28 March 2007

Liberal Talk Radio, Akron, Ohio


Ohio City The Latest To Dump Libtalk

Now pulling into Akron, liberal talk radio's Train Of Doom continues to wreak havoc across the country.

All aboard!

According to Ohio Media Watch and All Access, Clear Channel's WARF 1350 AM has become the latest casualty in a brutal year for the format.

From Perry Simon at All Access:

OHIO MEDIA WATCH is reporting that liberal talk is about to lose another outpost, as CLEAR CHANNEL plans to pull the plug on WARF-A (RADIO FREE OHIO)/AKRON, OH in favor of a flip to Sports. The move would be a return to the Sports format for the station, which was Sports WTOU until flipping to Talk on JUNE 2, 2005.

The change is reportedly coming for FRIDAY (3/31), and OMW adds that SPORTING NEWS RADIO and COLUMBUS BLUE JACKETS hockey are on the schedule for the new format.

Hey guys, here's
a great question: when was the last time a station actually added the libtalk format?

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Akron image: Blimpinfo.com


  1. So prog talk leaves Akron on the third anniversary, to the day, of Air America's debut. Ohio Media Watch notes that prog talk should try to be "about the entertainment,stupid"
    and maybe try to land on the bigger
    mostly conservative stations...

    OMW says that the reason they tried to start their own network is because they didn't think they could get on these stations.

    "I went back to Ohio/And my libtalk was gone", to paraphrase Chrissie
    "I hope the Muslims win!" Hynde
    (the Pretenders song "My City Was
    Gone", apparently about her hometown of Akron, is the theme to the
    Rush Limbaugh show)

  2. on the RadioFreeOhio site:

    >>The end of the progressive format on 1350 is coming on Friday March 30th at 8:59am. Watch this space for more information.

  3. From the WARF Site:
    It's Over. Radio Free Ohio will cease operations on Friday March 30th@8:58am.

    While Progessive Radio is surviving in parts of the country, it has not in Akron. In two years ratings have not improved, and revenue has declined, despite the remainder of the market seeing an increase in revenue.

    Before the format switch to Progressive Talk, 1350am was an all sports station. In the Winter of 2005,(the last ratings period for the station as sports) 1350am had 17,000 weekly listeners. In the latest release of ratings, for the Fall of 06, WARF had 11,600 weekly listeners, and was on the decline.

    Coming Friday at 9:00am Sportsradio 1350.

  4. It's good to see this effort die.

    From my perspective, the main (and presumably obvious) fault was creating a "network" and cramming it down the throats of stations as an "all or nothing" premise.

    Flat-out stupid.

    Al Franken - who I find very funny - was the only reason I listened at all. Rhodes became an occasional listen for me.

    Other than that, I literally could not find any of the other hosts that could keep my attention for any length of time.

    However, thanks to AAR, Stephanie Miller ended up being programmed in my area in the early morning - and I'm glad that she's not with AAR, and will hopefully stay around.

    The only perplexing aspect left of this is - short of chasing Al Franken around from a cyber-distance, blaming Franken for things he didn't do and had no ownership of - what's Brian going to do with himself if and when AAR finally croaks?

  5. I am deeply saddened by the another exit of libtalk radio(Not).

    However I am laughing my ass off today learning that James Dobson said Fred Thompson is not a Christain.


    I guess it is back to the drawing board losers.

  6. there are plenty of political and cultural figures, left and right,
    that Brian can write about, believe me...

  7. Yes, there likely are - but this is supposedly not a political site? It's a "media watchdog" site, right?

    And unless Brian is simply showing his ass, he's mostly incredibly dull - the only reason his comments section exists is so that a few people in here can pick fights with one another day in and day out.

    That's what I find most amusing.

  8. yeah I really meant media figures, not so much political...

  9. NonStopRadio.com has a message on its front page urging WARF listeners to "fight back". There are several cities where there are groups to bring back
    AAR/prog talk stations that have
    changed format ("Boston, Cincinnati,
    Columbus, Dallas, Duluth, Missoula,
    New Haven,Sacramento"). To the best of my knowledge it has only succeeded in Madison WI.

    "Akron, Ohio stand up and FIGHT!
    If you live in the Cleveland/Akron radio market, and want
    to fight to keep Progressive Talk on in your area contact NonStop Radio NOW.

    "WARF 1350 AM is scheduled to flip formats to Sports Talk Friday, March 30th at 8:58 am Eastern. Being the last commercial Progressive Talk station in Ohio, this is the alarm we cannot afford to ignore. Just as with elections, as Ohio goes, so goes the nation. NonStop Radio needs local activists to get out and fight this. Now."

    You've got a little over 18 hours
    before the change, Akron...
