17 June 2007

Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann, New York Mets, Yankees


O'Reilly's Ballfield Trouble Already Sparking Petty Attacks

In the ongoing cable talk wars, no "issue" is too silly to use as fresh fodder against one's enemies, particularly when it involves Bill O'Reilly.

After Big O was booted from the Mets clubhouse yesterday for lacking proper press credentials, the mainstream media and lefty blogs quickly saw an opportunity to raise a stink. Will ratings- challenged archrival Keith Olbermann follow suit?

The New York Daily News went so far as to reassure readers that Bill's booting was not the result of political discrimination:

O'Reilly a non-factor in Mets clubhouse

Bill O'Reilly's right-wing politics may rub a lot of people the wrong way in New York, but his views had nothing to do with his ejection from the Mets' clubhouse yesterday before their game against the Yankees at the Stadium.

O'Reilly, the FoxNews Channel talking head, got inside the visitors' clubhouse before Stadium security realized that he was not wearing a credential granting clubhouse access. He and his party then were escorted out of the room.

According to a reporter from The Record of Hackensack (N.J.), the Big Righty complained to the security officer, "You don't have to escort us out - we're going."

Coincidentally, If there is some irony surrounding the incident, it's that MSNBC's Keith Olbermann was in the Mets' clubhouse before Friday night's game. Olbermann hosts the left-leaning "Countdown" on MSNBC and he and O'Reilly have frequently exchanged barbs on their respective programs.

Olbermann, a regular at both New York baseball stadiums and a former ESPN anchorman, was granted clubhouse access because of his sports background and regular attendance, not because of his politics.

Did Bill's political views play in role in the incident? It's hard to tell. Have these rules been uniformly enforced when other celebs have paid a visit? That would answer the question.

And does Olbermann still do enough sports- related reporting to justify maintaining a legitimate ballpark credential?

While the issue may seem silly, you can bet the farm Olbermann will be gloating as soon as he can get in front of a camera.

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  1. You are really late to the table on this one Maloney. I read about it and commented on it this morning over at http://insidecable.blogsome.com

  2. Did O'Reilly have the proper credentials?

    Or did he figure he could just take out his "loofah" and wave it in the air?

  3. Will ratings- challenged archrival Keith Olbermann follow suit?

    For those who don't check the ratings, Olberman, grows every week, hehas almost half of the falafel boy's ratings which have not grown

    Maloney likes to defend the lowest of the low, Limbaugh and O'riley, as much as I despise the NY Mets, they did the right thing, I only wish one of the players smashed him over his empty head with a bat (sorry I hate filth)

  4. MOP: For those who don't check the ratings, Olberman, grows every week..."

    I do check the ratings, and while KO's ratings have improved, they are nowhere near what you claim when checked on a MONTHLY or QUARTERLY basis. There does seem to be a lot of spin based on occasional KO peaks on certain nights. Here are published numbers for the latest month available:


    KO has 31% of BOR's first show ratings 2+. And the all important, almighty 'cume' is 41%.

  5. CORRECTION: Sub "DEMO" for "CUME" in my previous post.

  6. OT: There appears to be a campaign on to delete critics' sites from the AAR Wikipedia entry.

    Yesterday, this site was removed from that entry by this person:


    Many hands make light work if anyone else wants to monitor the WP entry for "issues".

  7. OH MY GOD MOP Lies and stretches the truth. I can’t believe it.

    What he means is “for those who don’t check the ratings maybe you will believe this”

  8. www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/original/may07ranker.pdf

    Interesting details

    O'Reilly #1 on the list
    Olbermann #17 on the list

    Olby has a long way to go before he is a threat to any of the Fox powershows.

  9. All cons have left is Bill O'riley and the illusion that America is conservative. The remaining moonbat, party over country loser 20%ers cling to Fox news, whgich of America does not watch. The average week night news cast gets more viewers than fox gets for 2 weeks.

    November 2006 was not enough for them
    28% approval for the GoP is not enough for them (and before you shriek about the senate's approval, the senate approval dropped after they caved into the GOP, so it is OBVIOUS where America stands, furthur LEFT than the Dem. party OBVIOUSLY)

    still not enough......

    America begs the GOp to run Fred Thompson, please run him, the results of the election will be more embarassing to the GOP than the current status.

    Keep on thinking America loves the GOP based on Fox news ratings.

    please.. Benson!!! Please continue to live on your imiganary world

    and my post is CORRECT, Olberman's audience has increased, Oriley has NOT, but if it makes you HAcks so excited to shriek about Oriley's populartiy, go right ahead.

  10. And does Olbermann still do enough sports- related reporting to justify maintaining a legitimate ballpark credential?

    Yes he does.

  11. MOP: For those who don't check the ratings, Olberman, grows every week...

    OK, let's look at the Olby numbers for P2+, in thousands:

    Jan: 673
    Feb: 677
    Mar: (could not find)
    Apr: 708
    May: 598

    No increase there.

    Now the beloved demo:

    Jan: 253
    Feb: 237
    Mar: (could not find)
    Apr: 245
    May: 293

    Omigod! An increase in May!

    May, quite an interesting month for Olby: Lost 110,00 viewers overall, but gained 48,000 in the precious demo.

    Aside to MOP: Enter 99.99.99 in your calculator and see what you get!

  12. MOP,

    Harris poll shows that while the general population is not happy with President Bush's handling of the Iraq War, the general population believes that the leading GOP presidential candidates would do better than the leading Democrat presidential candidates:

    Harris Poll on Iraq War

    According to another recent Harris Poll, President Bush's spread of positives/negatives is in line with the previous 7 Presidents. And his negatives have not reached that of President Carter or Nixon.

    Harris Review of Presidential Polls

    And while President Bush is at 35% approval, the Democrat Congress is at 19%, and the Democrat Leader, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is also at 19%.

    Oh, and the subject where President Bush polls best - the economy and taxes - a vast majority of the populationnearly 70% believe it is excellent, good, or fair.

    I don't think the change in Congress means what you think it means. Historically the President's party ALWAYS loses seats at the mid-term elections. It was shocking when that essentially didn't happen in 2002; 2006 is more along the lines of what historically happens.

  13. DA:
    the Democrat Congress is at 19%, and the Democrat Leader, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is also at 19%.

    Fair enough, but notice the drop in the congessional approval after the Democrats caved in and gave Bush his war funding. Americans believe the Dems caved in to Bush, this is the obvious reason why congeessional approval has dropped, and of corse there are still many Buah hacks in congeres as well

    You also posted:
    general population believes that the leading GOP presidential candidates would do better than the leading Democrat presidential candidates:

    Not True
    Evry poll shows the exact opposite, Democrats are favored heavilly for example NBC/WSJ
    :Putting aside for a moment the question of who each party's nominee might be, what is your preference for the outcome of the 2008 presidential election -- that a Democrat be elected president or that a Republican be elected president?

    Democrats win 52% to 31%

    And Giulliani is tied or trailing in all head to head polls with Clinton, Obama, Edwards.

    His support has eroded and Thompson has not picked up the pace either.
    Quinnipiac University in May asked the same question

    Dems won 47% to 32%. So where is the general public favoring Republicans in 2008. since april 2007, all polls (with rare exception) are tilting to the Dems

  14. MOPman says
    Benson!!! Please continue to live on your imiganary world

    I see your spelling has not improved.

    The Olbermann increase is visible only to the people who use a magnifying glass to examine his insignificant ratings change.

    O'Reilly #1
    Olbermann #17
