18 June 2007

Bill O'Reilly, National Society Of Newspaper Columnists Conference


O'Reilly To Tackle Columnists Head-On

Love him or hate him, there's one thing even Bill O'Reilly's critics are forced to admit: he's not afraid to tackle opponents head- on. And if a public confrontation is necessary to prove the point, the O'Reilly Factor host is ready for battle.

With an agreement to appear before the National Society Of Newspaper Columnists at their upcoming convention in Philadelphia, Big O is making sure everyone realizes he isn't merely hiding behind a TV camera when attacking liberal opponents.

Boy, will O'Reilly be venturing into enemy territory, however. From Editor & Publisher:

That was two Pulitzer Prize winners right there. A third Pulitzer recipient, Chicago Tribune/TMS opinion columnist Clarence Page, will speak and receive the NSNC's Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award this Saturday evening.

But meeting in a city like Philadelphia can be a bit pricey for some columnists, so Bykofsky wanted another "really big name" to attract attendees. His wife suggested Bill O'Reilly, the Fox News host who also writes a column for Creators Syndicate.

Bykofsky noted that O'Reilly often lambastes print journalists, so he challenged the commentator to do that in person. "He agreed within 48 hours," recalled the Daily News staffer. "I think he's eager to come here, look us in the eye, and raise hell." O'Reilly is speaking Friday morning, too.

The conference will also have sessions on avoiding ethical problems, creating video columns, doing column research, and making the leap from columns to books.

Have fun, Bill, and welcome to the stuffy Print Media Zone.

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