27 March 2007

White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow, Talk Radio


Snow Again Battling Cancer

A good friend of talk radio is once again battling an aggressive form of cancer.

Former syndicated talker Tony Snow, who left his show to take a key Bush Administration position as White House Press Secretary, was previously thought to have turned the corner against colon cancer.

But after new tests, it has apparently spread to his liver, according to FOX News:

WASHINGTON — White House Press Secretary Tony Snow is once again stricken with cancer after doctors found a cancerous growth in his lower abdomen, the White House announced Tuesday.

The cancer, originally in his colon, has spread to his liver, said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. Snow spoke to President Bush Tuesday morning, who told Snow he and first lady Laura Bush are praying for him.

President Bush struck an optimistic tone about Snow's mood, adding that he looked forward to the day when Snow returns to the White House.

"His attitude is one that he is not going to let this whip him," Bush said during a brief statement to reporters in the Rose Garden. "My attitude is that we need to pray for him."

Snow is consulting with doctors what type of treatment to pursue as he recovers in the hospital following the surgery. There were no complications with the surgery and it takes about a week to heal, Perino said.

After being diagnosed with colon cancer in 2005, a disease that killed his mother, Snow, 51, had his colon removed and his small intestine refashioned to function in its place. He then underwent six months of chemotherapy.

At the Democratic Underground, meanwhile, the DUmmies were busy cooking up distorted political angles to this story:

Edited on Tue Mar-27-07 11:48 AM by LuckyTheDog

Who will be the first right-wing pundit to accuse Tony Snow of revealing his cancer diagnosis in order to give the GW Bush a "bump" in the polls? I am not holding my breath.

I know this: "our side" won't try to slime him the way Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber tried to slime Elizabeth Edwards.

Get well soon, Tony. I mean it.


1. I hope he gets well soon ... as well, as in oil well, which he gets for lying oh so well


2. All the "Get well Tony"s will NEVER reach the media.

Can we now get back the the important stuff?

Sapere aude

16. We say best wishes because that is the right thing to do. I hope he recovers but I'd like to see him not be a mouth piece for the right anymore. Maybe he will get religion and start telling the truth for a change.


19. yeah, exactly. Snow just used his cancer for political gain. How come he isn't talking to God first?

Get well, Tony, if for no other reason than to stick it to our "progressive" friends.

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  1. Huffpo dosen't even dare open comments on this one.

  2. I was hoping Tony beat the cancer. Once you have colon cancer...

    My family has a real problem with this killer. My father, myself, and 2 of my brothers have had to have our entire colons removed. My youngest just was in the hospital getting part of his stomach, part of his pancreas, all of his duodeum, his gall bladder, and part of his small intestine removed in addition to his previous surgery.

    My prayers are for Tony. I know well his pain and fears.

  3. My Daddy died of liver cancer mid-January of 2006 only a week after he was diagnosed so I know how aggressive cancer of the liver can be. I hope Snow kicks cancer's ass however. My prayers and thoughts are with Tony Snow and his family. May God bless them all.

  4. Please let us know where we can mail or email our good wishes for Tony and support for his wife & family...cant find any contact for him online, not even on the wa press sec site. SScupcake7

  5. even though
    i am a strong critic of snow
    and other bush crime family operatives

    i'm uncomfortable with the idea
    of applauding his demise
    from such a horrific killer

    i pray that God's Perfect Will
    be done in this situation

    and hope he will not suffer unduly

  6. When I was born, I had a grandma for about 6 months--my dad's mom--cancer took her life. I had a couple of aunts die of lung cancer--as they were smokers. My dad was a heavy smoker so there could be lung cancer possibilities there. A husband of one of my mom's friends died of colon cancer many years ago.

    I hope Tony Snow can beat this cancer again--but as Stacy said--a relapse could be difficult to deal with.

  7. what is that horrific wailing
