous e-mails and inquiries we have received, we are providing the following update regarding the Collier County, Florida branch fundraising dinner scheduled for March 9, 2007 in Naples, Florida. Bill O’Reilly, host of The O’Reilly Factor, will not be a speaker at the dinner. The dinner will be held as scheduled. John Walsh, host of America’s Most Wanted, will be the keynote speaker.

    We would like to thank everyone for their comments and e-mails.

  2. "...but we're willing to bet they tried"

    meaning - we're willing to make shit up because republicans will believe it regardless.

    that one statement represents any credibility that you had flying out the window.

  3. Sorry for off topic, but, look! you can vote against Goldy at Horse's Ass.org here

  4. the Drug Diversion program will be named after Rush III.
