26 March 2007

Dennis Miller Show Debut, Talk Radio


After Cable Failure, Miller Tries Talk Radio

As comedian- turned- conservative pundit Dennis Miller gears up for his first day as a syndicated radio talk show host, here's the big question: can he prove the skeptics (including your Radio Equalizer) wrong?

Here are just some of the obstacles he's facing:

An astounding glut of syndicated weekday fare, with far more programs than the market can support.

A curious time slot choice, 10am - 1pm ET, which will have him up against Rush Limbaugh and many other successful mid- morning shows.

Though 80 stations signed up for his debut, quite a decent number, most are tiny, including a number of Salem Communications- owned outlets.

Because of the poorly- chosen time slot, Miller will be tape- delayed in many cities, so it will harder to generate calls from those places.

Miller brings baggage to the radio, including his failed CNBC show, where his performance was lackluster. Does he have a real passion for the issues? Can he develop a topic?

Most of all, he simply lacks the experience in talk radio needed to hit the ground running. We've repeatedly seen celebrities plucked off the street and given shows, only to fail when they quickly run out of steam.

For an excellent piece on Miller's conversion to conservative and libertarian politics over the past decade, see this essay by the late Catherine Seipp.

In the end, your Radio Equalizer isn't rooting against Miller's success. If he can pull it off, good for him! This site certainly agrees with many of his political viewpoints.

If this is merely a fallback after the failure of other career moves, however, it continues the annoying trend of talk radio as a dumping ground for celebrities who can't find work elsewhere (think "Whoopi"). Doesn't our medium deserve better?

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  1. Am listening to the streamcast right now at dennismillerradio.com
    (guest Rudy Guiliani)...not bad.

    Though the streamcast is only on the right speaker...while PSAs, etc
    run on both speakers.

    Rudy talking about terrorism

  2. The idea of that flunkie interviewing that freak of nature Guiliani makes my skin crawl. Rudy is a disgusting opportunist, filthy little 9-11 whore.

    An enemy of America= Guiliani

  3. Now I know I'm voting for Rudy, to have MOP talk about him that way!

    Hillary/Obama v. Rudy/Romney...?
    (yeah some call the latter duo
    RINOs but do you want Queen Shrillary
    in there?

    "Why don't we ask Osama bin Laden?
    Er, Osama Obama. Obama." --The very
    sober Sen. Ted Kennedy

  4. Wish I could tune out hash, MoPoop, LO, etc. here like I do on net and on radio.

    I'm not a Dennis Miller fan, but good luck to him.

    I wonder if Al Bore, er Gore, will follow in the failed footsteps of Cuomo, Ann Richards, Jim Hightower, ...

  5. Rudy

    Failed NYC on 9-11, he seperated the FDNY and NYPD, resulting in increased DEATHS, he nuilt the cities command center in Tower 7 after the whole City told him not to do it.

    If you vote for him, you vote for FAILURE

    these are the facts, haCKS

    look at what you support


    a grandstanding ass, who failed the city on 9-11 FACTs FACTS
    and takes all the credit for it

    only a functionally retarded idiot would vote for him


    cleaing up porn does not qualify you to be president

    and you wonder why only 36% of this country still considers themselves REPUBLICANS?

    Republicans have failed America

    it is OVER

    only the dumb stay loyal
    Rudy is a failure
    Rudy is an enemy of freedom as well

    mocking the right
    exposing the right



    I would rather have 4 more years of Bush than RUDY


    count on a nuclear holocaust
    count on the end of democracy in America

  7. I wonder how some on the Left feel
    when some on the Right say that Rudy
    is "too liberal...a RINO..."

    On his public radio show Le Show,
    Harry Shearer used to do sketches
    (this was awhile before Air America
    debuted) imaging Al Gore as a talk
    radio host and Al Franken as his
    Paul Shaffer-ish sidekick.

  8. Really, kids, propaganda is so much more effective when it's written well.

  9. Who cares about his supposed "liberal stance"? this is the distraction, to deflect his horrible personality flaws, stubboness which cost lives on 9/11. This is the issue, his stubborn behavior, arrogance ,and his vile record on tolerating police brutality when he was mayor.

    To deflect his record on 9-11, his record as mayor, and his tendencies to crave a police state (which he attempted in NYC) the media will babble about his "liberal stance" on gays and abortion.

    not asn issue

    Thwe issue is his record, his actions and his failure.
    Also important is his loyalty to Bush.
    The media would rather attack Edwards, Obama and clinton, than talk for a split second about this freaks record, of arrogance, totalatarianism, Bush loyaly, and most importantly FAILURE ON 9-11

    Im dedicating my timne and efforts to get the facts out about this creep. If it takes a U-tube video, so be it.
    The MSM kisses this mans ass
    I must expose him


  10. Raccoon,
    The issue is whether the evangelicals will turn out in mass to support an abortion and gay rights supporter.

    I think not. HaHaHaha

  11. Joe,

    It appears KRLA has just moved Savage - 9 to 11 pm now, with Miller on TD filling the hole.

  12. miller and giuliani
    two pos's for
    the price of none

  13. If you really want to give MOP an ulcer--mention either of these two:

    Tom Tancredo or Fred Thompson!

    I did not listen to the show myself because I am at my "job" where I work for an AuPair agency!

    Miller is on I think 92.3 Free(fall) FM in NYC. But one station that has had some buzz about this was 1480 WHBC in Canton, OH, which has gone News/Talk as of today. They also have Fox Sports overnights.

    Gone are its days as a Full Service station with music interspersed between talk and news and sports and live local people after PM.

    What is NextMedia, the owners of WHBC thinking?

    Also, Laura Ingraham was removed from WHBC rival WHLO. Could 1480 get her though she could be heard in Cleveland on Salem's WHK? WHBC AM by the way is 15,000 watts day, 5,000 watts night

    I have read about the WHBC goings on thanks to Ohio Media Watch.

    By the way raccoon, was Giuliani the very first guest? If so, a not too shabby way to begin. Can Miller keep it up though? Don't know if he can.

    Also, my tag has changed as you can see.

  14. patriot??

    interesting tidbit about ingraham

    batchelor's been floating
    his "spring" return to the radio

    i'll personally say a novena for him
    if WABC pitches that slutty nag

  15. heard him in Hawaii subbing for Jim Bohannon about 3 weeks ago. said something about it being his audition, tho that could be a joke. he was all over the place with those idiotic non-sequiters that left his Monday night football colleagues slack-jawed and stunned. they make sense only to him. he also was fawning all over "my guy W" about how strong and steadfast our illustrious leader is. he seems to be completely out of touch with the fact that this is the most unpopular politician in America now and the most hated man in the history of the world.

  16. at one time
    miller may have been funny
    because he had good writers

    who is gonna write
    for him now

    box-office poison

  17. yes Guiliani was the first guest
